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you seriously. Don't frown like that. You make it so much morediflicult for me.'''W'hat is it all about?' cried Dorian, throwing himself down onthe sofa.'l hope it is not about myself.I am tired of myself tonight.Iwould prefer to be somebody different.''It is about yourself,' answered Hallward, in his deep voice,'and Imust say it to you.'Dorian breathed deeply and lit a cigarette.'Is it really necessary,Basil?''l think you should know some of the terrible things that peopleare saying about you.''l don't want to know anything about them. I love scandalsabout other people, but scandals about myself don't interestme.''Every gentleman is interested in his good name, Dorian. Youdon't want people to talk ofyou as somerhing terrible and corrupt.But I don't believe these rumours at all.At least I can't believe themwhen I see you. Corruption is a thing that writes itself across aman's face. It cannot be hidden.''My dear Basil -''And yet,I rarely see you now and you never come to my house.When I hear all the terrible things people are whispering aboutyou, I don't know what to say. Why have so many of your friendskilled themselves? Young men frorn good families like AdrianSingleton and that poor young soldier?''Stop, Basil. You are talking about things of which you knownothing,'said Dorian.'I know how people talk in England. This is acountry where people have two faces. They whisper rumours aboutpeople like myself, and then do much worse things when others arenot looking.''Dorian,' cried Hallward, 'that is not the question. I knowEngland is bad, but that's the reason I want you to be a goodinfluence on your friends. Instead you have losr all belief in45

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