NKII 7487 - April N/L for web - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

NKII 7487 - April N/L for web - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated NKII 7487 - April N/L for web - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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Te reo parikarangaranga o KahungunuApril 2002Think positive, don’t giveup, and don’t be afraid totake risks was theoverwhelming message fromspeakers at the recentKahungunu ki Heretaungaeconomic summit.It was popular with over 300 peopleturning up on each of the two daysto hear Kahungunu success stories,former All Blacks and other achieversspeak at the Napier War MemorialCentre, and at marae and wineriesthroughout the Napier-Hastings rohe.Speaking for the organising committee,Wi Huata said there was a chance forMaori to be in on the developmenthappening in the rohe right now, andit was hoped some of theinformation to come outof the hui would inspirepeople.Among the inspirationalspeakers was MavisMullins, of PaewaiMullins Shearing inDannevirke. She chairs the One Woolconsortium, is involved with Wools of...the echoing cries of KahungunuEconomic Summit a HitNgati Kahungunu IwiI N C O R P O R A T E D509 ORCHARD ROADPO BOX 2406, HASTINGSNEW ZEALANDPHONE 06 876 2718OR 0800 876 271FAX 06 876 4807paatai@kahungunu.iwi.nzwww.kahungunu.iwi.nzAotearoa, and is a Maori BroadcastingSpectrum board member.It was possible to combine bestbusiness practices with Maori valuesthatwas how her family business hadgrown.Her comment, that she wanted to seethe day when brown faces were themajority at Chamber of Commerce andInstitute of Directors meetings, drewlots of applause.A business should be fun, but alsoabout taking risks, making mistakes,and overall wanting to win. “If youfeel a bit scared somewhere, learn tolove it because that’s the only way youlearn.”Self-made millionaire Craig Soper,from Rakiura, told listeners Maorishould give something back to thewhanau or iwi which had supported“If you feela bit scared somewhere,learn to love itbecause that’s the onlyway you learn.”them. He felt hisseats on theFoundation ofResearch,Science andTechnology,and MaoriTelevisionboards were his way of doing so.He also urged people not to worryPaula Treanor “ Creating wealth through Real Estate” a role model for the students fromHukarere Maori Girls College.about borrowing money to get aneducation- reminding them there weregrants and scholarships available forMaori.Anyone wanting to get into businessalso needed to have a strategy- no onewould invest in an idea, no matter howbrilliant, if there was no business plan.Mr Soper believed one of the best waysto achieve self-determination wasthrough economic independence, andMaori had plenty of things they couldput to good use. “You don’t see richpeople having problems with accessinghealth or education, do you?”Ministers Parekura Horomia (MaoriAffairs) and Jim Sutton (Agriculture)also spoke at the summit. The NgatiKahungunu Vision and 25 YearDevelopment Plan was presented onday two by the General Manager ofNKII.Kahungunu ki Wairoa EconomicSummit - 1st and 2nd May 2002This summit will include a marvelous lineup of speakers from the business,tourism, farming, forestry, horticulture and fashion sectors. They will cover theissues of leadership, and of individual, whanau and tribal achievement. Theirtask is to inspire maori to higher achievements in business or careers and in life.The workshops will build upon the base strategy that we achieved in Napier.There are two amazing dinners planned. At the first dinner, there will be acompetition to locate three of the hottest young designers in the Central NorthIsland. The winners will represent us at a grand final to be held in Wellingtonon May the 3rd. At that finale, two winners will be chosen to go to Europe tovisit fashion houses and two will be chosen to attend the Australian MercedesFashion Week. The evening will be hosted by one of our favourite musicians,our very own Moana Maniapoto. The show wil be compered by Harry Howe,Managing Director of Versace Classics (NZ), and Director of Saks.Sir Tipene O’Regan, Ngai Tahu’s relentless warrior and statesman will grace ourfinal evening dinner at Kahungunu Marae. For all enquiries or registrationsplease contact Kelly Eruera on 027 277 1187.Page 1

Te reo parikarangaranga o <strong>Kahungunu</strong><strong>April</strong> 2002Think positive, don’t giveup, and don’t be afraid totake risks was theoverwhelming message fromspeakers at the recent<strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Heretaungaeconomic summit.It was popular with over 300 peopleturning up on each of the two daysto hear <strong>Kahungunu</strong> success stories,<strong>for</strong>mer All Blacks and other achieversspeak at the Napier War MemorialCentre, and at marae and wineriesthroughout the Napier-Hastings rohe.Speaking <strong>for</strong> the organising committee,Wi Huata said there was a chance <strong>for</strong>Maori to be in on the developmenthappening in the rohe right now, andit was hoped some of thein<strong>for</strong>mation to come outof the hui would inspirepeople.Among the inspirationalspeakers was MavisMullins, of PaewaiMullins Shearing inDannevirke. She chairs the One Woolconsortium, is involved with Wools of...the echoing cries of <strong>Kahungunu</strong>Economic Summit a HitNgati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong>I N C O R P O R A T E D509 ORCHARD ROADPO BOX 2406, HASTINGSNEW ZEALANDPHONE 06 876 2718OR 0800 876 271FAX 06 876 4807paatai@kahungunu.iwi.nzwww.kahungunu.iwi.nzAotearoa, and is a Maori BroadcastingSpectrum board member.It was possible to combine bestbusiness practices with Maori valuesthatwas how her family business hadgrown.Her comment, that she wanted to seethe day when brown faces were themajority at Chamber of Commerce andInstitute of Directors meetings, drewlots of applause.A business should be fun, but alsoabout taking risks, making mistakes,and overall wanting to win. “If youfeel a bit scared somewhere, learn tolove it because that’s the only way youlearn.”Self-made millionaire Craig Soper,from Rakiura, told listeners Maorishould give something back to thewhanau or iwi which had supported“If you feela bit scared somewhere,learn to love itbecause that’s the onlyway you learn.”them. He felt hisseats on theFoundation ofResearch,Science andTechnology,and MaoriTelevisionboards were his way of doing so.He also urged people not to worryPaula Treanor “ Creating wealth through Real Estate” a role model <strong>for</strong> the students fromHukarere Maori Girls College.about borrowing money to get aneducation- reminding them there weregrants and scholarships available <strong>for</strong>Maori.Anyone wanting to get into businessalso needed to have a strategy- no onewould invest in an idea, no matter howbrilliant, if there was no business plan.Mr Soper believed one of the best waysto achieve self-determination wasthrough economic independence, andMaori had plenty of things they couldput to good use. “You don’t see richpeople having problems with accessinghealth or education, do you?”Ministers Parekura Horomia (MaoriAffairs) and Jim Sutton (Agriculture)also spoke at the summit. The Ngati<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Vision and 25 YearDevelopment Plan was presented onday two by the General Manager of<strong>NKII</strong>.<strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Wairoa EconomicSummit - 1st and 2nd May 2002This summit will include a marvelous lineup of speakers from the business,tourism, farming, <strong>for</strong>estry, horticulture and fashion sectors. They will cover theissues of leadership, and of individual, whanau and tribal achievement. Theirtask is to inspire maori to higher achievements in business or careers and in life.The workshops will build upon the base strategy that we achieved in Napier.There are two amazing dinners planned. At the first dinner, there will be acompetition to locate three of the hottest young designers in the Central NorthIsland. The winners will represent us at a grand final to be held in Wellingtonon May the 3rd. At that finale, two winners will be chosen to go to Europe tovisit fashion houses and two will be chosen to attend the Australian MercedesFashion Week. The evening will be hosted by one of our favourite musicians,our very own Moana Maniapoto. The show wil be compered by Harry Howe,Managing Director of Versace Classics (NZ), and Director of Saks.Sir Tipene O’Regan, Ngai Tahu’s relentless warrior and statesman will grace ourfinal evening dinner at <strong>Kahungunu</strong> Marae. For all enquiries or registrationsplease contact Kelly Eruera on 027 277 1187.Page 1

Waitangi Day CelebrationsThe public turnout at Waitangi Daycelebrations <strong>for</strong> Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> inClive, Hastings exceeded organiser’sexpectations. The annual eventoriginally founded by the HB MaoriTourism, Nga Tukemata o<strong>Kahungunu</strong> and the MaoriMillennium Committee attracted over12,000 people and was one of thelargest Waitangi day gatherings inNew Zealand.Organiser’s spokesman Te Rangi Huata from theMaori Millennium Committee said “This was a day <strong>for</strong> us to celebratenationhood, community, family and <strong>Kahungunu</strong>. We were delightedwith the turnout.”Significantly the Waitangi Day event took place 500m from the sitewhere Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> chiefs signed the Treaty of Waitangi withcrown representatives Major Bunbury and Edward Williams in June1840 on board HMS Hearld.A diverse range of free events took place including a river pageant,hikoi from Waipatu Marae, concerts, touch and tennistournaments, craft and food fair, custom car display and wakarides.“The theme <strong>for</strong> the day was EmbracingOurselves” said Te Rangi Huata “and thekey elements <strong>for</strong> activities were fun,discovery, participation and interaction.”The event attracted a record number of craft and food vendorswith many reporting this was one of their best days. Two foodvendors sold out and replenished stock three times.The organising committee are considering a number of ideasto improve the event without compromising it’s atmosphereor appeal to families. These include opening additional parkingon neighbouring private properties, limiting the number ofcraft and food vendors, encouraging more displays from serviceproviders and expanding the river pageant programme.Channel 51“Channel 51 is a UHF channel which hasbeen broadcasting a tourism programmeto Napier, Hastings and the HeretaungaPlains <strong>for</strong> the last seven years.In October Channel 51 began re-broadcasting someMaori Programmes. These are Te Karere, Marae andWhakahuia. Broadcast times are as follows:Te Karere broadcast that day’s bulletin at 7.15pmMonday to Friday.MaraeThe Sunday morning edition of Marae rebroadcasts at9.30pm that night.Whakahuia That same Sunday transmission ofWhakahuia runs at 9.30pm on the Monday eveningfollowing.We have had quite a lot of feedback. All of it is positive.Most followers of these programmes appreciate thatthey are now available at a more user-friendly viewingtime during primetime.If you do not already receive Channel 51 it is a simplematter to locate it in the transmission band. To tune in,the viewer must get into the tuning mode of the TV andswitch to the UH band. Tune through this band to findus about _ of the way along. Channel 51 is found justafter Trackside and just be<strong>for</strong>e Prime. If you are havingdifficulty contact an aerial serviceman.Happy viewing.Murray SawyerChannel 51 Hawkes BayPage 2

TTC View TOKM HuiNgati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong>I N C O R P O R A T E DUnder a fine Hawkes Bay sky, TOKM started theirthird week of consultation hui in Waimarama on the25th of February. Commissioners Waaka, Ellison,Mason, Taiaroa, Jackson, Glavisch and McLeod werepresent. Toro Waaka took over the opening remarksand Ken Mason and Craig Ellison took over thesummary presentations.Around 50 members of Ngäti<strong>Kahungunu</strong> (and other iwi) were inattendance.Ngahiwi Tomoana kicked offproceedings by presenting the Ngäti<strong>Kahungunu</strong> (<strong>NKII</strong>) submission. Heexplained that the iwi hadn't yetcompleted its internal consultation onthe position, having taken it to only 4 ofthe 6 Taiwhenua, and asked TOKM tokeep that in mind. He then picked upthe wero laid down by Shane Jones inTaupo to talk about the future, ratherthan the past, by laying out <strong>Kahungunu</strong>'sdraft 25-year strategy. The allocationof fisheries assets and management by<strong>Kahungunu</strong> of all of their own resourcesis fundamental to <strong>Kahungunu</strong>determining their own destiny, dictatingtheir own place in the world and realisingtheir tino rangatiratanga. Ngahiwiacknowledged that there is still a lot ofwork to be done within <strong>Kahungunu</strong> -there are raruraru and the iwi would notbe ready to pick up its allocationtomorrow, but they are rising to thechallenge of doing that work. He thenlaid out the <strong>Kahungunu</strong> position ofseeking allocation in accordance withthe OAM (Optimum Allocation Model),<strong>for</strong> both PRESA (Pre-settlement assets)and POSA (Post-settlement assets).Representatives of a number of<strong>Kahungunu</strong> hapü stood to assert theirindependence from the iwi or to complainthat <strong>NKII</strong> had not consulted them. Atthe same time a number of members ofvarious Taiwhenua and of <strong>NKII</strong> stoodto rebut those complaints and to tautokothe iwi submission. A number ofsubmitters also expressed individualviews across the whole spectrum - fromsupport <strong>for</strong> a modified Pataka modelwith shares held by all individual Mäori,to cashing up all of the assets and sendingeveryone a cheque.Monti Paku concluded the hui on a high(and entertaining) note - while it tookthe old Commission 8 years to come upwith one model, these Commissionersare so clever it only took them a year tocome up with 4, and they have so muchconfidence in the capacity of iwi, thatwe've only got 2 months to considerthem. Monti went on to effectively busta few myths - social and economicconsiderations? Its TOKM's job toidentify and allocate to the owners ofthe Treaty right, not to identify all thatis wrong with Mäoridom and cure it.Ultimate benefit to all Mäori? Ultimatelycan be a very long time - the world willultimately end - so why are we in sucha hurry? Lease round inequities? Therewas one big inequity - that the ownersof the quota were required to lease it offthose who were looking after it. Shares?Sealord was only part of the settlementbecause the government didn't haveenough quota to satisfy the claims - ashare by any other name still smells likefish! Monti concluded by reiterating hissupport <strong>for</strong> the OAM and thanking thosewho trusted him when he took part in itsdevelopment."make no mistake,this Commissionwill decidethis issue"The sun again blessed the proceedings<strong>for</strong> the second Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>consultation hui in Masterton thefollowing day. Commissioners Jones,Wetere and Ellison were absent, andRobin Hapi was again in attendance."Judge" Mason did the introduction andToro Waaka did the freshwater fisheriescomponent.Tom Paku, on behalf of his whänau,made a plea <strong>for</strong> the allocation of theassets to iwi. He was simultaneouslysaying that the iwi needed to consultwith the marae and to ensure that the iwiwas ready be<strong>for</strong>e any allocation takesplace. He then went on to ask why theCommission was consulting at all, giventhe very strong mandate <strong>for</strong> the 1998OAM, and stated that the Commissionmust resolve these issues rather thanhave the Crown legislate a solution. Hisfinal bid was <strong>for</strong> some serious attentionto be paid to the customary fisheriesschmozzle" and <strong>for</strong> Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>to attempt to resolve internal disputes

that were leaving much-needed developmentfunds with TOKM. In his response to thepoint about avoiding a legislative solution,Ken Mason made the point very clearly,Jones-style, that "make no mistake, thisCommission will decide this issue".Matt Paku, Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>, made anumber of submissions about the Wairarapaeel fishery and asked the Commission couldsupport the resolution of those issues. Aseels are EVERYONE's favourite subjectRobin Hapi spent some time discussing thefishery and the issues it faces more generally.Fred Te Miha then took advantage of hiswhakapapa to the area, and stood to ask theCommission how it intended to weight andmeasure the submissions it received. RobinHapi invested a lot of care in his response,to the effect that all submissions will beconsidered and the iwi submissions obviouslywill carry more weight than those of whänauor individuals. He noted that "there are nomathematical or scientific <strong>for</strong>mulas in anyof this".Linette Rautahi chairperson of the Ngäti<strong>Kahungunu</strong>'s Tamaki-Nui-a-RangiTaiwhenua, did an excellent job of closingthe hui on a positive note with hersubmission. She basically expanded on theopening comments of Ngähiwi's submissionat Waimarama yesterday, calling <strong>for</strong> theimmediate allocation of all the assets to iwi.She commented on the never-ending streamof flashy documents and presentations,stating that "enough is enough, allocate";then noted that if the allocation begins toproceed, all of the energy presently beinginvested in litigation and trouble-makingwill be redirected towards making thefisheries settlement work <strong>for</strong> iwi; and toldNgäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong> to realise that the iwi wasready to receive the assets now. Anotherexcellent point well made was her reminderto the Commission that Ngäti <strong>Kahungunu</strong>had supported it in two Privy Councilhearings and various other scraps over theyears.Champion du MondeChampion du Monde– Xth Va’a Sprint WorldChampionships in Bora Bora,TAHITI (French Polynesia)Aotearoa won second ranking in the Worldat the waka ama (outrigger paddling) shortcourse championship held March 11- 17th.The host country Tahiti dominated with atotal of 73 medals (26 Gold). New Zealandtook the silver plaque with 20 medals (5Gold) just ahead of Hawaii with Australia in 4th position.Ko Mataatua te Waka. Ko Toroa te Tangata. Ko Nga Puhi, ko Ngati Awa nga <strong>Iwi</strong>. KoVicki Rangitautehanga Murray täku ingoa. Ka noho ahau i <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Ahuriri inainei.Kei te mahi ahau i te Tari o Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> Kapureihana. Nga mihi nui kia koutoukatoa.Vicki proudly returns from the world va’a champs wearing a gold, silver and bronze medal.A member of the national squad finally bring home a gold medal in the open women’sdivision in this the 10th world competition. Mana wahine tika tonu! Half of the 135paddlers in the Aotearoa contingent were wahine. Every woman who competed in BoraBora came home with a medal!The 11th world sprint championship is in Hawaii in 2004. New Zealand will host the 12thchampionship in 2006. No reira, kia koutou nga kaihoe o Aotearoa – Kia horo te hoe!Panui NoticeReach For ExcellenceA seminar <strong>for</strong> young people aged 14 to 26 years. Encouraging youngpeople to 'aspire higher' in education, career and community leadership.This seminar is on: Friday 26 <strong>April</strong>, 7pmat the meeting house on the corner of Swansea Rd and PeterheadAve, Flaxmere guest speaker is Henare O'Keefe.Free entry, all are welcome.We Have A Result From The Kaumatua Election.• Te Ata Allen - 50• William Blake - 111• Heitia Hiha - 108Congratulations to Sophie Keefe and William Blakewho will represent kaumatua on the <strong>NKII</strong> Board.Thanks to all those who voted.AE RopitiniReturning OfficerNgati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> <strong>Incorporated</strong> are to hold their nextBoard meeting in <strong>April</strong>.It will be held at the Papawai Marae inWairarapa over a two day period on thefollwing dates:11th and 12th<strong>April</strong> 2002All are welcome to attend.• Haami Hilton - 87• Sophie Keefe - 136• Te Maari Joe - 55Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong>INCORPORATED

Exhibition OpeningA proud and exciting day <strong>for</strong> Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> was Saturdaythe 9th of March at the National Library in Wellington.Driving up Molesworth Street we were met with thewonderful sight of a huge banner fixed to the wall of theLibrary proclaiming the Exhibition, <strong>Kahungunu</strong>, ka moe…kaputa…Te Hononga Mareikura and bordered by the coloursand patterns of the beautiful paua.It was a day of ceremony, steeped in karakia, whaikorero and waiata as firstthe mauri was passed from the tangata whenua, Te Atiawa to Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong>.The public powhiri followed at 1pm with an estimated attendance of 500 people.The exhibition was <strong>for</strong>mally opened by the CEO of the National Library, ChrisBlake.The tipuna portraits had been exhibited in the Hastings Exhibition Centre overthe summer of 1999/2000 (or was it 2000/2001 please check). Now in a differentgallery space, with the addition of new portraits and supported with differenttaonga the exhibition is rejuvenated and once again presents a wonderful,emotional experience <strong>for</strong> those who come to see and learn of the lives of ourtipuna. Kahurangi per<strong>for</strong>med their show, aku Tipuna which was commissionedespecially to support this exhibit and proved as popular as it was in Hastings.This exhibition is a must see. If it requires a special trip to Wellington thencheck out the Events programme and choose your day, or days, to make themost of the opportunity.The events programme can be accessed on the <strong>web</strong>site www.kahungunu.iwi.nzThe Arts. All events are free, and the gallery is open seven days a week.Transport to Wellington every Thursday <strong>for</strong> the lecture series is available,however seats are limited. To book a seat phone 06 8762 718 or 0800 kahungunu.The Measure of Success…How do you measure success?In terms of <strong>NKII</strong> Board meetingsrotating bi-monthly through thesix taiwhenua, turn outs havebeen encouraging and are a greatway of ‘opening up’ to the hapuin each rohe and of demonstratinga real concern <strong>for</strong> pressing localissues.The hui is usually spread over 2 days, dividedinto Hui-a-Rohe <strong>for</strong> dialogue betweenhapu/marae and the <strong>NKII</strong> Board Membersand Board meetings, where observers arewelcome to sit in. The February hui wascondensed to fit into one day to suit the localhapu.For those who have not visited RakautatahiMarae, its location is idyllic <strong>for</strong> hui. Justfar enough from State Highway 1 not to betroubled by traffic noises and lying at thefoot of the Ruahine Ranges. Tranquil,without outside distractions, warm andhospitable.Two things in particular stood out at thePowhiri - the participation of nga tamarikio te Kura Kaupapa o Takapau with awesomewaiata and haka and the fact that themanuhiri were caught in a cloud burst justas Tuahine Northover wound up his korero.Tikanga prevailed and possibly the bestrendition of that classic oreore “Pine Pinete Kura” was sung by a rain drenched (notan umbrella in sight!) staunch group.The Board hui covered a six monthly reporton the <strong>NKII</strong> Annual Plan 2001/02.Planning and Communication: TaurahereHui scheduled on March 8th; developmentof draft 25 Year Plan <strong>for</strong> discussion by 31March; development of 30 page <strong>web</strong> site in3 phases with invitation to Taiwhenua tolink up; produce 2000 bi-monthlynewsletters; Radio <strong>Kahungunu</strong> talk backseries initiated; establish a 0800 free phone<strong>for</strong> iwi enquiries.Ngahiwi shared up to date in<strong>for</strong>mationregarding participation in Treaty Tribes, EelRecruitment and Enhancement Project,Government Moratorium on Aquacultureand allocation and distribution of fisheriesmoney.<strong>NKII</strong> Draft Welfare/Health/JusticeDevelopment Strategic Plan 2001/02 waspresented by <strong>Iwi</strong> Social Services CoordinatorAlyson Bullock. The scope isPhoto at left: Courtesy of the SamuelCarnel photographic archive,Alexander Turnbul Library.Kuia Margaret Apatu and AtaAllen enjoy a moment withMarice Northover.wide ranging and will need the support ofa lot of people committed to effecting coordinatedchanges <strong>for</strong> whanau well being.Christine Teariki tabled a comprehensiveMatauranga Report including data regardingallocation of scholarships, correspondenceand minutes of meetings.The Wairoa Taiwhenua Chairman DiggerKarauria, requested that changes be madeto the existing policy. This issue alsohighlights the importance of Board Membersstudying the reports as they are receivedprior to the hui, so that matters are addressedas they arise.The Hui-a-Rohe held in the evening was a<strong>for</strong>um to provide answers to long standingquestions around past grants and repaymentas they impacted on whanau/hapu,Taiwhenua election processes and localRegional consent issues.The day ended as it began … charged withdetermination and goodwill, manaakitangaand <strong>Kahungunu</strong>tanga. Therein lies themeasure of success…

Rangatahi ProfileKylie Savage who is 21 years old andlives in Wellington has <strong>Kahungunu</strong>connections through her mother, PhyllisSavage(nee McAndrew)Ko Whakapuanaki te maungaKo Wairoa te awaKo Ngati Kurupakiaka te hapu.She attended Richmond and Maraenui bilingualPrimary school and then St Joesphs Maori Girls collegewhere she was Head Girl and Dux in 1997She recently graduated from Victoria University withtwo degrees a BA majoring in Maori and Criminologyand a BCA, in Maori Business.Kylie is currently employed as a manager at Glassonsin Wellington where she hopes to get practicalexperience in business. Her aspirations include applyingthe knowledge and experience she hasacquired through study, her whanau and lifeexperiences into the work<strong>for</strong>ce within New Zealand.To build on this knowledge, steadily increasing hercontributions and worth as an employee, as a Maoriand ultimately hopefully as an employer. She has twoyounger sisters. One is also going to Victoria to studythis year and the youngest will continue the traditionof attending St Josephs Maori Girls college as a 4th<strong>for</strong>mer.Kylie would like to thank her <strong>Iwi</strong> , teachers and allthose whanau who supported her and made her progresspossible.E te whanauWharewhare ana te moana. Papaki kauana nga tai o mihi, Pari nui atu ana ki teakau o te Aroha.Tena rawa atu koutouTaurahere Issues Discussed60% of Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> peoplelive outside the tribal rohe of Ngati<strong>Kahungunu</strong>. Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong><strong>Iwi</strong> <strong>Incorporated</strong> invite andencourage all of those people toparticipate in the affairs of theiriwi no matter where they areliving.One of the visions contained in the Ngati<strong>Kahungunu</strong> 25 year development plan isto have Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> embassieswherever our people reside. This concepthas begun with the establishment ofaffiliated Taurahere organizations inAuckland, Hamilton, Wellington,Christchurch and Invercargill. There arecurrently 5 places available on the <strong>NKII</strong>Board <strong>for</strong> taurahere representation and 3of those positions are filled.Taurahere at Te Upoko o te Ika conveneda hui where they could come together todiscuss taurahere issues. Issues such astheir relationship with Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong><strong>Iwi</strong> <strong>Incorporated</strong>, the whanau and hapuwithin the six Taiwhenua, and what rolethey can fulfil in achieving the aspirationsof the <strong>Iwi</strong>.The hui was held at Kuratini Marae on theWellington Massey Campus, on the 8th ofMarch. It was attended by delegates fromTamaki Makaurau, Kirikiriroa and TeUpoko o te Ika with apologies receivedfrom Te Waipounamu. The followingevening a second hui was held withmembers of the <strong>NKII</strong> Board to presenttheir korero and share ideas. A report andfurther discussion will follow at the Boardmeeting on the 12th of <strong>April</strong> to expand onthe concepts of that hui.Taurahere delegates to the <strong>NKII</strong> Board are:Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Tamaki Makaurau -Ara Hudson (picture 1)Chairperson - Rongomaiwahine me<strong>Kahungunu</strong> Tai Wananga <strong>Incorporated</strong>Society representing Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> kiTamaki MakaurauPhone 025 269 1777 or 06 8444 081email ahudson@nzsta.org.nzNgati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Kirikiriroa –Owen Purcell (picture 2)<strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki KirikiriroaRepresenting Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> inHamilton and the central regionsPhone 07 8474 986email opurcell@pop.ihug.co.nzNgati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Te Upoko o te Ika –Alex Holes (picture 3) representing Ngati<strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki te Upoko o Te IkaPhone 04 563 5585email Alex.Holes@Courts.govt.nzTe Riria Proctor (picture 4)also representing Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki teUpoko o Te Ikaemail Lydia@mwa.govt.nzNgati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Otautahi and Ngati<strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki Murihiku are yet to take uptheir positions on the Board.The board invite whanau living in otherareas to contact the General Manager todiscuss registration and affiliation to the<strong>Iwi</strong> Corporate body, either through theirhapu at home or through taurahere right.Our Host Group - Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> ki te upoko o te ika1234Be Seen andBe Heard...Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong>t-shirts featuring the<strong>NKII</strong> logo and<strong>web</strong>site address are<strong>for</strong> sale as are <strong>NKII</strong>Music CD’s throughthe <strong>NKII</strong> Office at$25 eachShirt sizes are available fromSmall to 3XL in Baby Blue,Greymarl, Natural andYellow.For more in<strong>for</strong>mationcontact the <strong>NKII</strong> office on0800 524 864 or06 8762 718.

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