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Chapter 5 Dorian Leaves SibylThe theatre was crowded that night. It was terribly hot and therewere young people shouting to each other from across seats.'w'omen were laughing loudly and their voices sounded horrible.People were eating oranges and drinking from bottles.''what a place to find the perfect girl in!'said Lord Henry.'Yes!'answered Dorian Gray.'It was here I found her.'when yousee her as Juliet you will forget everything. These ugly peoplebecome quite different when she appears.''I understand what you mean, Dorian,' said the painter,,and Ibelieve in this girl.Anyone you love must be wonderful.''Thanks, Basil,' answered Dorian Gray.'I knew that you wouldunderstand me. In a few minutes you will see the girl who I amgoing to give my life to. The girl who I have given everything thatis good in me.'Then Sibyl appeared. The crowd shouted and called her name.Yes, she was certainly lovely to look at, Lord Henry thought. BasilHallward jumped to his feet excitedly. Dorian Gray sar sraring arher like he was in a dream.'Charming! Charming!' cried Lord Henry.A quarter of an hour later, Lord Henry whispered to Hallward.'She's one of the loveliest girls I have ever seen. But she is a terribleactress.'Dorian Gray's face turned white as he watched her speak.she was so different tonight! Now she was not Juliet but avery bad actress who did not understand Shakespeare'swords.Even the crowd became bored and began ro talk roudly.The only person who did not seem to norice was the actressherself.Lord Henry got up from his chair and put on his coar.,she isbeautiful, Dorian,'he said,'but she can,t act. Let's go.'

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