Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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Analog SwitchesMM450/MM550, MM451/MM551MM452/MM552, MM455/MM555 MOS analog switchesgeneral descriptionThe MM450, and MM550 series each containfour p channel MOS enhancement mode transistorsbuilt on a single monolithic chip. The fourtransistors are arranged as follows:MM450, MM550MM451, MM551MM452, MM552MM455, MM555Dual DifferentialSwitchFour ChannelSwitchFour MOS TransistorPackageThree MOS TransistorPackageThese devices are useful in many airborne andground support systems requiring multiplexing,analog transmission, and numerous signal routingapplications. The use of low threshold transistorsschematic and connection diagrams(VTH = 2 volts) permits operations with large analoginput swings (± 10 volts) at low gate voltages(-20 volts). Significant features, then, include:• Large Analog Input Swing ±10 Volts• Low Supply Voltage V SULK = +10 Volts• Low ON Resistance V INV 1N• Low Leakage Current• Input Gate Protection• Zero Offset VoltageVGG = -20 Volts-10V 150D.+10V 75D.200 pA @ 25°CEach gate input is protected from static chargebuild-up by the incorporation of zener diode protectivedevices connected between the gate inputand device bulk.TOP VIEWN.C.TOPYIEWOUTPUT(SOURCEIBULKDRAIN'TOPI/IEW" SOURCE4GATE 4TOPI/IEWGATE 2GATE 1SOURCE 1SOURCEJDRAIN 2GATE JGATE 2DRAIN 3BULKBULKSOURCE 2NOTE; Pin 5 connected to tlse and device bUlle.MM450, MM550NOTE: Pin 5 connected to case and device bulk.MM451, MM551NOTE 1: Pins 1 and 8 connected to case anddevice bulk. Drain and Source may beinterchanged. MM452f, MM552F.typical applicationsNOTE 2: MM452D and MM552D (dual-in-linepackages) have same pin connectiong asMM452F and MM552F shown above.BULKNOTE: Pin 5 connected to case and device bulk.Drain and Source may be interchanged.MM455. MM555EQUIVALENTCIRCUIT~pTOGGLEo--i-+--+-"-+~I--+.....IINPUT 0--;-+--+---+--'I L ______ _SWITCH ifIOUTPUTI1IIII_J1MM451~------'.---__..,11r---+II1OUTPUTINTElLIGENCEDPDT Analog Switch4-Channel Multiplexer**Expansion in the number of data input lines ispossible by using multiple level series switchesallowing the same decode gates to be used forall lower rank decoding.DPST Hi h-Frequency Switch141

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