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''With an actress,'said Dorian Gray.'How ordinary.''You would not say that if you saw her, Harry.,''Who is she?''Her name is SibylVane,''I've never heard of her.''No one has. People will some d^y,artist.''My dear boy, no woman is an artist.anything to say but they say it charmingly.known her?'though. She is an'Women never haveHow long have you'About three weeks.''And where did you meet her?''I will tell you, Harry, but you musr not laugh. After all, it wasyou who gave me a passion to know everything about life. For daysafter I met you I searched the streets for beauty.I walked around theEast End until I found a dirty little rheatre.I see you are laughing. Itis horrible ofyou!''I am not laughing, Dorian. Go on with your story.''The play w.as Romeo and Juliet At first I was annoyed at thethought of seeing Shakespeare in such a terrible place.And when afat old gentleman came out as Romeo I nearly walked out. Butthen I saw Juliet! Harry, she was the loveliesr thing I had ever seenin my life.''W'hen did you meer her?''l went back rhe next night and the night after that. on the thirdevening I waited for her outside the theatre.'''What was she like?''sibyl? oh, she was shy and gentle. she is only sevenreen andthere is something of a child in her. She said ro me,"you look like aprince. I must call you Prince Charming,,.''Miss Sibyl knows how ro flater you.,'You don't understand her, Harry. She thinks that I am like a1,6

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