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g A lover once wrote to Dorian that the world was changedbecause Dorian was made of ............h Dorian hates his portrait and his own beautifurface and he wantsa newAfter you read27 At first, Alan campbell refuses to do what Dorian wants. why doyou think he changes his mind? what happens to him afterwards?28 Why does Dorian:a feel happier as he opens the schoolroom door?b see more blood on the portrait?c decide not to go to the police?d put the knife into the picture?e look old and horribly ugly after he kills himself?29 Discuss Dorian's life and why Lord Henry tells him, 'Life has beenyour aft.' Does Lord Henry understand more about Dorian thanDorian understands about himself? Why (not)?Writing30 when Lord Henry first sees the portrait, Basil Hallward tells him, ,ttis better not to be different fr:om other people. The stupid and uglyhave the best of this world.' Do you agree? write your opinion.31 when Dorian realizes that the painting wiil arways stay young, hewishes to stay young for ever. 'l would give my soul for that!' hesays. Explain how the portrait changes Dorian's life and soul.32 lmagine you are Lord Henry. you have promised Dorian that youand Basil wíll go to see Romeo and Jutiet tomorrow night. write anote to Basil, inviting him to the theatre. Explain why Dorian wantshim there.33 sibyl Vane was a beautiful and popurar young actress. write anewspaper repod about her death.34 Lord Henry and Basil are both close friends of Dorian. How are theircharacters different? Which one do you prefer? Why?35 would you like Dorian Gray for a friend? Make a list of your reasonsfor liking or not liking him.74

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