Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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ininin::?i::?iabsolute maximum ratingsMM450, MM451, MM452, MM455MM550, MM551, MM552, MM555Gate Voltage (VGG) +10V to -30V +10V to -30VBulk Voltage (V BULK) +10V +10V.........Analong Input (V IN ) +10V to -20V +10V to -20VininPower Dissipation 200 mW 200 mWlilt Operating Temperature _55°C to +125°C _25°C to 70°CStorage Temperature _65°C to +150°C _65°C to +l50°C::?i::?i~Nininelectrical cha racteristicsSTATIC CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1)PARAMETER CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNITS::?i Analog Input Voltage ±10 V::?i Threshold Voltage (V GS(T)) VOG = O. 10 = 1 pA 1.0 2.2 3.0 V.........NON Resistance V IN = -10V 150 600 ninliltON Resistance V IN = Vss 75 200::?in::?i OFF Resistance 10 10 nGate Leakage Current (IGSS) VGS = -25V. VSS = O. T A = 25°C 20 pAinin Input (Drain) Leakage Current::?i MM450. MM451. MM452. MM455 TA = 25°C .025 100 nA~..-::?i TA = 85°C .002 1.0 pA...........-TA = 125°C .025 1.0 pAinlilt Input (Drain) Leakage Current::?i MM550, MM551, MM552, MM555 T A = 25°C 0.1 100 nA::?i T A = 70°C .030 1.0 pA~0 Output (Source) Leakage Currentinin::?iMM450. MM451. MM452, MM455 T A =25°C .040 100 nAOutput (Source) Leakage Current::?i MM450 TA = 85°C 1.0 pA.........0 MM451 TA = 85°C 1.0 pAin MM452. MM455 T A = 85°C 1.0 pAlilt MM450. MM451. MM452. MM455 TA =125°C 1.0 pA::?i::?i142Output (Source) Leakage CurrentMM550 T A = 70°C 1.0 pAMM551 T A = 70°C 1.0 pAMM552. MM555 TA = 70°C 1.0 pADYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSLarge Signal TransconductanceCAPACITANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Note 2)Vos = -10V, 10 = 10 mAf = 1 kHz4000 pmhosPARAMETER DEVICE TYPE MIN TYP MAX UNITSAnalog Input (Drain) Capacitance (Cos) ALL 8 10 pFOutput (Source) Capacitance (C SB )Gate Input Capacitance (CGs)MM450. MM550 11 14 pFMM451. MM551 20 24 pFMM452. MM552 7.5 11 pFMM455. MM555 7.5 11 pFMM450. MM550 10 13 pFMM451. MM551 5.5 8 pFMM452. MM552 5.5 9 pFMM455. MM555 5.5 9 pFGate to Output Capacitance (CGs) ALL 3.0 5 pFNote 1: The resistance specifications apply for -55°C :s; T A :s; + 85°C, VGG = -20V, VSULK =+10V, and a test current of 1 mAo Leakage current is measured with all pins held at ground exceptthe pin being measured which is biased at -25V.Note 2: All capacitance measurements are made at 0 volts bias at 1 MHz.

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