ToneLab Owner's Manual - Vox

ToneLab Owner's Manual - Vox ToneLab Owner's Manual - Vox


F. REVERB EFFECTSHere you can make settings for the reverb effect that is played after the cabinet.You can choose one of three types of reverb.(EX):This indicates a parameter that you can control from the expression pedalof the optional foot controller.REVERB LO DAMP: knob 1 MIX: knob 2 HI DAMP: knob 3SPRING/ROOM/PLATE “LO DAMP” 0.0...10.0 “MIX” 0.0...10.0 “HI DAMP” 0.0...10.01. OFFSelect this if you don’t want to use the reverb effect.2. SPRINGA model of the most popular spring reverb system used in guitar amps.3. ROOMEmulates the natural reverberation that takes place in a medium sized room/smallhall.4. PLATEAn unerringly accurate model of the plate reverb used in countless, professionalrecording studios.[1] “LO DAMP” 0.0...10.0 Adjusts the dampening of the low-frequency range.[2] “MIX” 0.0...10.0 Adjusts the mix amount of the reverb sound.[3] “HI DAMP” 0.0...10.0 Adjusts the dampening of the high-frequency range.INPUT LEVEL (EX) This is the input level of the reverb controlled by theoptional foot controller.40

TunerFor your convenience, ToneLab houses a built-in auto chromatic tuner thatcan be calibrated between 438 Hz and 445 Hz.TUNING PROCEDURE1. Simply press the TUNER button (3.7) and the auto chromatic tuner will be activated.2. When you play a note on your guitar, the nearest pitch and a tuning meter willappear in the name display (3.8).Note name#MeterPitch is flatPitch is sharp!Correct tuningThe note names are displayed as follows.C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# BTuner3. Watch the meter, and tune your guitar.4. When you’re finished tuning, press the TUNER button once again to return tothe mode you were in.STEP ON IT! If the optional foot controller is connected, you can use it to activatethe tuner. In this case you’ll be able to tune with the output muted (Silent TuningMode). If you’re using silent tuning mode, defeating the tuner function will simultaneouslydefeat muting, and your sound will once again be heard. ToneLab’s tunerfunction will be defeated when you press any button other than the TAP button, oroperate the PEDAL selector.FootControllerMIDI/DIGITALFactorysettingsCALIBRATING THE TUNERThe built-in tuner is automatically calibrated to A = 440 Hz (a.k.a. “concert pitch”)every time you switch ToneLab on. If desired, you can recalibrate the tuner in therange of A = 438Hz to A = 445Hz. Here ís how you do it:• While the Tuner is active, the value display (3.10) shows the frequency of thereference pitch. Use value knob 3 (2.5) to set the desired frequency.IMPORTANT NOTE: When you turn on the amp’s power, the tuner automaticallycalibrates itself to A = 440Hz. So, if you’ve recalibrated the tuner please rememberthat your recalibration will be “lost” as soon as you switch the amp off.TroubleshootingSpec.ProgramList41

TunerFor your convenience, <strong>ToneLab</strong> houses a built-in auto chromatic tuner thatcan be calibrated between 438 Hz and 445 Hz.TUNING PROCEDURE1. Simply press the TUNER button (3.7) and the auto chromatic tuner will be activated.2. When you play a note on your guitar, the nearest pitch and a tuning meter willappear in the name display (3.8).Note name#MeterPitch is flatPitch is sharp!Correct tuningThe note names are displayed as follows.C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# BTuner3. Watch the meter, and tune your guitar.4. When you’re finished tuning, press the TUNER button once again to return tothe mode you were in.STEP ON IT! If the optional foot controller is connected, you can use it to activatethe tuner. In this case you’ll be able to tune with the output muted (Silent TuningMode). If you’re using silent tuning mode, defeating the tuner function will simultaneouslydefeat muting, and your sound will once again be heard. <strong>ToneLab</strong>’s tunerfunction will be defeated when you press any button other than the TAP button, oroperate the PEDAL selector.FootControllerMIDI/DIGITALFactorysettingsCALIBRATING THE TUNERThe built-in tuner is automatically calibrated to A = 440 Hz (a.k.a. “concert pitch”)every time you switch <strong>ToneLab</strong> on. If desired, you can recalibrate the tuner in therange of A = 438Hz to A = 445Hz. Here ís how you do it:• While the Tuner is active, the value display (3.10) shows the frequency of thereference pitch. Use value knob 3 (2.5) to set the desired frequency.IMPORTANT NOTE: When you turn on the amp’s power, the tuner automaticallycalibrates itself to A = 440Hz. So, if you’ve recalibrated the tuner please rememberthat your recalibration will be “lost” as soon as you switch the amp off.TroubleshootingSpec.ProgramList41

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