Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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<strong>Dynamic</strong> <strong>Shift</strong> <strong>Registers</strong>MM508110-bit serial in-parallel out lamp driver/registergeneral descriptionThe MM5081 is a 1 O-bit serial in-parallel out staticshift register. It is a monolithic MOS P-channelenhancement mode device utilizing a low thresholdmanufacturing process. The output circuits weredesigned to interface directly with gas tubes andother high voltage applications and will withstand100V transient voltages and will hold off 55V. Aserial output is provided for cascading of theregisters without additional circuitry_ This deviceutil izes a single phase clock to control the operationof data manipulation.features• High voltage output - -55V guaranteed• Direct control of neon tubes• Dual-In-Line Package• Single phase clock• Serial output for package cascading• Data output - 10 bits in parallelapplications• Electric Sign Boards• Neon Lamp Displays• Test Equipment Displaysblock and connection diagramsCLOCK16VooSERIAL OUTPUT15SERIAL INPUTCLOCK INPUTSERIAL INPUT15MM5DBI16PARALlEl OUTPUT 10PARAllEL OUTPUT 9GND or VssPARALLEL OUTPUT 8SERIAL OUTPUT PARAllEL OUTPUT 7PARAllEL OUTPUT 6\41312"10PARALLEL OUTPUT 1PARAllEl OUTPUT 2PARALLEl OUTPUT JPARAllEl OUTPUT 4PARAllEl OUTPUT 5V"V,,TOP VIEWtiming diagramCLOCK INPUTSERIAL INPUTQt,r----- V",----V"SERIAL OUTPUTID-BIT OUTPUToutput junction testsStress TestLeakage Testr-..... --~~-

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