Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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u0')oooJ:~........0')oJ:~absolute maximum ratingsV- Supply Voltage: Differential (Pin 5 to Pin 3) or(Pin 5 to Pin 7)V+Supply Voltage: Differential (Pin 11 to Pin 5)Input Current: (Pin 2, 4, 6 or 8)Peak Output CurrentPower Dissipation (Note 2 and FigLlre 2)Storage TemperatureOperating Temperature: MH0009MH0009CLead Temperature (Soldering, 10 Sec.)-40V30V±75 rnA±500 rnA1.5W-65°C to +150°C-55°C to +125°CO°C to 85°C300°Celectrical characteristics (Note 1)PARAMETER CONDITIONS MINTYPMAXUNITStON CIN = .0022 pF C L = .001 pFt rise CIN = .0022 pF C L = .001 pFPulse Width (50% to 50%) CIN = .0022 pF C L = .001 pF 340t fall CIN = .0022 pF C L = .001 pFtdelay CIN = 600 pF C L = 200 pFt rise CIN = 600 pF C L = 200 pFPulse Width (50% to 50%) CIN = 600 pF C L = 200 pF 40t fall CIN = 600 pF C L = 200 pF1040400801015704035 ns50 ns440 ns120 nsnsns120 nsnsNote 1: Characteristics apply for circuit of Figure 1. With V- = -20 volts; V+ = 0 volts; VCC = 5.0volts. Minimum and maximum limits apply from _55°C to +125°C for the MH0009 and from O°C to+85°C for the MH0009C. Typical values are for T A = 25°C.Note 2: Transient power is given by P = fCl (V+ - V-I 2 watts, where: f = repetition rate, Cl = loadcapacitance, and (V+ - V-I = output swing.Note 3: For typical performance data see the MH0013/MH0013C data sheet.1.50] z 1.250;::1.0~;;;5 0.75~'"0.50..0.2500 25 50 75 100 125 150TEMPERATURE (OC)FIGURE 2. Maximum Power Dissipation120

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