Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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(.)r-.oJ::E~oJ::Eabsolute maximum ratingsVee Supply VoltageV- Supply VoltageV+ Supply Voltage(V+ - V-I Voltage DifferentialInput VoltagePower Dissipation (T A = 25°C)Peak Output CurrentStorage Temperature RangeOperating Temperature Range MH0007MH0007CLead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec)electrical characteristics (Note 1)SV-40V+2SV30V5.5VSOOmW±500mA-65°C to +150°C-55"C to +125°CO°C to +S5"C300°CPARAMETERCONDITIONSTYPMIN (Note 2)MAXUNITSLogical "1" Input Voltage Vee = 4.5V2.2VLogical "0" Input Voltage Vee = 4.5VO.SVLogical "1" Input Current Vee = 5.5V, V IN = 5.5V100 IJALogical "0" Input CurrentVee = 5.5V, V IN = O.4V1.01.5 rnALogical "1" Output VoltageVee = 5.5V, lOUT = 30 rnA, V IN = O.SVVee = 5.5V, lOUT = 1 rnA, V IN = O.SVV+ - 4.0V+ - 2.0VVLogical "0" Output Voltage Vee = 4.5V, lOUT = 30 rnA, V IN = 2.2VV- + 2.0 VTransition Time toLogical "0" Output C L = 200 pF (Note 3)50nsTransition Time toLogical "1" Output C L = 200 pF (Note 3)75nsNote 1: MinImax limits apply across the guaranteed range of -55°e to +125°e for the MHOOO7, andfrom oOe to +85°e for the MH0007e. for all allowable values of V- and V+Note 2: All typical values measured at T A = 25°C with Vee = 5.0 volts, V- = -25 volts, V+ = 0 volts.Note 3: Transition time measured from time VIN = 50% value until VOUT has reached 80% offinal value.Allowable Values for V- and V+Maximum Power Dissipationy- -40VOLTSV/•REGIONy.VOLTS ..1.2,._ 1.0e20CdSE~ 0.8;::« [""..10...ti 0.6Qa:~......AMllENT~ 0.4 ............"-... r--..... ........-10 0.2"'" ............-20 00 25 50 75 100 125 150-3QTEMPERATURE rC)-40118

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