Link magazine, Spring 2008 [PDF, 4,450k] - South Norfolk Council

Link magazine, Spring 2008 [PDF, 4,450k] - South Norfolk Council

Link magazine, Spring 2008 [PDF, 4,450k] - South Norfolk Council

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14E N V I R O N M E N T A L S P E C I A L - P U L L O U T A N D K E E P<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> - we’re aiming to be thebest in home compostingWe have over 52,000 homes in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>.If we all start home composting then we will all beplaying our part in the 3 R’s – Reduce, Re-use andRecycle.We are looking to our Parish <strong>Council</strong>s to considercommunity composting in all our villages across<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>, which will also result in recyclingcredits for the Parish <strong>Council</strong>s.At present Denton & Geldeston are both verysuccessful. We need to build on this. There ismoney available to assist in setting up theschemes.Cllr Tony Game,Champion for Recycling in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>Have you heard aboutMaster Composters yet?Since November 2006,<strong>Norfolk</strong> has had its veryown network of compostingexperts in the community.This is thanks to the MasterComposter scheme, whichhas been developed byGarden Organic (www.gardenorganic.org.uk).Rachel Stewart, who livesin <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>, is a fullyfledged Master Composter.“I befriended a fellow student,Hayley Johnson, who livesclose to me. We embarkedon a joint approach andcontacted the editors of threelocal publications to offerthem a series of six shortarticles on home composting,resulting in our being regularcontributors over the last sixmonths.“My most enjoyable MasterComposter experiencewas a day at my children’sprimary school where I madepresentations to each of thethree classes, all at differentstages of their education. Iread a story about worms tothe infants and used a wormpuppet, I used bug viewers,my own different stagesPicture: Rachel Stewartreceiving a certificate at the<strong>Norfolk</strong> Waste PartnershipAwards <strong>2008</strong>.of compost breakdown toillustrate how the processworks and cut away ‘dalek’compost bin showing whatcan go in. All this went downa treat to all, even to the ‘toocool by half’ Years 5 and 6.”“I visited a fellow MasterComposter, Liz Cargill, at thehighly successful volunteerbasedcommunity compostingscheme in Denton. Hayleyand I made a half-hourpresentation to the groupon home and communitycomposting and wereinvolved in the subsequentdiscussion. We are nowassisting them in doingsome basic market researchto assess how much localinterest there might be in sucha scheme.”For more information on thehome composting scheme,e-mail Cllr Tony Game:tgame@s-norfolk.gov.uk orcall him on 01508 518077

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