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out of respect for what’s happened.’We didn’t th<strong>in</strong>k we’denjoy it.”The group has grown <strong>in</strong>numbers <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> last few years,and has begun repeat<strong>in</strong>g trips.Tatum refers to many of hercurrent travel companions as<strong>the</strong> “second generation” ofTattnall Travelers. Still, oneorig<strong>in</strong>al female member, <strong>in</strong>her 80s, cont<strong>in</strong>ues to go with<strong>the</strong> group. Tatum also addswith pride that one new member,who with his wife attended<strong>the</strong> most recent excursionto <strong>the</strong> American West,represented <strong>the</strong> third generationof his family that hadtraveled with her.When Lyndal quotes aprice to <strong>the</strong> group, it <strong>in</strong>cludesalmost all food, lodg<strong>in</strong>g, andtickets.“They love that ‘cause all<strong>the</strong>y have to do is get <strong>in</strong> andgo,” she expla<strong>in</strong>ed.While <strong>the</strong> Travelers groupenjoys do<strong>in</strong>g its sightsee<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> North America, Tatum hasteamed up with <strong>the</strong> Mulvihillson excursions all over <strong>the</strong>world.“Kev<strong>in</strong> does trips, pick<strong>in</strong>ga place overseas, and I gotstarted go<strong>in</strong>g on those myself,”Lyndal recalled. “I offered<strong>the</strong>m to anybody whowanted to go, but our groupdoesn’t want to go out of <strong>the</strong>country much.”Follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> footstepsof Mr. Sanders, Tatum hastraveled to many Europeansites, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g F<strong>in</strong>land andIceland. She recalled re-enact<strong>in</strong>ga famous handshakebetween President RonaldReagan and Soviet PremierMikhail Gorbachev at <strong>the</strong>Hofdi House near Reykjavik,Iceland, where <strong>the</strong> men hadnegotiated dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> lastyears of <strong>the</strong> Cold War.“I love less-frequentedplaces a lot, and I love history,”she stated.Tatum has also visitedNew Zealand and Australia,Ch<strong>in</strong>a and Japan, Switzerland,France, Spa<strong>in</strong>, Italy, and<strong>the</strong> Greek Isles.“I was look<strong>in</strong>g at a pictureof myself <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r day at <strong>the</strong>great stadium at Ephesuswhere <strong>the</strong> Apostle PaulMEMBERS OF THE TATTNALL TRAVELERS POSE BEFORE THE GARDEN OF THEGODS GEOLOGIC SITE NEAR COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO, ON THEIR MOSTRECENT TRIP.preached,” she commented.“It’s still stand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>re.”She particularly lovedsee<strong>in</strong>g Istanbul <strong>in</strong> Turkey, andenjoyed a trip to Germanyrecently where she witnesseda Passion Play which is onlyperformed once every decade<strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Bavarian Alps.“All my life I had been ona farm <strong>in</strong> Georgia, hadn’t seenanyth<strong>in</strong>g,” she stated. “Butthat didn’t mean I couldn’t doit. I had no earthly idea itwould ever come to anyth<strong>in</strong>glike what I’ve been able to doand see.”When asked what traveldoes for an <strong>in</strong>dividual, shereplied, “It just broadens yourwhole world. You stay <strong>in</strong> oneplace so long, you don’t knowanyth<strong>in</strong>g else except thatpeople everywhere live likeyou do. To me, it’s understand<strong>in</strong>ghumanity a lot better.You see what <strong>the</strong>y haveto work with, what<strong>the</strong>y need, and how<strong>the</strong>y get it from <strong>the</strong>irland and area. Now,that may be totally differentfrom us. You’renot so narrow-m<strong>in</strong>ded<strong>in</strong> what you th<strong>in</strong>k.”“The pleasure I getis from go<strong>in</strong>g and see<strong>in</strong>gall that <strong>the</strong>sepeople have created,<strong>the</strong>se build<strong>in</strong>gs andth<strong>in</strong>gs,” she cont<strong>in</strong>ued.“We th<strong>in</strong>k we havepretty th<strong>in</strong>gs here—and we do—but <strong>the</strong>nyou go to Rome orsomewhere and say‘Holy cow! Look what<strong>the</strong>y created!’ You juststand <strong>the</strong>re and look <strong>in</strong>amazement at objectslike <strong>the</strong> huge statue ofDavid. You can see hisve<strong>in</strong>s and muscles; it’sso real. It’s a wonderful th<strong>in</strong>gto get out of your element andgo somewhere else. I lovesee<strong>in</strong>g what <strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong>world looks like.”“I have also been verytouched when I’ve stood on<strong>the</strong> Arizona Memorial <strong>in</strong>Pearl Harbor <strong>in</strong> Hawaii or atOmaha Beach at Normandy<strong>in</strong> France, th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g of thosewho gave <strong>the</strong>ir lives for ourfreedom.”Interest<strong>in</strong>gly enough,Lyndal’s husband Kennondoes not share her love oftravel<strong>in</strong>g. He has been on<strong>Mature</strong> <strong>Liv<strong>in</strong>g</strong> W<strong>in</strong>ter Edition 51

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