Issue 49 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 49 - Tse Qigong Centre

Issue 49 - Tse Qigong Centre

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How many people believe that the shape and the position of yourhouse is more important than the furnishings inside the house? Actually,anyone who knows Feng Shui, will know that this is very true.The Right HouseFeng ShuiIf the shape of your house is wrong orif the position outside is wrong, theneven if the inside is furnished verynicely, it is still bad Feng Shui. Bycomparison, it is just like a healthy personwho lives in a very polluted area.Eventually he will be ill as well. I havetried to help some people who have caseslike this. Once someone asked me tocome view their new house. However,when I saw it, I knew it was not a goodbuy, because it was in a cul-de-sac. I saidto him that it is not too good becauseany benefit in the area will have to beshared with others. Another case, I knewthat the person would be ill living there.However, many people when they decideto buy or rent a house have already fixedtheir mind and are already thinking ofhow it will be to be living there. So eventhough they ask my advice because Iknow Feng Shui, I know that they willstill go ahead, even if the result will notbe so good.As a Feng Shui advisor you usuallydo not say, “Don’t buy it.” It is a bit tough.So we just advise. After telling them theproblem, most people will say, “Can youdo something for it?” So we just try ourbest, but in the end the problem is stillthere. Maybe it will not come straightaway, but when the person is weaker orhaving difficulty, then they will be moreaffected. Sometimes the environment Qiis stronger than the inside Qi. It is justlike in the winter, when the weather isvery cold, we can put on more clothes tokeep us warm. However, if the weatheris too bad, even more clothing cannotstop you from catching cold.Here is some traditional ChineseFeng Shui knowledge that will be veryuseful so you can check the position ofyour own. It might help you tounderstand your house condition andwhether you need to change or not.In the house in Fig 1, the left handside is longer than the right hand side.This means this house will be good forFig 1the man, good for his career and hisbusiness. However, this house will not begood for ladies Fig 1.In Fig 2 the house has the righthand side longer than the left. This housewill be good for ladies. She will be verysuccessful in her career and her business.However, this house is not good forchildren and the people living here willnot have many.Fig 2So when looking for a house, acouple should consider who brings in themost income into the house.The house in Fig 3 is verybalanced. It is good for money andFig 3Fig 4children and everything will grow verysteadily.Fig 4’s house is missing thesoutheast corner. It is good for familyand finance.If there is a house that you haveto look up at all the time it will make theowner famous and successful in theircareer. Fig 5.A house that stands above all thehouses surrounding houses will bring theowner wealth and success in theirbusiness. Fig 6.If your house has a road crossingit at the north and crossing to the westthis will mean at the beginningeverything will be very successful.Qi Magazine 16

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