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five minutes a servant appeared. FIe was half dressed and lookedvery sleepy.'I am sorry I had to wake you up, Francis,,he said, stepping in.'But I have forgoten my key.'What time is it?,'Ten minutes past two, sir,'answered. the man,looking at a clock.'Ten minutes past rwo? How horribly latel you must wake me arnine tomorrow. I have some work to do.,'Al1 right, sir.''Did anyone call this evening?''Mr Hallward, sir. He stayed here until eleven, and then he wentaway to catch his train.''oh! I am sorry I didn't see him. Did he leave any message?,'No, sir. He said he wourd write to you from paris.,'That is all, Francis. Dont forget to call me at nine tomorrow.,'No, sir.'The man wenr off to his bedroom.Dorian Gray threw his hat and coat upon the table and passedinto the library. For a quarter of an hour he walked ,p and downthe room, biting his lip and thinking. Then he took down a bookfrom one of the cupboards, and began to turn the pages. ,A-rancampbell, 1,52 Hertford Street, Mayfair.' yes, that was the man hewanted.Chapter 11 The problern of the BodvAt nine o'clock the next morning his servant came in with a cup ofchocolate, and opened the curtains. Dorian was sreeping q,ri,.peacefully,lying with one hand under his cheek.As he opened his eyes a smile passed across his lips. He turnedround, and began to drink his chocolate. The November sun cameinto the room, and the sky was bright. It was armost rike a morningin Mav.

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