Link magazine, Spring 2008 [PDF, 4,450k] - South Norfolk Council

Link magazine, Spring 2008 [PDF, 4,450k] - South Norfolk Council

Link magazine, Spring 2008 [PDF, 4,450k] - South Norfolk Council

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Finding it hard to payyour mortgage/rent?We give advice on debts andbenefits. Contact our Welfare RightsAdvisors on 01508 533617.If you need housing advice contactour Housing Advice Team onFreephone 0808 168 2222 or 01508533750.We are supporting <strong>Norfolk</strong>Community Law Service in providing:• Free Legal Advice Drop-In• Free Housing Repossession Advice• Free Money/Debt Advice foroffendersPlease ring 01603 496623The longer you leave it theworse it gets. Ring today.AdvertisingThis <strong>magazine</strong> is issued to allhouseholds in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> anda range of businesses. If you areinterested in placing an advertisement ina future edition of the <strong>magazine</strong> pleasecontact us on 01508 533983 or emailon: <strong>magazine</strong>@s-norfolk.gov.ukAll revenue from advertising is used toproduce this <strong>magazine</strong>.Advertising in the <strong>Link</strong> does not implyendorsement, agreement or approval ofany opinions, statements or informationprovided, by <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.Personal SafetyYour safety is vital. Ifyou are experiencingdomestic violence andyou are planning toleave or need advice,please considercontacting Woman’sAid / National RefugePartnership.Tel: 0808 2000 2475 IntroducingJohn Fuller, Leader of the <strong>Council</strong><strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> - Out and AboutBenefit Fraud Crackdown6Planning and ConservationWinners and runner up of <strong>South</strong><strong>Norfolk</strong>’s architectural design award8 Our CommunityAffordable Housing for local peopleNeighbourhood Forums funding your projects10 Post OfficesSupport your local Post Office -letter from Cllr Michael Windridge11161718Pull out and KeepEnvironmental SpecialHelp us crack down on flytippingChaz and Dave: What goes in your green binNeighbourhood ActionImproving our neighbourhoodsRoyal Anglian’s returnLocal Government ReorganisationWhat it could mean to all of usTourism, Heritage, Enterpriseand CultureMore opportunities for artists; Art celebrations;Community Sport Achiever Awards <strong>2008</strong>Family Fun23 Home Front£4.9m improvement to sewage worksFlood prevention24<strong>Council</strong> Contact DetailsSee page 18 for full storyPhotography by Simon BuckPrinted on paper fromsustainable sources.Please recycle this <strong>magazine</strong>when you have finished with it.Cover picture:Copyright Peter RowanField of roses near Harleston3Contents

4News Flash!Did you know?It is illegal to drop cigarette buttsWe will prosecute people who flytip rubbish orbuilders’ waste in our beautiful countrysideNoise nuisance and dog fouling are also crimesIf you see environmental crime happening,report it. Freephone 0808 168 2999 - see thisissue’s centre page pull-outRecycling - All <strong>Norfolk</strong> County <strong>Council</strong>household waste recycling centres can acceptTetrapak drinks containers for recyclingHome Options:Home Options is the new way that peoplecan apply for social housing for rent, sharedownership, key worker housing and access otherhousing options in the council areas of <strong>South</strong><strong>Norfolk</strong>, Broadland, and Norwich.The scheme lets you apply for the housing optionof your choice instead of having to wait for an offerfrom one of the three councils.For more details about the scheme please visit thewebsite at: www.gnhomeoptions.org.uk or ring ourHousing and Advice team on 01508 533751Get yourphotosseen bythousands...Fritton CommonTaken a great photosomewhere in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>?Get it seen by the thousands ofpeople who visit our website byadding it to our growing onlinephoto gallery.Whether it’s a landscape, awildlife photo or a portrait, aslong as it’s from <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> wewant it!You can send as many <strong>South</strong><strong>Norfolk</strong> scenes as you want. Justvisit www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/gallery to see what’s alreadythere, and to send us yourmasterpieces.Photographer:Malcolm WatsonIntroducing...One of the busiest offices in <strong>South</strong><strong>Norfolk</strong> is Diss Tourist InformationCentre. Each year, the staff – DoreenCollins, Joanne Dennis and HilaryMarsh deal with over 65,000 visitorsto the centre. Enquiries range frombooking holiday accommodation andnational travel tickets to selling ticketsfor local productions and sellinglocally sourced crafts.Very often the first point of call forvisitors to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>, Doreen,Hilary and Joanne create that allimportant first impression. Their firsthand knowledge of accommodationsand attractions means that theycan not only match the visitors’requirements, but often exceed theirexpectations. See last October’s <strong>Link</strong><strong>magazine</strong> pull-out for <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>TIC opening hours or visit:www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/visitingLuxurious Sheltered AccommodationWhere The Mature Love To Livewww.richmondlodgecare.co.ukRICHMOND LODGESomething New & Very DifferentAn Attractive Alternative To A Residential Care HomeBeautiful Independent Suites Within Secluded GroundsSuites Fitted Out to the Highest Possible StandardsExclusive Use of a Luxury Heated Pool, Jacuzzi & Sauna. Staff On Duty (24 hrs Emergency On Call). Offering care & assistance with the activities of daily living. Beautiful homelike surroundings. Family & friends always welcome to spend the day withyou with the opportunity to takeadvantage of the facilitiesCall us to arrange a viewing and discuss thevarious options available to you.01508 570449 Mobile 07717 133488The Common, Mulbarton, Norwich (4 Miles From Norwich)

Out & Aboutin beautiful <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>The Royal <strong>Norfolk</strong> Show isthe UK’s largest two-dayagricultural show with over600 trade stands and a fiveyear average attendance ofover 90,000 people. Don’tmiss this year’s event on 25& 26 June <strong>2008</strong>. Visit:www.royalnorfolkshow.co.ukPicture byPeter RowanPicture byMalcom WatsonBillingford WindmillPicture byMartin GuyReady for the Royal <strong>Norfolk</strong>Show JudgesC r i cket M at ch atT a co lnes to nBy now you willhave receivedyour new <strong>Council</strong>Tax bills and Ihope that you were pleasedto notice that <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong><strong>Council</strong> has frozen its levy fornext year.At a time when manyhousehold bills are rising,I am proud to have fixed<strong>Council</strong> Tax at last year’slevel by running the councilin a more business-likeand efficient manner. Butfreezing the tax doesn’tmean we have made cuts.Quite the reverse! Next yearwe’re spending more onour top priorities: recycling,fighting anti-social behaviour,and building more lowcosthousing in our ruralvillages and also improvingthe cultural and economicrichness of our district.The progress we havemade since May hasbeen recognised bythe independent AuditCommission, who haveofficially graded us as an“Excellent” council, the onlyone in <strong>Norfolk</strong>. In particularthe Commission praised ourfresh emphasis on customerservice including our newfreephone numbers that makeit easy for you to get in touchwith us.Despite all this, theGovernment has decided toreorganise local government.Such a move will cost afortune and divert effortfrom serving you. Someof our residents face theprospect of being merged intoNorwich. The Governmentseems hell-bent on anotherreorganisation and we’ll beworking hard to get the bestdeal for local residents asyour familiar <strong>Council</strong>s arerecycled into new authorities.5Leader’s LetterBenefit Fraud CrackdownThe Benefits Team aredetermined to stay at the topof their field cracking down onbenefit fraud in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>.The fraud investigation teamdeal with over 30 cases ofsuspected fraud a monthand in the last financial yearidentified over £240,000 infraudulently claimed benefits.We ask you to come forwardand report suspected benefitcheats on our fraud hotlinenumber freephone 0800389 6109 . All calls areinvestigated and you canremain anonymous if youwish to.A recent successful casehandled by the team:A 28-year-old female benefitsclaimant was referred as partof a joint investigation by theDepartment for Work andPensions and <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong><strong>Council</strong>. The allegationwas that she had beenliving with her partner whowas working full time. Aninvestigation was conductedand she was subsequentlyinterviewed under cautionwhere she denied ‘livingtogether as husband andwife’ with the allegedpartner. An adjudicationofficer decided she had beenoverpaid £8,815 HousingBenefit, £1,840, <strong>Council</strong>Tax Benefit and £13,362Income Support. She wasprosecuted and sentencedto six-months’ imprisonment.She is repaying the overpaidbenefits.This financial year:Investigations: 384Number where overpaid: 185Amount overpaid: £240,000Outcomes:5 prosecuted15 Administrative Penalty(similar to a fine)28 Formally Cautioned

6Planning and ConservationLiving in a DesignAward homeAn interview withBeverley BallardWhat does it mean to you tobe in this house? “It’s nice toknow you’ve designed and builtit yourself and that you’re livingin an eco-friendly house. We feelthis design does have its owncharacter, with modern benefitsand environmental strengths.A wonder home of the future in Cringleford, featuring a 1,000metre heat recovery system buried in the garden, won oneof <strong>Norfolk</strong>’s top design awards during 2007. In November, at<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s headquarters in Long Stratton, builders,architects, and other guests joined Peter and Beverley Ballardfor the formal presentation by <strong>Council</strong> Chairman, Cllr Joe Mooney.So, what prompted the project in the first place? What is itlike living in such a futuristic home? We were lucky enoughto spend some time with Beverley at Cedar House, built byWillow Builders of Great Ditchingham, and gain answers toa few of our questions!“One of the first things we did before purchasing the land wasto speak with our architect, Crispin Lambert, meeting up withhim on site, to discuss what could or couldn’t be built. Thisnew-build represented an opportunity to achieve a layout totallysuited to our family life without the restrictions an existingproperty represents.Left: One of the children’s roomsRight: Wire mesh was mouldedunder the staircase and plasteredover, giving an organic appearanceand complementing the two curvedwalls in the entrance hallIt can be a nightmarebuilding your ownhome, how did theproject turn out? “Weknew it was worth payingan architect to design andproject manage for us, theworking relationship hasto be right though. Crispinwas very professional andfantastic at sorting out anyproblems on site. It madeus keep more on budgettoo!So how did you go aboutdesigning your home? “Weused a bubble diagram to set outwhat we wanted in terms of livingspace. It had to be practical,open plan, a separate area forthe children to be in and enjoy as‘their space’ when we weren’t allsharing time together.”What wowed the judgesabout Cedar House werethe environmental features.Pipework, buried 1.8m beneaththe garden takes heat fromthe earth, which is warmed bythe sun; shredded newspaperinsulation throughout the timberframe - and all but one contractorwas from <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>. Thefamily recorded their project’sprogress by setting up a website:www.cedarhouseproject.co.ukThank you Beverley, we enjoyedour visit – and it wasso warm in yourhouse, yet yourheating costsare so low– anothergreat benefitin thesedays ofhigher utilitybills!

News in brief:<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Head of PlanningServices, John Tomlinson, retired on29 February after 34 years’ work as aplanning officer at <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.He began his planning career in 1971 at<strong>Norfolk</strong> County <strong>Council</strong>, but joined what isnow <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong> in 1974, sincewhen around 73,000 planning applicationshave been dealt with. In his career, he hada key role and influence in a great manyresidential, commercial and householderdevelopments, including <strong>Norfolk</strong> andNorwich University Hospital and the<strong>Norfolk</strong> Constabulary HQ at Wymondham.Making a Planning Application?We’re protecting your IDWith the introduction of the NationalStandard Application Form (1 APP),making all other planning application formsobsolete in England, there will be no needfor your signature to appear, just signelectronically by typing in your name.The 1 APP will be the only way to submita planning application and <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong><strong>Council</strong> adopted this form from 17 March<strong>2008</strong>. Any of our previous applicationforms, if received after this date, will bereturned. To submit a planning applicationon-line visit www.planningportal.gov.uk . This is also our preferred methodof submission – it helps us to save youmoney. For more information, please visitwww.south-norfolk.gov.uk/planningFast Facts:Planning applications determined in2007: 2,543 (1% increase from 2,519 in2006)Average processing time for a standardapplication (household, change of use,etc): 54 days – well within the 8 weekstargetLeft: New Building Category, Certificate ofCommendation winner, CostesseyRight: Existing Building Category winner,Saffron Barns, Long StrattonMore awards for design builds...Also in the New Building Category, the councilpanel members were impressed with the quality ofdesign of a new home in Costessey and awardedit a Certificate of Commendation. The homewas designed by Jon Venning, Architect of LongStratton, for Mr Gary Tame and built by D J WBryant & Son of Newton Flotman.In the Existing Building Category, the awardwent to Saffron Housing Trust for their stunningconversion and extension of Saffron Barns,designed by Jacinta Webb, Senior Architect withthe Trust. The design emphasised openness,light, connection, welcome and well-being.It was previously ad-hoc buildings on differentlevels. Now all areas open off a central spineand in turn many external doors open to thecourtyards at various levels and aspects, turningan inward complex of dark stores into a light andairy range of offices. The council judging panelwas particularly impressed at the use of untreatedlarch for external boarding, masts and walkwaystructure; freeform natural canvas fabric roof,timber frame structure from forests independentlycertified as being responsibly managed to thehighest environmental standards, recycled paperinsulation; solvent free paints and stains and asedum planted green roof.When asked how the design had affected theirfeelings about the work environment, staff ofSaffron Housing commented “It’s turned aninteresting but very impractical building intosomething that’s so light and welcoming. Wereally enjoy the natural appearance of the variousrooms and feel proud to be working in such anattractive, modern layout.” “It does seem topromote a positive outlook for all of us!”7Planning and Conservation

8Affordable Housing for those that need itOur new home…Just one affordable home is that of Rebeccaand Darren Carter. A young Dickleburghfamily, who were living in very crampedconditions in the village but wanted tostay close to Rebecca’s own parents, longstanding residents of Dickleburgh.“With a young child to consider, it makessuch a difference to a family if they havegrandparents nearby to provide that extrahelp to call on every now and then. Not onlythat, my mum and dad would have missedout on many aspects of Billy’s development ifwe had had to leave the village to find moresuitable accommodation. Billy would have hadless of that special bond that grows betweengrandchild and grandparents and here he hasthe space he needs to practise his toddling!We were so excitedwhen we heard one of thenew affordable homeswould soon be ours.We could hardly believe it andeven now, we’re so happyand pleased with our newProud mum, RebeccaCarter and son Billy,in front of their newhome in Dickleburghhome it just seems like a realdream come true.”“It’s a fantastic scheme andwe hope more people whoare in a similar situation tous will have the opportunitiesLow cost homes ofquality for local people<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>launched its Low CostHousing Project on 29thJanuary <strong>2008</strong>. The projectaims to provide low rent, highquality, affordable homes inas many small parishes aspossible.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong> andSaffron Housing Trust will partfund the homes and Saffronwill develop, own and managethe homes.The initiative aims to provide2 - 8 homes in as many of thesmaller parishes as possible,initially concentrating onvillages where there areadequate facilities to make ita vibrant place to live. Parishcouncils and local people canbe involved in delivering thesenew homes.Homes built under thisproject will be prioritised forlocal people in the parish,to benefit as we have. A bigthank you to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>,Saffron and everyone elsewho is helping to make thisscheme happen.”Over 70? Interestedin free loft and cavitywall insulation?Please contact the EnergyTeam on 01508 533677or people with strong localconnections to the parish.They will be let to people onthe housing register.For more information aboutthis please visit the council’swebsite:www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/affordablehousing

Picture: Wymondham andWest Neighbourhood Forumawards £563.93 grant toAshwellthorpe Village Hall forportable tables.Five new NeighbourhoodForums in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>awarded almost £19,000 to 12community projects at the endof 2007.£2,000 for Scoutsand Guides!The Waveney ValleyNeighbourhood Forumawarded a grant of £2,000towards tents and campingequipment for the Diss 2ndScouts and Guides Group.Presenting the cheque toScout Group Leader, MrGraham Cross, Cllr TonyPalmer, Chairman of theNeighbourhood Forum said“This grant from the councilwill enable many more youngpeople to enjoy healthyoutdoor activities, building asense of team spirit as wellas boosting the confidence ofthe individuals.”Neighbourhood Forum Fundinformation is available onthe <strong>Council</strong>’s websitewww.south-norfolk.gov.ukEasternRiver ValleysNeighbourhoodForum:£2,000 grant to Station146 Tower Associationat Seething, towardsthe costs of improving theirelectricity supply.For some time now the powersupply at Seething ControlTower has been inadequate.If the system was overloaded,fuses would fail or trips wouldgo down.In winter, we can nowwelcome adult visitorsand school parties with awarmer, more comfortableenvironment and withoutthe possibility of beingplunged into darkness orhaving to shiver!Tony Jeckells,Vice Chairman SeethingTower AssociationYoung Skaters’ action pays offTwo young people took theinitiative of attending theTas Valley NeighbourhoodForum meeting in Januaryto gain support for muchneeded improvementto existing skateboardequipment.They were accompanied bytheir local Police CommunitySupport Officer, Liz Ely, whowas keen to help the youngpeople find a safe place forthem to meet, skateboardand cycle. They asked theForum for support in replacingthe old skateboard rampson the recreation ground inLong Stratton and went to thetrouble of sketching out a planof the equipment they wouldlike it to be replaced with.Interested in helping todevelop the project?Then please contact theNeighbourhood Manager,Mark BishopTel: 01508 533934or email: neighbourhoods@s-norfolk.gov.ukThe young people’sinitiative was reallyimpressive. We will bevery pleased to workwith them to help getthis ambitious projectmoving and will welcomean application for fundingfrom the NeighbourhoodForum Fund in due course.Now we need to see anaction group formed,which is able to applyfor funding and see theproject through.Cllr Hedley Smith,Chairmanof the Forum9Our Communities - Neighbourhood Forums

10Sustaining our Communities - EnterpriseAn appeal letter from Cllr Michael Windridge,Cabinet Member for Tourism, Heritage,Enterprise and CultureSupportyour localPostOfficewww.south-norfolk.gov.ukMarch <strong>2008</strong>Dear ResidentSwan LaneLong StrattonNorwichNR15 2XESupport your local Post Office – currently under threat of closureTel 01508 533633Fax 01508 533695mwindridge@s-norfolk.gov.ukThere are serious implications for the communities of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> from the currentreview of the rural post office network. Post Office Ltd is preparing a programme of postoffice closures across the UK and we need them to understand how important post officesare in rural communities. The timetable for <strong>Norfolk</strong> is that any proposed closures will beannounced at the end of March <strong>2008</strong> with a short consultation period after that.Please respond to this urgent appeal. Please make use of your local post office, to keepthose vital services operating in rural areas like ours.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> MP Richard Bacon is supporting our campaign, which we officially launchedon 29 February. He has urged campaigners to lobby Parliament directly. It is adamning indictment that 5,000 post offices have closed and a further 2,500 are due toclose by 2009. It means over a third of the nation’s entire post office network will be lostfor ever. This puts even Dr Beeching to shame.There are 41 post offices currently operating in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>, providing essential servicesto local people, local communities and businesses.If your local post office closes, there is growing concern that the village shop will becomeless viable and this too, could go.Please continue to use your local post office - you can also ask them for a SupportYour Local Post Office’ campaign poster, window or car sticker.Let’s keep our rural communities alive!Yours sincerelyMichael WindridgeCabinet Member for Tourism, Heritage, Enterprise and Culturewww.south-norfolk.gov.uk<strong>Council</strong>lor Michael Windridge atHempnall Post Offce and Village Stores

Flytipping is illegal!We do track down flytippers, we do issue tickets and we do prosecute!Environmental Crime TeamFreephone 0808 168 2999You might recognise this tile - you mightnot have expected your old bathroomto have turned up here. Make sure youemploy a reputable builder for the safedisposal of your building waste. Underthe householder’s duty of care, it isyour responsibility to check that you areemploying a Registered Waste Carrier.Seen it? Report it!Report it by 10am and in mostcases it’ll be gone by teatimeCllr David Bills,Cabinet Member forthe EnvironmentIs this your tile?More flytipping was discovered along the A140,just north of Dickleburgh...Above: Deputy Leader Cllr Martin Wilby isdisgusted at the findBelow: The EnvironmentalCrime Team get to work thesame day on clearing themess from our beautifullandscape.Flytippingis illegal - we11E N V I R O N M E N T A L S P E C I A L - P U L L O U T A N D K E E PWe’ve invested £400,000 in our environmental cleaningservices including the creation of our Environmental Crime Teamto protect our beautiful <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> environment and we are nowrated a top performing council by Defra.track downflytippers andprosecute!

12E N V I R O N M E N T A L S P E C I A L - P U L L O U T A N D K E E PYou asked <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Chaz and Dave:“What happens to the recycling inmy green recycling bin?”Contamination costs! We have to pay extra to dispose of anything thatgoes in recycling bins which can’t be recycled... this costs us all. Makesure you know what can go in your green recycling bin.Chaz Scholefield,Direct Services ManagerAll of the recycling is made intonew products ready for you to useEnvironmental Servicesagain. This fleece can be madeThe Recycling Team often gets callsout of 25 plastic pop bottles!and emails asking “What happens toOnce you have finished withthe things I put in my green recyclingpaper, cardboard, cans, tinsbin?” All of the recycling collected and plastic bottles they can be 11from households in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> isrecycled again…taken to the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) owned by <strong>Norfolk</strong> Environmental Waste Services in Costessey. Last year in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>, we sent over 7,600 tonnes of recycling to the MRF to be sorted by some of the most hi-tech machinery in Europe. V-screen at the Materials Recycling Facility.Plastic bottles and cans go along a conveyorbelt and pass under a big overhead electromagnet. This removes all the steel cans. Aspecial electrical current then ‘flicks’ aluminiumcans off the belt. The separated cans are thensquashed and baled and taken away to berecycled. Plastic bottles continue along the beltand are sorted into 3 different types of plasticbottle, before being flattened and baled. Theplastic bottles are then sent to be recycled,mainly in the UK and Europe...Shredded paperand envelopes gumup our machinery!Please don’t put thesein the recycling bin.56Paper goes along a conveyorand passes across theNewscreen which separatesnewspaper and <strong>magazine</strong>sfrom mixed papers. Each paperstream passes under a Fibresortunit, which uses infra red toidentify contaminants in thepaper streams and uses jets ofair to blow these unwanted itemsoff the conveyor belts. All thepaper is baled and stored readyto be collected and sent to thepaper reprocessing mill...

4Don’t crush the cans, we need them to roll off the conveyor beltCabinet Member for the Environment,<strong>Council</strong>lor David BillsAll the recycling is delivered to the MRF by the <strong>Council</strong>. It is then scooped up by a digger and placed on a big conveyor belt...23The conveyor belt takes the recycling into a “pre-sort” cabin where people work to remove cardboard to be baled and recycled. Other items we can’t recycle at the MRF such as plastic bags, video tapes and syringe ‘sharps’ are also removed to be sent to landfill....The remaining recycling then goes throughan amazing bit of machinery called a “Vscreen”. This sorts the 3D objects like cansand plastic bottles onto one conveyor belt,and flat objects like paper onto another belt.This is why we ask you not to squash cansand bottles, as it affects how the machinesorts the material...The current price indicatorfor newspapers and<strong>magazine</strong>s in January <strong>2008</strong>in the UK was around£60 a tonne The current priceindicator as at Dec2007 was around£700 per tonneon aluminium cansLatest figures:Overallrecycling rateApril - Dec 2007:36.47%of this28.89%dry recyclables7.57%compostingPlease don’t crushcans and bottles, ifyou squash them thesorting machine can’tidentify them!13E N V I R O N M E N T A L S P E C I A L - P U L L O U T A N D K E E P

14E N V I R O N M E N T A L S P E C I A L - P U L L O U T A N D K E E P<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> - we’re aiming to be thebest in home compostingWe have over 52,000 homes in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>.If we all start home composting then we will all beplaying our part in the 3 R’s – Reduce, Re-use andRecycle.We are looking to our Parish <strong>Council</strong>s to considercommunity composting in all our villages across<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>, which will also result in recyclingcredits for the Parish <strong>Council</strong>s.At present Denton & Geldeston are both verysuccessful. We need to build on this. There ismoney available to assist in setting up theschemes.Cllr Tony Game,Champion for Recycling in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>Have you heard aboutMaster Composters yet?Since November 2006,<strong>Norfolk</strong> has had its veryown network of compostingexperts in the community.This is thanks to the MasterComposter scheme, whichhas been developed byGarden Organic (www.gardenorganic.org.uk).Rachel Stewart, who livesin <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>, is a fullyfledged Master Composter.“I befriended a fellow student,Hayley Johnson, who livesclose to me. We embarkedon a joint approach andcontacted the editors of threelocal publications to offerthem a series of six shortarticles on home composting,resulting in our being regularcontributors over the last sixmonths.“My most enjoyable MasterComposter experiencewas a day at my children’sprimary school where I madepresentations to each of thethree classes, all at differentstages of their education. Iread a story about worms tothe infants and used a wormpuppet, I used bug viewers,my own different stagesPicture: Rachel Stewartreceiving a certificate at the<strong>Norfolk</strong> Waste PartnershipAwards <strong>2008</strong>.of compost breakdown toillustrate how the processworks and cut away ‘dalek’compost bin showing whatcan go in. All this went downa treat to all, even to the ‘toocool by half’ Years 5 and 6.”“I visited a fellow MasterComposter, Liz Cargill, at thehighly successful volunteerbasedcommunity compostingscheme in Denton. Hayleyand I made a half-hourpresentation to the groupon home and communitycomposting and wereinvolved in the subsequentdiscussion. We are nowassisting them in doingsome basic market researchto assess how much localinterest there might be in sucha scheme.”For more information on thehome composting scheme,e-mail Cllr Tony Game:tgame@s-norfolk.gov.uk orcall him on 01508 518077

SayEnvironment FirstNO!to plasticbagsSay No to Plastic Bags summit pulls in the big retailersOur Say No to Plastic Bags campaign, organised by <strong>South</strong><strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Chairman, Joe Mooney, was given anotherboost in February, thanks to a successful summit meetingwith most of the major retailers.Representatives fromMorrisons (Diss), Waitrose(Wymondham), Budgens(Harleston and Poringland),Tesco (Hethersett) andSomerfield (Wymondham)attended to discuss campaignstrategy. Following theirattendance at the meeting,the Ideal group of 130 storesasked for tool kits for eachof their stores with a view tobecoming a plastic carrier bagfree company.Sainsbury sent apologies, butasked for the council’s toolkit.Representatives of smallerstores, farmers’ marketorganisers, business forums,pubs and village campaignersas well as parish and districtcouncillors also attended.There was a presentation andhard-hitting video from fourstudent representatives ofWymondham High School’sGreen Team.What you can do to help:• Make use of the alternatives(reusable hessian and jutebags - many of which arebeing sold in local storesnow)• Refuse the offer of a plasticcarrier bag, re-use old bags.See our campaign page onwww.south-norfolk.gov.ukBy workingin partnershipwith retailers andresidents, I amconvinced that<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> willbecome a plasticcarrier bag freezone.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong><strong>Council</strong> Chairman,Cllr Joe Mooney15Our Environment - Our WasteBusiness as usual at The Ram –but with an environmental twist!One of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>’s well known businesses,the Old Ram at Tivetshall, now has 4 x 1100litre <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong> trade waste binson a once-per-week emptying schedule. Andmindful of the vital part recycling has to playin protecting our environment, they have alsooffered to host a glass bank in the car park.Stop press! Our glass contractor issupplying more glass collection ‘bells’. These willreplace the large wheeled bins, currently usedto collect glass, at some mini recycling centresin <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> during March. This is part of areview of mini recycling centres.Nick Frost,Assistant Managerat the Old Ram,Tivetshall andCllr DavidBills, CabinetMember for theEnvironmentHow can I dispose of dressings,needles or incontinence pads?Anyone who uses dressings, needles &syringes, incontinence pads or stoma bags canget a separate, free regular collection for theseitems using a separate container. This type ofwaste must not be put in with the normal wastecollection.To arrange for free collection visit:www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/environment/755.aspor call 01508 533706I have various medicines left over – can Iput them in my grey/black bin?Partially used or unopened medicines shouldbe taken, in their containers, to your nearestpharmacist who will gladly dispose of them foryou, free of charge. Please do not put themin your normal waste collection. Another pointworth noting, always follow the directions for usegiven on your medicine. Exceeding the dosecan be harmful to you and excessive amountsgoing into the waste water system has a harmfuleffect on our environment and its wildlife.

16Neighbourhood Power in ActionWe Care! say TaylorRoad residentsResidents of Taylor Road,Diss saw the benefits ofjoined up government whenthey accompanied <strong>South</strong><strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, SaffronHousing Trust and PoliceCommunity Support Officerson a mission to improve theirneighbourhood.Improved surfacefor Dickleburghplay areaThere will be many moreprojects helping to facilitateour plans to boost children’splay through <strong>2008</strong>-09.The walkabout to tacklelitter, respond to anti-socialbehaviour concerns andhelp with housing was a bigsuccess.Improve your neighbourhood -contact our Community SafetyPartnership Officer on 01508533956Following concerns from localresidents about the safetyand bark pit surface of theplay area, Police CommunitySupport Officers and CllrMartin Wilby worked closelytogether to get it re-vampedand re-surfaced.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Playand Amenities Unit is aimingto replace all bark pits, as inthe case of Dickleburgh, withsoftpour impact absorbingtarmac. It’s longer lasting,more easily inspected forhazards, and with colourvariation, it can be morevisually appealing to children.Above: Residents on villagewalkaboutLeft: Environmental CrimeTeam with Diss Cllr TonyPalmer and the new teamvehicleA Heroes’Welcome<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Chairman, <strong>Council</strong>lor JoeMooney joined thousands ofpeople in giving fifty troopsof the 1st Battallion, theRoyal Anglian Regiment, aheroes’ welcome home fromAfghanistan in January.The Vikings were on paradein Great Yarmouth, at aceremony organised bythe borough council, withfinancial support from <strong>South</strong><strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.Last October, <strong>Council</strong>lorMooney got the EDP’sMemorial Appeal rollingby donating the £500 hewould have spent on councilChristmas cards to theregimental appeal.

17Local GovernmentReview (LGR) –this affects you!The Government has askedthe Boundary Committee forEngland to look at options forsingle tier councils in <strong>Norfolk</strong>,and to report their findings tothe Secretary of State by theend of December.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’sview is that, if unitary localgovernment is to happen,then four councils in <strong>Norfolk</strong>is the logical choice, asshown on the map. It givesfour councils of roughly equalpopulation, in areas thatreflect the way local peoplelive their lives – places thatpeople live in and believe in.North and East <strong>Norfolk</strong>,being an amalgamation ofthe remainder of existingNorth <strong>Norfolk</strong> District<strong>Council</strong> and Great YarmouthBorough <strong>Council</strong>, plus theresidual part of the formerBroadland District <strong>Council</strong>that is not absorbed into aGreater Norwich.Greater Norwich , based onextended boundaries – ourpreferred southern boundaryfor Norwich is the traditional,historic boundary of theRiver Yare, with the parishesof Old and New Costesseycontained within the City.Local Government ReorganisationLook on our website formore details, www.southnorfolk.gov.uk/unitary,orBoundary Committee atwww.boundarycommittee.org.uk and if you wantany additional informationemail: lgr@s-norfolk.gov.ukWest <strong>Norfolk</strong>, which wouldbe an enlarged King’sLynn & West <strong>Norfolk</strong> – theenlargement being areastransferred from the formerBreckland <strong>Council</strong> to theformer King’s Lynn & West<strong>Norfolk</strong>, plus an area fromNorth <strong>Norfolk</strong>.A new Central and <strong>South</strong><strong>Norfolk</strong>, which will consistof the residual <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>joining with a reducedBreckland to the West,creating a unitary authorityof approximately 200,000people.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> Leisure CentresWhy not come to one of our leisure centres where you can meet friends, entertain thefamily, enjoy the benefits of exercise and have fun!Indoor swimming pools at Diss and Wymondham Leisure Centres, both of which hostFun Sessions with our Ice Adventure and Traffic Jam inflatables.Buy a family swim ticket for £7.25, which allows 2 adults and 2 children to use the pool.Fitness Suite at Diss, Wymondham and Long Stratton Leisure Centres, which offer awide variety of classes from Yoga to Body Combat.Diss Swim & Fitness Centre: Tel: 01379 652754Long Stratton Leisure Centre: Tel: 01508 531444Wymondham Leisure Centre: Tel: 01953 607171www.south-norfolk.gov.uk

18Tourism, Heritage, Enterprise and Culture‘Dare toDream’ -Goldie Sayersstars atinspirationalawards nightUK javelin record holderGoldie Sayers was theguest star when shejoined young sports starsfrom across the district for theannual <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> Community Sport AchieverAwards. And one of many inspiring pieces of advice sheoffered was “dare to dream”.The Awards ceremony in March at the De Vere DunstonHall Hotel involved 56 youngsters aged between 9 and 18,their parents and friends. Some youngsters are already onOlympic training programmes for London 2012.Goldie Sayers presented cheques, certificates and goodiebags at the prestigious event, which is fast becoming afixture in the county sports calendar.Stop press! As the <strong>Link</strong> went to print Goldie qualifiedfor the Olympics in Beijing this summer. Well done Goldie!Photography by Simon Buck.Swingin’ inChet ValleyThe Chet Valley Festival on 27October 2007 set toes tapping,hips swinging – people of allages enjoyed themselves in afun packed celebration of theRoaring Forties.The Festival Finale began onthe Saturday afternoon with acraft fair at The Hollies, plusentertainment and refreshmentson Church Plain.The Grand Parade leftChedgrave at 6pm withperformances, displays andmusic to celebrate the decadewhen Be-bop, Rock and Rolland Rhythm and Blues began.The night was danced away onChurch Plain to a host of fortiestunes from jazz and blues to theunforgettable sounds of GlennMiller and the wartime melodiesof Vera Lynn.Holiday Activities are tops for <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> childrenSince Easter 2007 to the February <strong>2008</strong> Half Term, we have seen attendancesgrow to a total figure of 3,649. Activities are varied and the focus is on fun and physical exercise. Take a look at www.south-norfolk.gov.uk for what’s on offer.Countryside and HeritageAs part of the Chet Valley Festival 2007‘The Roaring Forties’ <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong><strong>Council</strong> funded a Teddy Bear ParachuteWorkshop – this was another greatsuccess with around 40 participants.Gymnast Juniors!Valentine Sweet treats!Our Countryside Rangers held a ‘Tracksand Trails’ event at Frenze Beck, andmore events for this site are takingplace throughout <strong>2008</strong> – watch out fornews on these to come.Halloween Horrors!Your council worked in partnership with Whitlingham CountryPark for their Halloween event on 28 October at the CountryPark with nearly 40 people attending.

Harleston FamilyFun Day: Saturday3rd May, between10am and 3pm.On 3 May, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong><strong>Council</strong>’s Eco Rangers willbe in action, working with apond camera as part of theever-popular pond dippingactivities. So enjoy nature,with things to see anddo such as bug hunts, amammal quiz and meetingbirds of prey!Celebrate Nature is partof a twelve month activityprogramme being offeredacross the HarlestonCluster of Schools.Therange of activities beingoffered includes a mixtureof sports, arts andconservation.To book, call HarlestonInformation Plus on01379 851917<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s newsports club for children withhearing impairments goesfrom strength to strength.With over 15 childrenattending taster sessionslast term the club waslaunched in January <strong>2008</strong>.The club, named by thechildren themselves, meetson Saturday afternoonsat Framingham EarlCommunity Sports Centre.For more information call01508 533698 or emaillcc@s-norfolk.gov.ukFamily Fun Days <strong>2008</strong>First Saturday of every month 10am - 3pmHarleston Primary SchoolAlburgh with Denton Primary SchoolPulham Primary SchoolBrockdish Primary SchoolTwo new Play Rangerswill help to create safeand fun environmentsfor children to play freelyoutdoors. Plans includethe introduction of mobileequipment and a wealth ofgreat ideas. This new servicewill help to ensure there isaccess to good quality playopportunities throughout thedistrict.As well as encouraginggreater use of parks, therewill be woodland playsessions with den building,tree climbing, animal trackingand making simple woodentoys.Plans are also underway tooffer challenging activities toyoung people. So in additionto a low wire course of ropes,swings and bridges, therewill also be a Parkour sitewith a distinctive rural theme.Raising theGame!<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has been awardeda massive £200,000 by Big Lottery toboost children’s play!This will have jumping andvaulting obstacles and will besupported by expert coachingto get the project started.Family-focused fun is alsoa feature of this excitingoutdoor experience with atreasure-hunt trail, known as“cacheing”, and ‘Forest Quest’a performance adventureat the council’s countrysidesites. For younger childrenand those with special needs,the council is planning ‘MagicTheatre’ - a temporarysensory installation.Our Play Road Show will becoming to a village near youin the early summer so lookout for more details and waysin which you can get involved.Photography by Andy Plane19Tourism, Heritage, Enterprise and Culture

20Tourism, Heritage, Enterprise and Culture‘OneStep’Call to Artists!We are keen to support localartists and help promotetheir work, so our new CulturalDevelopment Team has recently setup an artists’ network, which alreadyhas over a hundred local members.Opportunities for artists will be circulated,including local and regional artistic commissions.The network will offer a programme of tailoredtraining and host a permanent directory of artists onthe council’s website, with the opportunity for work oflocal artists to be displayed. Bi-annual meetings are a greatway to network with fellow artists and there is potentialexhibition space in the council offices.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is proud to be supporting a number of major arts events that will be taking place over the summer months, including Open Studios, The Harleston and Waveney Art Trail and Go Elephants!More information:Tel: 01508 533979 lcc@s-norfolk.gov.ukFeatured sculptures by Network members, Parr and Lyne, BrockdishSculpture Trail“Balance” at Bergh AptonThe 5th Bergh Apton SculptureTrail will take place over threeweekends, from 24 May to 8 June<strong>2008</strong>. The Trail offers an excitingopportunity to view importantworks exhibited in 12 rarelyaccessible private gardens. Thetheme of “Balance” will featurethe work of 61 important EastAnglian and International sculptorsand many of their exhibits willdemonstrate how they areresponding imaginatively to theserious environmental implicationsof Climate Change, exploring howwe balance our needs responsiblyand ethically with those of nature.Live music will complement thesettings; there will be story-tellers,workshops and demos too, even aspecially composed performanceby local schools. More informationin What’s On, page 2.£60,000 Festivalof the ArtsA <strong>Council</strong> sponsored Festivalof the Arts is being plannedfor next year that will supporttourism, culture, heritage andthe arts at local level in a boldand innovative way. Runningfrom May to September theprogramme is being designed toappeal to the widest audienceand will include performancesof opera, jazz, folk, classicalmusic, brass bands, theatre,film, children’s puppet shows,art exhibitions and much more.We are keen to encouragecommunities to start their ownarts events and will be offeringsupport to local volunteers tohelp ensure as many parishes aspossible take part.

Barn to be wild!Barn owls, one of Britain’s most beautiful andsecretive birds of prey species, still makegood use of old barns and farm buildingsas both breeding and roosting sites but thenumber of these refuges is fast reducing dueto redundancy or conversion.For the past three years<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> countrysiderangers have been involvedwith a project to installpurpose built nest boxes atsuitable locations acrossthe district. The project,originally started by TheUpper Waveney CountrysidePartnership, has been runningfor seven years and to datehas put up more than 120boxes. Initially these werelocated along the Waveneyvalley, but now we are lookingto expand the work within<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>.This year, 32 barn owl chicks,14 tawny owls and one littleowl were ringed, plus 17kestrels, and an assortmentof jackdaws and stock doves -also very fond of the boxes!Talk to the trees...How you can helpHelp us meet the cost of theboxes through donations andsponsorship; each sponsorreceives a certificate, detailsof their box and regularupdates on its progress.Would you like a box?If you have suitable habitatsand are interested inhaving nest boxes on yourproperty please contact us!All the work is carried outby the rangers and trainedvolunteers.For more details about theproject please contact SteveHammond, Head CountrysideRanger, Tel 01508 533684countryside@s-norfolk.gov.uk21CountrysideThe annual Autumntradition of collecting treesand hedges to celebrateNational Tree Week wasagain a success in <strong>South</strong><strong>Norfolk</strong>.Around 36 parishes fromacross the district sent theirvolunteer Tree Wardens tocollect free hedging and treesfor planting.Since this initiative wasstarted by the council in2000, a total of eight miles ofhedges and 4,288 trees havebeen planted.Date for your Diary:The next National Tree Week is 26 Nov to 7 Dec <strong>2008</strong>Every year The Tree <strong>Council</strong> mounts its national CommunityAction Programme - initiatives aimed at involving as many aspossible in planting, caring for and enjoying trees and woods.Visit www.treecouncil.org.uk and click on the Programmes tabfor information on:Seed Gathering Season, National Tree Week, Tree CareCampaign and Walk in the WoodsBelow: Volunteer tree wardens all set and ready to go!<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> Deputy Leader,<strong>Council</strong>lor Martin Wilby isa Tree Warden and was atthe council on Friday 23November to collect his treesand hedges for the parish ofDickleburgh.

22CountrysideToadwatch in Little MeltonAmanda Dye of Hethersett and JohnHeaser of Little Melton (the organiser) justtwo of the 14 or so volunteers who bravethe traffic to save Toads crossing the busyroad in Little Melton.Last year they helped over 2,000 toads getto their favourite pond for breeding.Visit www.toadwatch.orgNews in brief -Our ScrutinyWe need your help to makesure we deliver effective,value for money services.If there’s an issue affectingthe people of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>that you feel strongly about,you can ask the ScrutinyCommittee to investigate.ANGLIA FUNERAL SERVICESFuneral Directors & Monumental MasonsProviding a caring and personal service 24 hours a dayR. J. Bartram AttleboroughR. J. Bartram WymondhamR. J. Bartram DerehamCossey’s BecclesCossey’s BungayLong Stratton & DistrictPeter Taylor’s NorwichRackham’s DissRackham’s Harleston01953 45279801953 60313801362 69948401502 71726501986 89217801508 53180601603 76078701379 64232101379 853094Funeral Plans with all costs guaranteed£100 off with this advertCall free on 0800 012 1499The Scrutiny Committeeexamines council policiesand actions that have beenagreed by the Cabinet.Although they cannotoverrule Cabinet decisions,they can examine whetherthey are appropriate andask Cabinet to reconsider.Please visit www.southnorfolk.gov.uk/democracyor call the Scrutiny Officeron 01508 533602 for moreinformation.“<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong> isone of the leading districtcouncils for Scrutiny inEngland and Wales and it isthe only one whose ScrutinyChairman is taking a formal,post-graduate coursein Scrutiny and LocalGovernance!”Cllr Christopher Kemp,Chairman of ScrutinyCommitteeIf you have any cesspits,boreholes or wells on yourland, it is your responsibilityto make sure they are safelycovered. There have beeninstances where covers ingood order have not beensecurely in place, with tragicconsequences involvingchildren. Please checkyour land and ensure safetymeasures are followed.Please avoid needless lossof life.

Left to right: LeoBarnes, NorwichWorks Managerand ChristopherSmith, ProcessOptimiser, bothof Anglian Waterand Gary Johnsonof consultantengineers,Fenland HydrotechFirst stage achieved in£4.9m improvement tosewage worksThe first of more than 60council-owned sewagetreatment plants and pumpingstations has been handedover to Anglian Water. The£4.9m scheme to rebuild orimprove the council’s worksto meet modern health, safetyand environmental standardsis the council’s biggestever programme of civilengineering works.The <strong>Council</strong>is not a sewageauthority andcustomers will bebetter off if AnglianWater takes over theworks. But most ofthem are more than50 years old anddesperately needreplacement. Wehave to get them toa better standardbefore AnglianWater will take themon.Cllr Martin Wilby,Cabinet memberresponsible for theprogramme23Home FrontFloods advice road show comes toBawburgh and Surlingham“This has impressed onme and on every oneof us the importance ofbeing prepared for floods.This is a communityresponsibility.”<strong>Council</strong>lor David BillsWith the disastrous scenesof flooding in Hull andGloucestershire still freshin everyone’s minds, <strong>South</strong><strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong> worked withthe Environment Agencyto visit communities in thedistrict with advice.In October, they were atthe Ferry House Inn carpark, Surlingham and thenthe Kings Head car park,Bawburgh, two beautiful<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> villages close torivers and broads.We took part inthat and also the followupexercise testing howcouncils like ours wouldmanage the post floodingrecovery.Cllr David BillsCabinet Memberfor the Environment“These roadshows followthe recent and successfulOperation Pontus floodevacuation and recoveryexercise, which tested theresponse of all the servicesand statutory authoritiesacross the county to apredicted major floodingincident along the North<strong>Norfolk</strong> coast.<strong>Council</strong>lor Sue Thomson,who represents the villageof Surlingham as part ofher Rockland ward is alsoconcerned to ensure localpeople are prepared, as are<strong>Council</strong>lor Garry Wheatley,who represents Cringlefordward, where Bawburgh isbased, and his colleague<strong>Council</strong>lor ChristopherKemp.Cllr Sue Thomson,Rockland Ward

24 hours a day 7 days per week do iton line via our website:www.south-norfolk.gov.ukDo it OnlineWeb www.south norfolk.gov.ukEmail council@s norfolk.gov.ukContact usOffice Hours 08:45-17:00 Mon - Thurs08:45-16:15 Friday(Restricted service Thursdays 08:45-09:30 due tostaff training)New Freephone numbersMain Number<strong>Council</strong> TaxBusiness RatesBenefitsHousing AdvicePlanningEnvironmental ServicesWaste and RecyclingEnvironmental Crime TeamFraud HotlineAdvice and Benefits<strong>Council</strong> Tax /Housing BenefitLocal Housing AllowanceWelfare Rights AdviceBusinessBusiness Advice/BroadbandBusiness Continuity PlanningBusiness Rates EnquiriesDiss Business CentreBusiness Support & Financial Advice<strong>Council</strong> and Democracy<strong>Council</strong>lor Info/Committee DatesElections / Register of ElectorsHuman ResourcesMedia Enquiries/Communications<strong>Council</strong> Tax<strong>Council</strong> Tax Enquiries/BenefitsEnvironmentAbandoned VehiclesBrown Bin Garden Waste ServiceClinical WasteConservation AreasEmergency ManagementFloodingFlytippingFood ComplaintsHazardous WasteLicensing EnquiriesPest ControlPollution (Air, Noise & Water)Recycling HotlineRefuse CollectionSeptic Tank Emptying ServiceStray Dog CollectionStreet CleaningTrade WasteWheeled BinsHomes and HousingCare and Repair ServiceDisabled Adaptations0808 168 20000808 178 71410808 178 71420808 178 71430808 168 22220808 168 30000808 168 44440808 168 33330808 168 29990800 389 610901508 533633 01508 533923 01508 533617 01508 533834 01508 533606 01508 533884/5 01379 650462 01508 53366601508 53366901508 533686/701508 533664 01508 53361101508 53363301508 533706/701603 819991 01508 533706/701508 533818 01508 533606/8 01508 533630 01508 533706/7 01508 533714 01508 533706/701508 533633 01508 533706/7 01508 53370801603 81999901603 81044101603 81044101508 533706/7 01508 533706/7 01603 819995 01603 81044101508 533715/9 01508 533705 01508 533716Empty HomesHousing Advice/Homelessness 01508 533620/533742Housing Register 01508 533751/533758Phone & FaxGeneral Enquiries 01508 533633Fax 01508 533695Minicom 01508 533622Answerphone 01508 533650Jobline (24hrs) 01508 533660Write<strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Swan Lane,Long Stratton Norwich NR15 2XELeisure and CultureArts DevelopmentCountryside TeamDiss Swim and Fitness CentreHoliday Activity ProgrammeLeisure PassportLeisure and Sport TeamLong Stratton Leisure CentrePlay AreasWalking / Cycling RoutesWymondham Leisure CentreNeighbourhood MattersAnti-Social BehaviourCommunity Project SupportCommunity Safety/Crime ReductionDisability IssuesFunding InformationParish PlansPlanningApplications / EnquiriesBuilding RegulationsEnforcementLand ChargesListed BuildingsPlanning Policy (Local Plans)Transport and Streets01508 533979 01508 533684 01379 652754 01508 53369301508 53387501508 53369801508 531444 01508 533913 01508 533945 01953 60717101508 53367001508 533642 01508 533956 01508 53395201508 533642 01508 53393301508 533845/6 01603 430100 01508 53384301508 533676 01508 533818 01508 533805Bus Passes / Railcards01508 533880 Car Parks01508 533748 Community Transport01508 533642 Street Lighting01508 533659(Note: NCC are responsible for majority of street lighting)Street Naming and Numbering01508 533939Visiting <strong>South</strong> <strong>Norfolk</strong>Diss Tourist InformationHarleston Tourist InformationLoddon Tourist InformationTourism EnquiriesWymondham Tourist Information01379 650523 01379 851917 01508 521058 01508 533816 01953 604721<strong>Norfolk</strong> County <strong>Council</strong> servicesEducation or Schools information 0844 800 8001Highway Safety and Maintenance 0845 758 1761Household Waste Recycling Centres 0844 800 8004Library and Museums General Enquiries 0844 800 8020 Park and Ride 0844 800 8003Registrar of Birth, Deaths and Marriages 0844 800 8020 Social Services0844 800 8014 Street Lighting0844 800 8020Trading Standards 0844 800 8013Household Waste Sites 0844 800 8004Houses and garages previously owned by the <strong>Council</strong> are now owned by Saffron Housing Trust. Please contact them on (01508) 532000 for any tenant related issues.

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