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health newsHow to EffectivelyIncrease Energy LevelsThe work week can truly be exhausting. By the time Fridayarrives, the taxing nature of work can really take its toll.Oftentimes, that tollmanifests itself in anumber of ways.Whether you groweasily aggravated orsimply struggle tomaintain your energyas the week wears on,chances are you feelsomewhat deflated bythe end of the workweek.While it mightseem as though youneed to make somedrastic changes in orderto recoup youronce vibrant energy,for most people that'snot the case at all. Infact, several easy toinstill lifestylechanges can help youregain your energylevels and head intothe weekend rejuvenatedinstead of putthrough the ringer.• Turn the lightsand television offwhen you sleep.Keeping the lights onor falling asleep to thetelevision interruptsquality sleep, whether you know it or not. Lights on whilesleeping hinders melatonin secretion, essentially throwingyour body off track and forcing it to reset. This can negativelyimpact your energy levels when it comes time to getout of bed. In addition to turning the lights and television off,SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS USING THE TREADMILLFOR 20 MINUTES PER DAY CAN HELP TODRASTICALLY INCREASE ENERGY LEVELS, PAYINGDIVIDENDS AT THE END OF THE WEEK.try and make your bedroom as dark as possible when you goto sleep. This will encourage a sounder sleep and could helpincrease energy levels as a result.• Don't eat big meals at night. The digestivesystem is most active during thedaytime, which enables the body to usefood for energy much more effectively.If you're going to be eating a large meal,it's best to do so during the daytime. Whenyou eat a big meal at night, the digestivesystem is slowing down at that point andit is much more difficult to digest foodand convert it to energy.• Stretch regularly. Even if you're notan exercise enthusiast, stretching can bebeneficial to your energy levels. That's becausestretching helps to maintain bloodflow by reducing clogging of the arteries.The more freely blood flows, the moreenergy you're likely to have.• Emphasize cardiovascular activitiesand exercise. Many people aren't fond ofgoing to the gym. However, achieving optimalfitness doesn't have to involve a gymmembership. Cardiovascular exercise,which can include walking, jogging, usingthe treadmill, etc., helps to lowerblood pressure, decrease body fat and reducecholesterol among other benefits.Each of those things can do wonders foryour energy levels. While you might initiallystruggle to muster up the energy toinclude regular cardiovascular exercise inyour daily routine, once you begin you'llfind it gets easier as you go. That's because it's working, increasingyour energy levels.In addition, spending some time away from home or workwhile you walk, jog or even use the treadmill can prove avaluable source of relieving stress.60Mature Living Winter Edition

Annual Peaches to the BeachesYard Sale set for March 11-12Georgia’s Longest YardSale, the Peaches to theBeaches Yard Sale, willtake place March 11-12along US Highway 341.The 220+-mile yard salewillink peachgrowingcounties in middleGeorgia to the beaches ofBrunswick and the GoldenIsles, with stops in 15 communitiesalong the way.The Peaches to theBeaches Yard Sale will fea-ture vendors selling everythingfrom antiques and locallycrafted items to traditionalyard sale fare. Yardsale sites will range fromlarge multi-organizationsites to individual sitesalong US Highway 341. Aspecial “Official Vendor”sign will identify each officialPeaches to theBeaches Yard Sale site.In Baxley, yard salesites will be located indowntown Baxley. Mapsof participating vendorswill be available at theBaxley-Appling CountyBoard of Tourism office(305 West ParkerStreet) beginningat 8amon Friday,March 11th.Participatingvendors willinclude avariety offabuloussidewalksales atdowntownbusinessesas well astraditionalyard salefare fromhandmadecrafts, old andnew items, antiques,and more.Official yard sale hourswill be Friday - Saturday,March 11-12, 8am - 6pm,rain or shine.The Peaches to theBeaches Yard Sale is beingorganized by the GoldenIsles Parkway Association,a membership organizationthat represents Businesses,Municipalities, Boards ofTourism, Chambers ofCommerce, Convention &Visitors Bureaus and otherorganizations in towns andcities along and near theGolden Isles Parkway, USHighway 341.Participating communitiesinclude Barnesville,Culloden, Roberta, FortValley, Perry,Hawkinsville, Eastman,Chauncey, Helena, McRae,Hazlehurst, Baxley, Odum,Jesup, Brunswick and theGolden Isles.For information aboutbecoming a vendor for the7th Annual Peaches to theBeaches Yard Sale pleasecontact Golden Isles ParkwayAssociation PresidentKaren Tharpe (ApplingCounty Tourism ExecutiveDirector) at 912-367-7731or .Check out more informationon the Peaches to theBeaches Yard Sale, by visit i n for updatedinformation about Georgia’s Longest Yard Sale.Mature Living Winter Edition 61

health newsHow to EffectivelyIncrease Energy LevelsThe work week can truly be exhaust<strong>in</strong>g. By <strong>the</strong> time Fridayarrives, <strong>the</strong> tax<strong>in</strong>g nature of work can really take its toll.Oftentimes, that tollmanifests itself <strong>in</strong> anumber of ways.Whe<strong>the</strong>r you groweasily aggravated orsimply struggle toma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> your energyas <strong>the</strong> week wears on,chances are you feelsomewhat deflated by<strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> workweek.While it mightseem as though youneed to make somedrastic changes <strong>in</strong> orderto recoup youronce vibrant energy,for most people that'snot <strong>the</strong> case at all. Infact, several easy to<strong>in</strong>still lifestylechanges can help yourega<strong>in</strong> your energylevels and head <strong>in</strong>to<strong>the</strong> weekend rejuvenated<strong>in</strong>stead of putthrough <strong>the</strong> r<strong>in</strong>ger.• Turn <strong>the</strong> lightsand television offwhen you sleep.Keep<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> lights onor fall<strong>in</strong>g asleep to <strong>the</strong>television <strong>in</strong>terruptsquality sleep, whe<strong>the</strong>r you know it or not. Lights on whilesleep<strong>in</strong>g h<strong>in</strong>ders melaton<strong>in</strong> secretion, essentially throw<strong>in</strong>gyour body off track and forc<strong>in</strong>g it to reset. This can negativelyimpact your energy levels when it comes time to getout of bed. In addition to turn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> lights and television off,SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS USING THE TREADMILLFOR 20 MINUTES PER DAY CAN HELP TODRASTICALLY INCREASE ENERGY LEVELS, PAYINGDIVIDENDS AT THE END OF THE WEEK.try and make your bedroom as dark as possible when you goto sleep. This will encourage a sounder sleep and could help<strong>in</strong>crease energy levels as a result.• Don't eat big meals at night. The digestivesystem is most active dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>daytime, which enables <strong>the</strong> body to usefood for energy much more effectively.If you're go<strong>in</strong>g to be eat<strong>in</strong>g a large meal,it's best to do so dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> daytime. Whenyou eat a big meal at night, <strong>the</strong> digestivesystem is slow<strong>in</strong>g down at that po<strong>in</strong>t andit is much more difficult to digest foodand convert it to energy.• Stretch regularly. Even if you're notan exercise enthusiast, stretch<strong>in</strong>g can bebeneficial to your energy levels. That's becausestretch<strong>in</strong>g helps to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> bloodflow by reduc<strong>in</strong>g clogg<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>the</strong> arteries.The more freely blood flows, <strong>the</strong> moreenergy you're likely to have.• Emphasize cardiovascular activitiesand exercise. Many people aren't fond ofgo<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>the</strong> gym. However, achiev<strong>in</strong>g optimalfitness doesn't have to <strong>in</strong>volve a gymmembership. Cardiovascular exercise,which can <strong>in</strong>clude walk<strong>in</strong>g, jogg<strong>in</strong>g, us<strong>in</strong>g<strong>the</strong> treadmill, etc., helps to lowerblood pressure, decrease body fat and reducecholesterol among o<strong>the</strong>r benefits.Each of those th<strong>in</strong>gs can do wonders foryour energy levels. While you might <strong>in</strong>itiallystruggle to muster up <strong>the</strong> energy to<strong>in</strong>clude regular cardiovascular exercise <strong>in</strong>your daily rout<strong>in</strong>e, once you beg<strong>in</strong> you'llf<strong>in</strong>d it gets easier as you go. That's because it's work<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gyour energy levels.In addition, spend<strong>in</strong>g some time away from home or workwhile you walk, jog or even use <strong>the</strong> treadmill can prove avaluable source of reliev<strong>in</strong>g stress.60<strong>Mature</strong> <strong>Liv<strong>in</strong>g</strong> W<strong>in</strong>ter Edition

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