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Pearson Education LimitedEdinburgh Gate, Harlow,Essex CM20 2JE, Englandand fusociated Companies throughout the world'ISBN : 978- 1 -4 058-822s -3The Pícture of Dorian Gray was first published in complete book form in 1891This adaparion first published by Penguin Books 1994Published by Addisonwesley Longman Limited and Penguin Books Ltd 1998New edition first Published 1999This edition first Published 200813579108642,Text copyright @ Kieran McGovern 1994Illustrations copyright @ David Cuzik 1994All rights reservedThe moral right of the adapter and of the illustrator has been ¿ssertedTypeset by Graphicraft Ltd, Hong KongSet in 11l14pt BemboPrinted in ChinaSWTC/01Alt righx reserued; no part of thís publication may be rEroduced, storedín a retrieval systeffi, or transffiitted in any Jorm or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or othenaise, without theprior written permission of the Publkhers'Published by Pearson Education Ltd in association withPenguin Boola Ltd; both companies being subsidiaries of Pearson PlcFor a complete list of the titles available in the Penguin Readets series please write to your localPearson Longman office or to: Penguin Readers Marketing Department' Pearson Education'Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 ZJE, England'

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