Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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TtilQ)'a::Q)enoCD....o:I:«oIt)....o:I:«oq-....o:I:«o('I)....o:I:«oN....o:I:«typical applications (con't){Four Channel Differential Transducer Commutator• ~,;;- 0"1'-:l,TRANSDUCER 0 1 I INO.' 0 • o?"o{.. I a-( I,NO.2 0 2 orl':"--;--7"-+-'---"""'~'"TRANSDUCER I: I,~H;;--~ 1: I,{o TR .. SOU'," 1 : I INO.3 a 6 ~ 5r~:1 I,TRANSDUCER \ I: I 1 INO.4L~ I 1Co,IIIdI1,I1I.1"I I 1 I"+15V~ I ~OM74954-8ITS/R~1I 1"CLOCK4 X 4 Cross Point Analog SwitchGain: 22Commutation R.te: 500 kHzAll CHANNElSLANKINGSwitching Time - BOO ns"ON" ResistllncB - 45n"OFF" RnistlnCl _10'0nDelta Measurement System for Automatic Linear Circuit Tester1.jAH;; - - -"I &---~--------~~---,I.1Iw: 11 IIIIIIt III ..... t.r 50 1'1 min tg .... lrin ,••"" "';I~ IL ~ 50 IlIA. SecondlM4lin. is .. on with S2 closedWiIflSl.IIIIID1htrM1·UpfoRill1functiOfllund'fCDlllpIIltfCOn1l'oI,syll,mwiHm_rttin •• ndl\NII"!lUI.lionDnvon. .... 111011, ,001111 .. i., ,ffHt CUfmlt, eMRR lAd PSAR an op Imps IS "",II a utile. ci",uil$ "quirin, nlllISU, ..m"'t01 t ... c ..... 01. pIf.mrt.twilhthllchln"DI.IDrcin.lullClionLIII I,I-r-.J____ J~-'"~15V +15V1IEOl,ITANlloglnput R.nge - !7.5VEOUT" 10x (Analog Input 2 - Anllog Input 11Error Rate - 0.01% F.S.lsecPrecision Long Time Constant I ntegrator with ResetFour Channel CommutatorI,'I, I"'''~~:~Jlh.';\~*Note: Vos adjusted to zero.L1nL'.,,'.-,.-fr--r,.I ~Integration Internal = 10 seG*Integration Error = 100 j.lVReset Time: 3D j.lS""""",,,0--,..-+0---+ ____Analog Signal Range: 15V p.pSample Rate: 1 MHzAcquisition Time: 25 j.lSDrift Rate: 0.5 mV/sec154

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