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And yet, what was there to be afreid of? He was not a schoolboyor a girl. It was silly to be afraid.'Let us go and sit out of the sun.I don't want you to be burnt bythe sun.'''what does that marter?' cried Dorian Gray, laughing as he satdown on the seat at the end of the garden.'It should matter very much to you, Mr Gray.,'Why?''Because you are young, and to be young is the best thing in theworld.''I don't feel that, Lord Henry.''No, you dont feel it now. some day when you are old and uglyyou will feel it terribly. Now, wherever you go, you charm theworld. Will it always be so? . . . you have a wonder lly beautifulface, Mr Gray.''I don't think -''Don't frown. It is true. The gods have been good to you. Butwhat the gods give they quickly take away. you have only a fewyears in which to really live, perfectly and fully.Live your life now,while you are still young!'Suddenly the painter appeared at the door and waved at them tocome in. They turned to each other and smiled.'I am waiting,'he cried.'Please come in. The light is perfect.'They got up and walked towards the house together.'You are glad you have met me, Mr Gray,' said Lord Henry,looking at him.'Yes, I am glad now. I wonder whether I will always be glad.''Always! That is a terrible word. 'women are so fond ofusing it.'Twenry minures later Hallward sropped painting.He stood backand looked at the portrait for a few moments. Then he bent downand signed his name in red paint on the bottom left-hand corner.'It is finished,'he cried.10

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