Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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MM4220LR/MM5220LR BCOIC to ASCII-7/ASCII-7 to BCOIC code convertergeneral descriptionThe MM4220LR/MM5220LR is a 128 x 8 readonly memory which has been programmed to convertthe 64 characters of the Binary Coded DecimalInterchange Code (BCDIC) to the American Standardcode for Information Interchange in sevenbits (ASCII-7).The first half of the ROM, from address 0 toROM Code Convertersaddress 63, converts the 64 character ASCIIgraphic subset to BCDIC. The tables show thecharacter assignments and their binary equivalents.For electrical, environmental and mechanical details,refer to the MM4220/MM5220 data sheet.s:s:0l=IoNNor­:tI......s:s:U'INNor­:tIconnection diagramDual-In-Line PackageA, 1 14 VooA, 2 23 NtA, J" Nt8, 0 21 A,8, 5 20 A,8, 6 19 A,8, 1 18 A,8, 8 11 Vee8, 9 168, 10 15MODECONTROLCHIPENABLE8, 11 14 A,V" 11 13 NCTOP VIEWtypical applicationsASCII to BCDICBCDIC to ASCII195

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