Kushal Kshirsagar - Quaffers.org

Kushal Kshirsagar - Quaffers.org Kushal Kshirsagar - Quaffers.org


ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE…CONTD. Day Rolling BetaLaudus RosenbergGoldman:Strc US EqVanguard Gro & IncJanus INTECH RM CoreMorg Stan Div GroBeta0. 06/30/08 12/31/08 06/30/09Created with mpi Stylus (Data: Lipper)12© 2010 Markov Processes International LLC.

ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE…CONTD.Excess Annualized StdDev, %11109876543210Tracking Error (66 day rolling window)02/29/08 06/30/08 12/31/08 06/30/09Laudus RosenbergGoldman:Strc US EqVanguard Gro & IncJanus INTECH RM CoreMorg Stan Div GroRussell 1000 IndexCreated with mpi Stylus (Data: Lipper)13© 2010 Markov Processes International LLC.

ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE…CONTD. Day Rolling BetaLaudus RosenbergGoldman:Strc US EqVanguard Gro & IncJanus INTECH RM CoreM<strong>org</strong> Stan Div GroBeta0. 06/30/08 12/31/08 06/30/09Created with mpi Stylus (Data: Lipper)12© 2010 Markov Processes International LLC.

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