Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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MM4220DF/MM5220DF"quick brown fox" generatorgeneral descriptionThe MM4220DF/MM5220DF is designed forexercisingand rapid testing of ASCII and Baudotcodedkeyboards, typing mechanisms, and datacommunications links by generating the internationallyaccepted "Quick Brown Fox" messafje.ROM Code Convertersalong with an even parity bit for a binary countinput of 64 to 127.device characteristicss:s:~NNoC.""'-s:s:U'INNoC."The input is a 7-bit binary sequential count. Theoutput of a 6 stage up-counter can be used; aseventh bit selects the desired code. The messageis generated in the 5-bit Baudot CommunicationsSet code with a binary count input of 0 to 63. Themessage is generated in the 7-bit American StandardCode for Information Interchange (ASCII)The message generator is fully contained on amonolithic MOS integrated circuit chip utilizinglow threshold voltage technology for increasedDTL/TTL compatibil ity. For complete electrical,environmental, and mechanical details, refer to theMM4220/MM5220 1024-bit read only memorydata sheet.typical applicationsconnection diagram-12V-----------------... - .... -.INPUT GATESDMBB12 ORDM8Bl0A,24voF11VooA, 24 VooA,B,A, 2JCLOCKSOURCEA,B,A, 12A.B,B, A.B, 20 A,A,A,20 MM4220DF/MM5220DF1B.B,B, 19 A,B. A,A,B,B, 11 Voo10K,TYPICALJUNESB,B_B, ID ISMODECONTROLB.B. A.'A.'CHIP ENABLE ___ --IANY DlllTTL LOGICV"TOPVlfWtMOOECDNTROL-----Jlog.eLevelsOTlfTTl !exceplal MOSIROM mteriace)LogIc ",",+5V, nom. Loglt"O". lI'oond,nomMOS/RDM Inputs & Oulputsl09'c 'T',molenegat.ve.LoQ.c"O",moreposlllveOutpulSfo,c"cu,t$hll\NnBaudot: LOIIC "0"· "punch"ASCII Logltlnve,slontModeCuntrol-log,t"O'As=LotlC "'"'Ch,p Enable = lDtIc ""'Ioobll,n outputsA typical application showing the ASCII'coded testmessage as received at a computer terminal.THE QUICK BR0WN F'0X JUMPS eVER THE LAZY DOGTHE QUICK BR0WN F'ex JUMPS 0VER THE LAZY DOGTHE QU ICK BR0wN F' ex JUMPS eVER THE LAZY DOGTHE QU lCK 8R0WN Fex JUMPS eVER THE LAZY DOGTHE QUICK BR0WN F0X JUMPS eVER THE LAZY DOGTHE QU ICK 8K0WN F0X JU,"'.PS 0VER THE LAZY DOGTHE QUICK BR0\o1N Fex JUMPS 0VER THE LAZY DOGTHE QUICK BR0WN Fex JUMPS eVER THE LAZY DOGTHE QUICK BR0WN Fex JUMPS eVER THE LAZY DOGTHE QUICK BR0WN F 0X JUMPS 0VER THE LAZY DOGTHE QU ICK BR0WN F 0X JUMPS t:lVER THE LAZY DOGTHE QUICK BfH;lWN Fex JUMPS eVER THE LAZY DOG1234567890 DE1234567890 DE1234567890 DEi 234561 890 DE1234567890 DE1234561890 DE1234561890 DE1234561890 DE1234567890 DE1234561890 DE1234561890 DE1234567890 DE191

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