The best air conditioning technology for a wide range of businesses

The best air conditioning technology for a wide range of businesses

The best air conditioning technology for a wide range of businesses

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Business Line<strong>The</strong> <strong>best</strong> <strong>air</strong> <strong>conditioning</strong> <strong>technology</strong><strong>for</strong> a <strong>wide</strong> <strong>range</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>businesses</strong>YOU NEED AIR. AIR NEEDS CARRIER

XPOWERTHE ULTIMATE INVERTER TECHNOLOGYTO SUCCEED IN A FAST GROWING MARKETTo the <strong>for</strong>efront in innovative <strong>technology</strong>, Inverter systems have penetrated the market world-<strong>wide</strong>.Carrier, the avant garde leader in <strong>air</strong> <strong>conditioning</strong> and refrigeration is consolidating its long-standing position in the fieldwith the new XPower <strong>range</strong> <strong>of</strong> products.THE INVERTER MARKET IS LEAPING AHEADInverter <strong>technology</strong> has created a high fast growing demand in a <strong>wide</strong> <strong>range</strong> <strong>of</strong> light commercial sectors:shops, <strong>of</strong>fices, restaurants.Japan has set the trend and Europe is catching up fast.Inverter Light Commercial Market TrendXPOWER THE BEST CHOICE TO MAXIMIZE BUSINESS POTENTIAL<strong>The</strong> numerous highly appreciated advantages <strong>of</strong> XPower Systems are reflected in extensive market penetration.Consumers choose products carefully in thesearch <strong>for</strong> com<strong>for</strong>t quality and cost savings together with personaland planetary well-being.State-<strong>of</strong>-the art Inverter Technology successfully combines these needs in the following 4 basic areas.Com<strong>for</strong>tMaximum personal com<strong>for</strong>t and well-being are ensuredwith constant temperature at desired levels. Even themost demanding clients are impressed by the minimumnoise levels and the highly efficient even distribution <strong>of</strong>filtered clean and healthy <strong>air</strong>.Life cycle costXPower Inverter operates with an high efficiency ratio.Low energy consumption is thereby ensured together withconsiderable reductions in running costs: -40% a year.Reliability<strong>The</strong> quality and reliability <strong>of</strong> XPower products isguaranteed with extensive test procedures. All newproducts have been tested <strong>for</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> hoursin different locations world<strong>wide</strong>.Environmental careProtecting the environment and reducing pollution is afundamental concern. <strong>The</strong> use <strong>of</strong> R-410A ecologicalrefrigerant maximize energy savings and preserveplanetary resources.

XPOWERTOP PERFORMANCE, MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITYFOR PROFESSIONAL BUSINESSESHi-wall42PQVUP TO 12 COMBINATIONS<strong>The</strong> new XPower inverter <strong>technology</strong> meets a<strong>wide</strong> <strong>range</strong> <strong>of</strong> Light Commercial needs.Consoleand underceling42VQVXPower <strong>technology</strong> is the most convenientand powerful way to climatize any type <strong>of</strong>commercial premises: shops, <strong>of</strong>fices,restaurants and small to medium sized firms.XPower <strong>range</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers a <strong>wide</strong> variety <strong>of</strong> exclusivedesign indoor unit combinations <strong>for</strong> all yourneeds.Above ceiling40SQVFour models can combine in up to 12 differentsystems: high wall and low wall aestheticallypleasing versions and two suspended ceilingversions.Cassette40KQVMultiple choice, multiple advantage.Whatever your requirements are, XPowerversatile, elegant, <strong>wide</strong> choice <strong>of</strong> combinationsensures the <strong>best</strong> possible results.

Direct CurrentXPOWER,THE STATE-OF-THE-ART INVERTER TECHNOLOGYIT IS TO THE FOREFRONT IN AIR CONDITIONINGTHE HEART OF XPOWER<strong>The</strong> Convertertrans<strong>for</strong>ms mains AC power supply into direct current(DC) <strong>for</strong> high efficiency operations.<strong>The</strong> Advanced Electronic ManagementTwo distinct electronic management logics to optimiseindividual well-being with minimum energyconsumption:ConverterInverterCompressor<strong>The</strong> DC Invertergenerates direct pseudo 3-phase voltage wave <strong>for</strong>matby appropriate switching <strong>of</strong> the DC current.• Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) <strong>of</strong> direct currentto generate maximum power <strong>for</strong> the compressor atstart-up and in peak load conditions.<strong>The</strong> DC Rotary Compressormodulates the rotation speed from extremely low levelsto high levels, with virtually continuous operation.• Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) <strong>of</strong> direct currentoptimises compressor efficiency once the presettemperature has been reached, ensuring optimumcom<strong>for</strong>t while saving energy.Alternate CurrentVariable speedTemperatureINVERTERSystemDesiredC ONSTANTTemperatureTraditionalSystemC ONSTANTC ONSTANTC ONSTANTCom<strong>for</strong>t in half the time<strong>The</strong> start-up speed <strong>of</strong> the XPowersystem gets you to maximum com<strong>for</strong>tin half the time comparedwith traditional systems.MAXIMUM COMFORT IN HALF THE TIME1/2THE TIMEConstant immediate com<strong>for</strong>tConstant com<strong>for</strong>tAs the temperature approaches thepreset level, XPower gradually reducesthe compressor speed.<strong>The</strong> result is lasting constanttemperature.BROAD RANGE OF CAPACITIES<strong>The</strong> four sizes <strong>of</strong> XPower <strong>range</strong> uses a powerfulvariable speed compressor to provide a <strong>wide</strong>spectrum <strong>of</strong> cooling and heating capacities.Size 130Size 110Finding the right system <strong>for</strong> your needs in this <strong>wide</strong><strong>range</strong> is easy.Size 080Size 050

XPOWERABSOLUTE ENERGY SAVINGOUTSTANDING PERFORMANCEAND MAXIMUM EFFICENCYYEAR ROUND SAVINGTests carried out in several applications around the worlddemonstrated that XPower systems per<strong>for</strong>m at very highefficiency levels <strong>for</strong> 85% <strong>of</strong> the running time.In these conditions the XPower compressors absorb onlya small quantity <strong>of</strong> energy, reducing the annual electricitybill by 40%.RUNNING TIME85%EER > 3,20-40%MINIMUM LIFE-CYCLE COSTTraditional <strong>air</strong> conditioners run at a constant speed;they stop and start continuously to maintain the desiredtemperature.With Carrier XPower there is no waste. <strong>The</strong> compressor runsinitially at full power reaching the preset temperaturequickly. It then switches to minimum power withoutstopping.Carrier XPower gives you up to 40% yearly energy saving<strong>for</strong> <strong>air</strong> <strong>conditioning</strong> (cooling and heating) as againsta comparable fixed speed conventional system.It also ensures:• superior environmentally sound <strong>air</strong> conditioner• no more over or under capacity<strong>The</strong> tests* results show that Carrier XPower systems work<strong>for</strong> 85% <strong>of</strong> the time in a <strong>range</strong> <strong>of</strong> capacity below 70% <strong>of</strong> themaximum per<strong>for</strong>mance. In these conditions, Carrier XPoweralways has an extremely high EER ratio (above 3.20)*Tested in residential and commercial applications in Milan, Rome, Madrid, Lisbon, Auckland, Lyon, Nice,Amsterdam, Gstaad, Sydney, Berlin, London and Athens.MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY PERFORMANCE<strong>The</strong> XPower variable speed compressor operates with anextremely high efficiency ratio. Outstanding EER ratios(above 3.2) are obtained both at low speeds and whenthe compressor runs at 70% <strong>of</strong> maximum per<strong>for</strong>mance.<strong>The</strong> energy saving compared with a conventional fixedspeed system is as much as 40% a year.A 3,853,60EER95%85%EER3,353,203,102,85CAPACITY75%70%65%55%CAPACITY2,6045%2,35 35% (cooling mode)100% 75% 50% 25%COMPRESSOR FREQUENCY

Condensing Unit38VYXCondensing Unit38VYXQUALITY TECHNOLOGY MAKES QUALITY LIFEADVANCED FEATURES FOR PROFESSIONALSDC Inverter Technology:PAM (High power) + PWM (High efficiency)System Electronic MenagementEcology and per<strong>for</strong>mance with R-410A,a non ozone depleting refrigerantMinimal fluctuation when the presetroom temperature is reachedSuperior quality manufacturingprocess and guaranteedper<strong>for</strong>manceCompressor <strong>technology</strong> optimized<strong>for</strong> significant noise reductionEasy installationand maintenanceWide <strong>range</strong> <strong>of</strong> Carriercontrols and interfaces-5°C-15°CTWIN ROTARY COMPRESSORTwo rotary compression cylinders, <strong>of</strong>fset from each other by 180°and a DC brushless motor with shaft in perfect balanceare used to reduce vibration and noise and to provide superiorefficiency per<strong>for</strong>mance.EXTREME OPERATING CONDITIONSSystems can operate at –5°C in cooling modeand –15°C in heating mode.OUTDOOR DC FAN MOTORSOutdoor and outdoor fan speeds are electronically fine tunedto deliver the needed <strong>air</strong> flow and reach the <strong>best</strong> per<strong>for</strong>mance.LONG DISTANCE INSTALLATIONSDesigned <strong>for</strong> challanging installations. Up to 50 m in distanceand 30 m in elevation; chargeless up to 20 m.NO CURRENT PEAKSStart-up current absorption is always lower than operatingcurrent value.SELF DIAGNOSYS TOOLAdvanced self-diagnosis tool <strong>for</strong> an automatic complete systemcheck-up and <strong>for</strong> maintenance routine monitoring.23 check codes ensure detailed diagnosys.PULSE MODULATION VALVE<strong>The</strong> pulse modulation valve (PMV) regulates the refrigerant flowin the circuit. <strong>The</strong> electronically controlled refrigerant flowguarantees optimum working condition in every cycle.FrontBackBottomRightsideCONNECTION FLEXIBILITYOn bigger sizes the valves are positioned internally and can beconnected (through a precut panel) from four positions (front,back, bottom, right side).

Condensing Unit38VYXCondensing Unit38VYXABSOLUTE RELIABILITY AND PEACE OF MINDACUSTIC COMFORT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CAREADVANCED ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEMXPOWER ENSURES SILENT OPERATION<strong>The</strong> new XPower systems self-monitoring process ensuresthat the units always work in optimal conditions, <strong>for</strong>excellent com<strong>for</strong>t and maximum energy efficiency.Several sensors placed in key positions on the refrigrantcircuit electronically detect the operational state <strong>of</strong> thesystem.<strong>The</strong> Micro Controller Unit receives all the inputs fromthe sensors and elaborates them using advancedalgorithms to optimize the control <strong>of</strong> core components:compressor, fan motors and the Pulse Modulation Valve.TD Compressor discharge temperatureTS Compressor suction temperatureTO Outdoor ambient temperatureMicro Controller UnitTE Outdoor coil temperatureCT Current trans<strong>for</strong>merTA Indoor <strong>air</strong> temperatureXPower <strong>air</strong> <strong>conditioning</strong> systems with their “continuous”operation are quieter compared to the traditional fixedspeed systems.In addition, XPower outdoor units feature a series <strong>of</strong>technological innovations designed to drastically reducethe remaining operation noise.Among these innovation:• fully insulated compressor• twin rotary cilinder shaft• component vibration suppression• brushless DC compressor motorAccumulatorTS sensorTD sensorRotary compressorTC sensorRefrigerant pipeat liquid sidePacked valveTO sensorHeat exchangerOutdoor unitIndoor unitAir heat exchangerTEsensorCapillaryTCJ sensorRefrigerant pipeat gas sidePacked valvePulse modulationvalve (PMW)TA, TCI Indoor coil temperatures<strong>The</strong> main functions <strong>of</strong> these sensors are:•to optimize the refrigerant superheating at thecompressor in cooling and heating mode and toavoid liquid refrigerant enter the compressor•to detect the refrigerant leaks•to manage the IDU and CDU fan speed•to manage defrost and cold draft in heating operation•to prevent ice <strong>for</strong>mation on indoor coil during thecooling operation at low temperature•to prevent condensation during the high humidityoperation in cooling operation•to monitor the indoor ambient temperature andset the system per<strong>for</strong>mance•to control CDU input current: no peaks during start-upensure high compressor reliabilityXPower operates 85%<strong>of</strong> the time below 60dBRUNNING TIME85%

Remote controlsEVERYTHING UNDER CONTROLWITH CARRIER ELECTRONIC INTERFACESAIR4LIFE TOP PERFORMANCE FILTERING SYSTEMXPower systems are fitted with Air4life, the highefficiencyfour-stage <strong>air</strong> purification system, whicheliminates dust and pollen particles in suspensionin the atmosphere, unwelcome odours like smoke andcooking smells bacteria and pollutants down to 0.01micron diameterOne single multi-feature electronic board can now handlea large number <strong>of</strong> domestic and business capabilities,including running as part <strong>of</strong> a network.All Carrier controls are fully compatible with currentlegislation, particularly <strong>for</strong> Electro Magnetic Compatibility(immunity and emissions).Anti-bacteria filter:removes dust and pet h<strong>air</strong>swhile preventing bacteriaand fungus <strong>for</strong>mation.Electrostatic filter:traps spores, bacteriaand fine dust.Titanium Photocatalyticfilter:eliminates odours such assmoke, frying and otherfood smells. Breaks downpollutants and eliminatesbacteria down to 0.01micron diameter.Anti-bacteria fan:prevents bacteriaand fungus proliferationdiffusing healthy and clean<strong>air</strong>.MYCOMFORT,THE PRECISIONOF INFRARED ERGONOMICS<strong>The</strong> exclusive MyCom<strong>for</strong>t functionallows users to memorizetheir favourite settings.Sleep function provides optimalcom<strong>for</strong>t during the night,gradually reaching the set point.24 hour real clock <strong>for</strong> advancedprogramming.Louver control to suit individual<strong>air</strong> distribution preference.ROOM CONTROLLER,THE LOCALWIRED CONTROLThis small and elegant wallmounted control serves up to6 units with the same operatingsetting.Setting and operations areclearly displayed.Quick choice between cooling,heating, dehumidification,fan only and automatic mode.ZONE MANAGER,THE BUILDINGSUPERVISION MANAGERPerfect <strong>for</strong> system monitoring,it has the capacity to controland program up to 32 indoorunits in 8 independent zones.User can select four individualstart/stop <strong>range</strong>s per day<strong>of</strong> the week <strong>for</strong> each zone.In case <strong>of</strong> power failure, clockoperations are maintained<strong>for</strong> 20 hours, while programmedparameters are kept in memory.Pollutants densityGas concentration (p.p.m.)DENSITY OF POLLUTANTSTitaniumPhotocatalyticfilterActivatedCarbonfilterTime (minutes)ELIMINATION OF SMOKE ODOURSAmmoniaAcetic AcidAcetaldehydeWithout filterGas concentration (p.p.m.)Gas concentration (p.p.m.)ELIMINATION OF HARMFUL CHEMICALTime (minutes)TolueneFormaldeideNOXELIMINATION OF DOMESTIC ODOURSWaste and petsMethyl mercaptanTrimethyl amineNumber <strong>of</strong> microbesNumber <strong>of</strong> microbesANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIESEscherichia coliWithout filterWith filterTime (hour)ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIESSalmonellaWithout filterWith filterTime (minutes)Time (minutes)Time (hour)REGENERABLE FILTERSAll the filters are washable. <strong>The</strong> TitaniumPhotocatalytic filter is regenerable: after washing itin running water, simply place it in sunlight whichcompletely breaks down the remaining pollutants.

Hi-wall42PQVCOMPACT AND STYLISH INDOOR UNITConsoleand underceling42VQVUNIQUE ELEGANT SLIM-LINE DESIGNAir distribution is achieved either withpersonalised louvre positions or byusing the automatic “twin swing”<strong>air</strong> distribution functionA powerful dehumidification functionensures that humidity levelsare controlled in all seasonsPaintable front grille.<strong>The</strong> colour <strong>of</strong> the unit can be changedto suit your interior decorationStylish and compact <strong>for</strong> easyinstallation in any ambientUse the ergonomic remote controlwith the MyCom<strong>for</strong>t functionto memorize the favouriteend-user settingsDesigned to be flexible in its application.It can be installed as an under-ceiling unitor as a low wall unit<strong>The</strong> motorised louvre allows <strong>air</strong> flowto be directed to suit the preference<strong>of</strong> the occupantOpening the grille provides immediateaccess to the fans, filters, pump,pipe vane and control box<strong>The</strong> console <strong>range</strong> is virtually silentin operation due to its state-<strong>of</strong>-the-artfans and advanced slim coilErgonomical remote control withthe MyCom<strong>for</strong>t function permitspersonalized settings memorization

Satellite40SQVCassette40KQVDUCTED SYSTEM, THE INVISIBLE SOLUTIONTHE PRATICAL AND SMART CHOICEIdeal choice <strong>for</strong> both new housesand refurbishmentsCompact and 30% lighter thanother ducted units on the marketQuick and easy to install:it can be easily integrated with existingelectrical and plumbing systemsWide <strong>range</strong> <strong>of</strong> accessories:octopus 2, 3, 4 way discharge,95% gravimetric high efficiency filter,mixing box,<strong>air</strong> plenumSuperior <strong>air</strong> distribution. <strong>The</strong> powerfulthree-speed direct drive fan delivers <strong>air</strong>up to 45 Pa external static pressureEase <strong>of</strong> maintenance:filters, coils, motors and valves are easilyaccessible by removing only a few screwsIt fits in any suspended ceiling systemused in shops and <strong>of</strong>fices<strong>The</strong> unit has a fresh <strong>air</strong> inlet toensures constant <strong>air</strong> renewalMotorised louvers with a choice<strong>of</strong> six selectable <strong>air</strong> flow directions,including continuous sweep and automaticmode, with four-way distributionmanagement<strong>The</strong> acoustic per<strong>for</strong>mance is outstanding,thanks to the centrifugal fan withpatented aer<strong>of</strong>oil blades, new heatexchanger, and improved <strong>air</strong>management systemQuick and easy maintenance:simple access to all critical componentsvia the removable grille

Technical dataTechnical data42PQV - Hi-Wall 42PQV050 42PQV08040SQV - Satellite 40SQV050 40SQV08040SQV110*40SQV130*DehumidificationAir flow cooling mode (l/m/h)Sound pressure cooling mode (l/m/h) (1)Sound power cooling mode (l/m/h)Air flow heating mode (l/m/h)Sound pressure heating mode (l/m/h) (1)Sound power heating mode (l/m/h)Dimensions (H x L x D)WeightNominal power supplyl/hl/sdB(A)dB(A)l/sdB(A)dB(A)mmkgV/ph/Hz1,1150/185/22536/40/4349/53/56150/185/22534/38/4147/51/54295 x 1080 x 18514220÷240 / 1 / 502,6190/225/26038/42/4651/55/59190/225/26037/40/4350/53/56295 x 1080 x 18514220÷240 / 1 / 50DehumidificationAir flow cooling mode (l/m/h)Sound pressure cooling mode (l/m/h) (1)Sound power cooling mode (l/m/h)Air flow heating mode (l/m/h)Sound pressure heating mode (l/m/h) (1)Sound power heating mode (l/m/h)Static pressureDimensions (H x L x D)WeightNominal power supplyl/hl/sdB(A)dB(A)l/sdB(A)dB(A)PammkgV/ph/Hz1,1205/240/28046/48/5259/61/65205/240/28046/48/5259/61/6545285 x 925 x 66042220÷240 / 1 / 502,1264/295/33251/52/5364/65/66264/295/33251/52/5364/65/6660285 x 925 x 66042220÷240 / 1 / 503,2300/350/42548/52/5561/65/68300/350/42548/52/5561/65/6850285 x 925 x 66042220÷240 / 1 / 504,8415/490/59050/54/5763/67/70415/490/59050/54/5763/67/7070310 x 1250 x 75064220÷240 / 1 / 5042VQV - Console 42VQV050 42VQV08040KQV - Cassette 40KQV050 40KQV08040KQV110*40KQV130*DehumidificationAir flow cooling mode (l/m/h)Sound pressure cooling mode (l/m/h) (1)Sound power cooling mode (l/m/h)Air flow heating mode (l/m/h)Sound pressure heating mode (l/m/h) (1)Sound power heating mode (l/m/h)Dimensions (H x L x D)WeightNominal power supplyl/hl/sdB(A)dB(A)l/sdB(A)dB(A)mmkgV/ph/Hz1,7150/170/20538/41/4549/52/56150/170/20538/41/4549/52/56598 x 1000 x 20018220÷240 / 1 / 502,7165/195/22041/44/4952/55/60165/195/22041/44/4952/55/60598 x 1000 x 20020220÷240 / 1 / 50DehumidificationAir flow cooling mode (l/m/h)Sound pressure cooling mode (l/m/h) (1)Sound power cooling mode (l/m/h)Air flow heating mode (l/m/h)Sound pressure heating mode (l/m/h) (1)Sound power heating mode (l/m/h)Dimensions (H x L x D)WeightGrille dimensions (H x L x D)Grille weightNominal power supplyl/hl/sdB(A)dB(A)l/sdB(A)dB(A)mmkgmmkgV/ph/Hz1,7190/210/25038/42/4551/55/58190/210/25038/42/4551/55/58298 x 575 x 5751930 x 720 x 7203,1220÷240 / 1 / 501,8200/250/30032/36/3945/49/52200/250/30032/36/3945/49/52298 x 825 x 8253830 x 960 x 9606,5220÷240 / 1 / 503,7320/385/45537/42/4550/55/58320/385/45537/42/4550/55/58298 x 825 x 8253830 x 960 x 9606,5220÷240 / 1 / 504,5420/465/52542/46/4855/59/61420/465/52542/46/4855/59/61298 x 825 x 8253830 x 960 x 9606,5220÷240 / 1 / 5038VYX - Condensing Unit 38VYX050 38VYX08038VYX - Condensing Unit 38VYX050 38VYX080 38VYX110 38VYX130No. <strong>of</strong> compressorsCompressor typeInverter typeRefrigerant typeExpansion deviceMaximum pipe lengthMaximum pipe elevationChargeless piping lengthFlare connections (liquid/gas)Sound pressure (cooling/heating) (1)Sound power (cooling/heating)Air flow (min/max)Dimensions (H x L x D)WeightCompressor frequency in cooling (min./max.)Compressor frequency in heating (min./max.)Maximum running currentInstallation fuse ratingNominal power supplymmmdB(A)dB(A)l/smmkgHzHzAAV/ph/Hz1twin rotaryDC hybrid inverterR-410Apulse modulation valve3020201/4" - 1/2"53 / 5464 / 65290 / 666595 x 780 x 2703520,3 / 76,020,3 / 110,112,025 (type D)220÷240 / 1 / 501twin rotaryDC hybrid inverterR-410Apulse modulation valve5030203/8" - 5/8"54 / 5665 / 67290 / 1109795 x 900 x 3205515,0 / 68,415,0 / 89,815,025 (type D)220÷240 / 1 / 50No. <strong>of</strong> compressorsCompressor typeInverter typeRefrigerant typeExpansion deviceMaximum pipe lengthMaximum pipe elevationChargeless piping lengthFlare connections (liquid/gas)Sound pressure (cooling/heating) (1)Sound power (cooling/heating)Air flow (min/max)Dimensions (H x L x D)WeightCompressor frequency in cooling (min./max.)Compressor frequency in heating (min./max.)Maximum running currentInstallation fuse ratingNominal power supplymmmdB(A)dB(A)l/smmkgHzHzAAV/ph/Hz1twin rotaryDC hybrid inverterR-410Apulse modulation valve3020201/4" - 1/2"53 / 5464 / 65290 / 666595 x 780 x 2703520,3 / 76,020,3 / 110,112,025 (type D)220÷240 / 1 / 501twin rotaryDC hybrid inverterR-410Apulse modulation valve5030203/8" - 5/8"54 / 5665 / 67290 / 1109795 x 900 x 3205515,0 / 68,415,0 / 89,815,025 (type D)220÷240 / 1 / 5011twin rotaryDC hybrid inverterR-410Apulse modulation valve5030203/8" - 5/8"60 / 6071 / 71na / 18901340 x 900 x 3207524,0 / 99,624,0 / 99,622,025 (type D)220÷240 / 1 / 501twin rotaryDC hybrid inverterR-410Apulse modulation valve5030203/8" - 5/8"60 / 6071 / 71na / 20851340 x 900 x 3208515,0 / 65,415,0 / 73,222,825 (type D)220÷240 / 1 / 50(1) Sound Pressure level measured in accordance with standard JIS C 9612(1) Sound Pressure level measured in accordance with standard JIS C 9612*Preliminary data

Technical dataTechnical data!"PQV!"VQV40KQV40VSQV38VYX05038VYX080Cooling / Heating Capacity (Nominal)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Minimum)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Maximum)Power Input (Nominal Conditions)EER / COP (Nominal Conditions)Energy Efficiency Class (1)Annual Energy Consumption (1)EER 50% / COP 50% (2)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Nominal)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Minimum)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Maximum)Power Input NominalEER / COP (Nominal Conditions)Energy Efficiency Class (1)Annual Energy Consumption (1)EER 50% / COP 50% (2)(1): according to Directive 2002/31/CE(2): according to CEN/TS 14825, EER 50% and COP 50% refer to the energy efficiency when the system delivers 50% <strong>of</strong> cooling or heatingcooling modeheating modemaximum conditionsminimum conditionsmaximum conditionsminimum conditionskWkWkWkWW/WkW/hW/WkWkWkWkWW/WkW/hW/WOutdoor temperatureIndoor temperatureOutdoor temperatureIndoor temperatureOutdoor temperatureIndoor temperatureOutdoor temperatureIndoor temperature4,801,705,251,782,70D13484,306,502,107,002,492,61D12454,205,251,506,001,782,95D14754,207,601,707,942,752,76E13754,004,851,505,251,772,73D13653,906,502,107,202,432,68D13404,205,191,506,001,772,93D14654,407,322,207,942,602,81D14054,5043°C32°C dry bulb / 23°C wet bulb-5°C21°C dry bulb / 15°C wet bulb21°C dry bulb / 15°C wet bulb27°C-15°C dry bulb / -17°C wet bulb20°C38VYX05038VYX08038VYX11038VYX1130Cooling / Heating Capacity (Nominal)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Minimum)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Maximum)Power Input (Nominal Conditions)EER / COP (Nominal Conditions)Energy Efficiency Class (1)Annual Energy Consumption (1)EER 50% / COP 50% (2)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Nominal)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Minimum)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Maximum)Power Input NominalEER / COP (Nominal Conditions)Energy Efficiency Class (1)Annual Energy Consumption (1)EER 50% / COP 50% (2)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Nominal)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Minimum)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Maximum)Power Input NominalEER / COP (Nominal Conditions)Energy Efficiency Class (1)Annual Energy Consumption (1)EER 50% / COP 50% (2)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Nominal)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Minimum)Cooling / Heating Capacity (Maximum)Power Input NominalEER / COP (Nominal Conditions)Energy Efficiency Class (1)Annual Energy Consumption (1)EER 50% / COP 50% (2)kWkWkWkWW/WkW/hW/WkWkWkWkWW/WkW/hW/WkWkWkWkWW/WkW/hW/WkWkWkWkWW/WkW/hW/W4,851,505,251,832,65D9154,006,602,207,902,352,81C11754,5010,30nana3,393,04B1695na12,30nana4,332,84—2165na5,071,506,001,553,27C7754,107,552,209,002,353,21C11754,5010,10nana3,153,21C1575na13,00nana4,053,21—2025na4,921,505,251,892,61D9453,306,542,107,202,512,61D12553,309,20nana3,512,62D1755na12,00nana4,532,65—2265na4,891,506,001,583,09D7904,107,772,209,002,772,81D13854,1010,70nana3,513,05D1755na13,40nana4,562,94—2280na(1) : according to Directive 2002/31/CE(2) : according to CEN/TS 14825, EER 50% and COP 50% refer to the energy efficiency when the system delivers 50% <strong>of</strong> cooling or heatingPreliminary data <strong>for</strong> sizes 110 and 130

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