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33'You call yesterday the past? Dorian, this is horrible! Sonrethinghas changed you completely. You look exactly the same as thewonderful boy in rny picture, but now there is no heart in you.It isall Harry's influence. I see that.'The boy went to the window and looked out at the garden for afew moments.'Flarry has taught me many things, Basil,' he said at last.oYouhave only taught me to love my own beaury.''l am truly sorry for that, Dorian.''I don't know what you mean, Basil,' he said, turning round.'Idon't know what you want.-W'hat do you want?''I want the Dorian Gray I used to paint,'said the artist sadly.'Basil,'said the boy, going over to him and putting his hand onhis shoulder,'you have conr.e too late. Yesterday when I heard thatSibylVane had killed herself -''Killed herself! My God! Is there no doubt about that?'criedHallward.'My dear Basil! Of course she killed herself.'The older man put his face in his hands.'How terrible,'he said ina quiet voice.'No,'said Dorian Gray,'there is nothing terrible about it. It isone of the great romantic tragedies of our time. I know you aresurprised at me talking to you like this. You have not realized how Ihave changed. I was a boy when you knew me. I arn a man now. Ihave new passions, new thoughts, new ideas -''But Dorian -''I am different,but you must not like me less. Of course I am veryfond of Harry. But I know that you are better than he is. You arenot sffonger - you are too afraid of life - but you are better. Andhow happy we used to be together! Don't leave me, Basil, and don'targue with me. I am what I am.'The painter felt strangely sad. Dorian Gray was extraordinarilyimportant to him. The boy had changed his art. Perhaps his cruel

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