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He went back to the library and found a nore from Lord Henry.In it was a report from the newspaper about SibylVane. Her deathwas officially described as an accident.He frowned, and tore the paper in fwo. Then he walked acrossthe room and threw the pieces away. How ugly it all was!And howhorribly real ugliness made things!Perhaps the servant had read the report, and had begun to suspectsomething.And, yet, what did it matrer? 'W.hat had Dorian Gray rodo with Sibyl Vane's death? There was norhing ro be afraid of.Dorian Grav had not killed her.Chapter 9 'I.\Vill ShowYou rny Soul'Many years passed. Yet the wonderful beaury that had so fascinatedBasil Hallward, stayed with Dorian Gray. Even those who had heardterrible rumours against him, could not believe them when theymet him. He always had the look of someone who had kept himselfpure.Many people suspected that there was something very wrongwith Dorian's life, but only he knew about the porrrait. Somenights he would'secretly enter the locked room. Holding a rnirrorin his hand, he would stand in front of the picrure Basil Hallwardhad painted. He would look first at the horrible, old face in thepicture, and then at the handsome young face that laughed back athim from the mirror. He fell more and more in love with his ownbeaury.And more and more interested in the corruption of his ownsoul.Then something happened that changed everyrhing.It was on the ninth of November, the d^y before histhirry-eighth birthday. He was walking home from Lord Henry'sand the night was cold and foggy. At the corner of GrosvenorSquare and South Audley Street, a man passed him in the fog. He

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