Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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(.)M....o~:E.......M....o~:Eabsolute maximum ratings(v+ - v-, Voltage Differential30VInput Current (Pin 2. 4, 6 or 8)±75mAPeak Output Current±600mAPower Dissipation (Figure 7) 1.5WStorage Temperature-6SoC to +l50°COperating Temperature MHOO13_55°C to +125°CMHOO13CaOc to +85°CLead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec 1116" from Case) 300°Celectrical characteristics (Note 1 and Figure 8)PARAMETER COND1T1DNS MIN TYP MAX UNITSLogical "0" Output Voltage lOUT = -50 rnA liN = 1.0 rnA V+ -3.0 V·-l.0 VlOUT = -lOrnA liN = 1.0 rnA V+-O.7 V· -0.5 VLogical "'" Output Voltage lOUT =50mA liN = lOrnA V- + 1.5 V- + 2.0 VVPower Supply Leakage Current (V· - V-I - 30V 1.0 100 IlAIOUT=IIN =OmANegative Input Voltage Clamp IIN=-10mA V- - 1.2 V- - 0.8 VtdON 20 35 nstds" 35 50 nsC'N - 0.0022 ~Ftd OFF (Note 2130 60R,• - onnstf811 (Note 2)CL - 0.001 ~F40 50 80 nsttall (Note 3) 40 70 120 nsPulse Width (50% to 50%) (Note 3) 340 420 490 nstrisa CIN = 500 pF 15 nstfal' R,• - on 20 nsPulse Width (50% to 50%1 (Note 31 CL - 200 pF 110 nsPositive Output Voltage Swing V+ - O.7V VNegative Output Voltage Swing V- + 0.7V VNote 1: Min/Max limits apply over guaranteed operating temperature range of _55°C to +125°C forMH0013 and O°C to +85°C for MHOO13C, with V- = -20V and V+ = OV unless otherwise specified.Typical values are for 25°C.Note 2: Parameter values apply for clock pulse width determined by input pulse width.Note 3: Parameter values apply for input pulse width greater than output clock pulse width.TABLE I. Typical Drive Capability of One Half MHOO13 at 70°C Ambient(V3 -Vz} FREQUENCY PULSE WIDTH TYPICAL R'N TYPICAL C'N OUTPUT DRIVE RISE TIMEVQLTS MHz ns !l pF CAPABILITY IN pF' LIMITns228 50 -20 4.0 100 0 750 200 716 350 1028 100 520 2.0 200 10 1600 400 1416 700 1928 400 1920 1.0 200 0 2300 1000 3416 1700 4528 2800 13020 0.5 500 10 4000 5500 18316 9300 248Note 1: Output load is the maximum load that can be driven at 70°C without exceeding the packagerating under the given conditions.Note 2: The rise time given is the minimum that can be used without exceeding the peak transientoutput current for the full rated output load.performance characteristicsFIGURE 1. Output Load vs Voltage FIGURE 2. Transient Power vs Rep. FIGURE 3. Transient Power vs Rep.Swing RatevsCL Rate vsCLt, -10 ns''''1r; "50;Y J5H'~,1 I .....IV· - V-I = 16V I, ... i IV' - V-I - 2DV10010Dl000pfI50, ••__i" II "oJ •• V600600.5 I J PDQPf3D\\ \\~ 1/ V500 ... 500~,\JOO pf I:\.\...coco~ V / /200 Pf20 406...l-400l-... II/ 't/ ./v/ / ./300...u;u; 3001"-.. ..... z~ ~OV 1/,rr-...co:..,;zco:,....,~ '" V ~ '" I /~ [\. JI / /I:- \\,,, ~..10 "4'"z20 ns 30 ns 40 ns 50 n. 60 ns '" ZOOrt V,/~~ ~ V ~ ... '" 200 IJ~ ~100I-"I~ ~-I- I-..- ,...., ~1001000 2000 30UO 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 1.0 0 I.D 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 1.DMAXIMUM OUTPUT LOAO IpFI REPETITION RATE IMHz) REPETITION RATE IMHzlk,r,f124

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