Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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absolute maximum ratingsAll Input or Output Voltages With Respectto the Most Positive Supply Voltage Vss +0.3V to -25VSupply Voltage V DD and Vss WithRespect to V ss +0.3V to -25VPower Dissipation at Room Temperature500mWOperating Temper"ture Range_25°e to + 70 0 eStorage Temperature Range-65°e to +160 o eLead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec)300 0 edc operating characteristicsT A within operating temperature range, Vss ~ 16 ± IV; (VBB -Vss) ~ 3V to 4V, Vaa ~ OV unless otherwise specifiedPARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSInput Load Current (All V'N ~ OV 1 pAInput Pins) (lL')Output Leakage Current (lLO) V OUT ~ OV 1 pAV BB Supply Current (lBB) 100 pAAverage Supply Current (I DD AV) Cycle Time ~ 580 ns precharge width 20 mA~ 240ns, TA ~ 25°CStandby Supply Current Precharge ~ Vss , Chip Enable ~ Vss, 100 pATA ~ 25°CInput LOW Voltage (V'L) Vss - 17 Vss - 15 VInput HIGH Voltage (V'H) Vss - 1 Vss + 1 VOutput HIGH Current (I OH ) TA ~ 25°C RL ~ lOOn 600 4000 pAOutput HIGH Voltage (V OH ) TA ~ 25°C RL ~ lOOn 60 400 mVac operating characteristics TA ~ o°c to 70°C, Vss ~READ, WRITE, AND READ/WRITE CYCLE16 ± 5%. (VBB - Vss ) ~ 3.0V to 4.0V. V DD ~ OVPARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSTime Between Refresh (t REF ) 2 msAddress to Cenable Set Up Time (tAd Note 1 115 nsCenable to Address Hold Time (tCA) 20 nsPrecharge to Cenable Delay (tpc! Note 1 125 nsPrecharge & Cenable Overlap. LOW (tOVL ) 25 75 nsCenable to Precharge Delay (tcp) 85 nsPrecharge & Cenable Overlap, HIGH (tOVH) 140READ CYCLEPARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS}Precharge to End of Cenable (tpov) tACmin + tOVLmin tT ~ 20 ns 165 500 nsRead Cycle (tRc! Note 1480 ns+ tpomax + 2 tTEnd of Precharge to Output Delay (tPD)CLOAD ~ 100 pF 120 nsAddress to Output Access (tAcer! Note 1RLOAD ~ lOOntpcmln + tOVLmin300 nsV REF ~ 40 mVPrecharge to Output Access (tAce2) Note 1 + tpomax + 2 tT 310 nsWRITE OR READ/WRITE CYCLEPARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSWrite Cycle (twc) Note 1 tT ~ 20 ns 580 nsRead/Write Cycle (tRWC ) Note 1 tT = 20 ns 580 nsPrecharge to Read/Write Delay (tpw) 165 500 nsRead/Write Pulse Width (twp) 80 nsRead/Write Set Up Time (tw) 80 nsData Set Up Time (tow) 105 nsData Hold Time (t DH) 10 nsEnd of Precharge to Output Delay (tpo) CLOAD = 100 pF 120 nsR LOA D = lOOnTime to Next Precharge (tp) V REF ~ 40 mV 0Note 1: These times will degrade by 40 ns (worst case) if the maximum values for VIL (for precharge,cenable and read/write inputs) go to VSS - 14.2V @O"Cand VSS - 14.5V@ 70°C.112

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