Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Magisterarbeit - SemanticLab

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Magisterarbeit - SemanticLab

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Magisterarbeit - SemanticLab


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5. Evaluation of Existing Privacy Tools<br />

In this chapter, existing privacy tool will be evaluated and on overview about the most<br />

popular representatives of browsers, plug-ins and proxy-software in regards to privacy<br />

will be given. Although all evaluations are based on the criteria defined in chapter<br />

4, they are not scientifically measured and are solely based on a textual description.<br />

However, to ensure that all tested tools have the same technical basis, the evaluation<br />

will be executed in a sandbox (that is Windows XP SP3 on Microsoft Virtual PC 2007).<br />

As most of the tools have a different objective, it is not always possible to compare them.<br />

5.1. Browsers<br />

In this section, the most frequently used browsers [W3S09] will be evaluated in terms<br />

of build-in P3P support: Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Mozilla’s Firefox, Apple’s Safari<br />

and Opera Software’s Opera browser.<br />

5.1.1. Microsoft Internet Explorer<br />

Since version 6 Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (MSIE) has built in support for P3P Version<br />

1 compact policies [MS07a, MS07b]. Although users may not be aware of it, the<br />

“Privacy” settings in the “Internet Options” of MSIE define how to treat cookies by<br />

using a “Zone-System”: In the “Local Intranet” and “Trusted” zones, all cookies are<br />

accepted. When using the “Medium” level (which is set by default), MSIE “blocks thirdparty<br />

cookies that do not have a compact policy [...] or third-party cookies that have<br />

a compact policy that specifies that personally identifiable information is used without<br />

your implicit consent.” [MS07a]. First-party cookies that store personally identifiable<br />

information without implicit consent are downgraded to session cookies whereas firstparty<br />

cookies without a compact policy are restricted so that they can be read only by<br />

the issuing domain. In the “Restricted” zone, all cookies are blocked [MS07a].<br />

When visiting a website which does not match the users’ privacy preferences, a Privacy<br />

Report icon is displayed in the MSIE status bar which users can double click to view<br />

the websites’ privacy report [MS07c]. Although the privacy report clearly parses P3P<br />

policies and shows the generated information to the user via the privacy report (cp.<br />

Figure 5.2), the user does not have any options to actively change settings regarding<br />

P3P as MSIE only deals with compact policies. There is a way to import so called<br />

“Customized Privacy Settings” using XML-files but still, one can only define how MSIE<br />

handles cookies [MSDN] - there is no way to configure any other settings P3P offers.<br />


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