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'Basil!'cried the boy, staring ar him with wild eyes.'I see you did. Dorian, from the moment I met you, yourpersonaliry had the most extraordinary influence over me. Iworshipped you. I was jealous of everyone you spoke to. Iwanted to have you all to myself. I was only happy when I waswith you.'W'hen you were away from me you were still there in myatt.''Basil -''No, don't speak. I must tell you now what I did not tell youthen. That I decided to paint a wonderful portrait of you. I putall my feelings for you into that picture. I felt, Dorian, rhat I hadtold too much. I had put roo much of myself inro it. So Idecided never to exhibit the porrrait. I told Harry and helaughed. When the picture was finished, and I sar alone with it, Ifelt that I was right. . . Later, I thoughr rhar perhaps I was beingfoolish and when this Paris offer came. . . but I see now that thepicture cannot be shown.'Dorian Gray breathed deeply. The colour came back to hischeeks and a smile crossed his lips. The danger was over and he wassafe for a while.'W.hat a sad story Basil had told.'Would he ever be soinfluenced by the personaliry of a friend? Lord Henry had thecharm of being very dangerous. But that was all.'It is extraordinary to me, Dorian,' said Hallward,'that you sawthis in the portrait.''l saw something in it,' he answered,'something that seemed tome very strange.'''W'ell, you don't mind me looking at the thing now?'Dorian shook his head.'You must not ask me that. Basil.l cannotlet you stand in front of that picture.''You will one day, wont you?'oNever.'''Well, perhaps you are right. And now goodbye, Dorian. Youhave been the one person in my life who has really influenced-y37

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