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health newsHeart conditions can be'Silent'The image many people Ischemia is a term used toget when they think of heart describe the restriction ofconditions is a grown man oxygen-rich blood to an areaSILENT ISCHEMIA IS A POTENTIALLY DANGEROUSHEART CONDITION THAT'S DIFFICULT TO DETECTAND CAN RESULT IN CARDIAC ARREST.of the body. Cardiac ischemiaoccurs when the blood cannotreach the heart.Generally cardiac ischemiacauses pain in thechest, known as angina. However,in some cases there isno warning pain and the conditionis called silent ischemia.Facts & Figures on SilentIschemiaSilent ischemia affectsroughly 3 to 4 million Americansevery year. Individualswho have had a previousheart attack are at higher riskfor silent ischemia than others.But there are many otherrisk factors:• Diabetes• Coronary artery disease• Hypertension•Coronary artery anomalies• Smoking• Obesity• Alcohol and drug abuse• CardiomyopathyIf ischemia lasts too longor is especially severe, it maycause a heart attack. It canalso affect the natural rhythmof the heart and its pumpingability, which can cause fainting,and even sudden cardiacarrest.Symptoms and Diagnosis ofSilent IschemiaSilent ischemia has nosymptoms. However, if a personhas had previous episodesof chest pain, there's aliklihood that he or she couldalso be experiencing silentischemia and not know it.Doctors may use an exercisestress test to determine silentischemia. Also, a specialmonitor called a Holter monitorwill record the heart rateand rhythm over the course ofa day and determine if ischemiaoccurred.TreatmentThe main ways to treat silentischemia is to reduce certainbehaviors that increaserisk. This includes quittingsmoking, avoiding alcoholand maintaining a healthyweight and diet.For those who are diagnosedwith silent ischemia,there are some treatment optionsavailable. Most of theseinvolve improving bloodflow to the heart, which oftenrequires prescriptionmedications. Oxygen alsomay be given to increase theoxygen content of the bloodthat is reaching the heart.Other people may take medicinesthat relax blood vessels,enabling more blood to flow.In most cases this is all thatis needed to fix the situation.For those not responding totreatment, they may need apercutaneous coronary intervention(PCI), such as balloonangioplasty, coronaryartery bypass surgery, or asimilar procedure.cluthing his chest. But not allheart conditions are as obviousor pronounced as heartattack.4Mature Living Winter EditionDO YOU KNOW A PERSON THAT YOUWOULD LIKE TO SEE FEATURED INMATURE LIVING IN SOUTHEASTGEORGIA? LET US KNOW!CALL 912-367-2468 OR 912-537-3131.

When you're younger, itseems you can't wait until retirement.After all, who wantsto deal with going to work everyday and coping with coworkersand a boss? However,many people overlook the opportunitiesfor socializationthat working provides. You getout of the house and see people-- apart from your family --with whom you can converse.Many retirees find that life canbe a bit boring after the jobends, primarily because theydon't have access to the samelevel of socialization as theyonce did.Making friends can keepyou active and healthy. Ifyou're a bit rusty in the friend-Making Friends After Retirementmaking department, it's prettymuch how it was when youwere younger. You simplymust find individuals who havesimilar interests and goals.• Volunteer in your communityand you're bound to findpotential friends who are likeminded.• Take classes at a collegeor university. Many offer freeor discounted rates for seniors.This is a great way to meetpeople of all ages and walks oflife.• Attend clubs at senior centersor houses of worship. It'slikely that there are plenty ofother people looking for relationships.• Think about your interests.If you like fishing, sewingor boating, join a club thatcaters to those interests. Otherswho share your hobbieswill be there.• If you're new to an area,host an open-house party andinvite neighbors in for introductionsand some socialization.• Join a social networkingsite online. You can connectwith people, potentially individualswho live close by.Mature Living Winter Edition 5

When you're younger, itseems you can't wait until retirement.After all, who wantsto deal with go<strong>in</strong>g to work everyday and cop<strong>in</strong>g with coworkersand a boss? However,many people overlook <strong>the</strong> opportunitiesfor socializationthat work<strong>in</strong>g provides. You getout of <strong>the</strong> house and see people-- apart from your family --with whom you can converse.Many retirees f<strong>in</strong>d that life canbe a bit bor<strong>in</strong>g after <strong>the</strong> jobends, primarily because <strong>the</strong>ydon't have access to <strong>the</strong> samelevel of socialization as <strong>the</strong>yonce did.Mak<strong>in</strong>g friends can keepyou active and healthy. Ifyou're a bit rusty <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> friend-Mak<strong>in</strong>g Friends After Retirementmak<strong>in</strong>g department, it's prettymuch how it was when youwere younger. You simplymust f<strong>in</strong>d <strong>in</strong>dividuals who havesimilar <strong>in</strong>terests and goals.• Volunteer <strong>in</strong> your communityand you're bound to f<strong>in</strong>dpotential friends who are likem<strong>in</strong>ded.• Take classes at a collegeor university. Many offer freeor discounted rates for seniors.This is a great way to meetpeople of all ages and walks oflife.• Attend clubs at senior centersor houses of worship. It'slikely that <strong>the</strong>re are plenty ofo<strong>the</strong>r people look<strong>in</strong>g for relationships.• Th<strong>in</strong>k about your <strong>in</strong>terests.If you like fish<strong>in</strong>g, sew<strong>in</strong>gor boat<strong>in</strong>g, jo<strong>in</strong> a club thatcaters to those <strong>in</strong>terests. O<strong>the</strong>rswho share your hobbieswill be <strong>the</strong>re.• If you're new to an area,host an open-house party and<strong>in</strong>vite neighbors <strong>in</strong> for <strong>in</strong>troductionsand some socialization.• Jo<strong>in</strong> a social network<strong>in</strong>gsite onl<strong>in</strong>e. You can connectwith people, potentially <strong>in</strong>dividualswho live close by.<strong>Mature</strong> <strong>Liv<strong>in</strong>g</strong> W<strong>in</strong>ter Edition 5

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