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talk about SibylVane was just a mood that would pass away. Therewas so much in him that was good.'Well, Dorian,' he said with a sad smile,'l won't speak to youagarn about this horrible thing. I only hope that your name is keptout of any scandal. Have the police asked to see you?'Dorian shook his head.'Thev don't even know mv name,'heanswered.'She didn't know your name?''Only my first name, and I am sure that she did not tell it toanyone. She told her family that I was Prince Charming. It waspreffy of her. You must do me a drawing of Sibyl, Basil. I would liketo have something more of her than the memory of a few kisses.''l will try and do something, Dorian. But you must come and sitfor me again.I can't work so well without you.''I can never sit for you again, Basil. It is impossible!'he cried.'My dear boy, what is this foolishness!'Hallward cried.'Did younot like what I did for you?'W'here is it?'Why have you covered it?Let me look at it. It is the best thing I have ever done. It is very badof your servant to hide my work like that. I felt the room lookeddiflerent as I came in.''It was not my servant who covered it, Basil. I did it myself. Thelight was too strong on the portrait.''Tlco strong! No, the light is perfect in here. Let me see it.'AndHallward walked towards the corner of the room.A terrible cry came from Dorian Grayt lips, and he rushedbetween the painter and the covered portrait.'Basil, you must notlook at it! I don't want you to.''Not look at my own work! Are you serious? Why shouldn't Ilook at it?' cried Hallward, laughing.'lfyou try and look at it, Basil,I promise I will never speak to youagain. I am very serious.'Hallward looked at Dorian Gray in surprise. He had never seenhim like this before. The boy's face was white and angry.

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