Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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<strong>Dynamic</strong> <strong>Shift</strong> <strong>Registers</strong>~~ MM1402A/MM1403A/MM1404A/MM5024Aoq- 1024-bit dynamic shift register.....~ general description«~Moq-.....~~«~Noq-.....~~The MM1402A/MM1403A/MM1404A/MM5024A1024-bit dynamic shift registers are MOS monolithicintegrated circuits using silicon gate technologyto achieve bipolar compatibility. 5 MHzdata rates are achieved by on-chip mUltiplexing.The clock rate is one-half the data rate; i.e.,one data bit is entered for each ¢, and ¢2 clockpulse.All devices in the family can operate from +5V,-5V, or +5V, -9V power supplies.features• Guaranteed 5 MHz operation• Low power dissipation .1 mW/bit at 1 MHz• DTL/TTL compatible• Low clock capacitance125 pF• Low clock leakage::;:: 1 pA• Inputs protected against static charge• Operation from +5V, -5V or +5V, -9V powersupplies• Four standard configurationsMM1402AMM1403AMM1404AMM5024AapplicationsQuad 256-bitDual 512-bitSingle 1024-bitSingle 1024-bitwith internal 4.7kpull-down resistor• Radar and sonar processors• CRT displays• Terminals• Desk top calculators• Disk and drum replacement• Computer peripherals• Buffer memory• Special purpose computers-signal processors,digital filtering and correlators, receivers, spectralcompressors and digital differential analyzers• Telephone equipment• Medical equipmentconnection diagramsDual-I n·Line PackageMetal Can PackagesOUTPUT 1 16NC 151N1 1413V~ 12DU12 11NC 10IN.NtOU14NCV";,1N3TOP VIEWMM1403Atypical applicationTOP VIEWMM1404ATOP VIEWMM5024AIN2TOP VIEWMM1402AOUT3DTL/TTL to MOS Interface>S,3KINV~UV~.,0.~..·R..3'. ·r '.MMI402A1JAJ4A'"MM511Z4A"" ",~.,U V~V

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