The Three Basic Facts of Existence II: Suffering (Dukkha) - Buddhist ...

The Three Basic Facts of Existence II: Suffering (Dukkha) - Buddhist ...

The Three Basic Facts of Existence II: Suffering (Dukkha) - Buddhist ...

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<strong>The</strong> Enlightened One said:Epilogue“I went in search <strong>of</strong> enjoyment in the world, O monks. What there is <strong>of</strong> enjoyment inthe world, that I have found; and in how far there is enjoyment in the world, that I haveclearly seen by wisdom.I went in search <strong>of</strong> misery in the world, O monks. What there is <strong>of</strong> misery in the world,that I have found; and in how far there is misery in the world, that I have clearly seen bywisdom.I went in search <strong>of</strong> an escape from the world, O monks. That escape from the world Ihave found; and in how far there is an escape from the world, that I have clearly seen bywisdom.”If, O monks, there were no enjoyment in the world; beings would not become attachedto the world. But as there is enjoyment in the world, beings become attached to it.If there were no misery in the world, beings would not be disgusted with the world,But as there is misery in the world, beings become disgusted with it.If there were no escape from the world, beings could not make their escape from theworld. But as there is an escape from the world, beings can escape from it.” 126SourcesDīgha Nikāya (DN), Majjhima Nikāya (MN), Saṃyutta Nikāya (SN), Aṅguttara Nikāya (AN),Udāna (Ud), Suttanipāta (Sn), Dhammapada (Dhp), Paṭisambhidāmagga (Paṭis), Visuddhimagga(Vism). Sammohavinodanī (Vibh-a), Paramatthamañjūsā = Mahā-ṭīkā (Vism-a: Sinhalese Vidyodayaed. pp. 1–647, Burmese ed. pp. 774–910), Majjhima-nikāya-ṭīkā (M-ṭ Burmese ed.), Mūla-ṭīkā (Dhs-ṭ), Vibhāvinī-ṭīkā (commentary on Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha). Page refs. to Pali Text Society’s Palieditions unless otherwise stated. All quotations specially translated for this article.126AN 3:101–102.49

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