GSC Sentinel-2 PDGS Products Definition Document - Emits - ESA

GSC Sentinel-2 PDGS Products Definition Document - Emits - ESA GSC Sentinel-2 PDGS Products Definition Document - Emits - ESA
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document title/ titre du documentPACEOMPONENTENTINEL AYLOAD ATAROUNDEGMENTRODUCTSOCUMENTEFINITIONprepared by/préparé parSentinel-2 PDGS Project Teamreference/réference GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029issue/édition 1revision/révision2 (draft)date of issue/date d’édition 25.07.2010status/étatDocument type/type de documentDraftTNDistribution/distributionESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© ESAThe copyright of this document is the property of ESA. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied or communicatedto any third party without written permission from ESA.

document title/ titre du documentPACEOMPONENTENTINEL AYLOAD ATAROUNDEGMENTRODUCTSOCUMENTEFINITIONprepared by/préparé par<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> Project Teamreference/réference GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029issue/édition 1revision/révision2 (draft)date of issue/date d’édition 25.07.2010status/état<strong>Document</strong> type/type de documentDraftTNDistribution/distribution<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied or communicatedto any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>issue 1 revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page ii of xA P P R O V A LTitleTitreGMES Space Component - <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Payload DataGround Segment (<strong>PDGS</strong>) - <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong><strong>Document</strong>issueissue1 revisionrevision2 (draft)author<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> Project Teamdate25.07.2010auteurdateapproved byO.Colindateapprouvé pardateauthorised byE.Monjouxautauris’e parCHANGELOGreason for change /raison du changement issue/issue revision/revision date/dateCreation 1 0 21.12.2009<strong>PDGS</strong> team update post-SRR 1 1 25.06.2010Update for core <strong>PDGS</strong> ITT preparation 1 2 (draft) 25.07.2010<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied or communicatedto any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>issue 1 revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page vi of x2.4.9 User Product.............................................................................................................282.4.10 Pixel-Point Geo-Reference .......................................................................................282.4.11 Pixel-Area Geo-Reference................................................................ ........................282.4.12 Image Raster Data............................................................................ ........................282.4.13 Vector Data....................................................................................... ........................292.4.14 Quality Indicators...................................................................................................... 292.4.15 Orthorectification............................................................................... ........................292.4.16 UTM Tiled Grid .........................................................................................................292.4.17 Instrument Source Packet ........................................................................................302.4.18 MSI Scene ................................................................................................................ 302.4.19 Ancillary Data ...........................................................................................................312.4.20 Pointing Angles................................................................................. ........................312.4.21 Preview of the final product ...................................................................................... 322.4.22 Auxiliary Data ...........................................................................................................333 PRODUCTS AND PRODUCT MODEL OVERVIEW ..........................................343.1 P rocessing Levels.................................................................................... ........................343.2 Product breakdown structure ........................................................................................... 354 METADATA STRUCTURE ................................................................................ 374.1 Met adata “extendable” structure ......................................................................................374 .1.1 Brief metadata structure ...........................................................................................374.1.2 Standard metadata structure .................................................................................... 384.1 .3 Expertise metadata structure............................................................ ........................384. 2 Metadata level of information................................................................... ........................385 LEVEL-0 PRODUCT DEFINITION .....................................................................405.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................405.2 Image Data ......................................................................................................................405.2.1 Data Organisation.....................................................................................................405.2.2 Volume .....................................................................................................................425.3 Ancillary Data...................................................................................................................44<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied or communicatedto any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>issue 1 revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page vii of x5.4 M etadata.................................................................................................. ........................455.4.1 Product Level Metadata.................................................................... ........................455.4.1 .1 Brief Metadata ...................................................................................................455.4.1.2 Standard Metadata ............................................................................................465.4.1 .3 Expertise Metadata.................................................................... ........................485.4.2 Granule Level Metadata ........................................................................................... 505.4.2.1 Brief Metadata ...................................................................................................505.4.2.2 Standard Metadata ............................................................................................505.4.2.3 Expertise Metadata.................................................................... ........................505.5 Quality indicators Data..................................................................................................... 515.5.1 Product Level Quality Indicators ...............................................................................515.5.2 Granule Level Quality Indicators....................................................... ........................525.5.3 Pixel Level Quality Indicators.................................................................................... 525.6 A uxiliary data ...................................................................................................................536 LEVEL-1A PRODUCT DEFINITION ..................................................................546.1 I ntroduction ......................................................................................................................546. 2 Image data............................................................................................... ........................556.2.1 Image data, a collection of elementary granules ......................................................556.2.2 Image data encoding and files.................................................................................. 556. 3 Metadata.................................................................................................. ........................566.3.1 Product Level Metadata.................................................................... ........................566.3.1 .1 Brief Metadata ...................................................................................................566.3.1.2 Standard Metadata ............................................................................................576.3.1.3 Expertise Metadata.................................................................... ........................586.3.2 Granule Level Metadata ...........................................................................................586.3.2.1 Brief Metadata ...................................................................................................586.3.2.2 Standard Metadata ............................................................................................596.3.2.3 Expertise Metadata............................................................................................596.4 Quality Indicator Data ......................................................................................................596.4.1 Product Level Quality Indicators ...............................................................................596.4.2 Granule Level Quality Indicators...............................................................................60<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied or communicatedto any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>issue 1 revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page ix of x8.3.1.3 Expertise Metadata............................................................................................768.3.2 Tile Level Metadata ..................................................................................................778.3.2 .1 Brief Metadata ...................................................................................................778.3.2.2 Standard Metadata ............................................................................................778.3.2.3 Expertise Metadata.................................................................... ........................778.4 Quality Indicator Data ...................................................................................................... 778 .4.1 Product Level Quality Indicators ...............................................................................788.4.2 Tile Level Quality Indicators......................................................................................798 .4.3 Pixel Level Quality Indicators............................................................ ........................798. 5 Auxiliary data ...................................................................................................................809 LEVEL-2A PRODUCT DEFINITION ..................................................................819.1 I ntroduction ......................................................................................................................819.2 I mage Data ......................................................................................................................819.3 Metadata ..........................................................................................................................819.4 A uxiliary Data........................................................................................... ........................819 .4.1 Ozone Content .........................................................................................................819.4.2 Ozone Content Climatology...................................................................................... 829.4.3 Water Vapour Content ..............................................................................................829.4.4 Angström Exponent Global Map....................................................... ........................839.4.5 Snow Cover Global Map................................................................... ........................839.5 Q uality Indicator Data ......................................................................................................8410 PRODUCT PHYSICAL FORMAT............................................... ........................8510.1 Product physical breakdown ............................................................................................ 8510.2 Metadata Physical Format ...............................................................................................8610.2.1 Main metadata..........................................................................................................8610.2.2 Auxiliary Data ...........................................................................................................8610.2.3 Quality Indicator Data ............................................................................................... 8610.2.4 Preview Data ............................................................................................................8710.3 Image Physical Format ....................................................................................................8710.3.1 Granules aggregation (Level-1a and 1B)..................................................................87<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied or communicatedto any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>issue 1 revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page x of x10.3.2 JPEG2000 Compression ..........................................................................................8710.3.3 Georeferencing................................................................................. ........................88APPENDIX A JPEG2000 FORMAT IMPLEMENTATION .............................................................89A.1. JPEG2000 Codec Parameters ............................................................................................89A.2. GML-JPEG2000 Description ...............................................................................................89APPENDIX B GROUND IMAGE PROCESSING PARAMETERS.................................................91<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied or communicatedto any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 11 of 931 INTRODUCTION1.1 Purpose of the <strong>Document</strong>This document defines the requirements of the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 products to bethe <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Payload Data Ground Segment (<strong>PDGS</strong>).<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Usegenerated byIt is intended as a driving document for the <strong>PDGS</strong> Requirements <strong>Definition</strong> andPreliminary Design phases in that the products delivered by the <strong>PDGS</strong> will have tocomply with the requirements expressed in the present document in terms of productcontents, semantics and formats.1.2 Background1.2.1 GMES AND THE SENTINEL-2 MISSIONGMES, which stands for Global Monitoring for Environment and Security, is a Europeaninitiative for the implementation a European capacity for Earth observation. The mainobjective of GMES is to monitor and better understand our environment and tocontribute to the security of every citizen. GMES will provide decision-makers who relyon strategic information with regard to environmental and security issues with anindependent and permanent access to reliable data.The purpose of GMES is to deliver information which corresponds to user needs. Theprocessing and dissemination of this information is carried out within the GMES ServiceComponent which comprises a group of vertical services aimed at monitoring Earth sub-emergency,systems (land, ocean, and atmosphere) and horizontal services addressingsecurity and climate change issues.The GMES observational infrastructure is composed of an in situ and a spacecomponent. The GMES Space Component (<strong>GSC</strong>) shall ensure sustainable provision ofsatellite derived Earth observation data to all GMES services.As leading actor of the GMES Space Component programme, <strong>ESA</strong> is responsible fordeveloping a fully operational space-based capability to feed the GMES services. Thiscapability will be achieved with the implementation of GMES-dedicated EarthObservation Missions, the <strong>Sentinel</strong>s, which are being developed by <strong>ESA</strong>.The <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 mission is one of this series of dedicated GMES EO missions, scheduledfor launch by 2013.<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 will provide imagery for the sustained generation of higher-level operationalproducts such as land-cover maps, land-change detection maps, and geophysicalvariables (e.g. leaf area index, leaf chlorophyll content or fraction of absorbed photosyntheticallyactive radiation).The analysis of mission requirements [RD-01] has led to design the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 systembased on the concurrent operations of two identical satellites flying on a single orbit© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 12 of 93plane, each servicing a Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) covering from the visible to theshortwave infrared spectral range and delivering high spatial resolution imagery of allland surfaces and coastal areas with a high revisit frequency.1.2.2 SENTINEL-2 PAYLOAD DATA GROUND-SEGMENTThe <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Payload Data Ground Segment (<strong>PDGS</strong>) is a component of the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2system responsible for feeding <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 data to the GMES Services. In addition, thescope of the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> includes the provision of <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 data to non-GMESusers, in particular scientific users according to the data policy [RD-15].The operations concepts of the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> are defined and [RD-10].The <strong>PDGS</strong> system requirements defined in [RD-09] describe the <strong>PDGS</strong> requiredcapabilities. In particular, it defines requirements applicable to the generation anddistribution of <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 products according to the definitions provided in the presentdocument.1.2.3MULTI-SPECTRAL INSTRUMENTThe Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) is the main payload of the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Spacecraft. Acomprehensive overview of the instrument design and capabilities is provided in [RD-10].1.2.4 LEVEL-1 DATA PROCESSING ALGORITHMS AND GROUNDPROTOTYPE PROCESSOR (GPP)As a preliminary activity to the <strong>PDGS</strong> development, <strong>ESA</strong> in cooperation with CNES hasdefined the MSI Ground Prototype Processor (GPP). This development aims at definingin details the MSI processing algorithms under the form of Data-Processing Models(DPM) and Input Output Data <strong>Definition</strong> (IODD) documents, and to develop a processorprototype.The DPM and IODD will be used as baseline for the development of the operationalprocessors, the so-called Instrument Processor Facilities (IPFs) of the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong>.The prototype processor software will be used to validate the IPFs by generatingreference test data-sets (TDS) and during the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 commissioning phase tovalidate the processing algorithms.As part of the GPP specifications, <strong>ESA</strong> and CNES have provided high-level descriptionsof the algorithms as input to the writing of the Level-1 DPM. In addition, the GPPspecifications include a preliminary product definition document [RD-08] applicable tothe GPP project, and in line with the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Product <strong>Definition</strong> Guidelines [RD-07]prepared in the course of <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> Phase-B activities.The present document builds on this preliminary Level-0 and Level-1 product definitionwhile customising it to accommodate the specific requirements and operations conceptof the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> in the <strong>GSC</strong>.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

1.2. 5 LEVEL-2 DATA PROCESSING ALGORITHMS ANDPROTOTYPING ACTIVITY<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 13 of 93Preparatory activities for <strong>PDGS</strong> implementation also included the Level-products algorithms prototyping and products and Level-3definition.From all prototyped Level-2 and -3 products, only Level-2A is considered within the<strong>PDGS</strong>. Level-2A includes the cloud screening, atmospheric corrections and basic pixelclassification functions. Product definition and required auxiliary data are respectivelydescribed in [RD-12] and [RD-13].Two options are currently being considered for implementing Level-2A processing. Firstoption is proposed by Vega Technologies SAS (F) and is based on the inversion of 6Sradiative transfer code using SMAC approach. Second option, is proposed by DLR (D)and is based on the inversion of MODTRAN4 radiative transfer code using ATCORapproach.The generation of Level-2A products is planned to be performed on the user side basedon provided “toolbox” software. On-demand product generation on the <strong>PDGS</strong>processing resources is also considered using the hosted-processing functionality of the<strong>PDGS</strong> by integrating this software has a hosted processor. As for Level-1 algorithms,the DPM and IODD for Level-2A processing obtained from this project will be used asbaseline for the development of the toolbox.1.2.6 INSPIRE METADATA REGULATIONIn Europe a major recent development has been the entering in force of the INSPIREDirective in May 2007 [RD-17], establishing an infrastructure for spatial information inEurope to support Community environmental policies, and policies or activities whichmay have an impact on the environment.To ensure that the spatial data infrastructures of the Member States are compatible andusable in a Community and transboundary context, the Directive requires that commonImplementing Rules are adopted in a number of specific areas (Metadata, DataSpecifications, Network Services, Data and Service Sharing and Monitoring andReporting).In this context, the INSPIRE Metadata regulation [AD-01] dated 03/12/2008 defines aset of rules for the management of metadata content as well as applicable semantics forthe discovery of spatial datasets.The <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 datasets in their inherent quality of describing spatial data are fullyentitled to comply with the directive and hence the INSPIRE Metadata directive appliesin entirety to the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 product set.1.2.7 CEOS AND QA4EOEstablished in 1984, the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) coordinatescivil space-borne observations of the Earth. Participating agencies strive to enhanceinternational coordination and data exchange and to optimize societal benefit. Currently<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 14 of 9328 space agencies along with 20 other national and international organizationsparticipate in CEOS planning and activities.Following discussions at GEO/CEOS workshops on calibration and validation, CEOSWorking Group on Calibration and Validation (WGCV) has established a QualityAssurance Framework for Earth Observation data known as QA4EO ( strategy underpinning QA4EO is based upon the adoption of a set of keyoperational guidelines derived from "best practices" for implementation by thecommunity. The success of QA4EO will result in the ability to assign a Quality Indicator(QI) to any "knowledge information product" based upon documented unequivocalevidence of traceability to an internationally accepted standard.In particular, QA4EO defines a set of guidelines directly relevant to the definition of the<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 products to meet the quality requirements of CEOS and specifically toprovide systematic backward traceability of the measurement quality from the sensorsdown to their derived products under the labelling of QIs.In that respect, the present product definition for <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 applies the QA4EOconcepts through the definition of QIs embedded in the product structures.1.2.8 SAFE FORMATThe SAFE (Standard Archive Format for Europe) [RD-01] has been designed to act as acommon format for archiving and conveying data within <strong>ESA</strong> Earth Observationarchiving facilities.SAFE benefits from the experience gathered while developing standards related to dataformats. SAFE intends to resolve the major challenges coming from the packaging andthe long-term preservation of Earth Observation data. Special attention has been takento ensure that SAFE conforms to the ISO 14721:2003 OAIS (Open Archival InformationSystem) reference model and related standards such as the emerging CCSDS/ISOXFDU (XML Formatted Data Units) packaging format.Although the primary goal of SAFE is to handle EO data with processing levels close tothe usually called "Level-0", no limitation exists regarding the packaging of higher levelproducts as well as other technical and scientific information. Actually, experience hasdemonstrated that packaging and archiving higher processing levels or auxiliary data ina common format may be effective in many situations. SAFE embodies this concept byoffering a single framework for packaging a large variety of information.As such, the SAFE format does not necessarily applies to the formatting and packagingof the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 products as seen at the user-base which is the scope of the presentdocument (cf. section 1.3). Nevertheless, to provide for commonality between <strong>Sentinel</strong>products as well as to allow for transportation of data from <strong>PDGS</strong> archives to userarchives, the compliance to the SAFE generic format will apply in parts andas an optionto the user product definition. In particular, the present document defines the concept ofdata storage-units that are embedded as a whole into the end-user format for which theSAFE container format may be applied on user-request.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 15 of 931.2.9 DIMAP FORMATThe DIMAP format [RD-02] is the format used for SPOT products, introduced for theSPOT-5 launch in May 2002 and developed by CNES.The DIMAP format is a public format for describing geographic data. Although it wasspecially designed for image data, it can also handle vector data. SPOT products inDIMAP format now consist of two parts, one for the image and the other for adescription of the image, i.e. metadata.The current DIMAP approved specifications are the DIMAP version 1.1 dated 12/2004.To ensure the continuity of widely used practices in the multi-spectral optical and highresolutiondata user community, the DIMAP format will be supported for encapsulatingthe <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 products at the user-base. This support for DIMAP will not be exclusiveand will be supported as a user-defined option for product packaging at the term of thedelivery process.1.3 Scope of the <strong>Document</strong>The generation of <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 mission products and their timely delivery tousers is the primary service that will be offered by the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong>.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Usetheir intendedFor product supply, the <strong>PDGS</strong> Operations Concept [RD-10] defines a specific data-from theaccess method that encapsulates the product delivery processes as a whole,<strong>PDGS</strong> product sources to the end-user base. This encapsulation aims at:○ Providing the data users with flexibility in defining the product contents andformat according to their specific needs (e.g. spectral bands, metadata, spatialcoverage, etc);○ Offering complex virtual datasets responding to elaborated user-defined queriessuch as the best cloud-free coverage in a given period;○ Hiding the <strong>PDGS</strong> distributed nature and complexity to the data consumers behinda single access-point for data discovery and download;○ Virtualising the data availability in the archives such that data not directlyavailable for download can be re-generated on-the-fly in a transparent manner;○ Optimising the data delivery performance through scalable and transparent datamirroring mechanisms, whereby the download performance can be maximisedaccording to the user-base location;○ Providing a triggering interface versus user-defined processors hosted in the<strong>PDGS</strong> to elaborate new derived products according to their needs;○ Providing users with data download automation capabilities to their subscribeddatasets;○ Controlling to the accessibility to <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 data in terms of data type, metadataand download volume rate according to user grants and privileges. E.g. Cal/Valusers may have access to products that have failed the quality checks whilethese same products are hidden to general users.© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 16 of 93The present document describes the organisation, contents and formats of the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 products as they shall be delivered at the user-base through the data-accessmechanisms.The topology of product-types described in this document includes all <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2products from Level-0 up to the Level-2A. It hence covers the MSI science Level-0product, the MSI Level-1A and Level-1B products and finally the level-1C and level-2Atiled products.For the Level-2A product, the document builds upon the separate definition document[RD-12] produced through the Level-2 prototyping activity which defines the high-levelproduct semantics. In complement, the Level-2 product organisation, packaging andformatting are specified here with the aim of harmonising the Level-2A product within aconsistent <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 global product model.As regarding the Auxiliary datasets of relevance to the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 product end-users asbeing used in the product elaboration processes and referred to in the end-products, thedocument outlines the scope and contents of all Auxiliary data files while tracing themback to the relevant documentation (e.g. [RD-13]) where they are defined in more detail.1.4 <strong>Document</strong> OverviewThe present document is divided into the following sections:Following this introductory section, Chapter 2 defines applicable and referencedocuments and outlines the specific terms and conventions used throughout thedocument.Chapter 3 defines the global <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 product model broken down into productelements and covering all product levels within a common root product-tree from whichall individual data models specifically relevant to each product level are exploded andthe actual products instantiated. The various views of the product data-modean actual <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 product instance at one given product level are defined.Chapter 4 details the common metadata structures relevant to all product level views,definingsuch as orbit-based metadata, contextual metadata describing the particular productinstantiation (e.g. product-level, bounding box, spectral bands…), product-level qualityindicators, etc. Specific requirements on data formats are also settled.C hapters 5 to 9 detail the various views of the product model at each level for MSIpro ducts (Level-0, Level-1A, Level-1B, Level-1C and Level-2A) detailing for each onethe semantics and format, including for each product view as relevant:○ The sensor characteristic metadata (instrument parameters setting,operatingmode, etc)○ The product partitioning and description of scene characteristics (orbit number,geo-coverage, width and length, projection, etc …)○ The description of the measurement datasets and metadata semantic detailsincluding applicable processing Ground Image Processing Parameters used,quality indicators, etc…<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 17 of 93○ The settable options in the product delivery/instantiation process,○ The data formatting requirementsChapter 10 expressesadditional general requirements and recommendations about thedata formats (e.g. metadata format, JPEG2000 implementations…) and providessize/volume estimations.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 18 of 932 DOCUMENTATION AND DEFINITIONS2.1 Normative Reference <strong>Document</strong>s2.2 Informative Reference <strong>Document</strong>s[RD-01] Standard Archive Format for Europe (SAFE), http://earth.esa .int/SAFE/[RD-02] DIMAP Format Specifications,[RD-03][RD-04][RD-05][RD-06][RD-07][RD-08][RD-09]GMES <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Mission Requirements <strong>Document</strong> - EOP-SM/1163/MR-dr,Is. 2 Rev. 1 8/03/2010<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Satellite to Ground Segment Interface Control <strong>Document</strong>,GS2.ICD.ASD.SY.00006 issue 3, 04.05.2009<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Satellite Ancillary Data Interface Control <strong>Document</strong>,GS2.ICD.ASD.SY.00012, issue 1, 30.09.2009<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Product <strong>Definition</strong> Guidelines, GMES-S2GS-EOPG-TR-08-0001[AD-01] INSPIRE Metadata Regulation 04/12/2008,<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> System Requirements <strong>Document</strong>, GMES-GSEG-EOPG-RD-09-0028, Is. 1 Rev. 1, 25.06.2010[RD-11][RD-12][RD-13][RD-14][RD-15]HK and Mission Data Protocol and Interface SpecificationGS2.RS.ASD.SY.00059, issue 1, 30.06.2008<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 GPP Product Specifications <strong>Document</strong>, GS2-IF-SY-30-CNES, Is.1 Rev. 0, 08.06.2009[RD-10] <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> Operational Concepts <strong>Document</strong>, GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0008, Is.1 Rev. 1, 25.06.2010<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> System Technical Budget <strong>Document</strong>, GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0031, Is. 1 Rev. 1, 25.06.2010<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Level-2A Product <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>, S2PAD-VEGA-PD-0001,Issue 2 Revision 2, 15.04.2010.<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Auxiliary Data <strong>Definition</strong> for Level-2, S2PAD-VEGA-AUX-0001,Issue 2 Revision 2, 19.04.2010.Data Access Portfolio Requirement <strong>Document</strong> (DAP/R) – GMES-PMAN-EOPG-RD-08-0002, Is. 1 Rev. 1 15/03/2009GMES Space Component Data Access Operational Scenarios for GCMs,GMES-GSEGEOPG-TN-08-0005, Is. 1.1<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

[RD-16][RD-17][RD-18][RD-19]<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 19 of 93QA4EO, “A quality assurance framework for Earth Observation, keyguidelines”, approved by CEOS, Directive 2007/03/14, Decision regarding INSPIRE monitoring and reporting 05/06/2009MSI Mission Data ICD, GS2.ICD.ASF.MSI.00008, Is. 3 Rev.0, 18.02.2009[RD-20] JPEG 2000 standard part 1 and part 2, ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004,[RD-21] GML in JPEG2000 for Geographic Imagery (GMLJP2) EncodingSpecification, OGC 05-047r3,[RD-22]<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> Distributed Level1 Processing Study, GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0037, Is.1 Rev.0<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 20 of 932.3 AcronymsAOCSAttitude and Orbit Control SystemATCORAtmospheric Correction and Haze ReductionBOA Bottom-Of-AtmosphereCEOSCommittee on Earth Observation SatellitesCNESCentre National d’Études SpatialesCSM Calibration and Shutter MechanismDAP Data Access PortfolioDEMDigital Elevation ModelDTEDDigital Terrain Elevation DataEC MWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts<strong>ESA</strong>European Space AgencyEO Earth ObservationFEE Front End ElectronicFPAFocal Plane AssemblyGCPGround Control PointGIPPGMESGround Image Processing ParametersGlobal Monitoring for Environment and SecurityGPP Ground Prototype ProcessorGPSGlobal Positioning SystemGRIGlobal Reference Images<strong>GSC</strong> GMES Space Component<strong>GSC</strong>DA GMES Space Component Data AccessHKTMIASICDHouse Keeping TelemetryImage Algorithm SoftwareInterface Control <strong>Document</strong>INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in EuropeIPFISOInstrument Processing FacilityInternational Organization for StandardizationISP Instrument Source PacketJPIP JPEG Interactive ProtocolMODTRAN MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 21 of 93MRDMSINRTNUCOBCDOGCD<strong>PDGS</strong>QA4EOQCQIQLSAFESMACSNRSPOTSRTMSSDTBCTBDTDITOAUTMVNIRWGSWICOMMission Requirements <strong>Document</strong>Multi-Spectral InstrumentNear-Real-TimeNon-Uniformity CoefficientsOn-Board Configuration DataOn-Ground Configuration DataPayload Data Ground SegmentQuality Assurance for Earth ObservationQuality-ControlQuality IndicatorQuick-LookStandard Archive Format for EuropeSimplified Method for Atmospheric CorrectionsSignal-to-Noise RatioSatellite Pour l’Observation de la TerreShuttle Radar Topographic MissionSpatial Sampling DistanceTo Be ConfirmedTo Be DefinedTime Delay and IntegrationTop-Of-AtmosphereUniversal Transverse MercatorVisible and Near InfraredWorld Geodetic SystemWavelet Image COmpression Modules<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 22 of 932.4 <strong>Definition</strong>s of Terms and Conventions2.4.1 PRODUCT LEVELSThe product levels are compliant with MRD [RD-03] and DAP/R [RD-14] definitions.The Level-0 product corresponds to raw images still on board compressed.The Level-1 products are generated from the Level-0 product.The following Level-1 products are available:- Level-1A : "Raw Image" after decompression,- Level-1B : "Radiometrically corrected” product with geometricappended but not applied,model refined- Level-1C : Orthorectified product (geometric ortho-correction taking into accounta DEM) providing Top Of Atmosphere Reflectances.- Level-2A : Orthorectified product providing Bottom-Of-Atmosphere reflectances,and basic pixel classification (including classes for different types of cloud).2.4.2 MISSION<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 mission is based on a twin satellite configuration (Initially <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2A and 2B)that will offer a unique combination of :- systematic global coverage of land surfaces : from 56°South to 84°North,- high revisit: every 5 days at equator under the same viewing conditions with twosatellites,- high spatial resolution: 10m, 20m and 60m, with a wide field of view: 290 km- multi-spectral information (13 spectral bands, see below)The instrument named MSI (Multi Spectral Instrument) is a pushbroom imager.2.4.3 ORBITEach satellite will be deployed in a polar sun-synchronous orbit with aday cycle, the reference altitude will be 786km.14.3 orbits perMSI image-acquisition is systematic along the orbit. Hence, the final image product,including image-acquisition parameters, as well as the satellite ancillary data, refer tothe imaging orbit.2.4.4 DATASTRIPThe portion of image corresponding to an acquisition of <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 (given imaging orbitand given instrument mode), downlinked on a given station and on a given pass is<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 23 of 93called here after “datastrip”. A datastrip may include several distinct observationsegments separated by gaps.The minimum length of an imaging data-strip (observation) is 92 km (corresponding tofour on-board elementary acquisition, see further “scene” definition).The maximum length of an imaging data-strip is 15000 km (continuous observation fromNorthern Russia to Southern Africa).Dowlinked onstation A:Dowlinked onstation B:Figure 1 : Orbit and datastrips.The datastrip identification is a character string that identifies in a unique way a<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 acquired datastrip.The final product delivered at the user base will correspond to a sub-set of datastrip(extraction of an area of interest) or a combination of datastrips (joining along one orbit).2.4.5 MSI BAND IDENTIFICATIONThe MSI spectral bands span from the visible and the Near Infra-Red to the Short WaveInfra-Red :<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 24 of 93- 4 bands at 10m: blue (490nm), green (560nm), red (665nm) and near infrared(842nm) bands.- 6 bands at 20m: four narrow bands in the vegetation red-edge spectral domain(705nm, 740nm, 783nm and 865nm) and two SWIR larger bands (1610nm and2190nm).- 3 bands at 60m : 443nm, 945 and 1375nm.The specified spectral band characteristics and performance are summarised in [RD-10].VNIRSWIRVIS NIR SWIRVisibleB1B9B1060 mAerosols Water-vapour CirrusB5 B7 B8aSnow / ice / cloud discrimination20 mVegetationRed-edgeB6B11B1210 m400nmB2 B3 B4 B8600nm800nm1000nm1200nm1400nm1600nm1800nm2000nm2200nm2400nmFig ure 2 : MSI Spectral-Bands versus Spatial ResolutionThe MSI spectral bands are identified by a single integer number. The correspondencebetween band name and band number is given in the following table from [RD-19]:Physical Band Pixel Centralband index resolution wavelength(m) (nm)B1 0 60 443B2 110 490B3 2 10 560B4 3 10 665B5 4 20 705B6 5 20 740B7 6 20 783<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

B8 7 10 842B8A 8 20 865B9 9 60 945B10 10 601375B11 11 20 1610B12 12 20 2190<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 25 of 93This convention shall be used to identify spectral bands within the product.2.4.6 MSI DETECTOR IDENTIFICATIONThe MSI focal plane is splitted in two parts:- a Visible and Near Infra Red (VNIR) focal plane made of 12 staggereddetector modules- a Short Wave Infra Red (SWIR) focal plane made of 12 staggereddetector modules.From an image processing point of view the detectors are identified 2 digits, from 01 to12.Detectors’ images are numbered from 01 to 12 in the left to right order, ie. from west toeast in the case of a descending orbit.2.4.7 BAND-COREGISTRATIONDue to the MSI complex focal plane, the 13 spectral bands are not natively coregistered.This means that, at a given instant, the imaged landscape is not the same forthe different spectral band.This focal plane staggered configuration induces inter-band and inter detector B/H.Overlapping area=98 pixels 20m10 bandsB/H cross-bandB/H cross-detectorNb pixels/det module:2592 (10m), 1296 (20-60m)<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

Figure 3 : Visible/Near Infra Red Focal plane<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 26 of 93The next table gives the inter-band and inter-detector B/H:B/H=0.018B/H=0.010Band28345678a19101112Odd/even detectorparallax angle(B/H)0,0220,0260,0300,0340,0380,0420,0460,0510,0550,0590,0300,0400,05010m 20m60mVNIRSWIRFigure 4 : B/H interband and interdetectorThe interband deregistration on ground is therefore up to 14km (for B2/B9), andinterdetector deregistration up to 47km (for B9).2.4.8 GRANULES AND TILESMSI products are provided as a compilation along a single orbit of elementary granulesof fixed size. In this respect, the product granularity corresponds to the minimumindivisible partition of one <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 product.For Level-0, 1A and 1B products, these granules are sub-image of a given number oflines along-track and detector separated.For ortho-rectifiedproducts (Level-1C and 2A), the granules (also called tiles) consist of100kmx100km squared ortho-images in UTM/WGS84 projection. There is on tile perspectral band.Granules are defined further for each product level type.All granules intersecting/touching the Region of Interest of the User are provided into theproduct.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 27 of 93Orbit framed in elementary granulesRegion of interestof the userGranules covering the user defined productFigure 5 : Example of granules covering an area of interest.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 28 of 932.4.9 USER PRODUCTThus, from a user point of view the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 products correspond to a set of data itemscomprising image data “granules/tiles”, ancillary data and quality indicator data (seefurther).The <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Image products always refers to a single satellite and a continuousinstrument acquisition mode (i.e. given imaging orbit and given instrument mode), nevermore.In the particular case of an instrument mode changes during an imaging orbit, severalproducts are generated.2.4.10 PIXEL-POINT GEO-REFERENCEFor ground processing, the number of pixels depends on the detector type.For Level-1A (no binning applied) there are:- 2592 pixels for each 10m bands detectors, numbered from 1 to 2592-1296 pixels for other bands numbered from 1 to 1296.After binning processing and blind pixels removing (Level-1B), there are (TBC):- 2548 pixels for each 10m bands detectors, numbered from 1 to 2548,- 1274 pixels for each 20m bands detectors, numbered from 1 to 1274,- 426 pixels for each 60m bands detectors, numbered from 1 to 426..Indeed, on-board, detector modules acquires 2596 pixels (respectively 1298 pixels) butthe Video Compression Module (VCM) processes and outputs only 2592 pixels(respectively 1296 pixels).Up to Level-1B product, the coordinates identify the centre of the pixel.The first pixel of an image is by convention ( 1,1).2.4.11 PIXEL-AREA GEO-REFERENCEFrom Level-1C and upper levels, each pixel is considered as a surface andcoordinates identifies the upper left corner of the pixel.First pixel of an image by convention (1,1).2.4.12 IMAGE RASTER DATA<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 image data is represented as a gridded data raster. The dynamic is encodedin 12 useful bits. Images are compressed using the JPEG2000 algorithm [RD-20].Special data (respectively NO_DATA and SATURATION) are encoded by specialvalues (respectively 0 and 4095).<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.the

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 29 of 932.4.13 VECTOR DATAVector data may also be provided with the product (quality masks). These vector dataare compliant with Shapefile or GML format (TBC).2.4.14 QUALITY INDICATORS<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 products contain Quality Indicators (QIs). Users can use these QIs forassessing the suitability of a product for a certain use/application.Quality Indicators are defined at three different levels:- Orbit level quality indicators, which are applicable for the whole product.- Tile/granule level quality indicators, which are associated to each tile/granuleelement constituting the product.- Pixel level quality indicators, which are provided in the reference frame of thegranule/tile constituting the product.A measurement date is associated to each quality indicator (either provided bycalibration parameters, either corresponding to the production date).A systematic on-line quality check will be performed on certain quality indicators beforedelivering the product.2.4.15 ORTHORECTIFICATIONAn ortho-image is an image which has been geometrically corrected such as the scale isuniform, without distortion, like a map. Hence, the ortho-rectification process consists incorrecting the acquired image from the relief, optical distortions and the camera tilt.For <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 products, ortho-images are projected within a UTM/WGS84 cartographicrepresentation.2.4.16 UTM TILED GRIDOrtho-rectified product are systematically projected according to UTM/WGS84projection and tiled. A UTM tiling following the US-MGRS grid approach is proposed:- The vertical UTM boundaries and horizontal latitudinal band boundaries define 6° X8° Grid Zones.- Each Grid Zones is filled by 100,000-meter grid squares.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 30 of 93Figure 6 : Example of tiling (100x100km²) within the UTM15 zoneHence, the ortho-rectified product (Level-1C/2A) will be tiled according to this grid(100kmx100km). The UTM zone will be selected according to each tile of the product.The tiling grid shall ensure an overlap between tiles at the UTM zone borders.2.4.17 INSTRUMENT SOURCE PACKETAn instrument source packet is a CCSDS packet containing a strip is a set of 16contiguous lines corresponding to one detector and one spectral band.The instrument transmits complete source packets only.The detailed MSI source packet interface is provided in the MSI Mission ICD document[RD-19].2.4.18 MSI SCENEMSI image data is packaged on-board in a set of instrument source packets called “onboardscene” or “ scene”. This scene corresponds to a simultaneous observation ofabout 3.6 seconds for all bands and all detectors, which means an approximatecoverage on ground of 23km along track, for each band.Each scene consists then of a deterministic number of CCSDS source packetsdepending only on the geometric resolution as indicated in the following table:<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

SSDNumber ofpackets (strips)per detector andbandNumberofdetectorsNumberof bands<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 31 of 93NumberofCCSDSpacketsBands10 m 144 12 4 6912 B2, B8, B3, B4,20 m 72 12 6 5184 B5, B6, B7, B8a, B11, B1260 m 24 12 3 864 B1, B9, B10The image data acquired by MSI are nominally compressed on-board and stored in amass memory.2.4.19 ANCILLARY DATAIn addition to the observation data, <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 satellites provide Ancillary Data to feedthe on-ground image data processing (such as orbit position, velocity and time(generated by the GPSR, Global Positioning System Receiver), attitude (generated bythe Attitude and Orbit Control System)).The detailed content of the Satellite Ancillary Data source packet interface is provided inthe Satellite Ancillary Data ICD (Interface Control <strong>Document</strong>) [RD-06].By extension, any system data computed on-ground from this Satellite Ancillary Data iscalled Ground Ancillary Data (e.g. image geometric model).Spacecraft housekeeping telemetry is part of the ancillary data and is regularlydownlinked to ground stations (every orbit). The content of the housekeeping telemetryis detailed in [RD-04].All information coming from the Ancillary Data that is time-stamped is kept in the GPStime referential frame. In particular: line datation, ephemeris samples, attitudes datasamples…For more convenience, some information such as the Imaging start time shall beprovided in UTC date within the products.2.4.20 POINTING ANGLESThe time-stamped pointing angles (Roll, Pitch, Yaw) provided in the product metadatacorrespond to the transformation between the Local Orbital Reference Frame (LORF)and the Instrument Reference Frame (MSIRF).The LORF is defined by an origin at the Centre of Mass of the Satellite, a Z-Axispointing the Centre of Earth, a X-Axis pointing perpendicular to the orbit plane (oppositeorientation of the orbit momentum vector) and a Y-Axis defined as the horizontalprojection of the velocity vector.The following figures represents both reference frames and the associated angles.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 32 of 93Local OrbitalReferenceFrameX-Axis (T, pointsperpendicular to theorbit plane)Y-Axis (R)S/C CoMS/C VelocityZ-Axis (L, pointsnadir)Orbit planeCentre ofthe EarthFigure 7 :Local Orbital Reference FrameInstrumentReference Frame(X’, Y’, Z’) and Yaw,Pitch, Roll definitionX-Axis and PitchX’Y-Axis and Y’ RollS/C VelocityZ-Axis and Z’ YawOrbit planeCentre ofthe EarthFigure 8 :Yaw, Pitch and Roll definition2.4.21 PREVIEW OF THE FINAL PRODUCTA Preview of the final product is always available within the product. The Preview of thefinal product consists of an image limited to 3 visible-bands in ground geometry at 320m(TBC) resolution.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

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<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 34 of 933 PRODUCTS AND PRODUCT MODEL OVERVIEWThis chapter gives an overview of the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 products definition. It introduces the<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 Level-0/1A/1B/1C/2A system product ranges and defines the product modelinto which the final products are broken down.3.1Processing LevelsThe following table outlines the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 product list and main characteristics of eachprodu ct.Product-TypeIdentifierProcessingLevelS2MSI0 0S2MSI1AS2MSI1BS2MSI1CS2MSI2A1A1B1C2AOutline DescriptionMSI raw-image-data(compressed) in ISP formatMSI uncompressed rawimage data with spectralbands coarsely co-registeredand appended Ancillary dataRadiometrically-corrected(calibrated) MSI image datawith spectral bands coarselyco-registered and refinedgeometric model appendedbut not appliedOrtho-rectified and UTM geocodedTop-of-AtmosphereReflectance with sub-pixelmulti-spectral and multi-dateregistrationBottom-of-Atmosphere multispectralreflectance inS2MSI1C geometry(orthorectified & UTM)GranularityPer detector andon-board scene25km across-track23km along-trackPer detector andalong-track onboardscene size:25km across-track23km along-trackAlong-track bandco-registration isperformed referenceband ofthe L0sceneOne 100x100kmUTM tile coveredwithin one orbitTable 3-1 <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 products main characteristics.IntendedUsersMSIinstrumentexperts<strong>PDGS</strong> internalusersExpert usersGeneral users<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

3.2 Product breakdown structure<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 35 of 93At the user base, the product is composed by a collection of data items and a metadatastructure.These data items are selected through a user request (including product level, area ofinterest, date/time…).The metadata structure describes the generated product content.The data items are grouped in the following classes:- Image Data, coming from the satellite instrument composed of granules or tiles atfull resolution and covering the product area of interest,- Preview Data, giving an overview of the product (sub-sampled) mainly for imagedata browsing and selection purposes,- Ancillary Data, coming from the satellite ancillary telemetry,- Auxiliary Data, identifying of the parameters used to elaborate the products fordetailed information and traceability purposes (e.g. Ground Image ProcessingParameters),- Quality Indicator Data, characterising the quality of the product in terms ofradiom etric, geometric and image content (e.g. cloud coverage) properties.Quality indicators are provided at three different levels:o Product level, in order to synthesises indicators for the whole product,o Tile / Granule level, in order to provide synthetic information over a giventile/granule of image data,o Pixel level, in order to identify precisely quality properties within a datatile/granule. These QI maybe provided as quality masks (vectors).A <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 product always refers to one satellite and one orbit. The “root” of theproduct tree is therefore the imaging orbit.The following figure gives an overview of the available data item classes and their linkwith associated product levels and processing.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 36 of 93<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 orbitAvailable data items classes :- Metadata- Preview dataSensorGeometryS2MSI0(Level-0)- Level-0 image data (granules)- Level-0 ancillary data- Level-0 auxiliary data- Level-0 quality indicator dataS2MSI1A(Level-1A)- Level-1A image data (granules)- Level-1A ancillary data- Level-1A auxiliary data- Level-1A quality indicator dataS2MSI1B(Level-1B)- Level-1B image data (granules)- Level-1B ancillary data- Level-1B auxiliary data- Level-1B quality indicator dataGroundGeometryS2MSI1C(Level-1C)- Level-1C image data (tiles)- Level-1C ancillary data- Level-1C auxiliary data- Level-1C quality indicator dataS2MSI2A(Level-2A)- Level-2A image data (tiles)- Level-2A ancillary data- Level-2A auxiliary data- Level-2A quality indicator dataFigure 9 : Product breakdown structure<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 37 of 934 METADATA STRUCTUREThis chapter offers an overview of the product metadata structure.The product metadata describes the product data items. It is presented to the user as a“structured and human-readable” container of information.The product metadata provides different views of information through an “extendablestructure”:- A “brief” metadata structure whose purpose is to provide high level information to theuser and to offer him an overview of the product (for selection purpose for instance).- A “standard” metadata structure extended from the “brief” one and appended withrelevant and detailed information of the delivered product (depending on userrequest, i.e. product level and requested data items).- An “expertise” metadata structure containing additional information appended to theprevious structure designed for Cal/Val or expert analysis purposes.Moreover, metadata content is organised at three levels:- Product level: general information concerning the product.- Granule/Tile level: information referring to granules/tiles elements of the product.- Pixel level: information referring to portions of granules/tiles in particular for qualityindicators.All metadata structures comply to the INSPIRE regulation [AD-01].4.1 Metadata “extendable” structure4.1.1 BRIEF METADATA STRUCTUREThe brief metadata structure provides high level information to the user. It is mainly usefor data selection purposes.This metadata structure is composed of:- Product general information such as observation date, product level, footprint list ofproduct elements, etc.- Product level quality indicators.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

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<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 39 of 93Ancillary DataAuxiliary Dataused, Software versions, …Specific Information from MSI telemetry(Focal plane temperature, …)Information from Satellite Ancillarytelemetry (Raw ephemeris and attitudes,…)Equalization parameters, Restorationparameters, …Figure 10 : Example of metadata at product levelExpertisemetadataExpertisemetadataMetadata Topic Content Provided asGeneralGeneralGranule identifierPosition and Geolocatiogranules/tilesn of theBrief metadataBrief metadataGeneralGeometric header: incidence angle, sun Standard metadataangles…Quality Indicator Data(at tile level)Quality Indicator Data(at pixel level)Tile level quality indicators such ascloud percentage…Pixel level quality indicators(represented as a pointer to the maskdata)Standard metadataStandard metadataFigure 11 : Example of metadata at granule/tile levelThe metadata detailed content is provided in the following sections for each productlevel.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 40 of 935 LEVEL-0 PRODUCT DEFINITION5.1 IntroductionLevel-0 product contains raw data after restoration of the chronological data sequenceat full space/time resolution with all auxiliary and ancillary information to be used insubsequent processing. Level-0 is generated from the <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 instrument andancillary telemetries.One Level-0 product refers always to one orbit. It may refer to one or several datastripsfrom the same orbit.The Level-0 product may cover the full orbit or an extract of the orbit (from one orseveral datastrips from the same orbit).Level-0 product is consolidated in order to offer also added-value information (e.g.quality indicators).The Level-0 product consists of:- A metadata structure describing the product (set of data items in files),- A consistent set of annotated instrument source packets, corresponding to thecompressed imaging data (grouped in “granules”, see further),- The corresponding annotated ancillary source packets containing the ancillarydata needed for processing (GPS data, attitude data, etc …).In the case of an extract, the image data (granules) are provided to cover the selectedextract.The ancillary data are always provided on temporal extent on the full data-strip, even inthe case of an extract.5.2 Image Data5.2.1 DATA ORGANISATIONWithin the Level-0, the instrument sources packets are grouped in “granules”. Eachgranule contains the mission data corresponding to one detector of one on board scene(for all spectral bands).For example, a datastrip of 220 scenes (approx. 5000km) contains 2640 granules.Thus each granule shall contain at least:<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 41 of 93- 13 mission files (one per spectral band) covering 1 on-board scene for 1 detector.Each mission file comprises all the corresponding Image Source Packets (ISP,including headers and data sections) in the observation chronological sequence for agiven spectral band (according to [RD-19]),- with corresponding source packets annotations (as a header of each source packetwithin the mission files (TBC) or as separated file).The instrument source packets (ISP) are provided with annotations relevant to thefollowing operations perform for each ISP:- Reed-Solomon (RS) corrections on all Transfer Frames (TFs) containing the ISP;- Checks whether there are missing TFs containing the ISP (by checking anomalies inthe sequence of the Virtual Channel Frame Count in the Primary Header);- CRC Error check on the ISP.The results of these checks are provided for each extracted ISP and described in thefollowing table.The original downlinked data stream at ISP level is preserved, but corrupted ISPs areflagged; i.e. corrupted ISPs are not discarded, but simply marked as such (fieldCRCFlag set to TRUE).An ISP is considered corrupted (and the corresponding field CRCFlag set to TRUE) inone of the following cases:- if one or more TFs containing the ISP are found incorrigible during Reed-Solomondecoding (framesRSIncorrigible field in Table 1 > 0). In this case, the ISP isextracted, but the successive CRC error check on the packet detects an error, andthe field CRCFlag is set to TRUE;- if one or more TFs containing the ISP are missing (missingFrames field > 0; the ISPis extracted, but the successive CRC error check on the packet detects an error, andthe field CRCFlag is set to TRUE;- if the fields framesRSIncorrigible and missingFrames are both 0, but the CRC errorcheck detects anyway an error in the extracted ISP due to e.g. packet corruptionafter generation on-board by the source packet terminal and prior transmission toground.In conjunction with a CRCFlag set to TRUE, the values assumed by the fieldsframesRSIn corrigible and missingFrames allow establishing the cause of the ISPcorruption.Finally, the field downlinkTime represents the time when all the Transfer Framescontaining the current ISP have been processed to extract the ISP.Field IDDownlinkTimeDescriptionTime of the downlink on ground of the current ISP<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

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<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 43 of 93Interbandsderegistration~ 14km1 «granule»1 det. x 1sce.all bandsThis figure represents 1 granule from one scene acquisition (12detectors). It represents also the scene foot print and the interbandderegistration.Figure 13: A Level-0 Granule.Each Level-0 granule is identified in a unique way, using a unique identifier at 2 levels:- Observation unique identifier: identifying the on-board image acquisition in a uniqueway.- Reception unique identifier: identifying the receiving centre in a unique way.For example, the Level-0 “granule” could be identified as _where:The observation () is identified asL0_S[SS]_[YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS]_[dd], where [SS] : identifies the <strong>Sentinel</strong>2 satellite : “2A”, “2B”,…[YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS] : identifies the first line date on the MSI-Scene(example 20121001T095750) in UTC time ; [dd] : 2 digits identifying the detector.And the reception centre () as a three character string: [RRR]Level-0 data is kept on-board compressed. The following table describes the contents ofa granule.SSD Number of bands Number of packet and per band in onegranule (on-board scene)<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 44 of 9310 m 4 14420 m 6 7260 m 3 24Figure 14 : Number of mission source packets in a “Granule”5.3 Ancillary DataAll satellite ancillary data needed for further processing are provided within the Level-0product as ancillary source packets [RD-06]. In particular, these data allows computingthe associated geometric model.These data will include in particular:- Time Correlation Data (sampled at 1Hz)- Ephemeris data :o GPS ephemeris : Navigation Solution Data Record issued at 1 Hz , dataextracted from GPSR packets containing GPS ephemeris time stamped data(PVT, sampled at 1Hz) in WGS84, Quality index ( GDOP, PDOP, TDOP),position error in x, y, z direction, GNSS system time error, velocity error in x,y, z direction, navigation solution method, position quality index, number ofGPS space vehicles contributing to navigation solution, instrumentmeasurement time, … (see [RD-06] for more detailed information),o Filtered AOCS time stamped data (sampled at 2Hz) in J2000,-Attitudes data (sampled at 10Hz):o Filtered and time stamped (STR and IMU merged): Attitude estimate wrtJ2000, Angular velocity and rate, quality index, time stampo Raw and time stamped STR and IMU measurements:• STR raw data are at 10 Hz and are quaternions for each of the twoheads used simultaneously. STR raw measurement data are dated bySTR itself (STR clock is synchronized to the Central On-Board Time)and complemented by measurement quality indexes, validity bit (see[RD-06] for more detailed information),• STR status and health data at 1Hz: operating mode, thermo electriccooler mode, temperatures, number of tracked stars, number of starsused to compute attitude, STR Internal temperatures,… (see [RD-06]for more detailed information),• IMU measurements: IMU data are provided by for each IMU identifierat 10Hz. IMU data are angle increments. IMU data are dated within<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

- Thermal data<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 45 of 93onboard computer. The data are complemented by: Gyro channelhealth status bits, Organizer temperature, SIA temperature, Time tag,Raw angle, Optical source temperature, Board temperature,Temperature reference voltage offset, Temperature reference voltage,10PPS time corresponding to the measurements (see [RD-06] formore detailed information).o Mirror temperatures,o Splitter temperature,o Telescope temperatures,o FPA temperatures,o CSM temperaturesAll the ancillary data source packets are provided within a single file (TBC).The sources packets are also annotated as defined in previous section.5.4 MetadataThis section describes the metadata provided with the Level-0 product..5.4.1 PRODUCT LEVEL METADATA5.4.1.1 Brief MetadataThe following information is provided in the “brief” metadata:- Product level informationo Spacecraft name (<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2A/B/…),o Processing Level (Level-0)o Pointer to the data files,o List of Level-0 granules composing the producto Product footprint (envelope of the L0 granule elements provided as a (Lat, Lon)polygon (horizontal CRS is WGS84)) ,o Description of the horizontal coordinate reference system used in the dataset.o MSI operation mode (DataStrip Type : Nominal, Calibration, …) and on-boardmode ID,<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 46 of 93- DataStrip level information (repeatable for each datastrip composing the product):o Datastrip unique identifiero Imaging start time- Preview data information:oPreview georeferencing information ,o Pointer to preview image file- Product level Quality Indicators (see section 5.5.1) Standard MetadataThe following information is provided in the “standard” metadata structure:- Information from brief metadata (see above),- Product level information complemented by:o Geometric Header List (information provided for the beginning, middle and endof the product) :• Time stamp and line index• Pointing angles in satellite reference frame : yaw, pitch, roll• Left, centre and right of the swath :Track orientation (azimuth),Full resolution pixel size.- DataStrip level information (repeatable for each datastrip composing the product)complemented by:o Downlink orbit (number or time slot (TBC)) ,o Imaging orbit number,o Reception stationo Image Data Information (from MSI telemetry):• MSI Sensor configuration:On board TDI configuration (for B3, B4, B11 and B12 only),<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 47 of 93 Source packet information: First source packet counter and numberof source packet for each couple (band ; detector), (with theposition of the first source packet within the on board scene),• Image datation modelReference line and time stamp (for each couple (band ; detector) )Line periodGPS Synchro flag (Boolean)GPS time quality indicator (synthesis of the TDOP)o Ancillary Data Information (from Satellite Ancillary Telemetry, repeatable foreach datastrip composing the product) :• Time Correlation Data (sampled at 1Hz)• Ephemeris data: GPS ephemeris time stamped data (PVT, sampled at 1Hz) inWGS84 (GPS number, position, velocity, GPS time), andassociated quality indexes (Dilution of precision: GDOP, PDOP andTDOP), position error in x, y, z direction, GNSS system time error,velocity error in x, y, z direction, navigation solution method,position quality index, number of GPS space vehicles contributingto navigation solution, instrument measurement time,…Filtered AOCS time stamped data (sampled at 2Hz) in J2000(positions, velocity, time value),• Attitudes data (sampled at 10Hz):Filtered and time stamped (STR and IMU merged): Attitudeestimate wrt J2000, Angular velocity and rate, quality index, timestamp• List of source packets lost / degraded: for each degradation, the beginningand the ending dates are provided- Auxiliary data information :o GPS/UTC time correspondence : GPS-UTC,o IERS data : UT1-UTC and (u, v) polar motion,o GPS/TAI time correspondence : GPS-TAIo Physical Gain for each band,<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 48 of 93o Identification of OGCD/GIPP used (identifier and version) (including DEMidentifiers and versions).- Granule level Quality Indicators (see section 5.5.2). Expertise MetadataThe following information is provided in the “expertise” metadata structure:- Information from standard metadata (see above),- Product level information complemented by:o MSI Sensor configuration (from MSI Telemetry):• Flag to indicate if on board equalization is by passed,• Flag to indicate if compress mode is by passed,• On-board active Detectors (in case of compression by-passed),• On-board compression rates and integration time for each band,• NUC Tables Identification.o Geometric Header List (information provided for the beginning, middle and endof the product) :• Information from standard metadata (see above) complemented by:• Pointing angles in focal plane referential : psi_x, psi_y- DataStrip level information (repeatable for each datastrip composing the product)complemented by:o Archiving station and processing/archiving date,o Ancillary data information (from Satellite Ancillary telemetry, repeatable foreach datastrip composing the product) :• Attitudes data (sampled at 10Hz):STR measurements:o Validity flag,<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Useo Synchronisation flag (is STR synchronised with GPS)o STR raw data are delivered at 10 Hz and consist of timestampedquaternions for each of the two heads used© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 49 of 93simultaneously. STR raw measurement data are dated bySTR itself (STR clock is synchronized to the Central On-Board Time) and complemented by measurement qualityindexes, validity bit (see [RD-06] for more detailedinformation),o STR status and health data at 1Hz: operating mode, thermoelectric cooler mode, temperatures, number of tracked stars,number of stars used to compute attitude, STR Internaltemperatures,… (see [RD-06] for more detailed information),IMU measurements:o Synchronisation flag (is IMU synchronised with GPS),o IMU measurements: IMU data are provided by for each IMUidentifier at 10Hz. IMU data are time-stamped angleincrements. IMU data are dated within onboard computer.The data are complemented by: Gyro channel health statusbits, Organizer temperature, SIA temperature, Time tag, Rawangle, Optical source temperature, Board temperature,Temperature reference voltage offset, Temperaturereference voltage, 10PPS time corresponding to themeasurements (see [RD-06] for more detailed information).• Thermal data Mirror temperatures (a time measurement and agiven for each temperature)validity flag is Splitter temperature (only one value) (a time measurement and avalidity flag) Telescope temperatures (a timegiven for each temperature)measurement and a validity flag isFPA temperatures(a time measurement is given for eachtemperature)- Auxiliary data information: CSM-Diffuser temperature (only one value) (a time measurementand a validity flag)o Datastrip generation information (Level-0 generation date, softwares versions,…),o Reference band.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 50 of 935.4.2 GRANULE LEVEL METADATA5.4.2.1 Brief MetadataThe following information is provided in the “brief” metadata.For each Level-0 granule:- Granule identifier .- Geolocation of the four corners of the granule envelope (Lat, Lon, H coordinates withhorizontal CRS as WGS84 and altitude given over EGM96).- Geolocation of the granule centre (Lat, Lon, H). Standard MetadataThe following information is complementing the “standard” metadata structure (for eachgranule):- Brief granule metadata,- Position of the granule in the origin datastrip (this position is identified through theposition of the scenes first lines in the datastrip and is expressed as number of 10mresolution images lines),- Downlink priority flag (Nominal / NRT / RT),-Time-Stamp of the first line,- Geometric Header List (Information provided for each granule, given for a referenceband, at the centre of the granule) :o Incidence angle (zenith and azimuth),o Solar angles (zenith and azimuth).- Granule Level Quality Indicators ( see section 5.5),- Pixel Level Quality Indicators references (i.e. a pointer to the actual QI data at pixellevel defined in section 5.5). Expertise MetadataAt granule level, the expertise metadata contains the same information as the standardmetadata structure (see section plus:- Pixel level Quality Indicators (see section 5.5.3).<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

5.5 Quality indicators Data<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 51 of 93The following quality indicators are made available by the consolidation processing forthe Level-0 product.5.5.1 PRODUCT LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORSThese quality indicators are provided at product-level and referenced through themetadata file:- Geometric quality indicators for each datastrip constituting the product:oAbsolute location assessment: An absolute location performance for thedatastrip is given from a GIPP table, depending on the health status of theGPS and AOCS sensors (gyros and startrackers) provided in the SatelliteAncillary Data.o Planimetric stability assessment: A planimetric stability performance for thedatastrip is given from a GIPP table, depending on the health status of theGPS and AOCS sensors (gyros and startrackers) provided in the SatelliteAncillary Data.o Ephemeris and ancillary data quality retrieved from GPS(DOP) information (TBC).Dilution of precision- Image content quality indicators (consolidated from the information at granule-level):o Cloud coverage assessment:A percentage of cloud coverage of the product (for the area covered by areference band).o Technical quality assessment:A percentage of degraded MSI and ancillary data over the product is provided.- Quality control checks information:oCheck on the consistency of product size.o Check on the consistency of satellite ancillary data (for each datastripcomposing the product).o Check of acceptability (performed versusfollowing items:• Number of inconsistent or degraded source packets.• Number of missing lines.o Version of the Level-0 On-Line Quality Control processor.a dedicated thresholds) for theThe quality control checks provided here will be complemented and consolidatedwith the definition of the on-line quality control procedures.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

5.5.2 GRANULE LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORS<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 52 of 93These quality indicators are provided at granule level through the metadata file.- Image content quality indicators:o Local cloud coverage indicator:A percentage of cloud coverage is computed for each Level-0 granule (for thearea covered by a reference band).o List of source packets lost / degraded within the granule: for each couple(band, detector) with the degradation type, the error type, the date of the firstline of the scene which contains the lost / degraded source packet, the counterof the first source packet in error and the number of lost or degraded sourcepacket.o Local technical quality indicator:A percentage of degraded MSI and ancillary data is provided for each Level-0granule.- Quality control checks information:o Check on the consistency of product size.o Check of acceptability (performed versus a dedicated thresholds) for thefollowing items:• Number of inconsistent or degraded source packets.• Number of missing lines.• Number of degraded satellite ancillary source packets.o Version of the Level-0 On-Line Quality Control processor.The quality control checks provided here will be complemented and consolidatedwith the definition of the on-line quality control procedures.5.5.3PIXEL LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORS- Preliminary quicklook data (during commissioning phase only, a dedicatedpreliminary quicklook is available, see section 10 for details):o Preliminary quicklook viewing model including: Viewing directions (tabulated),Datation model (L0, T0, Te), Transformation from steering referenceframe toMSI reference frame and connection columns number (last column) for eachdetector.o Preliminary quicklook image dimensions.o Preliminary quicklook image file(s) in sensor geometry (Level-1A referenceframe, covering the extension of the reference band used for Level-1A coarse<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 53 of 93registration for each granule).5.6 Auxiliary dataAll Auxiliary Data used for Level-0 processing is referenced in the Metadata.The Level-0 auxiliary data items provided with the product are the Ground ImageProcessing Parameters (GIPPs) used. These GIPPs are provided as a set of XML filesand are listed in appendix.DEM is not provided itself within the product but only as a reference to the data used.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 54 of 936 LEVEL-1A PRODUCT DEFINITION6.1 IntroductionThe Level-1A product is obtained by decompressinggeometric model to locate any pixel in the image.image data and developing aThe following table introduces the input data of Level-1A processing:Input of Level-1AprocessingMetadataImage DataAuxiliary DataQuality Indicator DataDescriptionLevel-0 metadataLevel-0 data (granules).GIPP : Parameters from Level-1A complemented by radiometricand geometric processing parameters (see appendix). ForSystem DEM (DTED1 class) only references are provided.Level-0 quality indicators files.This level corresponds to the systematic processing steps that must be applied beforeany further processing. It includes:- decompression of the image data,- geometric model computation : geolocation information, coarse interband /interdetector registration,- SWIR pixels re-arrangement.As requiring only a fast processing, this 'Raw Level' product can be used to allow aquick display of the detectors (sub-swaths) in full resolution. The sub swath can bedisplayed using standard commercial image processing software.One Level-1A product refers always to one orbit. It may refer to one or severaldatastrips from the same orbit.The Level-1A product may cover the full orbit or an extract of the orbit (one or severaldatastrips from the same orbit).In the case of an extract, image data is provided only to cover the selected extract.In the case of an extract, the ancillary data are always provided through a metadata fileon the temporal extent of the full data-strips.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

6.2 Image data<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 55 of 936.2.1 IMAGE DATA, A COLLECTION OF ELEMENTARY GRANULESThe Level-1A image data correspond to a collection of elementary units, also called“granules”.Each gran ule corresponds to one detector of one on board scene and therefore consistsof N consecutive lines of one detector of a band, where N depends on the band SSD.SSD Number of bands N : Number of full resolution lines perdetector and per band in one granule10 m 4 230420 m 6 115260 m 3 384Each Level-1A granule is identified in a unique way, using a unique identifier at 2 levels:- Observation unique identifier: identifying the on-board image acquisition in a uniqueway.- Reception unique identifier: identifying the receiving centre in a unique way.The image data extent correspond to a set of “granules” and can covers up to 12detectors * 13 bands of the orbit in full resolution. A sub-set of the 13 bands can beprovided.6.2.2 IMAGE DATA ENCODING AND FILESEach image pixel value is encoded on 12 useful bits (as on-board).The image data are provided by a set of raster files. In order to facilitate the producthandling at the user base, it will be possible to provide the raster files according to twodelivery options:- Either a file per spectral band and per granule,- Either a file corresponding to the concatenation of granulesalong the detectors (alsocalled aggregation of granules).Each image file is compressed using the JPEG2000 algorithm.The parameters of the JPEG2000 compression are specified in chapter 10.3 and inappendix.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 56 of 936.3 MetadataThe Level-1A metadata file shall contain:6.3.1 PRODUCT LEVEL METADATA6.3.1.1 Brief MetadataThe following information is provided in the Level-1A “brief” metadata:- Product level informationoooooooooSpacecraft name (<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2A/B/…),Processing Level (Level-1A),Image format and access to the image data files,Spectral bands (Relation between product image channels and on boardspectral bands),Product Image size (by band x detector),List of image Level-1A granules composing the product and granulesaggregation flag (boolean),Product footprint (envelope of the Level-1A granule elements provided as a(Lat, Lon) polygon (horizontal CRS is WGS84)),Special values encoding (e.g. NODATA, SATURATION),Description of the horizontal coordinate reference system used in the dataset.- DataStrip level informations (repeatable for each datastrip composing the product):o Datastrip unique identifier,oImaging start time.- Preview data information:o Preview georeferencing information,o Pointer to the preview image file.- Product level quality indicators (see further section 6.4.1).<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 57 of 936.3.1.2 Standard MetadataThe following information is provided within the “standard” metadata structure:- Brief metadata,- Product level information complemented by:o Geometric Header Listof the product):• Time stamp and line index(information provided for the beginning, middle and end• Pointing angles in satellite reference frame : yaw, pitch, roll• Left, centre and right of the swath:Track orientation (azimuth),Full resolution pixel size.- DataStrip level information (repeatable for each datastrip composing the product)complemented by:o Downlink orbit (inherited from Level-o Imaging orbit number (inherited from Level-0 metadata, see section 5.4) ,metadata, see section 5.4),o Reception station (inherited from Level-0 metadata, see section 5.4),o Image Data Information (from MSI telemetry):• MSI Sensor configuration (inherited from Level-0 metadata, see section5.4),• Image datation model updated (new first line, new time stamp, line periodand quality indicators),oAncillary Data Information• Ancillary data inherited from Level-0 standard metadata (see section5.4.1.2)• List of the decompressed sources frames,• Radiometric information: a flag which indicates if SWIR pixels rearrangementhave been processed- Auxiliary data information:<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

o Auxiliary data from Level-0 standard metadata (UT1-UTC, …),<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 58 of 93o Identification of OGCD/GIPP used for Level-1A (identifier and version)including reference to the DEM used.o Reference band6.3.1.3 Expertise MetadataThe following information is provided the “expertise” metadata structure:- Standard metadata,- Product level information complemented by:o MSI Sensor configuration (inherited from Level-0 expertise metadata, seesection 5.4),oGeometric Header List (information provided for the beginning, middle and endof the product):• Information from standard metadata completed by:• Pointing angles in focal plane referential : psi_x, psi_y- Datastrip level information (repeatable for each datastrip composing the product)complemented by:o Datastrip generation information (Level-1A generation date, software version,…),o Archiving station and processing/archiving date,o Ancillary data information (inherited from Level-0 expertise metadata, seesection Auxiliary data information complemented by:o Production information (product generation date, softwares versions, …).6.3.2 GRANULELEVEL METADATA6.3.2.1 Brief MetadataThe following information is provided in the “brief” metadata.For each Level-1A granule:- Granule identifier,<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 59 of 93- Geolocation of the four corners of the granule in the reference band (Lat, Lon, Hcoordinates with horizontal CRS as WGS84, altitude given over EGM96).- Geolocation of the granule centre (Lat, Lon, H). Standard MetadataThe following information is provided to complement the “standard” metadata structure.For each granule:-Brief granule metadata,- Position of the granule in the datastrip (this position is identified through the positionof the scenes first lines in the datastrip and is expressed as number of 10mresolution images lines)- Geometric Header List: (Information provided for given for the reference band):o Incidence angle (zenith and azimuth)o Solar angles (zenith and azimuth)- Granule level quality Indicators (see section 6.4),- Pixel level quality indicators (as a pointer to the mask files, see section 6.4). Expertise MetadataAt granule level, the expertise metadata contains the same information as the standardmetadata structure (see previous section).6.4 Quality Indicator DataThefollowing quality indicators are provided with Level-1A.6.4.1 PRODUCT LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORSThese quality indicators are provided at product level and providedmetadata file.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Usethrough the- Radiometric quality indicators for each band (from GIPP data):o Noise model: 2 parameters Alpha and Beta providing the instrument noise as afunction of the radiometric count X for Level-1B : Noise= square root(Alpha_X+ Beta_X* X)o Absolute calibration accuracy provided as a percentage of accuracy.o Cross-band calibration accuracy provided as a percentage of accuracy.© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

o Check on the consistency of product size.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 60 of 93o Multi-temporal calibration accuracy provided as a percentage of accuracy.- Geometric quality indicators (same as Level-0):o The orbit level quality indicators from Level-0 : Absolute location, Planimetricstability and Ephemeris and ancillary data quality (TBC) (see section 5.5.1 fordetails),- Image content quality indicators:o Cloud coverage assessmentA percentage of cloud coverage of the product.o Technical quality assessmentA percentage of degraded MSI and ancillary data over the product.- Quality control checks information:o Check on the consistency of product size.o Check on the consistency of satellite ancillary data (for each datastripcomposing the product).o Check of acceptability (performed versus a dedicated thresholds) for thefollowing items:• Number of inconsistent or degraded source packets.• Number of missing lines.• Number of degraded satellite ancillary source packets.o Version of the Level-1A On-Line Quality Control processor.The quality control checks provided here will be complemented and consolidatedwith the definition of the on-line quality control procedures.6.4.2 GRANULE LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORSThese quality indicators are provided at granule level through the metadata file.- Image content quality indicatorso Local cloud coverage indicator:A percentage of cloud coverage is computed for each Level-1A granule andprovided through the metadata file.o Local technical quality indicator:A percentage of degraded MSI and ancillary data is provided for each Level-1Agranule.- Quality control checks information:© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 61 of 93o Check of acceptability (performed versus a dedicated thresholds) for thefollowing items:• Number of inconsistent or degraded source packets.• Number of missing lines.• Number of degraded satellite ancillary source packets.o Version of the Level-1A On-Line Quality Control processor.The quality control checks provided here will be complemented and consolidatedwith the definition of the on-line quality control procedures.6.4.3 PIXEL LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORSThese quality indicators are provided at granule level through dedicated quality masks.The information is provided in the same reference as the image data. In particular, if thegranules are aggregated the quality masks are aggregated as well.- Image content quality indicatorso Coarse cloud mask files:These vector files (derived from cloud detection using the preliminary quicklookimages), contain a list of polygons in sensor geometry (Level-1A referenceframe) indicating the presence of clouds on the images.o Technical quality mask files:These vector files contain a list of polygons in Level-1A reference frameindicating degraded quality areas in the image.• Mission data quality :Lost mission data: mission data that are too degradedretrieved are set to no-data in the beDegraded mission data: degraded image data are labeled throughdedicated mask files.For both lost and degraded mission data, the location of the degradations onthe image is therefore estimated (rectangle identifying for each detector andeach band, the first and the last lines impacted by the degradation).• Degraded ancillary data :Degraded GPS quality: degraded GPS samples may produce locallocation performance degradation (because locally interpolated).<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 62 of 93Degraded AOCS quality: degraded AOCS samples may producelocal location performance degradation (because locallyinterpolated).Degraded TimeStamp quality: degraded time stamp samples mayproduce local location performance degradation (because locallyinterpolated).The location of the degradations on the image is therefore estimated (rectangleidentifying the first and the last lines in full resolution impacted by the degradation).The type of the degradation is also annotated (lost/degraded mission, GPS,AOCS, TimeStamp).- Radiometric quality indicator:o Radiometric quality masks: three types of radiometric masks are provided:• A defective pixels’ mask, containing the position of defective pixels.• A saturated pixels’ mask, containing the position of the saturated pixels inthe full resolution image.• A nodata pixels’ mask, containing the position of pixels with no data.There is one vector filegranules).for each type of mask and each granule (or aggregation ofEach vector mask file consists of a set of polygons defined in the granule (oraggregation of granules) data reference frame: (row, col) in full resolution.6.5 Auxiliary dataAll Auxiliary Data used for Level-1A processing is referenced in the Metadata.The Level-1A auxiliary data items provided with the product are the Ground ImageProcessing Parameters (GIPPs) used. These GIPPs are provided as a set of XML filesand are listed in appendix.DEM is not provided itself within the product but only as a reference to the data used.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 63 of 937 LEVEL-1B PRODUCT DEFINITION7.1 IntroductionThe Level-1B product is a “Radio-corrected and geo-refined” product obtained byperforming radiometric corrections on the Level-1A data and refining its geometricmodel.The following table introduces the input data of Level-1B processing:Input of Level-1BprocessingMetadataImage DataAncillary DataAuxiliary DataQuality Indicator DataDescriptionMetadata from Level-1AUncompressed image data (from Level-1A, in the data flow).Ancillary data from Level-1A (satellite and ground ancillary data)GIPP : Parameters from Level-1A complemented by radiometricand geometric processing parameters (see appendix). For GRI( Global Reference Images) and System DEM (DTED1 class)only references are provided.Quality indicator files from Level-1AThe Level-1B corrections include:- Radiometric corrections:o dark signalo pixel response non uniformityo crosstalk correctiono defective pixelso High spatial resolution bands restoration: deconvolution and denoisingbasedon a wavelet processing (if necessary according to certain noise criteria).o Binning for 60m bands (spatial filtering)- Physical geometric model refinement using GCPs provided by the GRI; this model isnot applied to the image but appended to the metadata<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 64 of 93- Pixel classification: singular pixels detections (defectives pixels, saturations, no-data).No resampling is performed up to Level-1B.One Level-1B product refers always to one orbit. It may refer to one or severaldatastrips from the same orbit.The Level-1B product may cover the full orbit or an extract of the orbit ( one or severaldatastrips from the same orbit).In the case of an extract, the image data are provided to cover the selected extract only.In the case of an extract, the ancillary data are always provided through a metadata fileon the temporal extent of the full data-strip.By default, Level-1B Nominal shall be geometrically refined. Some Level-1B may not begeometrically refined (e.g. for Cal/Val purposes). These products will be identified with adedicated flag in the metadata.7.2 Image data7.2.1 IMAGE DATA, A COLLECTION OF ELEMENTARY GRANULESThe Level-1B image data correspond to a collection of elementary units, also called“granules” (same approach as Level-1A, see section 6.2).The image data extent correspond to a set of “granules” and can cover up to 12 Theimage data is provided by “granules” and can covers up to 12 detectors * 13 bands ofthe orbit in full resolution. A sub-set of the 13 bands can be provided.Each Level-1B granule is identified in a unique way, using a unique identifier at 2 levels:- Observation unique identifier: identifying the on-board image acquisition in a uniqueway.- Reception unique identifier: identifying the receiving centre in a unique way7.2.2 IMAGE DATA ENCODING AND FILESEach pixel value is encoded on 12 useful bits and is directly proportional to radiancevalues (physical gain factors).The image data are provided by a set of raster files. In order to facilitate the producthandling at the user base, it will be possible to provide the raster files according to twodelivery options (see section 6.2.2):<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 65 of 93- Either a file per spectral band and per granule,- Either a file corresponding to the aggregation of granules along the detectors.Each image file is compressed using the JPEG2000 algorithm.The parametersappendix.of the JPEG2000 compression are specified in chapter 10.3 and in7.3 Metadata7.3.1 PRODUCT LEVEL METADATA7.3.1.1 Brief MetadataThe following information is provided in the Level-1B “brief” metadata:- Product level informationo Spacecraft name (<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2A/B/…),o Processing Level (Level-1B),o Image format and pointer to the data files,o Spectral bands (Relation between product image channels and on boardspectral bands),o Product Image size (by band x detector),o List of Level-1B granules composing the product and granules aggregation flag(boolean),o Updated product footprint (taking into account model refinement, envelope ofthe Level-1B granules provided as a (Lat, Lon) polygon (horizontal CRS isWGS84)),o Special values encoding (e.g. NODATA, SATURATION),o Description of the horizontal coordinate reference system used in the dataset.- Datastrip level information (repeatable for each datastripcomposing the product):o Datastrip unique identifier,o Imaging start time.- Preview data information:<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 66 of 93ooPreview georeferencing information,Pointer to the preview image file.- Product level quality indicators (see further section 7.4). Standard MetadataThe following information is provided in the “standard” metadata structure:- Brief metadata,- Product level information complemented by:o Geometric Header List (information provided for theof the product):• Time stamp and line index• Pointing angles in satellite reference frame : yaw, pitch, roll• Left, centre and right of the swath :beginning, middle and endTrack orientation (azimuth),Full resolution pixel size.- DataStrip level information (repeatable for each datastrip composing the product)complemented by:o Downlink orbit (inherited from Level-0 metadata, see section 5.4),o Imaging orbit number (inherited from Level-0 metadata, see section 5.4) ,o Reception station (inherited from Level-0 metadata, see section 5.4),o Image Data Information (from MSI telemetry):• MSI Sensorsection 5.4),configuration (inherited from Level-0 standard metadata, see• Image datation model updated (inherited from Level-1A standardmetadata (see section,o Ancillary data inherited from Level-1A standard metadata (see section Radiometric corrections applied,o Geometric refinement:<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

• The refining type (no refining or refining method),<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 67 of 93• If applied, the refined Geometric model (corrected parameters, polynomialcorrections, and model residual) with the applicable temporal extent,-Auxiliary data information:o Auxiliary data from Level-1A standard metadata (UT1-UTC, …),o Identification of OGCD/GIPP used for Level-1B (identifier and version), thisincludes the reference to the used GRI (Global Reference Images) and SystemDEM used for refining the viewing model.o Reference band. Expertise MetadataThe following information is provided in the “expertise” metadata structure:- Standard metadata,- Product level information complemented by:o MSI Sensor configuration (inherited from Level-0 expertise metadata, seesection 5.4),o Geometric Header List (information provided for the beginning, middle and endof the product):• Information from standard metadata completed by:• Pointing angles in focal plane referential : psi_x, psi_y- Datastrip level information (repeatable for each datastrip composing the product)complemented by:o Datastrip generation information (Level-1B generation date, software version,…),o Archiving station and processing/archiving date,o Ancillary data information (inherited from Level-1A expertise metadata, seesection Auxiliary data information complemented by:o Production information (product generation date, software version …).o On board and Ground equalization parameters,<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 68 of 93o Restoration parameters (list of restored bands, type of restoration and levellingvalues).7.3.2 GRANULE LEVEL METADATA7.3.2.1 Brief MetadataThe following information is provided in the “brief” metadata.For each Level-1B granule:- Granule identifier,- Granule geolocation updated for the Level-1B granules (same information as Level-1A updated for Level-1B granules). Standard MetadataThe following information is provided to complement the “standard” metadata structure:For each granule:- Brief metadata,- Position of the granule in the datastrip (from Level-1A Granule Standard metadata),- Updated geometric header for the Level-1B granules (same information as Level-1Aupdated for Level-1B granules).,- Granule level quality Indicators (see section 7.4),- Pixel level quality indicators ( as a pointer to the mask files, see section 7.4). Expertise MetadataAt granule level, the expertise metadata contains the same information as in standardmetadata structure (see previous section).7.4 Quality Indicator DataThe following quality indicators are provided with Level-1B.Level-1B quality indicators are derived from Level-1A ones and are complemented byquality indicators relevant to the processing applied.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

7.4.1 PRODUCT LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORS<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 69 of 93These quality indicators are provided at product level and provided through themetadata file.- Radiometric quality indicators from Level-1A (Noise model, Absolute calibrationaccuracy, Cross-band calibration accuracy, Multi-temporal calibration accuracy).- Geometric quality indicators.o The orbit level quality indicators from Level-0 : Absolute location, Planimetricstability and Ephemeris and ancillary data quality (see section 5.5.1 for details),o Geometric refining quality (available by datastrip and only if geometric refiningapplied):• Some synthetic quality indicators such as general trust rate for the refining(success of the correlation), average residual, mean quadratic residual,and a multi-temporal registration performance (m) deduced from theresidual error given by the geometric model.• The histograms of spatiotriangulation residuals on ground for each axis (X,Y, Z) and in image reference frame for each axis (row, col).o Multi-spectral registration performance assessment (m): 3 values for 10, 20and 60m bands (from GIPP data).o Updated absolute location assessment (from GIPP data).- Image content quality indicators:o Cloud coverage assessmentA percentage of cloud coverage of the product,o Technical quality assessmentA percentage of degraded MSI and ancillary data over the product.- Quality control checks information:o Checks performed at Level-1A.o Check on the consistency of product size.o Check on the consistency of satellite ancillary data (for each datastripcomposing the product).o Check of acceptability (performed versus a dedicated thresholds) for thefollowing items:• Geometric refinement residual error.o Version of the Level-1B On-Line Quality Control processor.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 70 of 93The quality control checks provided here will be complemented and consolidatedwith the definition of the on-line quality control procedures.7.4.2 GRANULE LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORSThese quality indicators are provided at granule level through the metadata file.- Image content quality indicatorso Local cloud coverage indicator:A percentage of cloud coverage is computed for each granule and providedthrough the metadata file.o Local technical quality indicator:A percentage of degraded MSI and ancillary data is provided for each granule.- Quality control checks information:o Check on the consistency of granule size.o Check of acceptability (performed versus a dedicated thresholds) for thefollowing items:• Percentage of degraded MSI and ancillary data.o Version of the Level-1B On-Line Quality Control processor.The quality control checks provided here will be complemented and consolidatedwith the definition of the on-line quality control procedures.7.4.3 PIXEL LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORSThese quality indicators are provided at granule level through dedicated quality masks.- Radiometric quality indicator:oRadiometric quality masks: the quality indicators are complemented by a set ofradiometric quality masks. Three types of radiometric masks are provided:• A defective pixels’ mask, containing the position of corrected pixels.• A saturated pixels’ mask, containing the position of the saturated pixels inthe full resolution image.• A nodata pixels’ mask, containing the position of pixels with no data.- Image content quality indicatorso Coarse cloud mask files (see section 6.4.3).<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 71 of 93o Technical quality masks from Level-1A (see section 6.4.3 : lost mission data,degraded mission data, degraded ancillary data).There is one vector file for each type of mask and each granule (or aggregation ofgranules).Each vector mask file consists of a set of polygons defined in the image data referenceframe : (row, col) in full resolution.7.5 Auxiliary dataAll Auxiliary Data used for Level-1B processing is referenced in the Metadata.The Level-1B auxiliary data items provided with the product are the Ground ImageProcessing Parameters (GIPPs) used. These GIPPs are provided as a set of XML filesand are listed in appendix.DEM and GRI are not provided themselves within the product but only as a reference tothe data used.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 72 of 938 LEVEL-1C PRODUCT DEFINITION8.1 IntroductionLevel-1C is an orthoimage product, i.e. a map projection of the acquired image using asystem DEM to correct ground geometric distortions. Pixel radiometric measurementsare provided in Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA) reflectances with all parameters to transformthem into radiances.Level-1C productsare resampled with a constant GSD (Ground Sampling Distance) of10m, 20m, 60m according to the native resolution of the different spectral bands.Input of Level-1CprocessingMetadataImage DataAncillary DataAuxiliary DataQuality Indicator DataDescriptionMetadata from Level-1BRadiometrically and geometrically corrected image dataAncillary data from the Level-1B (satellite and ground ancillarydata, including the refined geometric model)GIPP: Parameters from Level-1B complemented by radiometricand geometric processing parameters (see appendix)..Quality Indicator files from Level-1BOne Level-1C product refers always to one orbit. It may refer to one or severaldatastrips from the same orbit.The Level-1C product may cover the full orbit or an extract of the orbit ( one or severaldatastrips from the same orbit).In the case of an extract, the image data are provided to cover the selected extract.In the case of an extract, the ancillary data are always provided through a metadata fileon the full datastrip(s) temporal extent.By default, Level-1C is geometrically refined. Some Level-1C may not be geometricallyrefined (e.g. for Cal/Val purposes). These products are identified with a dedicatedflag inthe metadata.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

8.2 Image Data<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 73 of 93Each pixel value is encoded on 12 useful bits and is directly proportional to Top-Of-Atmosphere reflectance values. Coefficients to transform in radiance are provided in themetadata file.8.2.1 IMAGE DATA, A COLLECTION OF ELEMENTARY TILESThe final projection of the product is UTM (over WGS84).The appropriate UTM zone will be selected according to each tile of the product (seefurther).The image data is tiled in several elementary units. Each tile is defined by:-Its projection code (UTM code),- Its anchorage point (ground coordinates of the upper-left pixel of the tile),- Pixel size in line and column,- Tile size in number of lines and number of columns (rectangle).The tiling definition shall ensure an overlap between tiles at the UTM zone borders.A UTM tiling following the US-MGRS (US Military Grid Reference System) approach isproposed (100x100km²):Figure 15 : Example of tiling (100x100km²) within the UTM15 zone<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 74 of 93- The vertical UTM boundaries and horizontal latitudinal band boundaries define 6° X8° Grid Zones.- Each Grid Zones is filled by 100,000 meter side grid squares.Each tile is then identified by 5 characters:- The first two characters represent the 6° wide UTM zone.o Leading zeroes are included so that Zone 9 is “09”.- The third character is a letter designating a band of latitude.o Beginning at 80°S and proceeding northward, the 20 bands are lettered Cthrough X, omitting I and O.o The bands are all 8° high except band X, which is 12° high.- The fourth and fifth characters are a pair of letters designating one of the 100,000-meter side grid squares within the grid zone.For example, in the previous figure, the red-squared tile is identified “15SWC”.8.2.2 IMAGE DATA ENCODING AND FILESThe image data are provided by a set of raster files.In order to facilitate the product handling at the user base, it will be possible to providethe raster files according to two delivery options:- Either a file per spectral band and per tile,- Either a file per spectral band and covering an area corresponding to theaggregation of tiles within a UTM zone.Each image file is compressed using the JPEG2000 algorithm.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 75 of 93Physical tiles (ex. set of JPEG2000 files)Each tile is geo-referenced (UTM projection)UTM Tile(JPEG2000 imageLevel-1C ProductfootprintFigure 16 : Example of Level-1C product tiled in several filesThe parameters of the JPEG2000 compression are specified in chapter 10.3 and inappendix.The upper-left pixel corner coordinates of all bands shall have the same coordinates andshall be a multiple of 60m.For each file, the JPEG2000 header contains GML-JP2 information for ortho-imagegeoreferencing as described in appendix. Each tile is therefore geo-referenced.8.3 Metadata8.3.1 PRODUCT LEVEL METADATAThe following information is applicableto the whole product. Brief MetadataThe followinginformation is provided in the Level-1C “brief” metadata:- Product level informationo Spacecraft name (<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2A/B/…),o Processing Level (Level-1C),<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 76 of 93o List of Level-1C tiles composing the product and the dimensions of each tile,o Tiles aggregation flag (boolean),o Image format and pointer to the data files,o Spectral bands (Relation between product image channels and on-boardspectral bands),o Reflectance quantification value (in order to convert digit count into reflectance)and unit.o Special values encoding (e.g. NODATA, SATURATION),- DataStrip level informations (repeatable for each datastrip composing the product):oDatastrip unique identifier,o Imaging start time.- Preview data information:oPreview georeferencing information,o Pointer to preview image file.- Product level quality indicators (see section 8.4.1). Standard MetadataThe following information is provided in the standard metadata structure:- Brief metadata,- Following information repeatable for each datastrip:o Auxiliary data information:• Auxiliary data from Level-1B• Identification of OGCD/GIPP used for Level-1C (identifier and version). Expertise MetadataThe following information is provided in the expertise metadata structure:- Brief metadata,- Standard metadata,- Following information repeatable for each datastrip:<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 77 of 93o Datastrip generation information (Level-1C generation date, software version,…),o Level-1B expertise metadata (including the refining type),8.3.2 TILE LEVEL METADATA8.3.2.1 Brief MetadataThe following information is provided in the Level-1C “brief” metadata for each Level-1Ctile:- Tile identifier.- Tile geocoding:o Upper-left coordinates (ULX, ULY) of the tile (in meters),o The pixel dimensions (XDIM, YDIM) within the tile (in meters (depending on theband GSD)),o Tile size in number of lines/columns8.3.2.2 Standard MetadataFor each tile of the Level-1C product, the standard metadata is appended with:- Tile Identification and reference to a given datastrip,- Grid of sun angles and the correction which takes into account earth-sun distancevariation and for each band sun equivalent irradiance,- Grid of incidence angles (per bands and detectors),- Tile level quality indicators (see section 8.4.2),- Pixel level quality indicators (as a pointer to the mask files, see section on qualityindicators). Expertise MetadataAt tile level, the expertise metadata is composed by the same information as in thestandard metadata structure (see section Quality Indicator DataThe following quality indicators are provided with Level-1C products.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 78 of 93Level-1C quality indicators are derived from Level-1B ones complemented with qualityindicators relevant to the processing applied.8.4.1 PRODUCT LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORSThese quality indicators are provided at data-strip level and provided through themetadata file.For each datastrip composing the product:- Radiometric quality indicatorsoRadiometric quality indicators from Level-1A/B:• Absolute radiometric accuracy,• Cross-band relative radiometric accuracy,• Multi-temporal relative radiometric accuracy.o Noise model: 2 parameters Alpha and Beta providing the instrument noise as afunction of the reflectance ro for Level-1C: Noise=squareroot(Alpha_ro+Beta_ro*ro)- Geometric quality indicators:o The orbit level quality indicators from Level-0 : Absolute location, Planimetricstability, and ephemeris and ancillary data quality (TBC) (see section 5.5.1 fordetails),o The orbit level quality indicators from Level-1B : Geometric refining quality(available only if geometric refining applied), average, mean quadraticresiduals, histograms of spatio-triangulation residuals on ground for each axis(X, Y, Z) and in image reference frame for each axis (row, col), etc… (seesection 7.4.1 for details).For the whole product andcomposing the product:derived from the information associated to each tile- Image content quality indicators:o Cloud coverage percentage (finely estimated using Level-1C image data).o Percentage of degraded MSI and ancillary data over the product.- Quality control checks information:o Check on the consistency of product size.o Check on the consistency of satellite ancillary data (for each datastripcomposing the product).<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 79 of 93o Check of acceptability (performed versus a dedicated thresholds) for thefollowing items:• Geometric refinement residual.o Version of the Level-1C On-Line Quality Control processor.The quality control checks provided here will be complemented and consolidatedwith the definition of the on-line quality control procedures.8.4.2 TILE LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORSThese quality indicators are provided at tile level:- Image content quality indicatorso Percentage of cloud coverage (provided for each tile).o Percentage of degraded MSI and ancillary data (provided for each tile).- Quality control checks information:o Check on the consistency of tile size.o Check on the consistency of the product boundaries (ground coordinates).o Check of acceptability (performed versus a dedicated thresholds) for thefollowing items:• Percentage of degraded MSI and ancillary data of each tile.o Version of the Level-1C On-Line Quality Control processor.The quality control checks provided here will be complemented and consolidatedwith the definition of the on-line quality control procedures.8.4.3 PIXEL LEVEL QUALITY INDICATORSThese quality indicators are provided at tile level through dedicated quality masks thatprovide quality information at pixel level.- Radiometric quality indicators:oRadiometric quality masks provided by Level-1B processing are projected foreach tile (defective pixels mask, saturated pixels mask and no-data pixelsmas k) and provided in the final reference frame (ground geometry).- Image content quality indicators:o Local technical quality mask files: The technical quality masks from Level-1B(lost mission data, degraded mission data, degraded ancillary data) areprovided in the final reference frame (ground geometry).<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 80 of 93o Cloud mask files: A finer cloud mask is computed on final Level-1C images. Itis provided in the final reference frame (ground geometry).oLand/Water mask files: A land/water mask is computed on final Level-1Cimages. It is provided in the final reference frame (ground geometry).o DEM quality mask transformed in the final reference frame (DEMTBC).mask contento Detector footprint mask: A mask providing the ground footprint of each detectorwithin a tile.There is one vector file for each type of mask and each tile (or aggregation of tiles).Each vector mask file consists of a set of polygons defined in ground geometry: (X, Y) inthe projected reference frame.8.5 Auxiliary dataAll Auxiliary Data used for Level-1C processing is referenced in the Metadata.The Level-1C auxiliary data items provided with the product are the Ground ImageProcessing Parameters (GIPPs) used. These GIPPs are provided as a set of XML filesand are listed in appendix.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 81 of 939 LEVEL-2A PRODUCT DEFINITION9.1 IntroductionThe Level-2A is an orthoimage product, i.e. a map projection of the acquired imageusing a system DEM to correct ground geometric distortions. Pixel radiometricmeasurements provide Bottom-Of- Atmosphere reflectances.The Level-2A products are resampled with a constant GSD of 10m, 20m, 60m accordingto the native resolution of the different spectral bands.One Level-2A product refers always to one orbit. It may refer to one or severaldatastrips from the same orbit.The Level-2A product may cover the full orbit or an extract of the orbit ( one or severaldatastrips from the same orbit).In the case of an extract, the image data are provided to cover the selected extract.In the case of an extract, the ancillary data are always provided through a metadata fileon the full datastrip(s) temporal extent.9.2 Image DataEach pixel value is encoded on 12 useful bits and isAtmosphere reflectance values.directly proportional to Bottom-Of-The final projection and tiling of the productsection 8.2).is consistent to the Level-1C one (seeThe Level-2A image data is detailed in [RD-12].9.3 MetadataThe Level-2A metadata is defined in [RD-12].9.4 Auxiliary DataThe following auxiliary data are provided within Level-2A product.9.4.1 OZONE CONTENTItemDescription<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

Purpose and Use<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 82 of 93The ozone content is optionally used to perform the atmosphericcorrection in order to compensate for the influence of ozoneabsorption affecting <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 measurements.Format ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range WeatherForecasts) GRIB format or <strong>Sentinel</strong>s format (TBC).Source of dataTemporal resolutionSpatial resolutionData VolumeECMWF, update (ECMWF analysis data).The user is free to request global ECMWF fields in differentgiven resolutions. The highest resolution is 0.25 deg (latitudeand longitude). The vertical resolution can be up to 90 vertical(pressure) levels.ECMWF GRIB data is 250 MBytes per day at the highestresolution (0.25 deg latitude and longitude with 90 verticallevels). Only the data covering the Region-of-Interest of the Userare provided within the delivered product.9.4.2 OZONE CONTENT CLIMATOLOGYItemPurpose and UseFormatSource of dataTemporal resolutionSpatial resolutionData VolumeDescriptionThe ozone content is optionally used to perform the atmosphericcorrection in order to compensate for the influence of ozoneabsorption affecting <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 measurements.<strong>Sentinel</strong>s format (TBC).ECMWF, (low frequency updates).Climatological data can be available in different globalresolutions (e.g. 10 deg latitudinal bands) or down to 6 regions(subpolar summer/winter, mid-laditude summer/winter, tropics,standard atmosphere).Climatological data is only a few KBytes (e.g. 35 Kbytes for theTEMIS dataset).9.4.3 WATER VAPOUR CONTENTItemPurpose and UseDescriptionWater vapour content is used to perform the atmosphericcorrection and to correct for the influence of water vapour to the<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 83 of 93FormatSource of dataTemporal resolutionSpatial resolutionData Volume<strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 measurements.ECMWF GRIB format or <strong>Sentinel</strong>s format (TBC).ECMWF, update (ECMWF analysis data).The user is free to request global ECMWF fields in differentgiven resolutions. The highest resolution is 0.25 deg (latitudeand longitude). The vertical resolution can be up to 90 vertical(pressure) levels.ECMWF GRIB data is 250 MBytes per day at the highestresolution (0.25 deg latitude and longitude with 90 verticallevels). Only the data covering the Region-of-Interest of the Userare provided within the delivered product.9.4.4 ANGSTRÖM EXPONENT GLOBAL MAPItemPurpose and UseFormatSource of dataTemporal resolutionSpatial resolutionData VolumeDescriptionAerosol optical thickness and Angström exponents are used firstto initialise the minimisation processing, and are used asbackground values if the retrieval fails. A quality control channelis generated to indicate the quality of these corrections andprovides information on the processing.The file format is HDF-EOS or <strong>Sentinel</strong>s format (TBC). MOD08_M3 (forMYD08_M3 (for AQUA)Static maps for 12 monthsThe data is sampled to a 1 deg resolution.TERRA) andThe file size is 1.7 MByte for the global product per month. Thisdataset is also including all MODIS Level 3 atmosphericproducts. The aerosol and Angström parameters are a smallsubset of the dataset.9.4.5 SNOW COVER GLOBAL MAPItemPurpose and UseDescriptionSnow cover map is used to decide to perform or not to performthe snow detection on the potentially cloudy pixels of the scene.If the temporal snow probability of a pixel exceeds a threshold<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 84 of 93FormatSource of dataTemporal resolutionSpatial resolutio nData Volumethen it enters the snow detection loop.The file format is HDF-EOS or <strong>Sentinel</strong>s format (TBC)., MOD10_CM (for TERRA)and MYD10_CM (for AQUA)Map is fixed at the beginning of Phase-E2.The data is sampled at 0.05 deg. resolutionprojection).(plate-carréeThis auxiliary product dataset consists in one image of7200x3600 pixels in Bytes. Only the data covering the Regionof-Interestof the User are provided within the delivered product.9.5 Quality Indicator DataThe Level-2A quality indicators are defined in [RD-12].The quality control checks provided here will be complemented and consolidated withthe definition of the on-line quality control procedures.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 85 of 9310 PRODUCT PHYSICAL FORMAT10.1 Product physical breakdownThe products are made available at the user base with an appropriate tree structurefollowing the approach described in sections 3 and 4.[image data file(s)]

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 86 of 93quality masks). A preliminary quicklook image may be provided on requested (seefurther, during commissioning phase).A product “presentation” file: HTML file allowing the end-user to display easily the maincontent of the product metadata (through XSL stylesheet).10.2 Metadata Physical Format10.2.1 MAIN METADATAThe Level-1 and 2A products metadata structure is based on a main metadata file. Thisfile is an XML container of information that complies with [AD-01] and (depending on theuser preferences) with the following formats:- SAFE standard described in [RD-01],- DIMAP standard described in [RD-02],As described in section 4, the metadata structure is expandable and composed by:- BRIEF Metadata: Containing only high level information.- STANDARD Metadata: Containing detailed information.- EXPERTISE Metadata: Containing expertise information dedicated to cal/val teamsor experts.The metadata file shall also refers also to certain data items which are grouped indirectories:- AUX_DATA directory containing the auxiliary data.- QI_DATA directory containing the selected pixel level quality indicator data.10.2.2 AUXILIARY DATAFor Level-1 products, the auxiliary data consist of the selected GIPP used. The GIPPfiles are provided as a set of XML files. The list of XML files is described in appendix.For the system DEM and GRI, the XML files provide a reference to the instances used.10.2.3 QUALITY INDICATOR DATAThe pixel level quality indicator data consist of:- Quality masks files: quality masks related to the product. The mask files are vector filesprovided as shapefile format or GML format (TBC).<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 87 of 93- Preliminary quicklook: A sub-sampled image is also available in sensor geometry andmay be provided during commissioning phase only. It corresponds to the quicklookgenerated from the intermediate products in sensor geometry (using Level-1A referenceframe) and for each granule (over the extension of the reference band used for Level-1Acoarse corregistration). This will be used for anomaly investigation purposes (e.g. qualitycontrol/browsing during commissioning). The preliminary quicklook is an image limitedto 4 bands (490nm, 560nm, 665nm, 1610nm) at 320m resolution ( low frequencycoefficients of the compressed data under-sampled in order to have 320m samplingdistance) in sensor geometry (Level-1A reference frame). Each pixel value is encodedon 12 useful bits. The image is compressed using the JPEG2000 algorithm (see chapter10.3 and appendix).10.2.4PREVIEW DATAA preview of the final product is always available and it is included by default in everyuser-product. This preview is extracted from Level-1C image (JPEG2000 low resolutionextraction).The preview is in ground geometry. The final geometric representation of the preview isdefined by the user according to its region of interest (either geographic or cartographicrepresentation).The preview shall respect the following requirements:- Preview image format is JPEG (TBC), it contains 3 bands (3 visible bands: 490nm,560nm, 665nm), i.e. sequentially 665nm, 560nm and 490nm.- The preview file band order is the recommended display order (RGB)- The preview GSD is constant whatever the product footprint (320m TBC).- The preview dynamic is stretched (by default 2% population threshold is applied) andencoded on 8 bits.10.3 Image Physical Format10.3.1 GRANULES AGGREGATION (LEVEL-1A AND 1B)In order to handle more easily the Level-1A and Level-1B products, it is possible toaggregates several granules in a single file per band and per detector (see sections 6.2and 7.2).In this case, associated vector files are aggregated in the same way. As well, themetadata file identifies the aggregation of the granules (aggregationflag).10.3.2 JPEG2000 COMPRESSIONFor Level-1 product, the main imagery files are compressed using JPEG2000compression algorithms. JPEG2000 format is defined in [RD-20].<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 88 of 93In particular, JPEG2000 allows lossless or lossy compression and allows optimizing theproducts online delivery using the JPIP (JPEG2000 Interactive Protocol) streaming.Th e compression may be:- LOSSLESS: Lossless compression, use reversible JPEG2000 compression.- LOSSY: Lossy compression, use compression that ensures that JPEG2000compression has a negligible effect on image quality.In case of LOSSY compression is applied, the exact ratio will be estimated duringcommissioning phase (see [RD-22]).Estimated size in GB withLOSSY Compression (eg.around 4,2 bits/pixels to beadjusted)Estimated size in GB withLOSSLESS Compression(around 6bits/pixels inaverage)Nb of PixelsBands (approx.)4 Bands10m 3364000000 1,645 2,3506 Bands20m 1261500000 0,6170,8813 Bands60m 70083333 0,034 0,049TOTAL 2,296 3,280Figure 18 : Volume (for squared image 290km x 290km,estimated with average JP2000 compression ratio)The information is coded on 12 bits within the JPEG2000 format.The JPEG2000 files are internally tiled (internal JPEG2000 tiles, default value:1024pixels x 1024pixels). The general JPEG2000 codec parameters and their valuesare defined in appendix.10.3.3 GEOREFERENCINGFor orthorectified products (Level-1C and Level-2A), a geo-referencing header isincluded within the JPEG2000 header as described in GML-JPEG2000 standard (see[RD-21]) in order to georeference the orthoimage product.A GML descriptor example is given in appendix.<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 89 of 93APPENDIX A JPEG2000 FORMAT IMPLEMENTATIONA.1.JPEG2000 CODEC PARAMETERSThe following parameters are used to encode image in JPEG2000. All thesesparameters are modifiable configuration parameters. All values are considered asdefault values of parameters:- Tile sizes : 1024x1024,- Flush period : 1024 lines.- Codeblock size : 64 (default value)- Wavelet decomposition level : 5 (default value),- Order : recommended order is RPCL (Resolution, Position, Colour component,Layer quality),- Markers : ORGGen_plt option is used to allow optimized decompression,- SPrecision and Qstep are 2 parameters depending on image coding (8 or 12 bits).SPrecision = coding dynamic (8 or 12) and Qstep = 1 / 2^(coding dynamic),- Rate = 3.5 bits by colour planeOther parameters values are detailed in [RD-20].A.2.GML-JPEG2000 DESCRIPTIONThrough GML-JPEG2000 format, OGC proposes to use GML to store geo-location, featureoverlay, annotation and text information within JPEG2000 files.Specific metadata proposed by the OGC for storage are: Observation data/time; imagerytype, source and rendering; spatial resolution and geolocation accuracy; Sensor-MLquality assessment metadata such as percentage cloud cover and missing pixels; ISO19115 metadata elements such as title, source and classification.The GML-JPEG2000 implementation is detailed in [RD-21].Today, GML-JPEG2000 specification concerns only ortho-rectified products (Level-1C), itis why no GML JP2 header is specified yet for Level-1A and 1B products.A GML header must be inserted within each JPEG2000 file. In case of product withmultiple JPEG 2 files, a specific GML header must be generated for each file (singlecodestream type).Hereafter is provided an example of GML header to add to JPEG2000 file for a Level-1Cproduct:

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 90 of 93xmlns:gml=""xmlns:xsi=""xsi:schemaLocation=" O:\tomcat\webapps\ops\WEB-INF\resources\WFS-SERVER-05\xsd\gml\3.1.1\base\coverage.xsd">L1C .PRODUCT. coverage.PRODUCT.0 041230 41297xy116000.5 330.510 00 10< !—Pixel coding dynamic (0 255) or (0 4095) (computed from DIMAP) -->0 4095gmljp2://codestream/0Record Interleaved<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 91 of 93APPENDIX B GROUND IMAGE PROCESSING PARAMETERSThe table here under gives the list of GIPP files available for each kind of product level (see[DOC310] for detailed XSD GIPP definition). For GRI and DEM data itself is not provided withthe product but just their respective references.GIPP Description Interface name Volume Frequencyof updateRemarks L0 L1AL1BL1CRelated ICD(*.xsd)Pixel line of sight foreach bands in thefocal planereference f rame[SATELLITE_ID]_[BAND_ID]_VIEWING_DIRECTIONS_FILE1 MB for10m band500 KB for20m bandsIndexedbySatelliteand byspectralbandsx x x x gs2_viewing_directions170 KB for60m bandsPlatform model [SATELLITE_ID]_SPAC50 KB Indexed x xECRAFT_MODEL_FILEbySatellitex x gs2_spacecraft_model_parametersEarth model EARTH_M ODEL_FILE 4 KB x x x x gs2_earth_model_parametersGlobal geometrical [SATELL ITE_ID]_GEO 8 KB Indexed xparametersMETRICAL_PARAMETbyERS_FILESatellitex x x gs2_geometrical_parametersDescription of theinter detectorsoverlapping area[SATELLITE_ID]_INTER_DETECTOR_FILE40 KB Indexed x xbySatellitex x gs2_inter_detector_parametersDeconvolution filterfor eachdeconvoluted band[SATELLITE_ID]_[BAND_ID]_DECONVOLUTION_FILTER_FILE100 KB for Indexedeach bandbySatelliteand bySpectralbandsx x gs2_radios2_deconvolution_filterThreshold file fordeconvolutionthrough waveletpackets[SATELLITE_ID]_[BAND_ID]_DECONVOLUTION_THRESHOLD_FILE30 KB for Indexedeach bandbySatelliteand bySpectralbandsx x gs2_radios2_deconvolution_thresholdWavelets filters[SATELLITE_ID]_[BAND_ID]_WAVELET_FILTERS_FILE10 KB foreach bandIndexedbySatelliteand bySpectralbandsx x gs2_radios2_wavelet_filtersWavelets base[SATELLITE_ID]_[BAND_ID]_WAVELET_BASE_FILE10 KB foreach bandIndexedbySatelliteand bySpectralbandsx x gs2_radios2_decomposition_base<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 92 of 93L2 Normcoefficients(denoising)[SATELLITE_ID]_[BAND_ID]_L2_NORM_COEFFICIENTS_FILE30 KB foreach bandIndexedbySatelliteand bySpectralbandsx x gs2_radios2_l2_norm_coefficientsMaximum signalcoefficients(denoising)[SATELLITE_ID]_[BAND_ID]_MAXIMUM_COEFFICIENTS_ FILE 30 KB foreach bandIndexedbySatelliteand bySpectralbandsx x gs2_radios2_maximum_coefficientsDenoisingthresholds(denoising)[SATELLITE_ID]_[BAN 30 KB forD_ID]_DENOISING_ TH e ach bandRESHOLDS_FILEIndexedbySatelliteand bySpectralbandsx x gs2_radios2_denoising_thresholdsNoise model(denoising)[SATELLITE_ID]_NOISE_MODEL_ FILE4 KBIndexedbySatellitex x gs2_radios2_instrument_noise_modelSWIR detectorsarrangementparameters[SATELLITE_ID]_SWIR_REARRANGEMENT_PARAMETERS_FILE20 KB IndexedbySatellitex x x gs2_radios2_swir_rearrangementRadiometricequalizationparameters onboard (dark current,on-board inter pixelcalibration)[SATELLITE_ID]_[BAND_ID]_EQUALIZATION_ONBOARD_PARAMETERS_FILE3 MB for10m bands1.5 MB for20m bandsIndexedbySatelliteand bySpectralbandsx x gs2_radios2_equalization_onboard500 KB for60m bandsRadiometricequalizationparameters onground (on-groundcorrection)[SATELLITE_ID]_[BAND_ID]_EQUALIZATION_ONGROUND_PARAMETERS_FILE3 MB for10m bands1.5 MB for20m bandsIndexedbySatelliteand bySpectralbandsx x gs2_radios2_equalization_onground500 KB for60m bandsList of defective [SATELLITE_ ID]_DEFE5 KB Indexed x xpixelsCTIVE_PIXELS_FILEbySatelliteList of blind pixe ls [SATELLITE_ID]_BLIN5 KB Indexed x xD_PIXELS_FILEbySatellitex x gs2_radios2_defective_pixelsx x gs2_blind_pixelsBinning for 60mbands parameters(filters andundersampling)[SATELLITE_ID]_BINNI 5 KB IndexedNG_PARAMETERS_FIbyLESatellitex x gs2_radios2_binningAbsolute calibrationparameters[SATELLITE_ID]_ABSOLUTE_CALIBRATION_PARAMETERS_FILE30 KB IndexedbySatellitex x x x gs2_absolute_calibrationCrosstalk correction[SATELLITE_ID]_CROSSTALK_CORRECTION1 MB Indexedbyx x gs2_radios2_crosstalk_correct<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>GSC</strong> <strong>Sentinel</strong>-2 <strong>PDGS</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Definition</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Issue 1 Revision 2 (draft) - 25.07.2010GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029page 93 of 93S_FILE SatelliteionIAS AnaTm HKparameters file[SATELLITE_ID]_ANA_TM_HK_PARAMETERS_FILE40 KB IndexedbySatellitex x x x gs2_ana_tm_hk_parametersIAS AnaTm imageparameters fileIAS Datationparameters file[SATELLITE_ID]_ANA_40 KB Indexed x xTM_IMAGE_ PARAMETbyERS_FILESatellite[SATELLITE_ID]_DATA 40 KB Indexed x xTION_PARAMETERS_byFILESatellitex x gs2_ana_tm_image_parametersx x gs2_datation__parametersLR Extractionparameters file[SATELLITE_ID]_LR_E40 KB IndexedXTRACTION_PARAMEbyTERS_FILE Satellitexxx x gs2_lr_extraction_parametersInitLoc Invparameters file[SATELLITE_ID]_INIT_LOC_INV_PARAMETERS_FILE40 KB IndexedbySatellitex x x x gs2_init_loc_inv_parametersCloudfileInv param eter [SATELLITE_ID]_CLOUD_INV_PARAMETERS_FILE20 KB Indexed x xbySatellitex x gs2_cloud_inv_parametersInitLoc productionparameters file[SATELLITE_ I D]_INIT_20 KB Indexed xLOC_PROD_PARAMEbyTERS_FILESatellitex x gs2_init_loc_prod_parametersRadioS2parameters file[SATELLITE_ ID]_RADI 40 KB IndexedO_S2_PARAMETERS_byFILE Satellitexx x gs2_radios2_parametersGeoS2 parametersfile (preProc)[SATELLITE_ID]_GEO_S2_PARAMETERS_FILE25 KB IndexedbySatellitex x gs2_geos2_parametersGeometricparameter to refine[SATELLITE_ID]_PARAMETERS_TO_BE_REFINED_FILE5 KBIndexedbySatellitex x gs2_parameters_to_be_refinedTilingS2 parametersfile[SATELLITE_ ID]_TILING_S2_PARAMETERS_FILE10 KB IndexedbySatellitexgs2_tilings2_parametersResampleS2parameters file(preProc)[SATELLITE_ID]_R<strong>ESA</strong>MPLE_S2_PARAMETERS_FILE10 KB IndexedbySatellitexgs2_resamples2_parametersMaskS2 parametersfile[SATELLITE_ID]_MASK_S2_PARAMETERS_FILE10 KB IndexedbySatellitexgs2_masks2_parametersGeneral parametersfileGENERAL_PARAMETERS_FILE20 KB x xx x gs2_general_parametersGlobal ReferenceImages[GRI_ID]_GRI_REFERENCE_FILEIndexedby GRI filex x gs2_gri_referenceDigital ElevationModel[DTED_ID]_DEM_REFERENCE_FILEIndexedby DTEDtilex x x x gs2_dem_reference<strong>ESA</strong> UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use© <strong>ESA</strong>The copyright of this document is the property of <strong>ESA</strong>. It is supplied in confidence and shall not be reproduced, copied orcommunicated to any third party without written permission from <strong>ESA</strong>.

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