Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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'. · .I. : ..:.... ... ...... :.. :· ...50 51 52 53 55 56 51101000 101001 101010 101011 "· .... ... .... ..... .....101110 101111...... . .... .. ... ... . ..••:•• i···1 .i•.: :..•.. 1 ..: I •••• I :••• 1·60·61·62·63 64·65·66 67110000 110001 1100111 110100 110101 lUll0 110111· ... ...... .. .. .... ....i···: ... :-. :...:: : ..'..:...... ... :::.:::: :..... ... ... · : : . ..· · ... · ... .. · · ..... · ." " "10 11 72 11 14111000 111001 111010 111011 111100 111101 111110 111111FIGURE 5b. MM4240ABU/MM5240ABU HorizontalScan Hollerith Graph ics SubsetAs shown in Figure 6, an ASCII·compatible subsetis provided by the EBCDIC-8 character generator(MM4240ABZ/MM5240ABZ) by simply ignoringthe two most significant bits, bo and b" in theEBCDIC-8 code. The ABZ version follows theANSI standard, while the ACA version follows the· .. .. .. . . .... :......... :.... :.... : .............. ... ...· ...... . .. ... . ..... ... .... ...... ....· .......:....: .'·. :·...:..00 01 01 03 D4 ~ 00 ~·000000 000001 000010 000100 000110 000111: .:. ~. I.. :: · 14··17 '. :001000 '" 001001 001010 001011 " 001100 001101 " 001110 ". ·.... 17001111........ .·... . ..... . .. ...... ...... . .10 21 12 23 M 15 26 n...010000 010001 0111010 010011 010100 010101 010110 010111.... ... . . · . . . ....... . .. · .. .·:1· . ·· ..: ..:. ·....30 37 J2 33 J4 35 J6 37011000 011001 011010 011011 011100 011101 011111: ....... ....... : ::::::: :·.. ........ :: ::::.: ... ...... ·40 41 41 43 44 45 46 47100000 100001 100010 100011 leo 100 1001Ui 1001U 100111.......: ......:·...· .. ·.. 'SO.51101000 101001.: .52 53::: ...' .54 ••••• 56101010 101011 101 100 101S~Ol..... .....·53101 110:.... ... ...::....:..... ..: ::.:.....: ;.... ...,. .1.......61110000·.-··: .. 110011 ... .110100· · · .110110 1101110 :: ............·. · ..76 71 72 3J 74 15 16 71111001} 111001 111010 111011 111100 111101 111110 111111... :: .. : :::: .. :: :: ...... . · · . ·: . : :.:. . .: ... ::,.· ... . ... . . .. .... ...:... ..:.:.... ..... : .......... :62 63 64 65 66 67.. ..... ..· · . ·.FIGURE 6. MM4240BABZ/MM5240BABZ Horizontal­Scan EBCDIC-8 Graphic SubsetIBM style. A cent sign, and IBM's logical OR andlogic NOT signs are given by the ACA subset(characters 12, 17, and 37). And a plus or minussign is provided, as character 52. (See Figure 7.)· .. .. ... . .I···! i ...: :.... I ...: i .... I: ..:!no 01 02 03 D4 05 06 07DUO 000 000001 000010 000100 000101 000110 000111: .:......· i'". .:.::i:.' :... ::.:.. .....". : ·:171416001000 001001 " 001010 001011 " 001100 001101 " 001110 001111'7·.. .... .......... 010000 010001 010011 010100 010101 010111.... ..:.::.:·...... . . .. ·.. ....:. :· II ····130 31....32011001 011010. .3J011011.....:... .J4 35 J6 37011100 011110 011111: : :· ... i·40 41 421001}00 100001 100010...... .·· ·. ·.· : · .: : .:. :...: . 100011 " " ·45 46100101 100110 ":::..:.. .... ··1·· .. .. ..... ..... . ·......:...100111....:·50 51 52 53 54 ••••• 56101000 101010101100 55 101110 101111 "'.... · .!..... :....... ..: ::.:..... ....: ;.... .....6661110000 110001:·... ..:.... ..... : .......... :62 63 64 65 66 67...: : .110010 110011 110100 110101 110110 110111:: .:.:.. ·. ...· 71 72 3J 74 7571111000 111001 111010 111011 111100 111101 111110 111111... :......... :.... :.... :· ...... ..... .............:: .. :..::. : :...: :... ::.. : :::: ..:: ::.............. : .. :.... : :: ::...::...· ...10 21 22 23 24·...2~ 26 27.. ..... · · . ·. . .: ... .... ... . ..... .. .... .. .'". .. . ... . .· . .. · .:: .:.: .· .. : : :FIGURE 7. MM4240ACA/MM5240ACA Horizontal·Scan IBM EBCDIC Graphic SubsetVERTICAL SCAN FONTSAll five of the standard vertical-scan subsets inFigures 8 through 12 are generated with 6-bitcodes derived from code recommendations R646of the International Organization for Standardization.These recommendations cover ASCII-7, EuropeanECMA-7 and CCITT alphabet number 5 .The ASCII subset for American use, in Figure 8,is practically identical to the horizontal-scan subset.Those in Figures 9 through 12 follow preferredcharacter styles in the countries indicated. Theunderscore (character 37) is dropped below theline so that it may be used as a cursor.Vertical-scan character generators are generallyused in dot-matrix tape printers, ink-dot sprayprinters and high·definition sawtooth or pedestalscanCRT displays. They may also be used tocontrol raster·scan TV tubes or CRTs if the tubeis turned on its side so that the raster scan is madevertically to provide a page-like format.With standard programming, the bits in the columnoutputs are sequenced for a sawtooth scan withdot columns running in the same direction, asillustrated in Figure 13a. For a pedestal scan,Figure 13b, alternate columns can be reversedby putting an 8-bit shift left/shift right TTLshift register (DM74198) on the output as illustratedin Figure 14."l>ZIU1"(')Jm~m(")....CD~G')CD:lCD~m....o~(I)269

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