Issue 49 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 49 - Tse Qigong Centre Issue 49 - Tse Qigong Centre
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There are many human abilities we deem paranormal, orsupernatural, which the Chinese respect and term ‘potential’, and regardworthy of scientific enquiry. Qigong follows nature’s principles so anyuncommon skills developed through practice are perfectly natural.Qigong & SupernatureQi MattersSome styles of Qigong claim to offerspecial abilities including healingpowers, aura diagnosis, astraltravelling, mind-reading and futureprediction, etc. but these are actuallygenetic. The pursuit of these skills shouldnot be the goal of practicing Qigong buthealth and longevity. The greater yourdesire to develop these skills the moreelusive they become, and the morementally unbalanced and unhealthy youwill be, everything should be allowed tohappen naturally.We are conditioned to believe thatthe universe operates in a certain wayand that anything unexplained inscientific terms is ‘supernatural’ andshould be treated with suspicion, eventhough our science is still young. Ourrational mind inhibits us from being opento possibilities and if allowed to dominateit is a barrier to our own potential andthe truth.There is a Chinese fable about ahunter who sees a deer in the woods.He fires an arrow through the bushes butthe deer bolts. As he setsforth to retrieve the arrowhe discovers it embeddedin a boulder. Confounded,he returns to his originalposition and fires at the rock.This time the arrow does notpenetrate. Previously the hunterheld no preconceived ideas regardingwhat had happened but when heintellectualised the improbablility ofthe situation he subconsciouslydecided the outcome.Everyone has heard the truetale of the woman who lifted atruck to save her child trappedunderneath. In that instant hermind (intent) and bodyconnected to harness‘supernatural’ strength.She did not stop torationalise what was possible and hadshe done so she would undoubtedly havefailed. This clearly demonstrates thatwhen our Qi, mind, and body areconnected, focused and concentrated weare capable of a great many things.Qigong renders many seeminglyimpossiblefeats possible and thedifficult seem effortlessbecause it connectsthe mind, body, andspirit.A n i m a l spossess greatinstincts andhe i g h t e n e dsenses as theylive closelywith nature.We are nod i f f e r e n texcept thatwea l l o w e dourselveshaveto become dulledand go to waste as weseek to remove ourselvesfrom nature and become ill,physically and mentally,from the stresses ofliving and competingwith one another.The humanbrain only uses a smallpercentage of itscapacity. We developour intellectual sidebut not the intuitive,spiritual side. Thereare many instanceswhen we think ofsomeone and eitherthe individual issuddenly phoning us orwe run into him or herlater that day.Sometimes thetelephone ringsand we know whoit is before pickingup. Most people explainthis as mere coincidence but actually it isbecause there is a ‘connection’ betweenthe two people and the ‘Sky-eye’ is open.Messages and information are constantlyaround us but mostly we are unable toreceive them because our minds aredistracted or blocked by trivial thoughts,like static radio waves. The mind needsto be relaxed and clear to receiveinformation and then it ispossible to know others’thoughts, their state of health,their problems and othersuch knowledge. Qigongdevelops this ‘hidden’ partof the brain.Sometimes youmeet people whom youinstinctively mistrust. Othersmay be blinded by theirgregarious and effusivenature, fashionable style,affluence, wit or physicalappearance but you see their truenature with the ‘Sky-eye’. You can readthe person’s unconscious messageswhich remain undetected by others.Other times you may be somewhere andsuddenly ‘feel’ uncomfortable. You arereceiving the message that somethingbad may have previously occurred at thatlocation or it may be a warning ofimpending danger. You must learn totrust your instincts and follow yourintuition to avoid mistakes. Failure to doso is to embrace danger.The China Qigong ScientificResearch Association, in addition toinvestigating Qigong’s effect on ESP andthe like, and medical usage, has firmlyestablished that in the field of academicstudies Qigong improves concentrationand memory, in sports it raises physicaland psychological conditioning forcompetition, and in the military fieldQigong raises endurance, focus, stressthreshold, and overall combat capability.Qigong does not endow individuals withany ‘special’ abilities which were notpresent within them latently from birth.Whatever hidden talents you possessQigong enables you to realise anddevelop this ‘potential’by Adam Wallaceemail adam@qimagazine.comQi Magazine 44

In studying palm reading, there is so much knowledge involved. We willnever be able to know everything. Even if we have read over hundreds ofbooks and have read over a thousand palms of all kind of people, we will notbe perfect and know every single detail for everybody.Palm ReadingHowever, there are many peoplewho have written books abouttheir experience and these can bevery helpful, but from my experience, ifyou just believe what you read frombooks, then basically, you will be moreconfused than if learning by yourself. YouFig 1 Heaven Line, Man Line & Earth Line represent Man and Natureshould refer to other people’s experiencewith your own judgement and this willhelp you to find the proper way to readpalms. So experience is more importantthan just reading books in palm reading.In any kind of studying, we needknowledge from ourseniors and theirexperience. Then wecan work with this toprove the knowledge iscorrect. Once youunderstand more, youcan see if what you aredoing is working andhas good resultes. Inthis skill and understandingcan beimproved with everygeneration.Fig 2.A Good Clear Heaven LineThe following are some examplesof traditional Chinese palm reading skills.In my experience, I find that they arequite precise.When looking at teh palm themajor lines in the palm are the mostimportant. The upper line is called theHeavenFig 3.Short Heaven LineManHeaven Line, the Middle Line is calledthe Man Line and the lower line is knownas the Earth Line. Heaven also means“Weather” and the weather affects ouremotions. So some people call this linethe Emotional Line.The positioning of these linesreflect how we live in nature, Fig 1. Wecannot live without any of them.If these three lines are clear withno other lines interrupting them then thisperson is clear and can be successful. Ifthese lines are not clear and have otherlines interrupting them, then this personwill have more difficulties and not be sosuccessful.A good Heaven Line should bedeep and clear, Fig 2. It should also belong enough. Usually it should reachEarth “Otherpeople’s experience &your own judgement willhelp you to find the properway to read palms.”Fig 4.Broken Heaven LinePalm ReadingQi Magazine 45

There are many human abilities we deem paranormal, orsupernatural, which the Chinese respect and term ‘potential’, and regardworthy of scientific enquiry. <strong>Qigong</strong> follows nature’s principles so anyuncommon skills developed through practice are perfectly natural.<strong>Qigong</strong> & SupernatureQi MattersSome styles of <strong>Qigong</strong> claim to offerspecial abilities including healingpowers, aura diagnosis, astraltravelling, mind-reading and futureprediction, etc. but these are actuallygenetic. The pursuit of these skills shouldnot be the goal of practicing <strong>Qigong</strong> buthealth and longevity. The greater yourdesire to develop these skills the moreelusive they become, and the morementally unbalanced and unhealthy youwill be, everything should be allowed tohappen naturally.We are conditioned to believe thatthe universe operates in a certain wayand that anything unexplained inscientific terms is ‘supernatural’ andshould be treated with suspicion, eventhough our science is still young. Ourrational mind inhibits us from being opento possibilities and if allowed to dominateit is a barrier to our own potential andthe truth.There is a Chinese fable about ahunter who sees a deer in the woods.He fires an arrow through the bushes butthe deer bolts. As he setsforth to retrieve the arrowhe discovers it embeddedin a boulder. Confounded,he returns to his originalposition and fires at the rock.This time the arrow does notpenetrate. Previously the hunterheld no preconceived ideas regardingwhat had happened but when heintellectualised the improbablility ofthe situation he subconsciouslydecided the outcome.Everyone has heard the truetale of the woman who lifted atruck to save her child trappedunderneath. In that instant hermind (intent) and bodyconnected to harness‘supernatural’ strength.She did not stop torationalise what was possible and hadshe done so she would undoubtedly havefailed. This clearly demonstrates thatwhen our Qi, mind, and body areconnected, focused and concentrated weare capable of a great many things.<strong>Qigong</strong> renders many seeminglyimpossiblefeats possible and thedifficult seem effortlessbecause it connectsthe mind, body, andspirit.A n i m a l spossess greatinstincts andhe i g h t e n e dsenses as theylive closelywith nature.We are nod i f f e r e n texcept thatwea l l o w e dourselveshaveto become dulledand go to waste as weseek to remove ourselvesfrom nature and become ill,physically and mentally,from the stresses ofliving and competingwith one another.The humanbrain only uses a smallpercentage of itscapacity. We developour intellectual sidebut not the intuitive,spiritual side. Thereare many instanceswhen we think ofsomeone and eitherthe individual issuddenly phoning us orwe run into him or herlater that day.Sometimes thetelephone ringsand we know whoit is before pickingup. Most people explainthis as mere coincidence but actually it isbecause there is a ‘connection’ betweenthe two people and the ‘Sky-eye’ is open.Messages and information are constantlyaround us but mostly we are unable toreceive them because our minds aredistracted or blocked by trivial thoughts,like static radio waves. The mind needsto be relaxed and clear to receiveinformation and then it ispossible to know others’thoughts, their state of health,their problems and othersuch knowledge. <strong>Qigong</strong>develops this ‘hidden’ partof the brain.Sometimes youmeet people whom youinstinctively mistrust. Othersmay be blinded by theirgregarious and effusivenature, fashionable style,affluence, wit or physicalappearance but you see their truenature with the ‘Sky-eye’. You can readthe person’s unconscious messageswhich remain undetected by others.Other times you may be somewhere andsuddenly ‘feel’ uncomfortable. You arereceiving the message that somethingbad may have previously occurred at thatlocation or it may be a warning ofimpending danger. You must learn totrust your instincts and follow yourintuition to avoid mistakes. Failure to doso is to embrace danger.The China <strong>Qigong</strong> ScientificResearch Association, in addition toinvestigating <strong>Qigong</strong>’s effect on ESP andthe like, and medical usage, has firmlyestablished that in the field of academicstudies <strong>Qigong</strong> improves concentrationand memory, in sports it raises physicaland psychological conditioning forcompetition, and in the military field<strong>Qigong</strong> raises endurance, focus, stressthreshold, and overall combat capability.<strong>Qigong</strong> does not endow individuals withany ‘special’ abilities which were notpresent within them latently from birth.Whatever hidden talents you possess<strong>Qigong</strong> enables you to realise anddevelop this ‘potential’by Adam Wallaceemail adam@qimagazine.comQi Magazine 44

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