Course Programme 2012 (PDF) - St Christopher's Hospice

Course Programme 2012 (PDF) - St Christopher's Hospice Course Programme 2012 (PDF) - St Christopher's Hospice
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<strong>2012</strong> Championingend of life careEDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR THE NHS, GENERALISTS,SPECIALISTS AND THE THIRD SECTOR<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

CONTENTSCalendar of courses and conferences <strong>2012</strong> 5Letter from Dame Barbara Monroe DBE, Chief Executive 8About the Education Centre 9The Halley <strong>St</strong>ewart Library 9Bookshop 10Educational consultancy and outreach service 11The Cicely Saunders Series <strong>2012</strong> 12Palliative care at the edges: palliation in heart, kidney and liver disease 12Update on oncology and general medicine 13<strong>Hospice</strong>s as a ‘hub’: a model for the future 13Accredited courses 14Palliative and end of life care foundations for registered nurses (King’s College London) 14Foundations in end of life care for health care assistants (EDI) 14Palliative care: advancing nursing practice (King’s College London) 15Childhood bereavement, diploma/postgraduate certificate <strong>2012</strong>-13 (Middlesex University) 16MSc, postgraduate diploma and postgraduate certificate in palliative care (King’s College London) 17Cognitive behavioural therapy 19Cognitive behavioural therapy: introductory day 19Cognitive behavioural therapy in cancer and palliative care: ‘first aid’ training in basic skills 19Cognitive behavioural therapy: intermediate skills for palliative care practitioners 20Clinical education 21Quality End of Life Care for All (QELCA) 21End of life care and the GP 21SKIPP: one year on – <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s Index of Patient Priorities. Measuring patient outcomes 22Cultural competence in the real world: training the trainers 22Think tank 23Leading an empowered organisation 23Achieving good end of life care for people with dementia 23The sharp end of pain control 24Motor Neurone Disease: no easy answers (joint MND conference with King’s College Hospital) 25Management course for specialist trainees, new consultants and NCCG doctors in palliative medicine 25Multi-professional plus: end of life care for advanced practitioners 26Multi-professional week in palliative care 27Gold <strong>St</strong>andards Framework in Care Homes (GSFCH) 28GP vocational training day 28Palliative Care Pharmacists Network annual conference 28Medicine management: an update for non-medical prescribers 29Non-medical prescribing think tank 29Communication and advance care planning 29Challenging conversations at end of life: communication skills for professionals including 29advance care planningAdvance care planning 30“I don’t know what to say...” 30Dying: dignity, spirituality and good patient care in the last days of life 31CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYContents <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> ContentsWorking with children and families 31Primary and secondary schools and bereavement 31Working with children facing loss and bereavement 32Young people facing bereavement 32Psycho-social masterclasses 32Working with risk in illness, disability and loss 32Sex, intimacy and loss: working with illness, death and bereavement 33Psycho-social care 33Colin Murray Parkes open meetings 33Is risk assessment good for you? 33The Bereavement Pathways Project 34Attachment theory: latest thinking 34Violent death 34Supportive care 35Getting competent and feeling confident 35Transitional care: fact or fiction – what do people really need? 35Personal landscapes: views from the end of life 36Developing a community resource for all: volunteering in hospices – the next steps 36Cancer and palliative care for complementary therapists 37The arts in time of crisis: living and dying creatively in a changing world 37Spiritual care 38Faith leaders forum 38Challenges for chaplaincy and spiritual care workers in end of life care 38Pastoral care conference: death, bereavement and meaning making 39International education: a special welcome to our overseas colleagues 39Multi-professional plus: end of life care for advanced practitioners 39Multi-professional week in palliative care 39Friday visits 40Visits and clinical placements 40International days 40MSc in palliative care 40Teaching faculty 40Bursaries 40International day 40Le cure palliative in Italia e in Gran Bretagna: imparare insieme 41Palliative care in Italy and the UK: learning together 41Specialist events 42Libraries in hospices: a networking day 42Public education 42Open house 43Resources available 43Visitor and clinical placement programme 43Friday visits 43Anniversary Centre visits 44Group visits 44Clinical placements 44External hire of facilities 45Location details and map 46Application/booking forms 47Education updates by email 51CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY

CALENDAR OF COURSESAND CONFERENCES <strong>2012</strong>JanuaryPage9-11 Palliative care: advancing nursing 15practice (part of 12 day course)12 End of life care and the GP 2117 Getting competent and feeling 35confident17-18 Challenging conversations at end 29of life: communication skills forprofessionals including advancecare planning19 Primary and secondary schools 31and bereavement20 SKIPP: one year on – <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s 22Index of Patient Priorities.Measuring patient outcomes24-27 Palliative care: advancing nursing 15practice (part of 12 day course)25 Faith leaders forum 3830-3 Challenges for chaplaincy and spiritual 38care workers in end of life careFebruaryPage2 Cultural competence in the real world: 22training the trainers2 Anniversary Centre visit 443 Friday visit 439 Think tank 2313-15 Leading an empowered organisation 2321 Medicine management: an update for 29non-medical prescribers23 Palliative care: advancing nursing 15practice (part of 12 day course)24 Transitional care: fact or fiction – 35what do people really need?28 Cognitive behavioural therapy: 19introductory day29 Is risk assessment good for you? 33Colin Murray Parkes open meetingMarchPage1 Palliative care: advancing nursing 15practice (part of 12 day course)2 Friday visit 438 Palliative care: advancing nursing 15practice (part of 12 day course)14 Getting competent and feeling 35confident15 Palliative care: advancing nursing 15practice (part of 12 day course)16 Personal landscapes: views from 36the end of life20 Working with children facing loss 32and bereavement21 Faith leaders forum 3821-23 Foundations in end of life care 14for health care assistants22 Palliative care: advancing nursing 15practice (part of 12 day course)26 Achieving good end of life care for 23people with dementia27-28 The sharp end of pain control 2430 Developing a community resource 36for all: volunteering and hospices –the next stepsAprilPage13 Friday visit 43CONTENTSCALENDARBOOK/APPLY5Calendar of courses and conferences <strong>2012</strong> <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

OctoberPage1-3 Palliative and end of life care 14foundations for registered nurses5 Dying: dignity, spirituality and good 31patient care in the last days of life9 Non-medical prescribing think tank 2910 Achieving good end of life care for 23people with dementia12 Friday visit 4317 Advance care planning 3030-1 Foundations in end of life care for 14health care assistantsNovemberPage2-3 The arts in time of crisis: living and 37dying creatively in a changing world5-7 Palliative and end of life care 14foundations for registered nurses9 Italian day 4112 Libraries in hospices: a networking day 4213 Pastoral care conference: death, 39bereavement and meaning making16 Friday visit 4321-22 Challenging conversations at end of 29life: communication skills forprofessionals including advance careplanning22 Think tank 2327 Young people facing bereavement 3228 GP vocational training day 2828 Getting competent and feeling 35confident30 <strong>Hospice</strong>s as a ‘hub’: a model 13for the futureCicely Saunders Series <strong>2012</strong>DecemberHow to apply for courses• Use the online booking form on ourwebsite• Complete the individual or groupapplication/booking forms on pages 47-50(photocopies are acceptable)• Application forms for the multiprofessionalweek and group visits areavailable on request.Further informationEducation AdministratorTelephone 020 8768 4656Email Violent death 34Colin Murray Parkes open meeting6 Anniversary Centre visit 447 Friday visit 43CONTENTSCALENDARBOOK/APPLY7Calendar of courses and conferences <strong>2012</strong> <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Letter from Dame Barbara MonroeCHAMPIONING END OF LIFE CAREDear ColleaguesEducation and workforce training is even more central in <strong>2012</strong> to the drive to change attitudes,skills, knowledge and the environments in which people end their lives. As we know, theseenvironments can change between home, hospitals, care home and hospice. In whateversetting we work, we all need to champion end of life care.We hope our <strong>2012</strong> portfolio of courses in palliative and end of life care has something to offeryou and your staff. If what you seek is not available, please talk to us.In addition, our Education Centre Library and Bookshop offer many of the latest publications inpalliative and end of life care.With every good wishDame Barbara Monroe DBEChief Executive8CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY

ABOUT THEEDUCATION CENTREThe Education Centre is atthe heart of <strong>St</strong> Christopher’smission to promote andprovide end of life care ofthe highest standards to allthose in need.<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s Education Centre is based withinthe hospice grounds. A map of the hospice andits neighbourhood can be found on page 46.The Halley <strong>St</strong>ewart LibraryThe Halley <strong>St</strong>ewart Library at <strong>St</strong> Christopher’shouses a comprehensive collection of material onall aspects of palliative care, death andbereavement. In breadth and depth, it providesusers with a unique resource on:• clinical work• research• education and training and• service users.Individuals are welcome to use the library in avariety of ways:• by email• by phone• by letter or• by appointment on a reference-only basis.Services include:• searches on the in-house database of c14,000items (books, articles and grey literature)• advice on locating current key literature onpalliative care• information on key UK palliative care websites• information on making the best use of NHSEvidence resources• a blog on latest bereavement literature and• a photocopying service.Specific resources include:• over 5,000 books• pamphlet collection of approximately 5,000 items• over 40 journals, mainly specialist ones, onpalliative care and bereavementCONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY9The Education Centre <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> The Education Centre• unpublished reports and theses• history of hospices and early material onpalliative care• writings by and about Dame Cicely Saunders and• publications by <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s staff.From the catalogue, very specific searches can bemade available easily, e.g. references to:• conference proceedings• complicated grief• care homes and palliative care or• information on Dame Cicely Saunders.Whilst the library has an emphasis on assistinghealth professionals, it also provides informationfor the public who have a personal interest in thisarea or who are service users:• books to help bereaved children and adults• young people undertaking projects and• personal accounts of bereavement oradvanced illness.I just would like to inform youthat the pack with articles arrivedsuccessfully. Thank you for it.I found the information veryuseful, especially with the greatlack of information in palliativecare in our settings...Service user, Eastern Europe10CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYBookshopThe bookshop at <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s is open onconference days, by appointment and by mailorder. It offers:• core books on palliative care, death, dying andbereavement• articles, mainly by <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s staff and• some resources for patients, carers andbereaved people.When contacting the bookshop, advice can alsobe offered on the most suitable materials topurchase for a particular purpose.There are approximately 140 items available in thebookshop. They cover the following areas:• bereavement• children’s books• death and dying• ethics and euthanasia• hospice and palliative care• material by Dame Cicely Saunders• Motor Neurone Disease• psychological aspects of care• spiritual and pastoral care• psycho-social aspects of care• symptom control• arts in palliative care• care homes and dementia.If you buy from <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s Bookshop, youare donating money towards the work of thehospice.For further information about the library or thebookshop, please contact:Denise Brady LibrarianTelephone 020 8768 4660Email

Educational consultancy andoutreach serviceAs well as the courses in our publishedprogramme it is sometimes possible to tailormakeshort courses and study days, specificallydesigned to meet the needs of your particularstaff group.Recently, for example, we were commissioned todeliver a comprehensive programme of end of lifecare training for hospital and community-basedhealth and social care staff in the Primary CareTrusts (PCTs) of Lewisham and Bromley. Thismandatory training has been a core part of thosePCTs’ commitment to developing end of life careknowledge and skills amongst the non-specialistworkforce. The programme builds on ourestablished courses such as ‘ChallengingConversations’, Quality End of Life Care for All(QELCA) and the ‘Foundations in End of Life Care’but has been developed and extended to meetthe particular local context.I believe the course should beavailable to everyone in the caresector, whether or not they arecaring for patients at the endof lifeDelegate on ‘Dignity in care’,a course developed for Bromley PCT 2011We were also successful in a bid for ‘test site’funding from the National End of Life <strong>Programme</strong>to deliver training to social care professionals inthe London Boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark.Working closely with senior managers from thetwo areas we developed and ran training days,custom-made, to meet the gaps in knowledgeand skills they had identified within their teams.By working together, organisations can sometimesshare the costs of staff development whilst alsobuilding stronger working networks andrelationships. If you would like to know moreabout similar tailor-made courses then please doget in touch.We can also offer:• support for practice/service development• in-house consultancy to develop practice in aspecific area e.g. culturally-sensitive practice• care home developments and• the development of information/libraryservices.If you would like to discuss any of thesepossibilities for outreach training orconsultancy please contact:Lesley Adshead Lecturer in Palliative CareTelephone 020 8768 4657Email CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY11The Education Centre <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> The Cicely Saunders Series <strong>2012</strong>THE CICELY SAUNDERSSERIES <strong>2012</strong>“We have to listen to the details of symptoms,giving constant attention to changing needs.We are concerned both to relieve suffering andthat our patients should maintain their owncharacter and style to the end.” Cicely SaundersTranslating the original vision and values of CicelySaunders into modern end of life contexts is thechallenge for us all. Addressing the needs of allusers and carers requiring competent andconfident end of life care, in whatever settingthey are in, is a huge challenge. Education andcommunication are key. This Series offersopportunities to focus on some important areasof care at the end of life which present us withprofessional dilemmas or raise complex questions.Palliative care at the edges:palliation in heart, kidneyand liver disease16 May <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:30 Code CSS0512 Cost £100ChairsDr Nigel Sykes Medical Director, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>Dr Louise Gibbs Consultant in Palliative Medicine,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>The pressure to widen the scope of palliative carebeyond cancer is leading services to engage withdisease conditions that have their own body ofexpertise about which staff may feel they havelittle knowledge. This study day looks at threedisease areas from which increasing numbers ofpeople are being referred to specialist palliativecare. It will examine current challenges,unanswered questions and the frontiers ofresearch in relation to palliation of symptomsarising from cardiac, renal and hepatic failure.Attention will also be paid to the interfacebetween palliative care and the specialist hospitaland community teams who are the experts in themanagement of these conditions, in order toconsider when it is appropriate for palliative careto become involved and what its limits are.The day will be of interest to doctors and nursesworking in specialist palliative care, but also toclinicians from the relevant disease-specificservices who are concerned about achieving goodend of life care for their patients whose disease isprogressing.12CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY

Update on oncology andgeneral medicine‘Giving constant attention to changing needs’Dame Cicely Saunders6 September <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:30-16:30 Code CSS0912 Cost £100It may be possible to attend for a half day: cost £60ChairsDr Emma Hall Consultant in Palliative Medicine,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Dr Debra Swann Consultant in PalliativeMedicine, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Palliative care specialists are increasingly caring forcancer patients earlier in their disease; as such, patientsmay benefit from information about and appropriatereferral for treatments and interventions in an acutesetting. It is therefore essential that we keep ourselvesupdated on recent developments to better informcommunication with patients and to ensure timely andappropriate referrals to colleagues. We are also caringfor increasing numbers of patients with non-malignantdisease and multiple co-morbidities. Updates on twocommon co-morbid conditions will be included in theday. The day highlights the modern relevance of CicelySaunders' values which demanded a striving forcontinuous learning and improvement, in order tobenefit patients and their carers.Topics to be coveredGeneral medicine• Update on rheumatology• interventional radiology (with a focus onpalliation of obstructive lesions and bleeding)• update on diabetesOncology• ‘Mibs and mabs’: developments in novelanti-cancer treatmentsDr Mark Harries Consultant Medical Oncologist,Guy’s and <strong>St</strong> Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust• Update on radiotherapy techniques (to includeIMRT, cyber and gamma knife)Dr Teresa Guerrero-Urbano Consultant ClinicalOncologist, Guy’s and <strong>St</strong> Thomas’ NHSFoundation Trust• Colorectal cancer: update on staging andtreatmentSpeaker to be confirmed – see websiteThe day is aimed at palliative medicine doctors of allgrades. It may also be of interest to Clinical NurseSpecialists working in palliative care settings.<strong>Hospice</strong>s as a ‘hub’:a model for the future30 November <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:30 Code CSS1112 Cost £100ChairNigel Hartley Director of Supportive Care,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>This study day explores a new model for workingwhich places the hospice at the centre of thecommunity. This new model advocates thehospice as a dynamic community hub combiningsocial experiences and activities which, together,support the delivery of high quality, costeffective,and evaluated care and serviceinnovation.This model has been developed and implementedat <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s in response to demands arisingfrom current stressors and drivers, including theageing population, the current conditions offinancial austerity, and the growing demands forgood end of life care for all. The demands requirean innovative and integrated response if thequality of service for people at the end of life, isto be maintained and taken to the next level.The day will include topics that consider thevarious elements of the new model including:• the volunteer ‘hub’ – extended and enhancedvolunteer programmes and sharing volunteerresources• the social ‘hub’ – the development of hospicesas social spaces• the community ‘hub’ – including communityevents and involvement• the education ‘hub’ – a more rational use offacilities and professional resources and• the cost-effective ‘hub’ – a more rational use offacilities and professional resources.The day will be of particular interest to hospicemanagers, trustees and GPs, but will also be ofinterest to managers of day care and outpatientservices who are facing many of the similarchallenges, for example those working in localauthorities.CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY13The Cicely Saunders Series <strong>2012</strong> <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Accredited coursesACCREDITED COURSESPalliative and end of life carefoundations for registerednurses<strong>St</strong>and alone module at Level 5 (diploma)or Level 6 (degree) or optional module forBSc programme<strong>Course</strong> 1 *8-10 May and 28-30 May <strong>2012</strong><strong>Course</strong> 2 *1-3 October 5-7 November <strong>2012</strong>* Day one of each six-day course at King’s College,all other days at <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Cost £890<strong>Course</strong> leaderLiz Bryan Lecturer Practitioner, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>/King’s College LondonBSc <strong>Programme</strong> LeadLorraine Robinson Principal Lecturer, King’sCollege LondonThis course has been developed in collaboration withFlorence Nightingale School of Nursing andMidwifery, King’s College London (KCL) and can betaken as a 15-credit module at either level 5 or level6. It is suitable for RNs working in any setting andaims to address the key principles of palliative care.Content includes exploring what we mean by apalliative approach to physical symptom assessmentand management, effective interpersonalcommunication with patients and their families andother issues related to end of life care. Teaching isprovided in the main by clinicians from<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s. It will run over two three-day blocksand will be assessed by a clinically-based workbookand a written assignment. The first day is held at KCL,Waterloo Campus, and the remaining five days areheld at <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>, Sydenham.Further informationLiz Bryan<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>, 51-59 Lawrie Park Road,Sydenham, London SE26 6DZTelephone 020 8768 4711Email CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYorFlorence Nightingale School of Nursing andMidwifery, King’s College London,57 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8WATelephone 020 7848 3583Email<strong>St</strong>udent Services Centre (SSC), FlorenceNightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery,King’s College London, James Clerk MaxwellBuilding, 57 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8WATelephone 020 7848 4698Email in end of lifecare for health careassistantsAccreditation with EDI in collaboration withBromley College – a three-day course offeredtwice during the year21-23 March and 30 October-1 November <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:00-16:00 Code EOLC12 Cost £285Lead tutorDeborah Holman Advancing Practice Nurse,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>This three-day course will provide training forHCAs and support workers working in the frontline of end of life care. It will enable theparticipants to develop skills and knowledgerelated to the care of the dying person and theirfamily.The course is comprised of six mandatory unitstaught by clinicians from <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>.The subjects will be introduced usingparticipatory methods, ensuring opportunities forindividual reflection and sharing of ideas.Accreditation will be assessed through thecompletion of a knowledge assessmentworkbook. The course will also contribute to theunderpinning knowledge required for NVQ Levels2 & 3 in Health and Social Care.

Further informationDeborah Holman Advancing Practice Nurse<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>, 51-59 Lawrie Park Road,Sydenham SE26 6DZTelephone 020 8768 4515Email Administrator at <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Telephone 020 8768 4656Email care: advancingnursing practice<strong>St</strong>and alone module at level 7 (30 credits) or acore module of the PGCert/PGDip/MSc inAdvanced Practice (Palliative Care Nursing)9, 10 11, 24, 25, 26 and 27 January; 23 February;and 1, 8, 15 and 22 March <strong>2012</strong>* First three days of the course take place atKing’s College London, the remaining nine days at<strong>St</strong> Christopher’sCost £1780<strong>Course</strong> leaderLiz Bryan Lecturer Practitioner, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>/King’s College LondonPGCert/PGDip/MSC programme leaderKaren Gillett Lecturer, King’s College LondonDeveloped in collaboration with the FlorenceNightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery,King’s College London (KCL), this module, worth30 credits at Masters level aims to facilitate thepersonal and professional development ofpalliative care nurses engaged in advancingnursing practice and palliative care servicedelivery. The aim is to equip practitioners towork effectively within their organisations andto apply key principles of advanced assessmentand clinical examination skills to thedevelopment of their practice/service. Thedevelopment of these skills will be underpinnedby strategic concepts, appropriate theoreticalframeworks and analytical tools, which willencourage practitioners to critically analyse thescope of their current role.The taught days will be held at both sites – thefirst three at KCL and the remaining nine days at<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>, Sydenham.Further informationLiz Bryan<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>, 51-59 Lawrie Park Road,Sydenham, London SE26 6DZTelephone 020 8768 4711Email Nightingale School of Nursing andMidwifery, King’s College London, 57 WaterlooRoad, London SE1 8WATelephone 020 7848 3583Email GillettFlorence Nightingale School of Nursing andMidwifery, King’s College London, 57 WaterlooRoad, London SE1 8WATelephone 020 7848 3741Email<strong>St</strong>udent Services Centre (SSC), FlorenceNightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery,King’s College London, James Clerk MaxwellBuilding, 57 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8WATelephone 020 7848 4698Email CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY15Accredited courses <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Childhood bereavementCHILDHOODBEREAVEMENTDiploma/PostgraduateCertificateNext intake September <strong>2012</strong><strong>Programme</strong> leaderFrances Kraus Candle Project Leader,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>TutorsIsobel Bremner Candle Project Worker,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Patsy Way Candle Project Worker,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Admissions and assessment tutorJean Hindmarch Projects Director,Help the <strong>Hospice</strong>s<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> and Help the <strong>Hospice</strong>sare working in partnership to deliver the UK’s firststand-alone university-validated programmes inchildhood bereavement. Teaching is led by stafffrom the Candle Project, which providesbereavement support to children and families insouth-east London. Leading expert practitionersfrom the field of childhood bereavement andrelated disciplines teach on the course. Guestlecturers include: Dame Barbara Monroe, Julie<strong>St</strong>okes, Dr Colin Murray Parkes, David Trickey,Alison Penny and Dr Jane McCarthy.These innovative programmes, validated byMiddlesex University, are offered as a Diplomaand a Postgraduate Certificate. Each of theprogrammes is taught as two modules on a parttimebasis over nine months. <strong>St</strong>udents will berequired to attend:• two non-residential sessions at the beginningand end of the course at <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>, London SE26 6DZ and• six one-day sessions at Help the <strong>Hospice</strong>s,London WC1X 9JG.Recently re-validated by Middlesex University, thecourses were commended for:16CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY• their impact on the development ofbereavement services across the UK• the richness of the programmes with practisingclinicians and outside experts• the quality of the support from tutors and thelibrarian• their contribution to the personal and careerdevelopment of students and• the way in which they model good practice ofinter-professional work.While the programmes offer a uniqueopportunity to link theory to practice, they willnot lead to any kind of accreditation orcontribution to a qualification in clinical practicesuch as that offered by the British Association forCounselling and Psychotherapy.Working with Bereaved Children,Young People and Families: Module 1(Diploma: 20 credits at Level 2); Module 3(Postgraduate Certificate: 20 credits atLevel 4)• Theories of bereavement• child development; loss through the life-cycle;the family context• the death of a child – the family perspective• pre-bereavement issues• children bereaved by a traumatic death• assessment issues• working with individuals, with families and ingroups• brief versus extended interventions,telephone work and• supervision and support.

Context and Framework: Module 2(Diploma: 20 Credits at Level 2); Module 4(Postgraduate Certificate: 20 Credits atLevel 4)• Service development: assessing need andsetting up a service• setting standards for service delivery: recordkeeping;monitoring and maintaining quality;working with volunteers• inter-agency working; referral to other services;working with minority groups• legal issues and report writing• a parent’s perspective and• training issues for service providers: resources;methods; reflective practice.Extended study for Postgraduate CertificatestudentsAn extended essay – the chosen topic of whichshould relate to material covered in both Modules3 and 4 and which should make reference to thereal-life experiences of children and/or of youngpeople and their families.Further information or applicationsAdministrative Officer, Childhood Bereavement<strong>Programme</strong>s, Help the <strong>Hospice</strong>s, 34-44 Britannia<strong>St</strong>reet, London WC1X 9JGTelephone 020 7520 8200Fax 020 7278 1021Email, POSTGRADUATEDIPLOMA ANDPOSTGRADUATECERTIFICATE INPALLIATIVE CAREHighly praised by theUnited Kingdom QualityAssurance AgencyCurrent course costsMScUK/EC £5,400 Overseas (non-EU) £16,650Postgraduate DiplomaUK/EC £3,600 Overseas £11,100Postgraduate CertificateUK/EC £1,800 Overseas £5,550The MSc in Palliative Care course is intended forthe future leaders of palliative and end of life carefrom multi-professional backgrounds (clinical careor teaching and research). The course will give youthe skills necessary to critically appraise researchand evidence on issues of palliative care to informclinical practice and service development. Muchof the work during the MSc will relate to yourown personal work experience. This course drawson the research, expertise and internationalreputations of teaching staff at King’s CollegeLondon and <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>. Other highprofile experts in palliative care and other relevantdisciplines and organisations also contribute toteaching.We want to reflect the multi-professional natureof palliative care and provide an opportunity fordifferent professionals to learn together. Past andpresent students include trainee doctors inpalliative medicine, general practitioners,oncologists and anaesthetists, clinical nursespecialists in palliative care, community nurses,therapeutic radiographers, occupational therapists,social workers and music therapists. Previousoverseas students have come from Europe(Denmark, Germany, Iceland, the Netherlands,Italy, Norway, Switzerland) and from further afieldCONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY17MSc, postgraduate diploma and postgraduate certificate in palliative care <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MSc, postgraduate diploma and postgraduate certificate in palliative care(Hong Kong, India, Japan, Canada, South Africa,Uganda and the USA).We promise the ‘cut and thrust’ of discussionamong students and lecturers will always beexciting!<strong>Programme</strong> contentThe syllabus is arranged in modules eachconsisting of ten days taught tuition.Core modulesResearch methods and statistics in palliative careModule leadersDr Richard Harding, Dr Jonathan Koffman,Prof Irene Higginson and Dr Sue HallBiology and management of symptoms inadvanced diseaseModule leadersDr Nigel Sykes, Dr Victor Pace and Maggie BissetService organisation and policy in palliative careModule leadersDr Jonathan Koffman, Prof Irene Higginson andKate HeapsPsycho-social, cultural, ethical and spiritualissuesModule leadersDame Barbara Monroe, Prof David Oliviere,Rev Peter Speck, Dr Rachel Burman andDr Wendy PrenticeOptional modulesAdvanced pain and symptom controlModule leadersDr Nigel Sykes, Dr Victor Pace and Maggie BissetService development and managementModule leadersDr Jonathan Koffman, Prof Irene Higginson andKate HeapsAdvanced psycho-social, ethical and spiritualcareModule leadersDame Barbara Monroe, Rev Peter Speck,Prof David Oliviere, Dr Rachel Burman andDr Wendy PrenticeApplying epidemiology to palliative careModule leaderProf Irene HigginsonMSc research projectA research project (15,000 words) usually based onthe analysis of original data you have collected inyour place of work.18CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYFlexible learning optionsIn addition to the MSc qualification, we also offera Postgraduate Diploma and a PostgraduateCertificate. This enables you to access the MScprogramme at a point that is relevant to yourcircumstances, achieve credits and leave at apoint that specifically meets your needs. Workachieved at one level can be carried forward tothe next level. A break from study can be takenproviding the final qualification is completedwithin a five-year period from registration.The successful completion of the core ResearchMethods and <strong>St</strong>atistics in Palliative Care module,plus two other modules achieves thePostgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care; fourcore modules and two optional modules achievesthe Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Care.The addition of the completed research projectachieves the MSc in Palliative Care.Formal entry requirementsYou should normally have a degree in medicine ornursing, or an upper second class honours degreein life sciences, social sciences, or other approvedsubject awarded by a United Kingdom universityor a recognised overseas university. You shouldalso be able to demonstrate experience ofworking in palliative care or palliative medicine –in clinical or social care, or from a practice orresearch point of view.Further information or application formsMSc AdministratorDepartment of Palliative Care, Policy &Rehabilitation, King’s College London School ofMedicine, Cicely Saunders Institute, BessemerRoad, London SE5 9PJTelephone 020 7848 5584Fax 020 7848 5517Email details of the courses can be found on theCicely Saunders Institute website can request an application form anddownload a course information booklet online at

COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURALTHERAPYCognitive behaviouraltherapy: introductory day28 February <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:30-16:00 Code CBTI0212 Cost £90FacilitatorKathy Burn Clinical Nurse Specialist and CBTTherapist, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>This course is designed for clinicians involved indelivering end of life care whatever the setting,who are involved in providing general emotionalsupport for patients and carers. Thesepractitioners are often involved in managingsignificant levels of emotional distress and willalready have experience of using basiccommunication skills in order to establishsupportive relationships with patients/carers.Delegates are not required to have any previousknowledge of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).The course aims to provide a basic introductionto CBT and is particularly suitable for thosepractising at Level 1 of the NICE Guidance inSupportive and Palliative Care.Learning outcomes:• a basic understanding of CBT and why it is auseful approach in oncology/palliative care• familiarity with a number of basic CBT skills and• recognition of which patients/carers maybenefit from this approach.The course will involve a combination of didacticteaching, demonstration, experiential learning(role play) and discussion. RCP accredited.A very useful 'taster' - I willcertainly reflect upon how Imight apply CBT within my role2011 delegateCognitive behaviouraltherapy in cancer andpalliative care: ‘first aid’training in basic skills12-13 June and 11 September <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:30-16:00 Code CBT0612 Cost £300FacilitatorsDr <strong>St</strong>irling Moorey Head of Psychotherapy,National Division CBT Service, MaudsleyHospital; Co-founder, Institute of PsychiatryCognitive Therapy <strong>Course</strong>Kathy Burn Clinical Nurse Specialist and CBTTherapist, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>This three-day course is designed for cliniciansworking in oncology and palliative care settings,whose role specifically includes the provisionof psychological care for patients and carers.These practitioners will already be involved inassessing for psychological distress and providingappropriate psychological and/or supportiveinterventions. Delegates may already have anunderstanding of CBT and its application,however this is not a requirement forattendance. The course is particularly suitablefor those practising at Level 2 of the NICEGuidance in Supportive and Palliative Care.The course aims to provide a detailedintroduction to the cognitive model andillustrate how this model can help clinicians gaina better understanding of how emotionalreactions to illness are shaped by underlyingbeliefs and characteristic coping strategies.A range of cognitive and behavioural skills willbe considered, along with emotional/supportivetechniques. With the changing course ofphysical illness, flexibility is required in theapplication of CBT techniques – considerationwill be given to how clinicians may select themost appropriate interventions to use in varioussituations.The time period between day two and three ofthe course is designed to allow delegates topractise acquired skills in their various settings.The final day of the course will allow time fordiscussion about these experiences, includinghow to manage any particular difficulties orchallenges.CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY19Cognitive behavioural therapy <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Cognitive behavioural therapyLearning outcomes:• ability to utilise the cognitive model inunderstanding emotional reactions to physicalillness• familiarity with a range of cognitive andbehavioural skills• awareness of the role of emotional validationand processing• recognition of situations in which CBT skills maybe utilised and• ability to select appropriate CBT interventionsfor a variety of emotional presentations.Training will involve a combination of didacticteaching, experiential learning, demonstration anddiscussion. Delegates will have the opportunity topractise CBT skills in paired role plays. RCPaccredited.Cognitive behaviouraltherapy: intermediate skillsfor palliative carepractitionersBristol study days are 19-20 March, 14-15 May and9-10 July <strong>2012</strong>Bradford study days are 8-9 March, 10-11 May and5-6 July <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:00-17:00 Cost Free*FacilitatorsDr Kathryn Mannix Consultant in PalliativeMedicine and Cognitive Therapist, Marie Curie<strong>Hospice</strong> and Royal Victoria Infirmary,NewcastleDr <strong>St</strong>irling Moorey Head of Psychotherapy,National Division CBT Service, Maudsley Hospital;Co-founder Institute of Psychiatry CognitiveTherapy <strong>Course</strong>Nigel Sage Consultant Clinical Psychologist,Beacon Specialist Community Supportive andPalliative Care Service, GuildfordDr Christine R Baker Consultant ClinicalPsychologist, Psychology in Healthcare, RoyalVictoria Infirmary, NewcastleAs part of a three-year project funded by theDepartment of Health’s Innovation Excellence andService Development Fund, Marie Curie CancerCare is offering training in CBT skills for palliative20CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYcare. This course is targeted at clinicians inpalliative care who require additional skills toenable them to assess and manage distress arisingas a consequence of far advanced illness. It issuitable for palliative care clinical nurse specialists,doctors, allied health professionals, social workersand clinicians working with advanced heart failure,pulmonary disease, neurodegenerative conditionsand other similarly life-limiting conditions. It isessential that course participants have had anintroductory training in CBT as well asopportunities to have used the skills in practice.The course will recap on CBT theory and provideopportunities for skills practice.Specific learning outcomes include:• familiarity with the core CBT-based therapeuticapproaches• recognition of key opportunities to interveneemploying CBT techniques and• critically appraise feedback on CBT strategies inworking with individuals and families.Emotional distress, such as anxiety anddepression, is common in palliative care. CBTworks collaboratively to give patients anunderstanding of the psychological mechanismsthat contribute to their sadness or anxiety, andskills that they can learn and use to manage theirdistress and enhance their coping. Recent researchhas shown that brief training can teach palliativecare staff to use CBT skills effectively.The course takes place over six months, andincludes six face-to-face training days along withongoing supervision at or near the participant’sworkplace. There are also limited places fortrained CBT therapists to join a train-the-trainersprogramme to be able to deliver this training toother staff, in order to increase the trainerworkforce and more widely spread the skills ofCBT for palliative care.The course will be offered twice per year atvenues in north and south England. In <strong>2012</strong>, thenorth course will be held in Bradford and thesouth course will be held in Bristol (see datesabove). The course is free of charge toparticipants, who must obtain managers’approval to attend the six training days and fivesupervision sessions involved.Further informationContact telephone Kelly Barnes 07872 424 497.

CLINICAL EDUCATIONNEW COURSE Quality End ofLife Care for All (QELCA)Five-day course at <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s followed bysix work-based action learning sessions to beheld monthlyMututally-convenient dates by arrangementCode QELC12 Cost Approximately £450(depending on number of participants)Lead tutorLiz Bryan Lecturer Practitioner, <strong>St</strong> <strong>Christopher's</strong><strong>Hospice</strong>/King’s College LondonThis is an innovative new programme designed toenable and empower teams of clinical nursemanagers (Band 6/7) from acute or communitysettings to deliver high quality care to patientsand families at the end of life. It comprises a fiveday course at <strong>St</strong> <strong>Christopher's</strong> followed by sixmonths of action learning, and has been formallyevaluated in partnership with the King's Fund.This programme not only includes relevantteaching on principles of palliative symptomassessment and management but also involves indepthfacilitated reflection on both personalpractice and on end of life nursing observed onplacement on the hospice inpatient unit and/orvisiting patients at home with the specialistcommunity nurses.Teams of up to 16 nurses can be accommodated.Mutually convenient dates are negotiated directlywith organisations through senior nurse managers.Further informationLiz Bryan<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>, 51-59 Lawrie Park Road,Sydenham, London SE26 6DZTelephone 020 8768 4711Email view the QELCA report, of life care and the GP12 January <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:30-13:00 Code GP0112 Cost £30ChairsDr Emily Gibbs GP and Community ClinicalChampion, MI InitiativeDr Nicola Robinson GP and Macmillan Facilitatorfor Gold <strong>St</strong>andards FrameworkThis half-day course is organised by acollaborative team of local GPs and specialistpalliative medicine consultants. It is aimed atexperienced GPs who wish to refresh andupdate their knowledge of end of life care.Topics will include:• the role of the primary care team• the role of specialist palliative care• ‘co-ordinate my care’: update on end of liferegister pilot schemes and• DNAR discussions and other difficultconversations.There will be the opportunity for participants tobring interesting or difficult cases for discussion.Very good course, learnt a lot andspeakers were of a high standard2011 delegateCONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY21Clinical education <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Clinical educationSKIPP: one year on –<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s Index ofPatient Priorities.Measuring patient outcomes20 January <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:00 Code SK0112 Cost £90ChairDr Nigel Sykes Medical Director, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>SpeakersProf Julia Addington-Hall Professor in End of LifeCare, Faculty of Health Sciences, University ofSouthamptonSarah Coverdale Advancing Practice Nurse,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Nigel Dodds Community Nurse Manager,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Rosanna Heal Quality Manager, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>Angela Thavaraj Advancing Practice Nurse,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong><strong>St</strong> Christopher’s Index of Patient Priorities (SKIPP)is a new validated outcome measure for use inhospice and palliative care settings. There areversions for use in in-patient units, home care andday care. The short questionnaire is designed notto be an undue burden on patients. SKIPP aims todetect whether and in what ways the service hasan impact on patients' care – from theirperspective – exploring patients' perceptions oftheir quality of life, pain, depression and other keyproblems. It overcomes the problem of responseshift.This day will build on the successful introductoryday in 2011 and will provide latest thinking andexperience on SKIPP one year on, from a multiprofessionalperspective. It is also suitable forthose who would like an introduction to patientmeasures and SKIPP in particular.Great to have staff teaching fromall branches of your organisationat all levels2011 delegate22CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYNEW COURSE Culturalcompetence in the realworld: training the trainers2 February <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:00 Code CC0212 Cost £90ChairDavid Oliviere Director of Education andTraining, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>SpeakersLesley Adshead Lecturer in Palliative Care,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Elizabeth Bayliss Director, Social Action forHealthLiz Bryan Lecturer Practitioner, <strong>St</strong> <strong>Christopher's</strong><strong>Hospice</strong>/King’s College LondonRev Dr Andrew Goodhead Spiritual Care Lead,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Dr Yasmin Gunaratnam Lecturer, Goldsmith’sCollege, University of LondonDeborah Holman Advancing Practice Nurse,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Brian Nyatanga Macmillan Senior Lecturer,University of WorcesterDr Heather Richardson Clinical Director, Help the<strong>Hospice</strong>s and <strong>St</strong> Joseph’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Frances Rifkin Director, Utopia Productions‘Cultural Competence’ reinforces good health caregenerally and links with dignity, compassion and‘relationship care’ and is vital to good practice inhealth and social care. It is important at the endof life. It endeavours to promote equalities and

ecognise social differences in the provision ofservice and relates to the personal and structuralin society.Aims of study day:• gather together health and social careprofessionals with a special interest inprogressing competence in through servicedevelopment and education/training• explore the meaning and limits of ‘culturalcompetence’ at a training the trainers level, i.e.where senior staff are responsible forconsultancy, management or educationalaspects of palliative and end of life care• gather examples from participants’ experienceof development and training related to culturalcompetence• address specific challenging issues including thecultural diversity of the workforce andimplications of cross-cultural working, languagedifficulties, as well as differing world views, howone manages the interface between a verydiverse user/carer population and workforce• make some recommendations to the NationalEnd of Life Care team and to write up anyfindings.Think tank9 February, 28 June and 22 November <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:30-12:30 Code TT12 Cost FreeFacilitatorDr Nigel Sykes Medical Director, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>; Hon. Senior Lecturer, King’s CollegeLondonA forum for palliative care physicians in theLondon and south-eastern regions to exploreproblems in clinical management. There will bediscussions of case histories and audits, with theparticipation of invited experts from outside thespeciality. Accreditation CPD approved.Further informationLisa Lewis PA to Medical TeamTelephone 020 8768 4551Email an empoweredorganisation13-15 February <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:00 Cost FreeFacilitatorTimothy Jackson Nurse Director and End of LifeCare Lead, SE London Cancer Network‘Leading an empowered organisation’ is anational three-day leadership programmeaccredited by Leeds University. The course hasbeen expanded and updated; is learner-centredand builds on participants’ experiences andchallenges of being a leader; and is a tool kit formanaging unhealthy behaviours in an assertive,encouraging manner. It introduces and builds onthe following concepts: centralised anddecentralised organisations; the role of leaderversus manager; articulated expectation; killerphrases; situational leadership; positivediscipline; unhealthy behaviours in organisationsand individuals; and replacement behaviours andproblem solving model.Further information and applicationsSaima Kash Network Administrator,SE London Cancer NetworkTelephone 020 7188 7089Email saima.kash@gstt.nhs.ukAchieving good end of lifecare for people withdementiaA one-day course26 March and 10 October <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:30-16.30Codes ELCD0312 (March) ELCD1012 (October)Cost £90FacilitatorMin <strong>St</strong>acpoole Research Nurse, End of Life Carefor People with Dementia, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>Estimates suggest that by the end of the decadethere could be up to a million people living withCONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY23Clinical education <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Clinical educationdementia in the UK. All of us, especially healthand social care professionals, need to understandthe impact of dementia on the lives of individualsand families. Research has found that end of lifecare for people with dementia is often poor andthat they are often hospitalised inappropriatelybecause of lack of planning and co-ordination.The primary care team, care home staff and socialcare professionals play a key role in recognisingdisease progression and supporting the family toplan ahead and ensure that the end of life carewishes of the person with dementia are respectedand the person dies peacefully and comfortably.End of life care for people with dementia doesnot usually need specialist palliative careintervention. However, planning end of life carefor someone who lacks capacity to make theirown decisions is different from advance careplanning with someone who is cognitively able;assessing pain and other physical symptoms iscomplicated when the person cannotcommunicate their distress verbally; andsupporting families through the long dwindlingend stages of dementia can be challenging. Thiscourse is intended to help health and social careprofessionals adapt their existing skills to achieveexcellent end of life care for people withdementia and their families.Topics will include:• dementia: diagnosis, epidemiology and nationalpolicy• experience of the person with dementia• understanding behavioural and psychologicalsymptoms• assessing symptoms when someone cannotcommunicate verbally• disease progression and decision making and• end of life care.This course is aimed at GPs, district nurses,community matrons, CPNs, care home nurses,domiciliary care managers, social workers, alliedhealth professionals, and other care workers whowould like the opportunity to reflect on theirwork with people with dementia.24CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYThe sharp end of pain control27-28 March <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:25-16:00 Code SPC0312 Cost £180SpeakersDr Joan Hester Consultant in Pain Medicine,King’s College Hospital; Immediate Past President,British Pain SocietyDr Sue Peat Consultant in Pain Medicine, King’sCollege HospitalDr Nigel Sykes Medical Director, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>; Hon. Senior Lecturer in PalliativeMedicine, King’s College LondonThis two-day course will offer participants anup-to-date insight into the role of specialist painmanagement in the palliative care population,including those cared for in a hospital, hospice orhome environment. It will define the place ofinterventional procedures and new drugsappropriate to this group of patients. Teachingwill include practical advice about neural blockadetechniques including epidural and intrathecalcatheters and cordotomy. There will beopportunity for participants to discuss patientsthey are currently caring for. The course lasts twodays and is run jointly by <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>and the Pain Relief Unit at King’s College Hospital,London.The course is designed for palliative medicinephysicians, pain specialists, anaesthetists, generalpractitioners and senior nurses who have aninterest in the use of nerve blocks and otherinterventional techniques in the context ofpalliative care. RCP accredited.Well organised with a lot ofaudience participation and sharingof ideas... it was a great learningopportunity, with practical ideasand advice on setting upepidural/intrathecal services2011 delegate

Motor Neurone Disease:no easy answersJoint MND Conferencewith King’s College Hospital10 May <strong>2012</strong>Registration 8:30-9:20 <strong>Programme</strong> 9:30-16:30Code MND0512 Cost £100Venue Weston Education Centre,King’s College Hospital, LondonJoint chairsDr Cathy Ellis Consultant Neurologist, Kings’College Hospital MND Care and Research CentreDr Nigel Sykes Medical Director, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>; Hon Senior Lecturer, King’s CollegeLondonMotor Neurone Dssease is a challenge for all –patients and families, certainly, but also forprofessionals – and there are seldom easy answers.This one day conference gives us the chance toshare knowledge, skills and dilemmas. It reflectscollaboration between <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>and the MND Care and Research Centre at King’sCollege Hospital, London.Topics will include:• a critical overview of the latest research andclinical trials• management of complex symptoms anddifficult cases• artificial hydration and nutrition at end of life• compassion fatigue in professionals caring forpatients with MND• legal issues/mental capacity and• the role of the arts in supporting the patient.The conference is aimed at nurses, doctors,therapists, allied health professionals, socialworkers and all professionals who support peopleliving with MND. RCP accredited.Management course forspecialist trainees, newconsultants and NCCGdoctors in palliative medicineIn conjunction with Trinity <strong>Hospice</strong>and Princess Alice <strong>Hospice</strong>18-22 June <strong>2012</strong>Code SPR12 Cost £610Lead tutorsDr Louise Gibbs Consultant in Palliative Medicine,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Dr Jennifer Todd Consultant in PalliativeMedicine, Princess Alice <strong>Hospice</strong>Learning outcomes:• building effective management skills andabilities• enhancing practical management skills and• addressing current curriculum trainingrequirements.Module one – leadership and management ofindividuals and teamsDay one will include management and leadershipstyles, communication, delegation, negotiation,conflict resolution, time management and teamworking. Day two will cover the details andpracticalities of managing, particularly from ageneric human resource perspective. Topics toinclude recruitment and selection, part-timeworking, managing relationships, performancemanagement and equal opportunities.Module two – managing the organisation,interfacing with the external environment,governance and legal issuesManaging the organisation will include topicssuch as strategy, change management, finance,budgets, business and work planning, fundraisingand the media. Interfacing with the externalenvironment will include NHS and voluntarysector perspectives. Governance and legal issueswill include corporate and clinical governancesuch as risk management, data protectionand audit.CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY25Clinical education <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Clinical educationNEW COURSE Multi-professionalplus: end of life care foradvanced practitionersFive days of intensive tutoring in end of lifecare for advanced practitioners21-25 May <strong>2012</strong>Code MPP0512 Cost £750TutorsRev Dr Andrew Goodhead Spiritual Care Lead,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Prof David Oliviere Director of Education andTraining, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> and CounsellorSara <strong>St</strong>evenson-Baker Nurse Manager,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Dr Nigel Sykes Medical Director, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>; Hon. Senior Lecturer, King’s CollegeLondonThis intensive week builds on the establishedMulti-professional week and is for experiencedspecialist practitioners, clinical managers andeducators in palliative and end of life care. It is afree-standing course, even if you have notundertaken Multi-professional week. However,the course content complements the elements ofMulti-professional week. Multi-professional plus isdesigned to push out the boundaries of goodclinical care for advanced practitioners, withtutoring around manageable practicedevelopment in the student’s work place.We recognise that advanced practitioners mayrequire a more specialist curriculum andtherefore are offering multiple choices on theweek’s timetable. This will enable participants toconstruct their own individual programme oflearning in addition to the menu of plenarysessions.Learning outcomes will be: to consider latestdevelopments in palliative and end of life care; toreview key evidence underpinning practice; toappreciate principles of practice, servicedevelopment and innovation; to reflect onleadership, self-awareness and personal strategiesfor advancing practice; and to plan innovation inthe workplace.<strong>Course</strong> content:• leadership and change• patient outcome measures• palliative nursing• palliative care in dementia, heart failure, COPDand neurological conditions• latest drugs• advance care planning for trainers• working with faith communities• ethical decision-making• presentation skills• research for practitioners• resilient practice• grief assessment• spiritual care assessment• reflective practice• user involvement• service delivery and reconfiguration• working with children and families• working with volunteers• dying in old age• rehabilitation• creativity• audit/inspection and• educating the workforce.The course is open to:• clinicians and practitioners already havingundertaken Multi-professional week• experienced practitioners with three yearsworking in end of life care and• Generalists working in end of life care in seniorroles (such as clinical managers andeducationalists).ApplicationsAn application form for Multi-professional plus isdownloadable from our website contactEducation AdministratorTelephone 020 8768 4656Email CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY

BOOK EARLY Multi-professionalweek in palliative careA five-day intensive programme in clinicalpalliative and end of life care17-21 September <strong>2012</strong> Code MPW0912Cost £750TutorsRev Dr Andrew Goodhead Spiritual Care Lead,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Prof David Oliviere Director of Education andTraining, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> and CounsellorSara <strong>St</strong>evenson-Baker Nurse Manager,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Dr Nigel Sykes Medical Director, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>; Hon. Senior Lecturer, King’s CollegeLondonThis established course, led by <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong> staff, provides an opportunity for healthand social care professionals from a variety ofsettings and countries to work together onexploring the key principles of palliative care andmulti-professional working. It will enable membersto develop greater confidence in the practice oftheir palliative care skills within their own clinicalareas and in multi-professional teams.Learning outcomes will be: to consider the coreprinciples and elements of palliative care; toappreciate multi-professional working in theoryand team dynamics; and to explore the workingpractices of palliative and end of life care from amulti-professional perspective.<strong>Course</strong> content:• multi-professional team working• symptom control in advanced cancer• spirituality and religion• personal motivation and survival• challenges in delivering care at home• difficult counselling situations• accessing creativity• looking after ourselves• working with families• working with children• culture and ethnicity• sexuality• ethics• bereavement• supervision and• rehabilitation.The course is open to:• doctors• nurses• allied health professionals• social workers• psychologists• counsellors• chaplains• psychiatrists and• bereavement professionals.AccreditationCPD approved by RCPBursariesA limited number of bursaries are available foroverseas colleagues from developing countries.Please see details on page 40.ApplicationsAn application form for the Multi-professionalweek is downloadable from our website contactEducation AdministratorTelephone 020 8768 4656Email CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY27Clinical education <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Clinical educationGold <strong>St</strong>andards Frameworkin Care Homes (GSFCH)GSFCH Regional Training CentreLead tutorsDr Jo Hockley Nurse Consultant (Care Homes),<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Deborah Holman Advancing Practice Nurse andGSFCH Facilitator, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>The GSFCH <strong>Programme</strong>, supported by theDepartment of Health End of Life Care <strong>St</strong>rategy, isone of the biggest, most comprehensiveprogrammes ever undertaken to enhance end oflife care in care homes. The programme is astructured yet flexible framework, aiming to builda step by step approach to improve thesupportive and palliative care for people as theynear the end of their lives. It is based on bestavailable evidence, real grass roots experience andshared learning.The programme is facilitated over two years withworkshops and aims to improve the quality ofcare for people nearing the end of life; improvecollaboration between care homes andGP/Primary Care and specialist palliative careteams; reduce the number of hospital admissionsin the last stage of life; and enable more peopleto die in their care home.The GSFCH <strong>Programme</strong> is a three-stage qualityassurance programme. Each stage builds uponeach other and is most effective whenundertaken as a composite whole culminating inaccreditation in the second year.Further informationJo HockleyTelephone 020 8768 4727Email HolmanTelephone 020 8768 4515Email CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYGP vocational training day28 November <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:30-16:30 Code GPVT1112 Cost £25ChairDr Nigel Sykes Medical Director, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>; Hon Senior Lecturer, King’s CollegeLondonThe day brings together GP trainees from anumber of different areas in South London tolook at major palliative care issues. Pain and othersymptoms, management of patients in thecommunity, psycho-social and ethical issues are allcovered. Lectures, case discussions and groupwork will be included. Participants are asked tobring their own case material for discussion.Palliative Care PharmacistsNetwork annual conferenceVenue <strong>Hospice</strong> House, Help the <strong>Hospice</strong>s, LondonFacilitatorSue Ayers <strong>St</strong> Gemma’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Leeds; Chair ofthe Palliative Care Pharmacists Network (PCPN),and other members of the committeeTo make this annual event as accessible aspossible to colleagues all over the UK it is held inrotation between London and other venues.Topics will include two clinical updates and therewill, as always, be an opportunity for delegatesto display good practice posters and to shareprojects they have been involved in over thepast year during the short presentation sessions.Further informationFor details, confirmation of times and venueplease contact:Margaret Gibbs Specialist Senior Pharmacist,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Email

Medicine management: anupdate for non-medicalprescribers21 February <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:30-12:30 Code MMU0212 Cost £45FacilitatorsMargaret Gibbs Specialist Senior Pharmacist,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>; Former Chair, PalliativeCare Pharmacists Network (PCPN)Anne Nash Matron, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>This half-day is planned as an update for nonmedicalprescribers and will include thefollowing topics:• update on the legal aspects of non- medicalprescribing• accountability• prescribing of off-label and unlicensedmedicines• controlled drugs update• recent medicines management issues• information sources and networking and• case discussions.We would request that delegates bring one ortwo cases for discussion if time permits.Non-medical prescribingthink tank9 October <strong>2012</strong>Time 13:30-16:30 Code NMP1012 Cost £45This half-day think tank provides a forum for nonmedicalprescribers to come together to learnabout and discuss specific areas of practice. It willfocus on the use of steroids at the end of life andwill include the following topics:• safe prescribing of steroids• decision making• monitoring• drug interactions• ‘getting the balance right’ and• case discussions.We would request that delegates bring one ortwo cases for discussion if time permits.COMMUNICATION ANDADVANCE CARE PLANNINGChallenging conversations atend of life: communicationskills for professionalsincluding advance careplanningTwo-day course17-18 January, 14-15 June and 21-22 November <strong>2012</strong>Time 09:30-16:30 Code CCEL12 Cost £180Lead tutorsLesley Adshead Lecturer in Palliative Care,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Liz Bryan Lecturer Practitioner, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>Deborah Holman Advancing Practice Nurse,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Learning outcomes:• understand the principles of successfulcommunication• understand the importance of goodcommunication in end of life care• explore the difficulties and challenges incommunication with patients, families, carersand other professionals• identify your own strengths and weaknesses incommunication• improve your communication skills in practice asdemonstrated through the use of role play and• understand the role of effectivecommunication in advance care planning.This is a two-day communication skills coursewhich is aimed at qualified professionals whoregularly contribute to the management of careof people approaching the end of life. It aims toequip them to listen to and sensitively exploreneeds and preferences regarding issues of care.Recent government policy highlights the need forgreater involvement of patients and families inend of life decision-making and yet there isevidence that the workforce lacks confidenceand skills.Through exploration of theoretical principles ofcommunication and advance care planning andCONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY29Communication and advance care planning <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Communication and advance care planningpractical workshops, the course will encourageparticipants to reflect on their ownmisconceptions, blocks and anxieties and todevelop a strategy for future practicedevelopment.This study day is being held inassociation with King’s CollegeLondon. Attendance at an agreednumber of Associate <strong>St</strong>udy Days can be puttowards an academic module called IntegratedLearning for Practice. This 15 credit module isavailable at level 5 (diploma level) and level 6(degree level). For more information pleasecontact Dr Jacqueline Bloomfield care planningOne-day course12 July and 17 October <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:30-16:00 Code ACP12 Cost £70Lead tutorDeborah Holman Advancing Practice Nurse,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>‘All people approaching the end of their livesneed to have their needs assessed andpreferences discussed and an agreed set ofactions reflecting the choices they make abouttheir care recorded in a care plan’End of Life Care <strong>St</strong>rategy 2008Advance care planning (ACP) is the process ofdiscussing and planning ahead in anticipation ofsome deterioration in a person’s condition. Oneof the key elements to support people at theend of their lives is to find out what theirpreferences and wishes are in relation to whereand how they would like to be cared for; ACPsupports this.Highlighted as one of the most difficult areas forhealth care professionals, advance care planningcan greatly help guide patients, families andprofessionals in decision-making for care at theend of life.It has given me an opportunity togain more confidence in end oflife care conversations and to bebraver to take risks2011 delegate30CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYThis course will aim to teach the value of goodcommunication skills in the context of difficultand often distressing circumstances as well as givecandidates an opportunity to see and practise theskills required.“I don’t know what to say...”An introductory course on communicationskills for front line support staff12 September <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-13:00 Code DKS0912 Cost £35FacilitatorsJan Lenton and Julie Shelton Principal SocialWorkers, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Being in the frontline can be tough. Dealing witha range of demands can throw one off-balance.This workshop is for non-clinical support staff:secretarial, clerical or administrative personnel,domestic and catering staff, porters andmaintenance staff from hospitals, hospices, carehomes or local authority. Unexpected telephonecalls or meetings in corridors can lead toawkward situations and not knowing what to say.The workshop will present an overview of lossand the varied responses to it. We will explorethe basics of good communication skills andways of responding to people who may bedistressed, confused or angry.

Dying: dignity, spiritualityand good patient care in thelast days of life5 October <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:00 Code DDS1012 Cost £100ChairDr Jo Hockley Nurse Consultant, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>Speakers to be confirmed – see websiteDignity in dying, as first coined by David Roy inthe 80s, is where the environment of a dyingperson should clearly portray that the high techdrama of acute medicine has receded to thebackground. This involves sometimes removingthe professional mask in order to relate simplyand richly as human beings at this important timeof a person’s life.This day will offer a chance to step back andreconsider basic elements of spirituality andgood relationship – based care in the last days oflife.Topics will include:• invisible process of dying• research on healthcare challenges faced byprofessionals• spiritual pain at end of life• modern dying• dignity• survivorship and• family conferences around death and dying.Dignity in dying is... dying withouta frantic technical fuss and botherto squeeze out a few moremoments or hours of biologicallife, when the important thing isto live out one’s last moments asfully, consciously andcourageously as possibleDavid RoyWORKING WITHCHILDREN AND FAMILIESPrimary and secondaryschools and bereavement19 January <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:00 Code PSB0112 Cost £90FacilitatorsPatsy Way and Judy Debenham Candle ProjectWorkers, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>A day for school based staff whose work bringsthem into contact with bereaved children.Topics will include:• children and young people’s understanding ofand responses to the terminal illness and deathof a parent or carer• bereavement reactions• other losses e.g. of siblings, of school friends• what schools can do to help bereaved children• dealing with crisis and critical incidents and• resources available to support school staff.CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY31Working with children and families <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Psycho-social masterclassesWorking with children facingloss and bereavement20 March <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:00 Code WCB0312 Cost £90FacilitatorsIsobel Bremner Candle Project Worker,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Julie Shelton Principal Social Worker,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>This workshop aims to give the participants anunderstanding of the issues for children aged 11and under facing bereavement.Topics will include:• children’s understanding of death• how children can be supported during theterminal illness of someone close to them• key components of children’s grief andbereavement and• enhancing skills and confidence in working withchildren who are bereaved.Young peoplefacing bereavement27 November <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:00 Code YFB1112 Cost £90FacilitatorsIsobel Bremner Candle Project Worker,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Ninon Van der Kroft Principal Social Worker,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>A course for those who work directly with youngpeople aged 11-18 and who wish to learn moreabout their needs in facing bereavement. We willbe looking at how young people grieve, differentapproaches and skills in supporting them anddifficult issues such as sudden death.Topics will include:• exploring how grief and adolescence combine• direct work with young people• managing our own feelings and• young people in the family.Made me feel confident that I am supportingthe young people I work with well2011 delegate32CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYPSYCHO-SOCIALMASTERCLASSESThe Masterclasses provide an opportunity toshare case material and experiences with fellowpractitioners drawing on the collective expertiseof contributors to build knowledge ofinterventions and offer strategies that will helpfuture practiceMasterclasses chairAndrea Dechamps Director of Social Work,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Working with risk in illness,disability and loss3 May <strong>2012</strong>Time 09:30-13:00 Code PSM0512 Cost £35FacilitatorsJulia Manning and Gill O’HalloranPrincipal Social Workers, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>This Masterclass will offer ‘live’ peer supervision asa platform for exploring issues of risk whenworking with individuals and families in thecontext of illness, disability and loss.What constitutes risk? We will examine workingwith safeguarding issues and suicide, ‘risky’conversations and in fact risk to ourselves whenworking with risk. We will also consider theorganisational context within a risk-adversesociety. In dialogue between three seniorpractitioners in this field and the courseparticipants, using real case examples, we will beexploring the dilemmas, conflicts and practicedifficulties encountered around risk.

Sex, intimacy and loss:working with illness, deathand bereavement7 September <strong>2012</strong>Time 09:30-13:00 Code PSM0912 Cost £35FacilitatorsNinon Van der Kroft and Marilyn GossPrincipal Social Workers, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>This Masterclass will provide a forum forexploration and discussion of the complexpractice issues surrounding sex, intimacy and losswhen working with individuals, couples andfamilies facing illness, death and bereavement.Intimacy is an often neglected topic,nevertheless central to people’s being, requiringsensitivity and skill to address. To enter intoconversations with clients around these issues,practitioners will need to develop their curiosityabout what gets in the way – these may beconcerns about the client’s privacy, taboos insociety around sexuality, different cultural normsor ultimately what the topic raises for us on avery personal level.PSYCHO-SOCIAL CAREColin MurrayParkes openmeetingsFacilitatorDr Colin Murray ParkesEmeritus ConsultantPsychiatrist, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> andLife President of Cruse Bereavement CareIs risk assessment good foryou?Targeting our resources to the bereaved whoneed it most29 February <strong>2012</strong>Time 14:00-16:00 Code CMP0212 Cost £35Jan Fish Bereavement Co-ordinator,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>The majority of bereaved people will experience a‘normal’ though painful grief reaction. If weroutinely assume that all the bereaved need help,we will pathologise grief and underestimate ournatural resilience in the face of a common lifeexperience. However there will be a significantnumber of people who are at risk of a morecomplicated grief which might, without support,cause longer term mental health issues and affectfamilies, particularly children, in very adverse ways.This leaves health care staff with the important,though challenging task, of assessing risk. It givesus the responsibility to ask: When do you assessrisk? Who carries out this assessment? How dowe target our limited resources to those who canbenefit most?CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY33Psycho-social care <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Psycho-social careThe Bereavement PathwaysProjectHospital, home, healing support – bridging thegaps in the bereavement journey17 May <strong>2012</strong>Time 14:00-16:00 Code CMP0512 Cost £35Debbie Kerslake Chief Executive, CruseBereavement CareDawn Chaplain Vice-Chair, Bereavement ServicesAssociationThe Bereavement Pathways Project is a nationalUK project coordinated by the BereavementServices Association and Cruse Bereavement Carewhich explores ways of bridging the gap in thepathway of bereaved relatives from hospitalbased bereavement services through to supportservices in the community. Care along the end oflife and bereavement pathway will impact andinfluence the bereavement experience and thereis a need for appropriate intervention andinteractions by the right people at the righttime.This joint hospital and community venture aims toestablish key partnerships working acrosstraditional, and sometimes well guarded,boundaries to increase access to services andsupport for bereaved people however a deathoccurred, whoever they are and wherever theydied. The project aims to encourage thedevelopment of best practice for statutory andvoluntary agencies working in partnership,supported by evidence of how this can be doneand why it should be done.Attachment theory: latestthinkingUnderstanding threats, stresses and losses inchild and adult life13 September <strong>2012</strong>Time 14:00-16:00 Code CMP0912 Cost £35Dr Tirril Harris Research Fellow, Psychiatry andPsychological Medicine, King’s College LondonJohn Bowlby’s insights into the role of theattachment system continue to be fleshed out bynew research. One approach raises important34CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYquestions for those involved in counselling, otherscomes from the functionalist theory of emotions– what evolved functions their expressive andexperiential components may serve, and how thisrelates to clients’ attachment styles. Modulatingone’s counselling style to take account of this andalso of their stage along the life-span and theirsocio-demographic position can hopefullyimprove the way we help with distress.Violent deathCan an understanding of love and loss help tobreak cycles of deadly conflict?5 December <strong>2012</strong>Time 14:00-16:00 Code CMP1212 Cost £35Dr Colin Murray Parkes Emeritus ConsultantPsychiatrist, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> and LifePresident of Cruse Bereavement CareIn our work with dying and bereaved people welearn a great deal about fear, love and loss. Inrecent years Colin has been working with twogroups familiar with the problems to which thesegive rise. They are exploring the relevance of thisknowledge for an understanding of the roots ofcycles of deadly conflict at group and nationallevel. At this meeting he will present a progressreport covering the roots of extremism, responsesto terrorism (including 9/11), and the psychologicalfactors playing a part in the peace processes inIreland and Rwanda.For further information visit –click on ‘Publications’ and ’Can specialists indeath/dying/bereavement contribute to theprevention and/or mitigation of armed conflictsand cycles of violence? (2001)’.

SUPPORTIVE CARECaring for the ‘whole person’ has always been partof the vision for good end of life care. Supportivecare is made up of a variety of services whichsupport the medical and nursing needs of thosepeople living with life-threatening illnesses.Getting competent andfeeling confidentSupport and education for those engaged in orinterested in running groups and activities incare homes17 January, 14 March, 10 September and 28November <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-13:00 Code TAC12 Cost £35 eachFacilitators: <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Arts TeamTamsin Dives, Gini Hearth, Gerry Prince,Andy Ridley, Mick Sands, Marion Taskerand Giorgos TsirisThese established morning meetings are aimed atthose people who are interested in or who havethe responsibility to support patients andresidents within health and social care settingsthrough providing group work activity ortherapeutic experiences.These four linked sessions aim to offer support,explore ideas and to continuously develop thecompetencies needed in order to use a range ofthe arts including painting, creative writing, music,photography and craftwork with people facinglife-limiting conditions, the elderly and thoseliving with terminal illness, including dementia.The sessions will also offer guidance on settingup, delivering and sustaining a new style ‘healthpromotion’ project. The aim of this is to workalongside a range of community groups, local tothe care home in order to dispel myths aroundolder people and the role of care homes.Using the arts, this short-term project will bringtogether diverse community groups andculminate in a community exhibition. In betweenattending the sessions, it is expected thatparticipants will practise what they have learnedand then feedback and share their experiences inthe following sessions.An experienced artist from <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s willbe available to mentor your work and offerguidance and support during the process.Topics will include:• how to get adequate support• thinking creatively• how to make a difference with limitedresources• developing specific skills• turning ideas into reality• managing short-term projects• developing, and engaging local communitygroups in, short-term health promotionprojects and• maximising residents’ potential and possibility.Transitional care: fact orfiction – what do peoplereally need?24 February <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:00 Code TPC0212 Cost £90ChairNigel Hartley Director of Supportive Care,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>SpeakersSimon Davies CEO, Teenage Cancer TrustDr Emma Hall Consultant in Palliative Medicine,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Vikky Riley Teenage Cancer Trust NurseConsultant, Teenage Cancer TrustDr L Caroline <strong>St</strong>irling Consultant in PalliativeMedicene, Camden, Islington ELiPSe, and UCLH &HCA Palliative Care ServiceWendy Faulknell Director of Care, Demelza HouseWhat are the differences of caring for children,teenagers and young adults and adults coming tothe end of life? Although there will be somefundamental differences, this day will focus onthe similarities and comparable issues whichsometimes may get overlooked. This day willpresent the findings a number of projects run by<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> and both the TeenageCancer Trust and Demelza House children’shospice. Results from a number of focus groupsCONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY35Supportive care <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Supportive carewith teenagers and young adults will bepresented, as well as a dynamic project runtogether with patients from the Teenage CancerTrust and <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> and the BRITschool of performing arts, Croydon. In reality, arethe gaps that exist in the care of teenagers andyoung adults coming to the end of their lifeexacerbated by the attitudes, competences andconfidence of professionals rather than by theneeds of users themselves?Personal landscapes: viewsfrom the end of life16 March <strong>2012</strong>FacilitatorNigel Hartley Director of Supportive Care,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Between January and March <strong>2012</strong>, the RoyalAcademy of Arts and <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>,London will work on a new dynamic creative artsproject. This project will capture the views ofdying people and those who care for themthrough the creation of a range of artistic storiesand landscapes. The project will run alongside anew David Hockney exhibition, which will beshown at the Academy during the same timeperiod. Hockney’s landscapes capture oneperson’s unique view of the same vista atdifferent moments in time. This project will offerthe opportunity for those people affected bydeath, dying and bereavement to explore theirown changing ‘landscape’ from a range ofdifferent perspectives. We will all die; we will allbe bereaved. Significant events in life offerpossibilities for us to re-form and sometimes tore-create our own ‘vista’, ‘story’ or ‘landscape’ inorder to make sense of, and capture, what ishappening to us and what really matters. Thecreative arts offer a powerful and meaningfulcontext in order to contain and capture theseevents from specific moments in time; leavingbehind a legacy, which can be both deeplypersonal, and a real work of art, which can bewitnessed, shared and remain long after wehave died.36CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYThe evening event will be both a celebration ofwhat has been achieved through exhibition andperformance and also an opportunity to hearfrom, and debate with, a panel of key people withpersonal experiences drawn from key areas of theart world and end of life care.Bookings and costsVisit a communityresource for all: volunteeringand hospices – the nextsteps30 March <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:00 Code CRV0312Cost £90ChairNigel Hartley Director of Supportive Care,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>SpeakersIsobel Bremner Volunteer DevelopmentCoordinator, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Gabrielle Richards Professional Head ofOccupational Therapy and Lead for SocialInclusion, South London & Maudsley NHSFoundation TrustJane Walters Director of Corporate Affairs, King’sCollege Hospital NHS Foundation TrustMost hospices have unique expertise andknowledge with regards to volunteers andvolunteering. There are usually robust structuresin place to support volunteering; these includesystems for recruitment and selection, trainingand ongoing support. Many small organisationscan struggle to sustain volunteering as part ofwhat they might offer, as such structures andsystems can be expensive and complex to run.This day will look at the potential that hospiceshave to develop their volunteer function in abroader way. The concept of a ‘volunteer hub’ willbe explored, where hospices can become acentralised volunteer resource centre and recruit,train and offer to support for volunteers who canthen be of use to other organisations such as carehomes, hospitals and GP surgeries. Participants areasked to come with new ideas and case studies,where a new model for hospice volunteering canbe developed and sustained.

Cancer and palliativecare for complementarytherapists1 June <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:00 Code CTC0612Cost £60FacilitatorsSally Hood Senior Complementary Therapist,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Kath Hagan Senior Complementary Therapist,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Marilyn Wilson Complementary Therapist,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong><strong>St</strong>atistics show that one in three people willdevelop cancer and that around 30% of allpeople with a cancer diagnosis will usecomplementary therapies alongside theirconventional treatment. This study day is aimedat qualified therapists (aromatherapy, massage,reflexology) who have an interest in, or are newto, this specialist area.Topics will include:• cancer and the cancer journey• the palliative care approach• communication issues• adaptation of complementary therapies and• self-care for the therapist.Application will be made for this course to beapproved by Complementary TherapistsAssociation (CThA) at an advanced level.NB This day offers an introduction to adaptingtherapies to the cancer and palliative care settingand does not involve practical demonstrations.A good balance of theory andparticipation which is totallyapplicable to my role and servicearea at work2011 delegateThe arts in a time of crisis:living and dying creatively ina changing world2-3 November <strong>2012</strong>Time 09:30-16:30 Code NSAC1112Cost Early bird discount £150 both days ifbooked by 27 April <strong>2012</strong>, £100 per day afterChairNigel Hartley Director of Supportive Care,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Speakers to be confirmed – see websiteHistory shows that during times of complexchange and increasing uncertainty, the creative artscan often act as both a catalyst and as a contextto address crisis and to unravel and make sense ofmajor societal issues. This symposium will providea forum in order to explore current arts practice,education and research in end of life care. Leadingpractitioners, educationalists and researchers willcome together with those with an interest in thefield to share and understand contemporarythinking around a range of creative arts disciplinesin the framework of end of life care. The aim willbe to formulate an effective response to theincreasing cut backs and the diminishing supportfor creative arts services during a time of increasingfinancial austerity. The central question for debatewill be ‘Can the creative arts not only offer a costeffective and dynamic response, but also afundamental response, to both living and dying ina changing world?’CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY37Supportive care <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Spiritual careSPIRITUAL CAREFaith leaders forum25 January, 21 March, 27 June and 10 September<strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-13:00 Code FLF12 Cost FreeFacilitatorRev Dr Andrew Goodhead Spiritual Care Lead,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong><strong>St</strong> Christopher’s recognises the support that faithoffers to a patient and their family members asdeath approaches. Holistic care involvespartnerships with others to enable the wishes ofan individual to be fulfilled and our relationshipswith faith leaders are important to us.Continuing and building on the success of ourregular successful open meetings with local clergy,this new format seeks to engage with all thoseinvolved in pastoral care of the dying in their faithcommunities. Aimed at ordained clergy and faithleaders, the meetings will provide an opportunityto talk about aspects of care of the dying, ritesand rituals and issues surrounding care for thedying and their families at home or in nursinghomes. The meetings are also a chance to meetwith clergy and faith leaders from other areas ofsouth-east London and share examples of goodpractice.Challenges for chaplaincyand spiritual care workers inend of life care30 January to 3 February <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:30-17:00 Code CC0112 Cost £375Cost includes lunch and refreshments throughoutthe week and a meal on Monday evening. Detailsof local bed and breakfasts can be supplied onrequest.Lead tutorRev Dr Andrew Goodhead Spiritual Care Lead,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>This five-day course is designed for chaplains,spiritual and pastoral care workers who maybe new to hospice or hospital work, or who38CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYwant to update their skills and awareness incaring for the dying, the bereaved andcolleagues.Topics will include:• theological, spiritual, pastoral and worshipissues related to our work• the management of our role and our place inthe organisation• working with loss – patients’, families’ andour own• promoting resilience• bereaved children• caring for staff and oneself• secular spirituality and• theology of death and grief.Teaching will include multi-professional inputfrom medical, social work and nursing staff andwill encourage participation from coursemembers. We attempt to make space forindividual needs and interests.This course is accredited by the The UK Board ofHealthcare Chaplaincy (UKBHC) – 25 CPD points.Partial funding may be available to chaplaincyworkers employed in hospices through Help the<strong>Hospice</strong>s – visit forfurther details.There will be opportunity for sharing liturgical andresource materials that participants use in theirwork. The course will finish at lunchtime on thefinal day.

Pastoral care conference:death, bereavement andmeaning making13 November <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:00 Code PCC1112Cost £90Lead tutorRev Dr Andrew Goodhead Spiritual Care Lead,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>SpeakersProf Margaret Holloway Professor of AppliedSocial <strong>St</strong>udies, University of HullJan Fish Bereavement Co-ordinator,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Christopher Green Performer and writerThis day is aimed at chaplains, clergy, faithleaders, bereavement workers, social workers andthose who have an interest in the ways in whichmeaning and creating meaning help theprocesses of bereavement.During the course of the day, we will considerhow families and individuals make meaningthrough their involvement with funeral planningand how, during bereavement, meaning isnarrated to the self and to others. This willinclude a personal reflection on narrative andmeaning and input on symbolic meaning.Memorialisation and how this is carried out andcultural aspects of making meaning, including theuse of ritual, will also form part of the day. Therewill also be workshops during the day.The day will give to practitioners a broaderunderstanding of the use of narrative withinbereavement and tools for their practice inworking with the bereaved.INTERNATIONALEDUCATIONA special welcome to our overseas colleaguesNEW COURSE Multi-professionalplus: end of life care foradvanced practitionersFive days of intensive tutoring in end of lifecare for advanced practitioners21-25 May <strong>2012</strong> Code MPP0512This intensive week builds on the establishedMulti-professional week and is for experiencedspecialist practitioners, clinical managers andeducators in palliative and end of life care. It is afree-standing course, even if you have notundertaken Multi-professional week. However,the course content complements the elements ofMulti-professional week (for further informationsee page 26).BOOK EARLY Multi-professionalweek in palliative careFive days of intensive tutoring in clinicalpalliative and end of life care at<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>17-21 September <strong>2012</strong> Code MPW0912Health and social care professionals from the UKand abroad work together for one week, learningto develop greater insight into the practice ofpalliative care within their own clinical areas andin multi-professional teams.This course is <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s well-establishedweek of study in palliative care for healthprofessionals already working in the field ofpalliative care (for further information see page 27).CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY39International education <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> International educationFriday visitsMeet senior members of <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>staff (see page 43) on 3 February, 2 March,13 April, 11 May, 1 June, 6 July, 7 September,12 October, 16 November and 7 December <strong>2012</strong>.Visits and clinical placementsWe are able to accommodate a limited number ofclinical placements or tailor-made group visits to<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s where a Friday visit would notmeet specific identified needs (see page 43).International daysKey aspects of palliative care, at basic andadvanced levels, are presented in specific one-dayand two-day conferences:International day 26 June <strong>2012</strong>Italian day 9 November <strong>2012</strong>Please do NOT book your accommodation ortravel until your place has been confirmed on thecourse by the Education Administrator.MSc in palliative careEntire MSc or stand-alone two week modulesavailable (see page 17).Teaching facultyVisits abroad by senior clinicians for teachingand training eventsWe offer a visit from a small multi-professionalteam of senior clinicians to work on a training andconsultancy basis with emerging palliative careservices.BursariesBursaries for multi-professional week andclinical placementThere are a small number of bursaries availableeach year which cover full costs of the course,travel and basic accommodation for the multi-40CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYprofessional weeks and additional week of clinicalplacements. Closing date for bursaries for <strong>2012</strong> is31 December 2011.Further information and applicationsEducation AdministratorTelephone +44 (0)20 8768 4656Email COURSEInternational day26 June <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:00-16:30 Code ID0612 Cost £100ChairProf David Oliviere Director of Education andTraining, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>SpeakersAndrea Dechamps Director of Social Work,Bereavement and Welfare, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>Rev Dr Andrew Goodhead Spiritual Care Lead,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Penny Hansford Nursing Director, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>Nigel Hartley Director of Supportive Care,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Dame Barbara Monroe Chief Executive,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Dr Nigel Sykes Medical Director, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>Helena Talbot-Rice Head of Physiotherapy/AHPLead, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>This is an invitation for colleagues from abroad tovisit <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s and to learn how the originalvision and values of hospice care of CicelySaunders have developed into cutting edge endof life care services for the community in <strong>2012</strong>.<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s has undergone substantial changesin the delivery of its services, developing its care,education and research programmes as a ‘hub’ forthe communities it serves: local people, patientsand professionals national and internationally.There are several innovations in clinical care andorganisation which will be presented on this day,including the transformation of home and daycare practice, outcome measures, social, spiritualand psychological approaches and practice withchildren and families.Presentations by senior members of staff and theday will include a tour of <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s.

BENVENUITIGiornata ItalianaLe cure palliative in Italia e in Gran Bretagna:imparare insieme9 novembre <strong>2012</strong>Codice ITC1112 Costo £125 per la giornataIl pagamento in carta di credito dev’essereeffetuato in sole sterline. Si prega di non prenotareil viaggio nè la sistemazione in bed and breakfastprima della conferma del posto.ModeratoreDavid Oliviere Direttore degli <strong>St</strong>udi,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>PresidenteDr Augusto Caraceni Responsabile Medico<strong>Hospice</strong> Virgilio Floriani dell’ Istituto NazionaleTumori di Milano, Specialista in Neurologia emembro del Consiglio di Direttivo dell’Associazione Europea di Cure Palliative (EAPC)RelatoriDr Victor Pace Palliativista, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s<strong>Hospice</strong>Nigel Hartley Direttore delle Cure di Supporto,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Ruth Burnhill Direttrice Infermieristica, Weldmar<strong>Hospice</strong>care TrustDr John Zepetella Responsabile Medico, <strong>St</strong> Clare’s<strong>Hospice</strong><strong>St</strong> Christopher’s augura il benvenuto a tutti icolleghi italiani che desiderano partecipare a unagiornata di studio intensivo in lingua italiana nelnostro ‘hospice.’ I relatori parleranno in italiano otramite un interprete.Per chiunque (medico, infermiere, farmacista,psicologo, cappellano o assistente sociale) abbiasempre avuto un interesse in <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s masi sia sentito scoraggiato dalla propria insufficienzalinguistica, questa è l’occasione giusta!La conferenza avrà luogo il venerdí, permettendoa tutti di passare il weekend come turisti aLondra.Le informazioni su dove siamo e su unasistemazione in albergo o ‘bed & breakfast’ in caseprivate vi saranno date su riechiesta dopol'iscrizione.La sistemazione in albergo o in ‘bed & breakfast’non è compresa nel costo della conferenza.WELCOMEItalian dayPalliative care in Italy and the UK: learningtogether9 November <strong>2012</strong>Code ITC1112 Cost £125 for one dayCredit card payments can only be accepted insterling. Please do not book your travel oraccommodation until your place has beenconfirmed by <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s.FacilitatorDavid Oliviere Director of Education andTraining, <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>ChairDr Augusto Caraceni Chief of Neurology Unit,Division of Rehabilitation, Pain Therapy andPalliative Care, Milan; Board of Directors,European Association for Palliative CareSpeakersDr Victor Pace Consultant in Palliative Medicine,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Nigel Hartley Director of Supportive Care,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Ruth Burnhill Director of Nursing, Weldmar<strong>Hospice</strong>care TrustDr John Zepetella Medical Director, <strong>St</strong> Clare’s<strong>Hospice</strong>A very warm welcome from <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s to allour Italian speaking colleagues who would like toattend a one-day intensive study day in our<strong>Hospice</strong>, in their own language. Speakers willpresent their lectures in Italian or through aninterpreter.If you are a health professional (doctor, nurse,care assistant, pharmacist, psychologist, chaplainor social worker) or an administrator and havealways wanted to come to <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s butthe language has stopped you, this is youropportunity to come and make the most of it!After the conference, why not stay on in Londonand visit the sights!Accommodation details, including ‘bed &breakfast’ in hotels and private homes, and travelinstructions will be sent to delegates once abooking has been made.Please note accommodation is not included in thecost of this course.CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY 41International education <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Specialist events · Public EducationSPECIALIST EVENTSLibraries in hospices –a networking day21 November <strong>2012</strong>Time 10:30-15:30 Code LIB1012 Cost £40FacilitatorDenise Brady Librarian, Halley <strong>St</strong>ewart Library,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>The purpose of this study day is fourfold:• to explore the current state of hospice librarieswith contributions from various peopleinvolved in managing them• to ensure that hospices take full advantage ofNHS Evidence resources• to promote cooperation between hospicelibraries and between other providers of healthinformation and• to enjoy the opportunity of networking withcolleagues in similar roles.This event has regularly proved popular withpersonnel involved in hospice libraries. It isdesigned for librarians and others (e.g. volunteers,secretaries, education managers) involved inmanaging information services, mainly for staff inpalliative care settings. It may also be of interestto others involved in information work.Further informationDenise BradyTelephone 020 8768 4660Email gives choicesCicely Saunders42CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLYPUBLIC EDUCATIONAn opportunity to learn more about end of lifecareTo encourage a wider understanding of illness,death, dying and loss and services available, weare opening our doors wider to offer educationto the general public, potential service users andcarers and anyone who is interested in end oflife care.The Government’s End of Life Care <strong>St</strong>rategy(2008) and the work of the new ‘Dying MattersCoalition’ encourages us to pursue actively ahealth promotion agenda. This is offered in anumber of ways at <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>which include:• schools projects with primary and secondaryage children and young people, working withpatients in the hospice and residents in carehomes• the Cicely Saunders concert series andother regular community events in ourAnniversary Centre – offering members of thecommunity the opportunity to enjoy musicfrom celebrated musicians and ‘step into’ thehospice• library and bookshop resources – see right• web-based information – see right and• a social care blog at you want to find out more about these,

Open houseFor local members of the public; representativesfrom local voluntary organisations; churches andfaith communities; and potential users andcarers of end of life care servicesNote – not for professionals (see Friday visitsbelow)3 February, 2 March, 13 April, 11 May, 1 June,6 July, 7 September, 12 October, 16 Novemberand 7 December <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:45-14:00 Code OH12 Cost FreeSandwich lunch available• What we aim to achieve for people withadvanced illnesses• how we can support families and carers• the thinking behind hospice and palliative careand• a brief tour of <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>.Resources availableOur library and bookshop can advise on materialrelated to illness, death and bereavement foradults and children – see pages 9-10.Further informationDenise BradyTelephone 020 8768 4660Email and click on‘About us’ for material related to Cicely Saunders,facts and figures, services and facilities.Go around and see what is beingdone, and see how your owncircumstances can produceanother version. There is need fordiversity in this fieldCicely SaundersVISITOR AND CLINICALPLACEMENT PROGRAMMEWe continue to offer a warm welcome to allvisitors from the many hundreds of applicationsreceived by <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> each year.Although we welcome visitors to the hospice, theprivacy of our patients and their relatives is themost important factor when agreeing a visit.Wherever possible, we encourage both UK andinternational guests and small groups to join aFriday visit. All programmes include a range oftalks, a tour of the hospice, library, bookshop anda brief visit to a ward.Please note:• visits and clinical placements are notappropriate for children under 16 and• we are unable to provide interpreters forplacements or group visits.Application formsVisit informationDion Bachmann Education Manager,<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>Telephone 020 8768 4659Email visitsAn opportunity to visit <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s3 February, 2 March, 13 April, 11 May, 1 June,6 July, 7 September, 12 October, 16 Novemberand 7 December <strong>2012</strong>Time 9:45-14:00 Code FFV12 Cost £50Includes sandwich lunchFriday visits offer professionals the opportunity tovisit the hospice to meet senior members ofhospice staff, to see our facilities at first hand andto hear about the work being carried out at<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s. Most Friday visit groups comprisea diverse range of professionals and volunteersconnected by their interest in palliative care. Thepossible international mix of the group is always alearning and networking opportunity and providesfascinating insights into the world of hospices andpalliative care.CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY43Visitor and clinical placement programme <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Visitor and clinical placement programmeNB Please note that the programme is presentedin English and the use of a translator is notappropriate for this event.If the Friday visit programme does not meet yourobjectives, you may apply for a group visit for ahalf-day or whole-day, or a clinical placement(one or two weeks). Applications should normallybe received at least two months in advance forassessment.Anniversary Centre visits14:00-16:00 on 2 February, 17 May, 6 Septemberand 6 December <strong>2012</strong>Code ACV12Cost £25Group visitsHalf-day or whole-day tailored visits (for morethan ten people or a minimum fee of £700)Code NFFV12Cost per person (half-day) £60Cost per person (whole day) £120 (includes lunch)Clinical placementsOne or two week clinical placements(depending on profession)Code CP12 Cost £375 per week (max. two weeks)44CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY

EXTERNAL HIRE OF FACILITIESAre you looking for a venue for a meeting or conference?The Education Centre has a number of rooms which can be available for external hire. Whether you areorganising a small, informal meeting for three people, or a seminar or training event for 75, we provide aconvenient solution. As well as a flexible, reasonably-priced room hire service, we offer a range of cateringoptions and menus to suit. Each room hire is tailored to suit your specific needs to ensure that your eventruns smoothly. You will need to have staff on duty to welcome your guests.Lecture theatreOur large, air-conditioned lecture theatre can accommodate up to 75 delegates and is fully equipped witha range of high-quality audio visual tools. This room is suitable for training sessions, seminars and studydays, product launches and exhibitions. The lecture theatre is fully supported by an IT technician and thetechnology can be controlled from the main lectern, giving speakers complete control of theirenvironment.Meeting roomsWe have a wide range of comfortable meeting rooms. Two large rooms with boardroom or informal lowseating options, each accommodate 15-20 people. Smaller rooms are available for meetings and interviews,or for ‘break out’ groups. All the large rooms can be set up to your exact requirements and have AVequipment and the support of a technician.Dame Cicely Sauders roomThis large, air-conditioned room can accommodate up to 50 delegates and is fully equipped with a rangeof high-quality audio visual tools. This room is suitable for training sessions, seminars and study days,product launches and exhibitions.Costs Charity FullWhole-dayLecture theatre £200 £300Large meeting room £100 £200Small meeting room £75 £90Dame Cicely Saunders room £200 £300Half-dayLecture theatre £100 £150Large meeting room £75 £100Small meeting room £50 £75Dame Cicely Saunders room £100 £150Other information• Our day runs from 9:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday – a half day is one to four hours and a full day is fiveto eight hours• Prices include mid-morning and mid-afternoon tea/coffee and biscuits, with additional refreshmentsavailable on request• A range of lunch menus are available on request• Photocopying facilities are available at a cost of 10p a copy• We are unable to offer a ‘meet and greet’ facility for visitors and delegates• The possible attendance of children under 16 must be agreed when booking• The use of AV equipment and access to an IT technician is included in the room hire charges.Further information and costsEducation AdministratorTelephone 020 8768 4656 Email CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY45External hire of facilities <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Location details and mapLOCATION DETAILS AND MAP<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>51-59 Lawrie Park RoadSydenhamLondon SE26 6DZ<strong>Hospice</strong> switchboard 020 8768<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> is only 15 minutes away by train from London Bridge station and is well servicedby transport links. Details of travel to <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s is available on request from the EducationAdministrator.Travel by roadThere is unrestricted parking in adjoining residential roads.Travel by railThe nearest train stations are Sydenham for trains from London Bridge, which leave every 15 minutes, andPenge East for trains from Victoria, which leave every 30 minutes. When arriving at Penge East fromVictoria, cross over the footbridge, turn right out of the station and follow <strong>St</strong>ation Road to the High<strong>St</strong>reet. Turn right under the railway bridge and take the first turning on the right into Lawrie Park Road.Travel by busRoutes 176 and 197 stop outside the hospice. Routes 122, 202 and 221 pass the ends of Lawrie Park Road.Routes 3, 75, 194 and 306 stop within 10 to 15 minutes walk to the hospice.Local accommodationA list of local accommodation is available upon request for delegates requiring lodgings to attend acourse. Some accommodation details are available on our website at or contact the Education Administrator for the full list.Further informationEducation AdministratorTelephone 020 8768 4656Email DULWICH COMMON LANESOUTH CIRCULAR ROADCRYSTAL PALACE PARADEANERLEY HILL A214WESTWOOD HILLBBCTRANSMITTERCrystal PalaceParkCRYSTALPALACESTATIONCRYSTAL PALACE PARK ROADTHICKET ROADA205 LONDON ROADSYDENHAM HILL KIRKDALELAWRIE PARK ROADSYDENHAM ROADHIGH STREETPENGEWESTSTATIONDARTMOUTH ROADFORESTHILLSTATIONSYDENHAMSTATIONPENGEEASTSTATIONSTATION ROAD46CONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY

INDIVIDUAL APPLICATION/BOOKING FORMYou CLICK can HERE book if in you a number would like of ways to book online. You can also book in a number of other ways:Post Print this and form postto this Education, form to Education, <strong>St</strong> <strong>Christopher's</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Christopher's</strong> <strong>Hospice</strong>, 51-59 <strong>Hospice</strong>, Lawrie 51-59 Park Lawrie Road, Park London Road, SE26 London 6DZ SE26 6DZFax this form to 020 8776 5838 Email this form to SELECTED COURSE<strong>Course</strong> name<strong>Course</strong> dates<strong>Course</strong> code <strong>Course</strong> fee £YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS Please complete a new form for each delegate – photocopies are acceptableDr Mrs Miss Ms Mr Revd Other PLEASE SPECIFYSurnameFirst nameKnown asJob TitleOrganisationAddressTownPostcodeTelephoneEmailCountyCountryFaxWhat is your profession?Nurse Doctor AHP Social worker Spiritual care Bereavement Education Senior ManagerAdministrator Care Assistant Other PLEASE SPECIFYAre you employed by – or have an honorary contact with – one of the following?NHS Hospital Trust NHS Community or Primary Care Trust Local authorityIndependent hospice, voluntary organisation or charity Private sector University or education facilityWho is funding this course for you?Myself An organisation Other PLEASE SPECIFYDo you have any special dietary requirements?No Yes PLEASE SPECIFYHow did you learn about the course?<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s education programme <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s course flier <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s website<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s email Advertising Editorial RecommendationOther PLEASE SPECIFYSpecial needs The Education Centre at <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> has full disabled access to all areas of the buildingand can accommodate most special needs. Please contact Education Administration on 020 8768 4656 if you haveany special needs, or if the course is using a different venue.CONTINUES OVERLEAFCONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY

YOUR PAYMENT DETAILSI wish to pay by chequePlease make cheques payable to <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> and write the course name and code on the back.I wish to be invoicedPlease invoice the following contact (if different from the details overleaf):NameAddressPostcodeI wish to pay by BACSEmail Education Administration at for more detailsI wish to pay by credit cardI authorise <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> to deduct the course cost from the following account:Card type Visa Mastercard SwitchCard numberVerificationAmount £LAST THREE DIGITS PRINTED ON BACK OF CARDName AS ON CARDValid fromExpiry dateBOOKING CONDITIONS• The closing date for applications is seven days prior to the course start date.• No refund can be made after the closing date and where participants do not attend without prior notice toEducation Administration.• Your place on the course will be confirmed following receipt of your booking form and fee.• In the event of a booking being cancelled less than two weeks before the course start date, 50% of the coursefee will be charged.• This form can be photocopied for additional applications.DATA PROTECTIONIn accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, we are required to inform you that your details will beretained and held on file for administrative purposes by <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>. Please be assured that we willnot pass this information on to any other organisation unless we have your prior consent.YOUR SIGNATURESignature xDateCONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY

GROUP APPLICATION/BOOKING FORMYou CLICK can HERE book if in you a number would like of ways to book online. You can also book in a number of other ways:Post Print this and form postto this Education, form to Education, <strong>St</strong> <strong>Christopher's</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Christopher's</strong> <strong>Hospice</strong>, 51-59 <strong>Hospice</strong>, Lawrie 51-59 Park Lawrie Road, Park London Road, SE26 London 6DZ SE26 6DZFax this form to 020 8776 5838 Email this form to SELECTED COURSE<strong>Course</strong> name<strong>Course</strong> dates<strong>Course</strong> code <strong>Course</strong> fee £YOUR ORGANISATION DETAILSContact name THE PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORMOrganisationAddressTownPostcodeTelephoneEmailCountyCountryFaxYOUR GROUP MEMBERS’ DETAILSFor profession, please select from one of the following: Nurse; Doctor; AHP; Social Worker; Spiritual Care;Bereavement; Education; Senior Manager; Administrator; Care Assistant or Other (please provide details)NameProfessionNameProfessionNameProfessionNameProfessionNameProfessionJob titleDietary requirements IF ANYJob titleDietary requirements IF ANYJob titleDietary requirements IF ANYJob titleDietary requirements IF ANYJob titleDietary requirements IF ANYAre you employed by – or have an honorary contact with – one of the following?NHS Hospital Trust NHS Community or Primary Care Trust Local authorityIndependent hospice, voluntary organisation or charity Private sector University or education facilityWho is funding this course for you?Myself An organisation Other PLEASE SPECIFYCONTINUESOVERLEAFCONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY

How did you learn about the course?<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s education programme <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s course flier <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s website<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s email Advertising Editorial RecommendationOther PLEASE SPECIFYSpecial needs The Education Centre at <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> has full disabled access to all areas of the buildingand can accommodate most special needs. Please contact Education Administration on 020 8768 4656 if you haveany special needs, or if the course is using a different venue.YOUR PAYMENT DETAILSI wish to pay by chequePlease make cheques payable to <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> and write the course name and code on the back.I wish to be invoicedPlease invoice the following contact (if different from the details above):NameAddressPostcodeI wish to pay by BACSEmail Education Administration at for more detailsI wish to pay by credit cardI authorise <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> to deduct the course cost from the following account:Card type Visa Mastercard SwitchCard numberVerificationLAST THREE DIGITS PRINTED ON BACK OF CARDAmount £Name AS ON CARDValid fromExpiry dateBOOKING CONDITIONS• The closing date for applications is ten days prior to the course start date • No refund can be made after theclosing date and where participants do not attend without prior notice to Education Administration • Your placeson the course will be confirmed following receipt of your booking form and fee • In the event of a booking beingcancelled less than two weeks before the course start date, 50% of the course fee will be charged • This form canbe photocopied for additional applications.DATA PROTECTIONIn accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, we are required to inform you that your details will beretained and held on file for administrative purposes by <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>. Please be assured that we willnot pass this information on to any other organisation unless we have your prior consent.YOUR SIGNATURESignature xDateCONTENTS CALENDAR BOOK/APPLY

EDUCATION UPDATES BY EMAILIf you would like to receive updates via email of our upcoming courses, please email us with ‘email list’ as the subject, stating your name, the email address(es)where you would like to receive information, your job title and your place of work.We send out a quarterly e-newsletter called Education @ <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s which gives informationon courses and news within the Education Centre. If you would like to receive this please emailTracy O’Flaherty at you know that you can book places for our courses online?Visit for detailsEducation updates by email <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> Education <strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

THE EDUCATIONCENTRE STAFFDirector of Education and TrainingDavid OliviereTelephone 020 8768 4656Email in Palliative CareLesley AdsheadTelephone 020 8768 4657Email BradyTelephone 020 8768 4660Email ManagerDion BachmannTelephone 020 8768 4659Email AdministratorsBernadette CorriganJohn BurgessTelephone 020 8768 4656Email Marketing OfficerTracy O’FlahertyTelephone 020 8768 4661Email OfficerAbdul KhaliqTelephone 020 8768 4555Email<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong>51-59 Lawrie Park Road, London SE26 6DZTelephone 020 8768 4500Email<strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> is registered charity 210667© <strong>St</strong> Christopher’s <strong>Hospice</strong> October 2011

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