Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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(.)0')-ooJ:Z........0')-ooJ:Z(.)"d'-ooJ:Z........"d'-ooJ:Zselecting power supply voltageThe graph shows the boundary conditions whichmust be used for proper operation of the unit .The range of operation for power supply Vminusis shown on the X axis. It must be between -25Vand -8V. The allowable range for power supplyV plus is governed by supply Vminus. With avalue chosen for Vminus' V plus may be selectedas any value along a vertical line passing throughthe Vminus value and terminated by the boundariesof the operating region. A voltage differencebetween power supplies of at least 5V should bemaintained for adequate signal swing.level shifter characteristics~w;:. '"-Io>w>a:c+10 r---~r--'--r-""-"-Vc-c-=-:5"".oV:-:--1+5 1---+---11---1+-1--1Vminus = -22VV. 'U, = lo.oV'" -10 r---t---tt---tt-t--t-+--+--lo:;;;;;! -15 I---+---It---tt-t--t-+--+--l2a:~ -20 r-----t--lF:::~ .. - ..... ~!!:-25 '---'-_'---'---'_-'--.1.---1o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5INPUT VOL TAGE (V)~ v+-::1510OPERATING 5v- ~ 0-25 -15 -5 -5-10-15-20-25166

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