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32will not talk again of what has happened. It has been somerhingwonderful. That is all. Now I have to dress, Harry. I feel too tired toeat anything, but I will join you later at the thearre.'As Lord Henry closed the door behind him Dorian rushed tothe portrait and tore off the cover. No, there was no furtherchange in the picture.It had received the news of SibylVane's deathbefore he had known of it himself. Tears came to his eyes as heremembered her. He brushed them eway and looked again at thepicture.He felt the time had come to choose, Or had he already chosen?Yes,life had decided that for him. The portrair was going ro carryhis shame: that was all.An hour later he was at the theatre, and Lord Henry was sittingbeside him.Chapter 7 ''What Is Past Is Past'As he was eating breakfast the next morning, Basil Hallward wasshown into the room.'I am so glad I have found you, Dorian,' he said.'l called lastnight, and they told me that you were at the theatre. Of course Iknew that was impossible. I had a terrible evening worryingwhether one tragedy would be followed by another. I cant tell youhow heart-broken I am about the whole thing. Did you go and seethe girlt mother? What did she say about it all?''My dear Basil, I don't know,'said Dorian Gray. He looked verybored.'l was at the theatre.''You went to the theatre?'said Hallward, speaking very slowly.'You went to the theatre where SibylVane was lying dead?''Stop, Basil! I won't hear it!'cried Dorian, jumping to his feet.'You must not speak of such things.'What is done is done.'What ispast is past.'

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