lwl taranki - New Zealand Continence Association

lwl taranki - New Zealand Continence Association

lwl taranki - New Zealand Continence Association

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FORMAT FOR APPLICATIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE AGREEMENT FOR GRANTS IN AID OF RESEARCH6 3The application for a grant-in aid of research should be typed, concise (restricted to no more than five pages exclusive of curriculum vitae)and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, NZ <strong>Continence</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, PO Box 270 Drury 2247.LWL TaranakiFor some time now our little group, consistingof Jane Bond (Private Practitioner in<strong>Continence</strong>), Alison Meerman (<strong>Continence</strong>Adviser at TDBH) and myself, Lisa Yates(Hospital Women’s Health Physio & Women’sPersonal fitness consultant), have beenmeeting regularly. We discuss interestingcases, new research, and ways to improvethe delivery of continence services withinthe Taranaki region. While we all have verydifferent lives, we have one thing in common– we are passionate about promotingcommunity and professional awarenesssurrounding continence. So continenceawareness week presented the perfect opportunityto take some positive action. Andwith the focus this year on Men’s Health, weknew we had our work cut out!Following many weeks of planning, ourcampaign began with some Media liaison– And a brief on our planned <strong>Continence</strong>awareness week activities was published inthe Midweek newspaper.The week then kicked off with a livelyinterview on the popular morning radiostation, which had Jane candidly answeringsome rather probing question, and hadpresenter Barney squirming in his seat withher answers! She was supposed to havebeen joined by a local Urologist, but unfortunatelyhe had an emergency to attendto. However, nothing was lost, the interviewproving a huge success with many commentsfrom pleased (albeit slightly amazed)listeners - keen to learn more about this alltoo often taboo topic.This was complimented by strategic placementof the fantastic NZCA posters, whichwere plastered everywhere… Doctor /Physio waiting rooms, both public & hospitalstaff toilets, the shopping mall, the maternitywards, and of course we had a displayin the hospital public health cabinet. Therewas no escaping the fact that 30% of menin a doctor’s waiting room have experiencedbladder or bowel problems, but onlya third seek help.In addition, we planned a much talkedabout, highly controversial “peeing competition”to be contested by the local representativesoccer and rugby clubs. Figuringnothing attracts male attention more thanbeer and sport, a popular sports bar wasthe agreed location. The events programmeincluded: a timed void, the largestvolume, and the highest aim, with a localGP arranged to judge. (We thought thatthe lads may get stage fright if they hadthree women judging!). However, much toour disappointment, the rugby boys had agame scheduled for the following eveningand withdrew, forcing us to cancel theevent, causing a default victory to TeamTaranaki Soccer.In hindsight, one was left pondering if thecommon association between the male micturitionprocess and his inherent masculinitymay have factored in the teams’ withdrawal.While we can only hypothesize thereasons for the last minute change of heart,it was an important reminder of the fragilityof this health issue. As health professionalswe must never forget the potential anxietyand embarrassment it can cause, evenamongst men representing the sportingelite of our province.All was not lost however, as we still hadour finale – an information stall at CentreCity on Saturday morning. The three of usarrived amidst a flurry of green helium balloons,posters, information leaflets, and followedby two young men; wearing no morethan incontinence pants and t-shirts askingthe questions: “Is your plumbing in order?”And “Worried this may happen to you?”The brave lads (who actually volunteeredtheir time) proved to be big crowd drawers,finding themselves answering all sorts ofquestions, and amusing shoppers with theirthought provoking message. If the commotioncaused by our human billboards wasn’tenough, we also had a competition witha cash-shopping voucher as a draw card.Whilst answering six questions on men’sincontinence, participants were given theopportunity to learn and ask questions, withthe potential bonus of winning a shoppingspree!Through the planning and execution of ourvarious <strong>Continence</strong> awareness activities,I am confident we achieved our objectiveof increasing community awareness andencouraging discussion surrounding thiscommon problem. What was perhapsmost interesting, was witnessing some ofthe terrified faces trying earnestly to look inthe opposite direction. Or watching thosefrightened men rapidly retreating whenthey realised the topic at hand. As a healthprofessional, talking about continence isjust a normal part of my day, but I was remindedthat for a percentage of our societyit is a horrifying topic; One that despite allour medical advancements, is still for manyan incredibly difficult issue to raise withanyone. I wonder how we can better reachthose people next year?Applications for support of research will normally be made by the supervisor of the particular project whose research record will be takeninto account in the Research Committee’s deliberations. This stipulation does not prevent the appropriate recognition of an undergraduateor graduate student or other persons who will be appointed to work on the project but emphasizes the line of accountability for funds thatmay be granted by the NZ <strong>Continence</strong> <strong>Association</strong>.Applicants are required to provide responses under the headings shown below.Five copies are required but only one requires all signatures.Applicants should particularly note that they,a) must arrange ethical review of any research proposals involving human subjects or animals.b) must ensure that the Host Institution and the signatories are clearly identified on the Administrative Agreement.APPLICATION FOR GRANT IN AID OF RESEARCH1. Personal DataInclude the applicant’s name, qualifications, position, address and telephone number.2. Title of Project3. Specific ObjectivesInclude one paragraph indicating briefly the specific objectives of the proposed research.4. Subject ReviewInclude a brief background review of the problem, with references.5. Method and Research PlansProvide a brief description with references of how the problem is to be tackled; indicate experimental and statistical methods, animals etc to be used, precautionsto be taken and justifying the number of specimens, or animal and human subjects to be studied.6. Potential Significance of ProjectIndicate the potential significance of the project and in particular how it meets the general aims of the NZ <strong>Continence</strong> <strong>Association</strong>7. Research site and ResourcesIndicate location of research and available resources.8. Assistance RequiredIndicate the nature of the assistance requested with justification. Please detail the amounts required. Sometimes it may only be possible to assist in part,therefore applicants should list priorities.9. Assistance AvailableIndicate such other assistance as is already, or may be, available for the project including, financial etc.10. Time Available and Duration of ProjectIndicate the estimated time to be spent by each person on the project expressed as a proportion of their total working hours. The estimated duration of theproject should also be stated.11. Research ExperienceIndicate research experience of the personnel, particularly in the field related to the project.13. Ethical ReviewProvide a statement to the effect that the proposed work involving human or animal experimentation has been approved by an appropriate committee. Ethicalapproval must be obtained between approval of funding an uplifting of the grant14. Curriculum VitaeAppend to each copy of the application an abbreviated CV of members of the project team, such CV not to exceed two pages.ADMINISTRATIVE AGREEMENTOnly one signed copy required with each application.a) The applicant understands and agrees that any grant received as a result of this application is subject to the conditions of the NZ <strong>Continence</strong><strong>Association</strong> as set out in the information statement and that the grant funds will only be expended for the purpose described in theapplication. The applicant agrees to supply reports on progress of the work as required and on completion of the work.Signed............................................................................................................................. (Applicant) (Date)b) The Head of Department (where applicable) approves this application and agrees to accept this research within the department.Signed............................................................................................................................. (Date)c) The institution agrees and undertakes to support the research outlined in this application.Signed............................................................................................................................. (Date)Host Institution..............................................................................................................

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