Link magazine, Spring 2008 [PDF, 4,450k] - South Norfolk Council

Link magazine, Spring 2008 [PDF, 4,450k] - South Norfolk Council

Link magazine, Spring 2008 [PDF, 4,450k] - South Norfolk Council

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Picture: Wymondham andWest Neighbourhood Forumawards £563.93 grant toAshwellthorpe Village Hall forportable tables.Five new NeighbourhoodForums in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>awarded almost £19,000 to 12community projects at the endof 2007.£2,000 for Scoutsand Guides!The Waveney ValleyNeighbourhood Forumawarded a grant of £2,000towards tents and campingequipment for the Diss 2ndScouts and Guides Group.Presenting the cheque toScout Group Leader, MrGraham Cross, Cllr TonyPalmer, Chairman of theNeighbourhood Forum said“This grant from the councilwill enable many more youngpeople to enjoy healthyoutdoor activities, building asense of team spirit as wellas boosting the confidence ofthe individuals.”Neighbourhood Forum Fundinformation is available onthe <strong>Council</strong>’s websitewww.south-norfolk.gov.ukEasternRiver ValleysNeighbourhoodForum:£2,000 grant to Station146 Tower Associationat Seething, towardsthe costs of improving theirelectricity supply.For some time now the powersupply at Seething ControlTower has been inadequate.If the system was overloaded,fuses would fail or trips wouldgo down.In winter, we can nowwelcome adult visitorsand school parties with awarmer, more comfortableenvironment and withoutthe possibility of beingplunged into darkness orhaving to shiver!Tony Jeckells,Vice Chairman SeethingTower AssociationYoung Skaters’ action pays offTwo young people took theinitiative of attending theTas Valley NeighbourhoodForum meeting in Januaryto gain support for muchneeded improvementto existing skateboardequipment.They were accompanied bytheir local Police CommunitySupport Officer, Liz Ely, whowas keen to help the youngpeople find a safe place forthem to meet, skateboardand cycle. They asked theForum for support in replacingthe old skateboard rampson the recreation ground inLong Stratton and went to thetrouble of sketching out a planof the equipment they wouldlike it to be replaced with.Interested in helping todevelop the project?Then please contact theNeighbourhood Manager,Mark BishopTel: 01508 533934or email: neighbourhoods@s-norfolk.gov.ukThe young people’sinitiative was reallyimpressive. We will bevery pleased to workwith them to help getthis ambitious projectmoving and will welcomean application for fundingfrom the NeighbourhoodForum Fund in due course.Now we need to see anaction group formed,which is able to applyfor funding and see theproject through.Cllr Hedley Smith,Chairmanof the Forum9Our Communities - Neighbourhood Forums

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