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Chaîne des Rôtisseurs - Chaine des Rotisseurs

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HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL 2014GARRETT SAIKLEY, Chaîne Foundation Board and Chambellan Provincial HonoraireThe Mission of the Chaîne <strong>des</strong> <strong>Rotisseurs</strong> is to promote culinary arts. One of the most important ways is by providing scholarships to culinary arts students. The Chaîne Foundation accepts donations as a tax-­‐deductible organization and presents -inancial aid to students across the country. One method popular in Hawaii is to donate to the Foundation with a check earmarked for a culinary school associated with University of Hawaii such as Kapiolani Community College, Maui Community College, or Leeward Community College, Kauai Community College, and Hawaii Community College Hilo. This way all of your donation stays in Hawaii and helps our own students who later will become famous chefs and restaurant owners on our islands. If we remember them now, they will remember us later! Please consider a charitable donation to the Chaîne Foundation now.4

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL 2014Charles Bennett, Grand EchansonTOP MONDIALE PRIORITIES 2014-20145As many of you know, I haveassumed the role of GrandEchanson of the United States,following in the footsteps ofBruce Nichols, who decided notto continue after severalimpressive and effective yearsin the job. I have big shoes tofill.I want to let you know our toppriorities for the coming yearfor Société Mondiale du Vin, getyour input and counsel on thosepriorities, and ask for your helpin accomplishing them.1. Recruit more Mondiale members! Mondialemembership growth has outpaced Chaîne membershipgrowth as a whole. But we can do better. SomeMondiale chapters are in great shape while others aretoo small to hold effective events. Mondiale membersin general are more active Chaîne members, and ourretention of them is higher, implying greatersatisfaction with the Chaîne, so encourage Chaînemembers to join Mondiale!2. Hold more and better local Mondiale events. Greatevents are the heart of what the Chaîne does. There’shuge variety from Bailliage to Bailliage in the numberand types of Mondiale events. We will provide youand your local Vice Echansons with more event ideasby surveying Bailliages across the country to identifybest practices and winning ideas, which we’ll sharewith you over the next few months through a newMondiale quarterly newsletter.3. Launch regional Mondiale events. A couple of regionsdo this today, but most don’t. Let’s provide localMondiale members and Vice Echansons an extraincentive to attend your regional Assemblage, andother opportunities to travel moderate distances tomake new Chaîne friends and have great new wine(and crafted beverage) experiences.4. Offer new member benefits. We are nearing the launchof a new national program to provide Mondialemembers with exclusive offers and discounts fromboutique wineries (think Kistler, Lail, and the like).Kudos to our new national Vice Echanson, Pete Stiles,for spearheading this program as well as improvingour communication initiatives, and to Bruce Nicholsfor his strong support.5. Increase national Mondiale meeting attendance byMondiale officers. Of the 200 or so people who attendour national Mondiale meeting each year, only ahandful are regional Echansons Provinciaux or localVice Echansons. By contrast, the annual ChaîneChapître (national Chaîne meeting) is attended by allregional Baillis and a large swath of local Baillis. Weneed you at the next Mondiale annual meeting! May14-17, 2015 in Santa Barbara – put it on your calendarnow!6. Clarify job roles. A number of regional Echansonshave told me they aren’t really sure what their job issupposed to be. And a few new local Vice Echansonshave echoed that. Thanks to our new Bailli DéléguéHal Small and other energetic Baillis, we have “BailliBoot Camps” that educate new Baillis on how to dotheir jobs effectively. We don’t yet have a comparableeducation tool for Echansons, but to begin I’ll becirculating and discussing with you a one-pagesummary of what we believe a regional and localEchanson should focus on. We want your input onthis.7. Continue to strengthen the Young SommelierCompetition. (see below)The Chaîne is a local organization. National and regional officerslike us are only effective if we help local Bailliages grow and holdbetter local events – that’s where the vast majority of Chaînemembers see all the benefit of their membership. So for me to beeffective in my new role, I have to understand Mondiale locally. Tothat end, over the next few weeks I will be talking with everyEchanson in the country, mainly by phone, to listen to yourpriorities. I’ll start with the regional Echansons, so you’ll hear fromme soon to schedule a few minutes to talk. I want to know what’simportant to you and your members, where the National team maybe able to help, and even where you may prefer not to have help. Inaddition I will attend as many of your Assemblages as I can.I also want to introduce our new national Vice Echanson Pete Stilesof Naples, Florida. As I noted above, Pete is negotiatingpartnerships with wineries to generate new benefits for ourmembers, and will be enhancing our communication with memberstogether with the Chaîne communications team. Thank you, Pete!We’ll be appointing someone to replace me in my previous role asnational Vice Echanson running the Chaîne Young Sommeliercompetition. Stay tuned on that, and in the meantime forcompetition questions please contact me. We’ll be launching thenew competition season very soon, so start thinking aboutsommeliers in your area under 30 who would be good competitors.The first-round test is administered online, on the first Saturday inDecember (12/6/2014).I’ll republish this priority list to local Vice Echansons and Baillisafter I’ve listened to feedback from them and from you, and we’llput actions in place to implement them.Thanks for all you do for the Chaîne! I’ll be talking with you soon.Meanwhile please contact me with suggestions or questions.Charles BennettGrand Echanson <strong>des</strong> Etats-UnisSociété Mondiale du VinChaîne <strong>des</strong> Rôtisseurs127 Little Mill PlThe Woodlands, TX 77382(832) 928-1953 Cell(815) 331-5218 FaxEchanson-cb@earthlink.net7

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL 2014ALAN TSUCHIYAMA, Conseiller Culinaire & Professionals Provincial HonoraireGRANT SATO, Conseiller Culinaire & Professionals ProvincialThe Chaîne <strong>des</strong>Rôtisseurs, Hawaii/Pacific Islands Region,held the Jeunes ChefRôtisseurs Competitionin Honolulu atKapiolani CommunityCollege (KCC)Saturday, February 22,2014. KCC CulinaryArts DepartmentAssociate Professor andRegional CulinaireProvincial Chef AlanTsuchiyama organizedthe prestigious islandwidecompetition. Six Jeunes Chef contestants participatedthis year; four young women and two young men. Four ofthe Jeunes Chef contestants were from the Island of Maui andtwo from Oahu.The staff of KCC Culinary Arts Department spent anincredible amount of time to insure competition logisticswere carried out according to Chaîne <strong>des</strong> Rôtisseursregulations, and much of the competition duties were filledby volunteers.The volunteer tasting judges credentials were impressive.Professionnel du Vin Donato Loperfido, Taste of Italy ; ViceConseiller Gastronomique Chef Vikram Garg, HalekulaniExecutive Chef ; Jeremy Shigekane, The Kahala Hotel &Resort and Christopher Garnier, Roy’s Hawaii Kai,volunteered their professional expertise in support of thecommunity competition. Never forgotten, the purpose of thisevent is to "encourage and promote the culinary expertise ofyoung Chefs," and our professionals didn’t hesitate whenasked to donate their time.Mentors and coaches had worked months to prepare thecompetitors for the testing kitchen’s intense atmosphere.None of contestants seemedfrazzled by the mysterybasket or the timeconstraints, and they allcreated impressiveappetizers, entrees, and<strong>des</strong>serts. However, there canonly be one winner and shedisplayed that she had thecutting edge.The Hawaii/Pacific Islands isproud to announce Ms.Melanie Tancinco the winnerof the regional Jeunes ChefRôtisseurs. Melanie is fromthe Island of Oahu and she is employed at the beach-frontSheraton Waikiki which has over 1636 guests rooms. TheSheraton is a busy hotel and Melanie has rolled up hersleeves andworked in all theSheraton Waikikikitchens. One ofMelanie’smentors, ChefColin Hazama,recognized herculinary abilitiesand encouragedher to enter toJeunes Chefcompetition. TheSheraton Chefshave beenextremelysupportive ofMelanie and they trained her fellow competitor Ian Sagayagaas well. Melanie shared, "Training for this prestigiouscompetition took a lot of time, dedication and passion. It wasall blood, sweat and tears till the end".Ms. Tancinco’s long term goals are tobecome an Executive Chef and travelthe world discovering new cuisines.For now, Melanie Tancinco traveledto Miami Beach, Florida May 17 torepresent the Chaîne <strong>des</strong> RôtisseursHawaii/Pacific Islands Region in theNational Jeunes Chefs Competition.Article written by:KATHRYN NICHOLSONBailli, Kauai/Oahu9

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL 2014KIMI J. MATAR, Bailli, Hawaii IslandThe Bailliage d’HawaiiIsland is proud to welcomeyou to the 2014 Hawaii/Pacific Island RegionalAssemblage on September26-28, 2014. Our host hotelwill be the Four SeasonsResort Hualālai on the Konacoast of Hawaii. I lookforward to welcoming you toa wonderful weekend ofexquisite cuisine, fine wines and world class alohahospitality.After the officers’ breakfast meeting on Saturday, Ihave some unique experiences planned for yousuch as a gnocchi cooking class, as well as alimoncello cocktail class. In the evening, we havethe honor of having Bailli Délégué Harold Small inattendance to perform our induction ceremony,followed by the gala dinner expertly prepared bythe Four Seasons Hualālai Executive Chef MassimoFalsini and his team of professional chefs.On Sunday, enjoy a round of golf with Chaînebuddies in the morning, and in the evening, I have aspecial dining experience planned for you atExecutive Chef James Babian’s new Italianrestaurant Pueo’s Osteria to bid farewell to old andnew friends.I have secured very favorable hotel rates for alimited amount of rooms, with most of the roomsreserved for Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights toalign with our planned events. Please contact me assoon as possible to secure your lodging.The festivities begin with the Welcome Receptionon Friday evening on the Beach Tree Lawn,followed by the Taste of Hawaii Event at theSeashell Pool Deck.Vive la Chaîne!Kimi J. MatarBailli, Hawaii Island ChapterCHAINEHawaii@gmail.com(808) 888-­‐2050www.facebook.com/groups/152231608313173/ 10

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL 2014KATHRYN NICHOLSON, Bailli, Kauai/OahuTheKauai/OahuBailliagehad abusy andfun filledyear.We’veenjoyeda varietyof socialeventsandcontinue to increase our professionaland non-professional membership. In2013, we tasted Sake and Shochu, wesmoked fine cigars and learned aboutthe nuances of Scotch whisky, we had avisit from a Washington winemaker andwe dined with Thomas Jefferson atMonticello. In addition, the “2013Paniolo Summer BBQ” raised $2000for the KCC Culinary Arts StudentScholarship Fund, made possible byChevalier George Norcross’ donation tothe Chaîne Foundation. The Kauai/Oahu Summer BBQ will continue theChaîne Foundation’s mission to supportthe education of young chefs in theHonolulu community.The Chaîne <strong>des</strong> <strong>Rotisseurs</strong>recognizes and gives appreciation toretiring Kauai/Oahu Bailli, MauriceNicholson, for his years of service anddedication to the Chaîne. As you know,the Chaîne <strong>des</strong> Rôtisseurs is a volunteerorganization, so we should be verygrateful to the regional officers andlocal officers who donate long hours tokeep the Hawaii/Pacific Islands RegionChaîne <strong>des</strong> Rôtisseurs successful andgrowing. I look forward to maintainingthe Chaîne’s presence in the communityand providing interesting andeducational events for the membership.Filling Maurice Nicholson and MarkMonoscalco’s shoes will be a challenge,but then, I prefer Louboutins!Seriously, the Kauai/Oahu has a greatBoard of Directors with lots of energyand exciting ideas.A special thank you to theoutgoing Kauai/Oahu executivecommittee “team” who haveenthusiastically participated inorganizing the past Kauai/Oahu events.Vice Chancelier-Argentier HonoraireAida Paulin has made Colorado herfavorite address, but Aida still retainsher membership in the Kauai/OahuChapter. Vice Conseiller GastronomiqueHonoraire Kathy Stafford continues tolend a hand helping to set-up events.New Kauai/Oahu officersinclude Vice Echanson Honoraire JohnMagauran who has been promoted tothe important position of ViceChancelier-Argentier. Kelly Sanders,Area Managing Director of WaikikiStarwood Hotels and Resorts, is the newKauai/Oahu Vice Chargé de Missions(membership) and he’s alreadyresponsible for bringing in fiveprofessional members. Vice ConseillerGastronomique Chef Alan Casupang isCordon Bleu trained in Paris and aCertified Sommelier. Chef DonatoLoperfido, owner/operator of Flavorsof Italy Hawaii, has been promoted toVice Echanson where he’ll helpoversee and select wines for ourevents. Donna Bebber, ExecutiveDirector of the Hawaii Pops, has takenon the task of becoming our new ViceChargée de Presse who’ll write ourarticles for the Gastronome magazine.Last but not least, Vice ConseillerCulinaire Chef Eric Leterc, ExecutiveChef of The Pacific Club, will continueto donate his culinary expertise andexperience to our events. Pleaseintroduce yourself to Kauai/Oahu’sBoard of Directors at events and shareyour thoughts and ideas.Kauai/Oahu will toast theholidays Saturday, December 6, at theMoana Surfrider, Beach House with anexquisite black tie induction dinner.Mark your calendars and join us tocelebrate at the Beach House with newand old friends. Kauai/Oahu ChefRôtisseurs Ryan Loo, Beach HouseExecutive Chef, is creating a specialHoliday menu just for us.2015 events are already in theplanning stages and we look forward toanother exciting new year. Casual andeducational Mondiale du Vin dinnersare in the works, as well as formaldinners. The Kauai/Oahu Bailliagecontinues to attract new enthusiasticmembers who share the Chaîne <strong>des</strong>Rôtisseurs’ appreciation of gourmetcuisine and wines. We’re honored tohave added new faces to the rosterrecently, either by new membership orreinstatement. The Board of Directorswill do our best to continue offeringChaîne <strong>des</strong> Rôtisseurs events thatsurprise, please, and educate the Kauai/Oahu membership. Cheers!Vive le Chaîne!Mrs. Kathryn Nicholson, BailliKauai/Oahu Bailliage11

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL 2014ADELE RUGG, Bailli, MauiThe Maui Bailliage hasenjoyed a variety of greatevents this past year. LastAugust, we venturedacross the Maui channelto Lanai for lunch atNobu. We were treatedto a feast featuring theocean’s most delectablebounty, prepared soartfully that it almostfelt like a travesty to eatit (although we didsomehow manage!). Atour Christmas gala atthe Plantation House in Kapalua, overlooking thespectacular golf course, we were treated to an elegant dinnerprepared by Executive Chef Jojo Vasquez. Vasquez was a2012 “Hawaii Rising Star Chef,” a member of “The IronChef” team for two seasons, and former Executive Chef ofMorimoto Waikiki. For our menu, he showcased “classical”dishes and lovely French wines, incorporating deliciouslocal touches.March saw us enjoying an "Italian-HawaiianExtravaganza" at “Pulehu: An Italian Grill” in Lahaina.Pulehu has received numerous prestigious awards for both itsfood and wine, including the 2014 Gold Aipono Award asMaui’s Best Italian Restaurant. The menu was 'ono' with greatwine pairings. We were very honored to have as our specialMainland guest for the evening world-renowned MichaelJordan MS, CWE, Director of Global Key Accounts for theJackson Family Fine Wines who had flown in from Californiato be with the Maui Bailiage and share his extensiveknowledge of wines during each course.Our next Chaîne event, an induction dinner, will beheld on Saturday, September 13, 2014 at the "Cafe Carmen"located in the Tech Park in Kihei. This event will be unique aswe are offering a "la poule" French-inspired evening whereeveryone will bring a special bottle of wine–and share a storyabout the reason they chose their bottle of wine for theevening. This is all in the French tradition of when theBurgundy wine vintners came together for an evening ofsharing their stories about their special wine.The black-tie holiday extravaganza for the MauiBailliage will be held at world-renowned "Morimoto" locatedin the Andaz in Wailea on Saturday, December 13, 2014.On a personal note, being a member of the Chaîne<strong>des</strong> Rôtisseurs has given the Bailli opportunities to entertainvisiting Chaîne members from around the world. Recently Ihad the pleasure of meeting Chef Rôtisseur Helena Lylyharjuand Officier Kari Martiala from Helsinki, Finland. They werevisiting Maui for the first time, contacted me, and I was ableto show them why Maui is considered the 'best island in theworld to visit.' They are editors of a Finnish food magazineand will be showcasing Maui and its restaurants in anupcoming issue that will be distributed throughout Europe!They have promised an English version of the magazine.Also as Bailli, I was privileged to “talk story”recently with Vice Chargé de Missions for Vienna, Austria,Dr. Walter Hofle, who was visiting Maui for the first time. Itwas exciting to compare notes and find out that evenEuropean Bailliages are always looking for restaurants tohost their Chaîne events, as well as trying to find newmembers. We both agreed that the Chaîne <strong>des</strong> Rôtisseurs is avery special organization that celebrates fine food, fine wine,and fine conversation—and allows us to find new friendsthroughout the world!12

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL 2014SIDNEY LEE, Bailli, HonoluluDear Confrères,Another year has passed,and the 2014 RegionalAssemblage is returningto the Four Seasons onthe Big Island. Last year'sregional was a greatexample of a top resortputting forth a top effortin the spirit of theChaîne. Last year theHonolulu Chapter wasthe host, with majorassistance from Hawaii Island Bailli Kimi Matar. The HawaiiIsland Chapter will be the host of this year's event, which willlikely be even better than last year. Please plan on attending.The regional assemblage last year was attended by BailliDélégué George Brown as well as our new Bailli Délégué HalSmall. The festivities began with a welcome Champagnereception on Friday evening. The next night was the inductionceremony and gala dinner where we experienced the finecuisine of the Four Seasons Resort Hualālai Executive ChefChris Bateman. On Sunday, we had an alfresco, walk-aroundpoolside event featuring food stations of many of the FourSeasons chefs along with beverages selected by EchansonProvincial Patrick Okubo.Our Christmas party was at Halekulani, where it will beagain this year on Saturday, December 6, 2014. Thoughmany of our events are at Halekulani, they do the best job ofcapturing the Christmas spirit in the gran<strong>des</strong>t fashion. Wehad entertainment by Cathy Foy and her band, as well as afestive performance by the Diamond Head Shooting Stars.The 2013 Christmas party was the second year of a jointparty with the Kauai/Oahu chapter. The size of the partyallowed for everything on a grander scale, but this year theHoliday dinners will be separate as they were in the past.Due to scheduling constraints, the parties will unfortunatelybe held on the same day. With many couples having membersin both chapters, this scheduling is not ideal. Yet, I am surethat both parties will be more intimate and enjoyable.Our Valentine dinner, InterCourses – Eating between theLines of Poetry, was a six-course dinner composed of poetry,food, and wine. Members received personalized poetry booksthat paired a love poem with each course, as well as vintageValentine cards to use for their own romantic verses to theirsweethearts. We are currently looking for a venue forValentines 2015.Our dinner extraordinaire at Sushi Ginza Onodera in Aprilwas on a much smaller scale than usual, due to the size of thevenue. This 17-seat gem offers a sushi bar for seven, a tatamiroom for six, and an intimate room for four. Our 25-courseomakase (chef’s choice) menu featured sushi of the highestquality in an intimate setting that allowed for enjoyment ofsake and wines that are difficult to obtain in larger quantities,such as 2002 Pascal Doquet, 2006 Pierre Peters Chetillons,2002 Dom Pérignon, 2002 Dom Ruinart, 2000 TaittingerComtes, and 2000 Krug. We also partook of an ultra-popularand highly sought after sake, Nishida Denshu Tokubetsu.Member demand required a follow-up dinner a week later.The smaller size of the Holiday party this year will also allowfor some special wines to be featured.In May, hat-donning guests and fashionably chic memberswere treated to the inaugural low tea service at StageRestaurant’s Lime Lounge. Executive Chef Ron De Guzmanand Pastry Chef Cainan Sabey worked hand in hand with Teaat 1024’s tea connoisseur, Michelle Henry, to create adelectable and educational afternoon tea experience for us.This event was put together with the assistance of HawaiiIsland Bailli Kimi Matar who is a close friend of Ms. Henry.Our next event will be on Thursday, October 9, 2014. We arereprising our Indian-themed dinner at Halekulani after a oneyear hiatus. This year Vice Conseiller Gastronomique VikramGarg is having a few celebrity chefs from India come toHawaii to do an exclusive Chaîne Indian dinner for us. Thesetop chefs will share their vision of high-end Indian cuisinewith us to create an experience not to be missed.13

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL 2014JUDITH KELLOGG, Chargée de Presse ProvincialeSociété Mondiale du Vin Meeting in CarmelAs usual, the Hawaii/Pacific region made a greatshowing at the Société Mondiale du Vin national meeting,May 1-3. This year the venue was a little different than in thepast. The Monterey Bay area is famous for its charm andbeauty, and nowhere is that more apparent than in theboutique town of Carmel. No winery tours this year, butplenty of wine to sample, beautiful meals, and wonderful andvaried tours of the Carmel scene. Grand Echanson BruceNichols and Pacific Northwest Bailli Provincial MichaelMartello planned an extraordinary weekend for the almost200 members fortunate enough to attend.For the first evening, after greeting old friends atthe Quail Lodge reception, members headed out for thedine-around. The most heroic effort of the evening has to bethat of Kauai/Oahu Vice Conseiller GastronomiqueHonoraire Mirella Monoscalco, who organized a Chaînequality dinner for 56 at Cantinetta Luca. This was supposedto be a small dinner for Hawaii members and a few oldfriends, but, as many of you know, when Mirella plansanything, no one wants to miss out!The next day’s “Santa Lucia Highlands WineArtisans” tasting got us off to a great start. We sampled theregion’s opulence, with twenty producers pouringexceptional offerings. The region pri<strong>des</strong> itself not only infabulous wines, but also in sustainable, fresh, largelyorganic produce. The never empty glasses of beautiful wineswere accompanied by dishes prepared from colorful,perfectly ripened produce, a vast array of cheeses, wildsalmon, hand-crafted sausages, and succulent grilled meats.The region is fairly young as a wine-growing region,with the first vines planted in 1973. Bruce Nichols capturesthe vitality of the region when he says, “Follow the fog as itrolls off the chilly Monterey Bay, evaporates under the warmCarmel Valley sun, makes its climb up and over a ruggedmountain range and is finally cooled by the winds of the greatSalina Valley. This is the Santa Lucia Highlands.” Theconditions are especially favorable for chardonnays and pinotnoirs, as we experienced in the tasting. Of the 6,151 plantedacres, over 3,000 are pinot noir vineyards, and over 2,000chardonnay.Other highlights included “Evening to Roar About”at the Monterey Peninsula Country Club, where vintner GaryFranscioni of Roar Wines spoke about his family’s evolutionas third generation farmers into legendary wine producers,whose pinot noir once was <strong>des</strong>cribed by Robert Parker as onethat “blew away all the competition from Burgundy.”The next day’s events offered various ways toexperience Carmel’s gastronomical delights of this uniquetown. Those who wanted to stay on the wine-focused trackheaded for Grasing’s restaurant, where Maître Hotelier KurtGrasing created a luncheon perfectly harmonizing with thefeatured Figge wines. For those who wanted to sampleCalifornia’s rich Mexican heritage, Patrick Phinny organizeda gourmet feast at his Baja Cantina, featuring premiumtequila cocktails.Those who selected the “Food Tasting and CulturalWalking Tour” were led through Carmel’s gorgeous oldarca<strong>des</strong> and walkways, learning about the town’s history asthey sampled tapas at Mundaka, gnocchi at the most romanticrestaurant in Carmel, Casanova, gourmet pizzas at LaBicyclette, as well as specialty olive oils and vinegars, andcrafted chocolates at artisan vendors. By the end of the tour,most were trying to figure out how they could justify movingto Carmel! Indicative of the unique combination of artsy,classy, and “down home” charm is Carmel’s dog-friendlyambiance, illustrated by Cypress Inn’s “Yappy Hour,” wherepets and owners come together to enjoy cocktails whilesocializing. A new idea for a Mondiale event?Of course, the most anticipated event of theweekend was the evening celebrating the Young Sommeliercompetition, once again masterfully orchestrated by ViceEchanson National Charles Bennett. It is normal that thecompetition can be close, but this was unprecedented in thatthe first and second place winners tied, which seems almostimpossible given the complexity of the testing and the largenumber of points at the end. The tie was broken by goingback to the scores in the preliminary stages of thecompetitions running up to the national. An incredibly closefinish from two very talented young sommes!!Jane Lopes from New York City was the winner, andwe look forward to cheering Jane on in Copenhagen onSeptember 19. By the time of our Regional Assemblage, weshould know the results.Save May 14-17, 2015 for the next Mondiale nationalmeeting, in Santa Barbara.14

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL 2014WAY TO GO, KAI! by Judith Kellogg, Chargée de Presse ProvincialeProfessionnel de la Table Kai Cowell is making usproud with her first place finish in the savory category at thissummer’s Mango Festival, held at the Moana Surfrider. Shebased her award-winning recipe on the “Exotic Curry FriedRice,” which has become popular throughout the islands.The dish inclu<strong>des</strong> cranberries, but while they are in season,adding mangos makes the dish extra scrumptious.Many of us can personally attest to how deliciousthis dish is, and using Kai’s prepared exotic curry spicemakes the preparation easy. Kai tells us that the Exotic Curryspice is organic, gluten free, MSG free, and vegan. Herspices are in some of the local market chains, and you canalso order on line at kaispices.com.Kaiulani's Famous (Award-Winning) Exotic Curry FriedRice with Cranberries & MangosIngredients¼ cup olive oil2 ½ tablespoon Kaiulani's Exotic Curry spice1/3 cup cilantro (chop the stems and the leaves separately)1 tablespoon garlic, minced2 cups Jasmine rice (uncooked), cooked the day before(produces 4 cups of cooked rice)¼ cup cranberries or raisins¼ cup green onion stalks, slice small2-3 tablespoons toasted almonds or macadamia nuts(optional)2 mangos, ripe, cut in small cubes (in season)Heat olive oil in pan on medium heat. When oil is heated,add garlic, Kaiulani's Curry spice, cilantro stems, andcranberries in pan. When garlic is cooked, add the jasminerice. Mix well until the rice is a beautiful golden yellowcolor, not pale. Keep adding the curry until the rice is abeautiful golden color (that is the key of this dish—once youget the right color do not add any more curry) Add the greenonions and cilantro leaves to the rice and mix again. Fold inthe mangos. Sprinkle the toasted nuts on top if <strong>des</strong>ired, andthen scatter some more mangos on top, as well. Serve. Quickand so easy and delicious!Variation: add cooked shrimp, chicken or pork that has beenseasoned with one of Kaiulani’s spices.15

HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL 2014MAKING FINNISH CHAÎNE FRIENDS by Judith Kellogg, Chargée de Presse ProvincialeThis past summer, twoFinnish Chaîne membersand professional foodwriters, Chef RôtisseurHelena Lylyharju andOfficier Kari Martiala tookon the food and culture ofMaui as their next bookproject.Here is a link to the their Chaîne article:www.rotisseurs.fi/?x103997=2030009Although the text is in Finnish, you will also find some nicephotos. One person who can actually read the article is ourown Honolulu Vice Conseiller Culinaire Gören Streng. Theyhope to visit their Finnish compatriot and his restaurant,Tangö, next year when they again visit from May 21 to June4.The Chaîne grapevine ledthem to Maui Bailli AdeleRugg, who became theirgastronomic tour guide andsoon best friend as theyenjoyed exploring Maui’sbounty. As they say, their “ambition is to popularizeHawaiian, and especially Maui’s, culture in Finland and allover Europe” in their book, Food of Paradise, to bepublished next May (in Finnish, although they are hoping foran English version as well). In the meantime, they havealready published 27 newspaper articles with recipes thatrecreate the food they experienced on Maui. O’o Farm has aspecial Chaîne connection for Adele, since she was elevatedto Bailli there in a lavish “Farm to Table” event. So she isespecially pleased that an article about O’o Farm will appearin Finland’s biggest food magazine, Aromi, with others tofollow in the SAYL magazine (of the Finnish-AmericanSociety), among many other places.Wonderful to have these international Chaîneconnections!Bailli Délégué George “Keoki” Brown and members of the Hawaii/Pacific Islands Region at theGrand Chapître in New Orleans, June 201416





HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION NEWSLETTER FALL 2014CalendarSeptember 13, 2014Cafe CarmenKihei, MauiContact Adele Rugg (808) 879-9964September 26–28, 2014Regional AssemblageFour Seasons HualālaiContact Kimi Matar, 888-2050October 9, 2014Indian-Themed DinnerHalekulani HotelContact Sid Lee, 735-5594October 25, 2014Rock the Casbah, Halloween SoireeBeachhouse at the MoanaContact Sid Lee, 735-5594December 6, 2014Holiday Dinner and InductionsBeachouse at the MoanaContact Kathryn Nicholson, 636-0323December 6, 2014Holiday DinnerHalekulani HotelContact Sid Lee, 735-5594December 13, 2014Maui Christmas DinnerMorimoto, Andaz, WaileaContact Adele Rugg (808) 879-9964May 14–17, 2015National Société Mondiale du VinBacara Resort & Spa, Santa Barbara, CAContact National Office (973) 360-9200February 2015Young Chefs’ CompetitionCulinary Institute of the PacificContact Grant Sato, 734-9478March 2015Kauai/Oahu Annual Business MeetingContact Kathryn Nicholson, 636-0323October 30–November 1, 2015United States Grand ChapîtreCaribe HiltonSan Juan, Puerto RicoContact National Office (973) 360-9200ContributorsCHARLES BENNETT, JUDITH KELLOGG, KATHRYNNICHOLSON, PATRICK OKUBO, SIDNEY LEE, BRUCELIEBERT, KIMI MATAR, ADELE RUGG, GARRETT SAIKLEYEditorsJUDITH KELLOGG AND BRUCE LIEBERT9.6.14For the Current Schedule:bailliages2.chaineus.org/hawaii/CurrentCalendarHPI.htmlRegional Webpage:http://bailliages2.chaineus.org/hawaii/Contact WebmasterBruce Liebert with updates for events:bruce.liebert@gmail.com(808) 351-388221

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