Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ... Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...
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THE G. SENLABORATORYPROJECT SCIENTISTSSean Kessler, Ph.D.Saumendra Sarkar, Ph.D.RESEARCH ASSOCIATEFulvia Terenzi, Ph.D.POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSMitali Pandey, Ph.D.Gregory Peters, Ph.D.Kristi Peters, Ph.D.TECHNICAL ASSOCIATESSrabani PalTheresa RoweTom ScheidemantelHeather SmithPaulette ZavackyGRADUATE STUDENTSChristopher ElcoDaniel HuiShoudong LiCOLLABORATORSJun Qin, Ph.D. 1George Stark, Ph.D. 2Bryan Williams, Ph.D. 3Vivien Yee, Ph.D. 41Dept. of Molec. Cardiol., CCF2Dept. of Molec. Biol., CCF3Dept. of Cancer Biol., CCF4Case Western Reserve University,Cleveland OHMy laboratory’s research interests are intwo areas: mechanism of regulation andfunctions of viral stress-inducible genes(VSIGs) and tissue specific functions ofangiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).Transcription of a group of mammaliangenes is strongly induced by a variety of stimulirelated to virus infection, suchas double-stranded (ds) RNA,interferons (IFNs) and viralproteins. We are identifyingthese genes (VSIGs) bymicroarray analyses. Differentinducing agents appear to usedistinct signaling pathways forinducing the same genes. Todelineate these pathways, weuse mutant cell lines thatrespond to some, but not all,stimuli. Using this approach,distinct pathway-specifictranscription factors andprotein kinases have beenidentified. Moreover, fordsRNA signaling, we haveestablished a critical role ofToll-like receptor 3 andspecific tyrosine residues of itscytoplasmic domain.The most prominent VSIG products arethe members of the P56 family. They containTPR motifs and interact specifically with proteinscontaining PCI motifs including subunits ofproteasomes, COP9/signalosomes and translationinitiation factor eIF3. Binding of P56 to the P48(eIF3e) subunit of eIF3 inhibits its functions,causing an impairment of protein synthesis. Thus,a new IFN, dsRNA and virus-mediated pathwayof translational regulation has been discovered.Identification of other cellular functions of theseproteins is one of our future goals.Sen, G.C. (2001) Viruses and interferons. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 55:255-281.Peters, K.L., Smith, H.L., Stark, G.R., and G.C. Sen (2002) IRF-3-dependent, NFκBandJNK-independent activation of the 561 and IFN-β genes in response to doublestrandedRNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:6322-6327.Peters, G., Khoo, D., Mohr, I., and G.C. Sen (2002) Inhibition of PACT-mediated activationof PKR by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Us11 protein. J. Virol. 76:11054-11064.Kessler, S.P., Scheidemantel, T.S., Gomos, J.B., Rowe, T.M., and G.C. Sen (2003)Maintenance of normal blood pressure and renal functions are independent effects ofangiotensin-converting enzyme. J. Biol. Chem. 278:21105-21112.Sarkar, S.N., Smith, H.L., Rowe, T.M., and G.C. Sen (2003) Double-stranded RNA-signalingby Toll-like receptor 3 requires specific tyrosine residues in its cytoplasmic domain.J. Biol. Chem. 278:4393-4396.Williams, B.R., and G.C.Sen (2003) A viral on/off switch for interferon. Science300:1100-1101.The Department of Molecular BiologyViral Stress-Inducible Gene Regulationand ACE FunctionsGanes C. Sen, Ph.D.We are interested in identifying cellulardsRNA-binding proteins and determining theirfunctions. The IFN-induced protein kinase PKRand its activator, PACT, are two such proteins.We have identified a small domain of PACT thatis responsible for PKR activation. This domain isdistinct from two other domains that bindstrongly to PKR or dsRNA.We are generating PACT knockoutmice to examine thisprotein’s physiological functions.2-5(A) Synthetases are afamily of enzymes thatpolymerize ATP into a series of2´,5´-linked oligoadenylates.The enzymes are inactive assuch: they require dsRNA fortheir activation. Using acombination of site-directedmutagenesis, chemical crosslinking,mass spectroscopy,fluorescence quenching andbiochemical and enzymaticanalyses, we have identified theacceptor binding, the donorbinding, the catalytic and thedimerization sites of the P69isozyme. Mutations in any ofthese sites inactivate the enzyme, butheterodimers of certain mutants are active,demonstrating that the two subunits of P69participate in cross-cross reactions. Analysis ofthe cellular functions of these enzymes revealed anovel property of the 9-2 small isozyme. Itcontains a Bcl2-homology domain 3 that causescellular apoptosis. This property of the protein isindependent of its enzymatic function. Recently,in collaboration with Dr. Vivien Yee, we haveobtained the crystal structure of another smallisozyme.The most well-studied physiologicalproperty of ACE is its pivotal role in bloodpressure regulation. Recent studies, however,indicate a much broader activity of ACE in renal,immunological and male reproductive functions.To understand the full repertoire of ACE actions,we have used a combination of gene knockoutand tissue-specific transgene expression toconclude that expression of the germinal isozymeof ACE in sperm is sufficient to maintain malefertility, but the somatic isozyme cannotsubstitute for this function of the germinalisozyme. Using a similar approach, we haveshown that regulation of blood pressure andmaintenance of normal kidney functions are twoseparable properties of the somatic isozyme.Further studies are in progress to delineateadditional physiological functions of ACE.110

We use two novel approaches to study thecontrol of cell-cycle progression andcell growth. Instead of synchronizingcells and performing biochemical analyses, as intraditional studies, we study actively growingcultures with time-lapse and quantitative imageanalytical approaches. Our results reveal importantaspects of cell-cycle control not previouslyobserved. Our goal is to extend these approachesand observations to the control of cell-cycleregulateddrug targets and to the analysis ofalterations in tumor cell-growth control.Cyclin D1 and the Cell CycleStudies in quiescent cells following growthstimulation have identified numerous moleculesand their interactions that are required to initiatecell-cycle progression. Unfortunately, loss ofsynchrony within such cultures prevents us fromanalyzing how the cell cycle continues andeventually terminates. Within actively proliferatingcultures, we can define the cell-cycle positionof individual cells, determining the molecularcharacteristics of each in relationship to the cellcycle.Our results reveal a critical, cell-cycleregulatedinteraction between cellular Ras andcyclin D1 proteins that controls the cell’s abilityto continue active proliferation. An importantclue was the fact that cyclin D1 is expressed athigh levels in actively dividing G1- and G2-phasecells, but at extremely low levels in S-phase cells(those actively synthesizing DNA). High levelsof cyclin D1 were strictly dependent uponcellular Ras activity in all cell-cycle phases, butthese levels could be stimulated by Ras activityonly during G2 phase. Thus, growth factorsstimulated by Ras activity induced an increase incyclin D1 levels in G2 phase. These levelsremained high through mitosis andG1 phase to promote the initiationof DNA synthesis; thereafter, cyclinD1 dropped to low levels.These facts form the basis forour model defining cyclin D1 as thecritical switch controlling ongoingcell growth. Cyclin D1 is needed toinitiate DNA synthesis; we haveshown this to be true also in activelycycling cells. Once the cell enters Sphase, however, cyclin D1 isautomatically suppressed to lowlevels. Levels remain low through Sphase, but on entering G2 phase, thecell must make a critical decision. Tocontinue proliferating, it must inducecyclin D1 levels during G2 phase.This requires the activity of growthfactors to stimulate cellular Rasactivity. If cyclin D1 levels areThe Department of Molecular BiologyProliferative Signal Transductionand Cell Cycle Regulationincreased, the cell becomes committed to passthrough not only the upcoming mitosis, but throughthe entire next cell cycle, completing the subsequentmitosis as well. But if conditions are not conducivefor continued cell-cycleprogression, cyclin D1 levelsare not induced during G2phase, and the cell entersquiescence immediatelyfollowing mitosis. CyclinD1 thus performs a switchfunction in the control ofcell-cycle progression. This“switch” automatically shutsoff during S phase, forcingthe cell to turn it on againduring G2 phase if the cell isto continue cycling.Topoisomerase II andDrug ToxicityThe technicalapproach utilized in thecell-cycle studies describedabove has also been appliedto the study of topoisomeraseII alpha, the targetof several anti-cancerdrugs. We have detailedthis molecule’s cell-cycleexpression characteristicsand the cell cycle’s role indetermining the cell’ssensitivity to the anti-topoisomerase II drugetoposide. We are determining the molecularcharacteristics of etoposide’s cell-cycle regulationin normal and tumor cells.THE STACEYLABORATORYINVESTIGATORSYang Guo, Ph.D.Masahiro Hitomi, M.D., D.M.S.Ke Yang, Ph.D.Dennis W. Stacey, Ph.D.Hitomi, M., and D.W. Stacey (1999) Cyclin D1 production in cycling cells depends on Ras in a cellcycle-specificmanner. Curr. Biol. 9:1075-1084.Stacey, D.W., Hitomi, M., and G. Chen (2000) Influence of cell cycle and oncogene activity upontopoisomerase IIalpha expression and drug toxicity. Mol. Cell. Biol. 20:9127-9137.Hitomi, M., and D.W. Stacey (2001) Ras-dependent cell cycle commitment during G2 phase. FEBSLett. 490:123-131.Sa, G., Hitomi, M., Harwalkar, J., Stacey, A.W., Chen, G.C., and D.W. Stacey (2002) Ras is activethroughout the cell cycle, but is able to induce cyclin D1 only during G2 phase. Cell Cycle1:50-58.Guo, Y., Stacey, D.W., and M. Hitomi (2002) Post-transcriptional regulation of cyclin D1 expressionduring G2 phase. Oncogene 21:7545-7556.Stacey, D.W. (2003) Cyclin D1 serves as a cell cycle regulatory switch in actively proliferatingcells. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 15:158-63.111

We use two novel approaches to study thecontrol of cell-cycle progression andcell growth. Instead of synchronizingcells and performing biochemical analyses, as intraditional studies, we study actively growingcultures with time-lapse and quantitative imageanalytical approaches. Our results reveal importantaspects of cell-cycle control not previouslyobserved. Our goal is to extend these approachesand observations to the control of cell-cycleregulateddrug targets and to the analysis ofalterations in tumor cell-growth control.Cyclin D1 and the Cell CycleStudies in quiescent cells following growthstimulation have identified numerous moleculesand their interactions that are required to initiatecell-cycle progression. Unfortunately, loss ofsynchrony within such cultures prevents us fromanalyzing how the cell cycle continues andeventually terminates. Within actively proliferatingcultures, we can define the cell-cycle positionof individual cells, determining the molecularcharacteristics of each in relationship to the cellcycle.Our results reveal a critical, cell-cycleregulatedinteraction between cellular Ras andcyclin D1 proteins that controls the cell’s abilityto continue active proliferation. An importantclue was the fact that cyclin D1 is expressed athigh levels in actively dividing G1- and G2-phasecells, but at extremely low levels in S-phase cells(those actively synthesizing DNA). High levelsof cyclin D1 were strictly dependent uponcellular Ras activity in all cell-cycle phases, butthese levels could be stimulated by Ras activityonly during G2 phase. Thus, growth factorsstimulated by Ras activity induced an increase incyclin D1 levels in G2 phase. These levelsremained high through mitosis andG1 phase to promote the initiationof DNA synthesis; thereafter, cyclinD1 dropped to low levels.These facts form the basis forour model defining cyclin D1 as thecritical switch controlling ongoingcell growth. Cyclin D1 is needed toinitiate DNA synthesis; we haveshown this to be true also in activelycycling cells. Once the cell enters Sphase, however, cyclin D1 isautomatically suppressed to lowlevels. Levels remain low through Sphase, but on entering G2 phase, thecell must make a critical decision. Tocontinue proliferating, it must inducecyclin D1 levels during G2 phase.This requires the activity of growthfactors to stimulate cellular Rasactivity. If cyclin D1 levels areThe Department of Molecular BiologyProliferative Signal Transductionand Cell Cycle Regulationincreased, the cell becomes committed to passthrough not only the upcoming mitosis, but throughthe entire next cell cycle, completing the subsequentmitosis as well. But if conditions are not conducivefor continued cell-cycleprogression, cyclin D1 levelsare not induced during G2phase, and the cell entersquiescence immediatelyfollowing mitosis. CyclinD1 thus performs a switchfunction in the control ofcell-cycle progression. This“switch” automatically shutsoff during S phase, forcingthe cell to turn it on againduring G2 phase if the cell isto continue cycling.Topoisomerase II andDrug ToxicityThe technicalapproach utilized in thecell-cycle studies describedabove has also been appliedto the study of topoisomeraseII alpha, the targetof several anti-cancerdrugs. We have detailedthis molecule’s cell-cycleexpression characteristicsand the cell cycle’s role indetermining the cell’ssensitivity to the anti-topoisomerase II drugetoposide. We are determining the molecularcharacteristics of etoposide’s cell-cycle regulationin normal and tumor cells.THE STACEYLABORATORYINVESTIGATORSYang Guo, Ph.D.Masahiro Hitomi, M.D., D.M.S.Ke Yang, Ph.D.Dennis W. Stacey, Ph.D.Hitomi, M., and D.W. Stacey (1999) Cyclin D1 production in cycling cells depends on Ras in a cellcycle-specificmanner. Curr. Biol. 9:1075-1084.Stacey, D.W., Hitomi, M., and G. Chen (2000) Influence of cell cycle and oncogene activity upontopoisomerase IIalpha expression and drug toxicity. Mol. Cell. Biol. 20:9127-9137.Hitomi, M., and D.W. Stacey (2001) Ras-dependent cell cycle commitment during G2 phase. FEBSLett. 490:123-131.Sa, G., Hitomi, M., Harwalkar, J., Stacey, A.W., Chen, G.C., and D.W. Stacey (2002) Ras is activethroughout the cell cycle, but is able to induce cyclin D1 only during G2 phase. Cell Cycle1:50-58.Guo, Y., Stacey, D.W., and M. Hitomi (2002) Post-transcriptional regulation of cyclin D1 expressionduring G2 phase. Oncogene 21:7545-7556.Stacey, D.W. (<strong>2003</strong>) Cyclin D1 serves as a cell cycle regulatory switch in actively proliferatingcells. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 15:158-63.111

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