ToneLab Owner's Manual - Vox

ToneLab Owner's Manual - Vox ToneLab Owner's Manual - Vox


4. PHASERA model of a much respected and popular analogue phaser, housed in a bananayellow box![1] “SPEED” 0.100...10.00 [Hz](EX) Adjusts the modulation speed.[2] “RESO(RESONANCE)” 0.0...10.0 Adjusts the amount of resonance.[3] “DEPTH” 0.0...10.0 Adjusts the modulation depth.(*) MANUAL 1.0...10.0 Adjusts the center frequency of thesweep.5. TREMOLOThis effect is based on the highly acclaimed tremolo circuit found in a BLACK2x12.The SPREAD setting lets you create panning effects that are spread to leftand right.[1] “SPEED” 1.00...10.00 [Hz](EX) Adjusts the tremolo speed.[2] “SPREAD”0.0...10.0 Adjusts the left/right spaciousness.[3] “DEPTH” 0.0...10.0 Adjusts the tremolo depth.6. ROTARYThis models a stereo rotary speaker.When you adjust the SPEED control of the ROTARY effect (either via thefront panel or the optional foot controller) the effect takes awhile to reach the specifiedspeed - just like a real rotating speaker. Why? Because, in the real world, ittakes a second or two for the motor controlling the speaker rotation to speed up orslow down! (You can use TIME to adjust the length of this transition.)[1] “SPEED” 0.80...10.00 [Hz](EX) Adjusts the rotational speed of the speaker.[2] “TIME” 1.0...10.0 Adjusts the time required for the rotationalspeed to change.[3] “DEPTH” 0.0...10.0 Adjusts the modulation depth.E. DELAY EFFECTSHere you can make settings for a delay effect inserted after the cabinet. You canchoose one of three (3) distinctly different delay effects. In all three cases, themaximum delay time possible is two seconds.(EX): This indicates a parameter that you can control from the expression pedalof the optional foot controller.(*): This indicates a parameter that you can set when using the Sound Editor.These parameters cannot be edited when using ToneLab alone.DELAY FINE: knob 1 MIX: knob 2 FEEDBACK: knob 3DELAY/TAPE ECHO/MULTI HEAD “TIME” 0...2000 [ms] “MIX” 0.0...10 “FEEDBACK” 0.0...1038

1. OFFSelect this if you don’t want to use the delay effect.2. DELAYWhen this high quality digital delay effect is employed, the tone of each repeat isso good it is indistinguishable from the original note(s).3. TAPE ECHO (T ECHO)This is an incredibly accurate model of one of the most respected analogue tapeecho machines ever made. In the original the “echo” is produced by a playbackhead and the exact “delay time” is set by varying the motor speed. Many professionalsprefer these “lo-fi” units because of the warm, dark echoes they produce.4. MULTI HEAD (MULTI HD)This is a model of a tape echo unit boasting three playback heads. Here we usetwo out of the three for a classic sound. Furthermore, each of the two resulting“echoes” (one from each head) has its own feedback loop. The result? A complexand warm “multi-tap” echo effect.[1] “TIME” 0...2000 Makes a fine adjustment in a range of –64...+63[ms]relative to the current delay time.[2] “MIX” 0.0...10.0 Adjusts the mix amount of the delayed sound.[3] “FEEDBACK” 0.0...10.0 Adjusts the amount of feedback.WARNING! WARNING! If you crank up the FEEDBACK knob too much, an uncontrollable,cascading “runaway” of echoes will occur. So, use your ears and yourcommon sense when setting this!TAP 0...2000 Sets the delay time. Press the TAP button twice at thedesired interval.(*) TONE 1.0...10.0 (TAPE ECHO/MULTI HEAD) Adjusts the tone of thedelay.(*) MODE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (MULTI HEAD) Specifies the combination of headsthat will be used.1: Conventional echo.2: The delayed sound produces a rhythm of “ta-ta-ta (rest).”3: The delayed sound produces a rhythm of “ta (rest) ta-ta.”4: The delayed sound produces a rhythm of “ta-ta (rest) ta.”5: The delayed sound produces a rhythm of “ta-ta-ta-ta.”INPUT LEVEL: (EX) This is the input level of the delay controlled by theoptional foot controller.REVERB DELAY MODULATION PEDAL CABINET AMP TYPE Amp/EffectTYPE39

1. OFFSelect this if you don’t want to use the delay effect.2. DELAYWhen this high quality digital delay effect is employed, the tone of each repeat isso good it is indistinguishable from the original note(s).3. TAPE ECHO (T ECHO)This is an incredibly accurate model of one of the most respected analogue tapeecho machines ever made. In the original the “echo” is produced by a playbackhead and the exact “delay time” is set by varying the motor speed. Many professionalsprefer these “lo-fi” units because of the warm, dark echoes they produce.4. MULTI HEAD (MULTI HD)This is a model of a tape echo unit boasting three playback heads. Here we usetwo out of the three for a classic sound. Furthermore, each of the two resulting“echoes” (one from each head) has its own feedback loop. The result? A complexand warm “multi-tap” echo effect.[1] “TIME” 0...2000 Makes a fine adjustment in a range of –64...+63[ms]relative to the current delay time.[2] “MIX” 0.0...10.0 Adjusts the mix amount of the delayed sound.[3] “FEEDBACK” 0.0...10.0 Adjusts the amount of feedback.WARNING! WARNING! If you crank up the FEEDBACK knob too much, an uncontrollable,cascading “runaway” of echoes will occur. So, use your ears and yourcommon sense when setting this!TAP 0...2000 Sets the delay time. Press the TAP button twice at thedesired interval.(*) TONE 1.0...10.0 (TAPE ECHO/MULTI HEAD) Adjusts the tone of thedelay.(*) MODE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (MULTI HEAD) Specifies the combination of headsthat will be used.1: Conventional echo.2: The delayed sound produces a rhythm of “ta-ta-ta (rest).”3: The delayed sound produces a rhythm of “ta (rest) ta-ta.”4: The delayed sound produces a rhythm of “ta-ta (rest) ta.”5: The delayed sound produces a rhythm of “ta-ta-ta-ta.”INPUT LEVEL: (EX) This is the input level of the delay controlled by theoptional foot controller.REVERB DELAY MODULATION PEDAL CABINET AMP TYPE Amp/EffectTYPE39

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