Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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mits the user to inhibit or transmit the alarm pulseon the JJI bus. Number nine specifies whether thesystem will accept or reject, set and reset alarmpulses from the JJI bus. These latter conditionsresult from making or not making the appropriateinternal connections.Figure 9 is a copy of the form used to manuallyprogram this device. Because a great deal of theactual process involved in programming this deviceis accomplished with the use of a computer, anormal computer input such as IBM cards may besubmitted by the customer to program this device.J>Z1UINc:UI _.~CO-I~CDNational Semiconductor Corporation2900 Semiconductor Drive, Santa Clara, California 9505114081 732-5000/TWX 19101 339-9240KEYBOARD INTERFACE PROGRAM SHEET MM5704NAME:ADDRESS:CITY:PHONE:STATE"ZIP'AUTHORIZED SIGNATUREDATE:CUSTOMER PAINT OR ID NO.PURCHASE ORDER NO.TOTAL KEY MATRIX CAPACITANCECLOCK FREQUENCYMIN TVP MAX UNITS FOR NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR USE ONLY1------+---- ---+---'--"-=---+-----'~'-'r'-'-"-"-=----;cc::_-'-'-'~=_=;:_~"__,~__jpFCOUNTERDRIVINGMODULOTIMINGPROGRAMFUNCTION~KEY BOUNCE DELAYo COUNTER1------ --------I----_+---'I____+--___ic-----I__---+---+---+--ICYCLE MARKER FREQUENCY (CM) kH, E COUNTERI-- ----CASE SHIFT CONTROL (CS)STATIC KEY FOAMKEYIDEN­TITYSCANLINET A"-"-- -" -""--1--.--+---,-_+-----'---__\__------------'----'--------1NONOPIN NO.2 (+JNCUpper Case L09icLevel + -DeviceNo"10 203D 40COMMENTST1 ROI__--+-+-+-__+--_+-"~~----_+---+___+--_+----+__+---+___+~-_+--+__+--_+--_I____iTl Alr--~-+_I___+--+-__+--__\__~I___+--I___+--_+--_+--+__+--+___+--_I____i---+--+___+Tl R2T1 A3T1 A4T1 A5T1 A6151 T1 A7T2 ROT2 RlT2 R2I-----~~+--+-""-"-"-T2 R3T2 R4T2 RST2 R6-KEYIDEN·TlTYPINNO.2H"----+--~--"~--~--+---I---+----\-----+--+--+--+---+--+---+---+--+---+~....CD...~C»(')CD~;:iIIi:CD

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