Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

Dynamic Shift Registers - Bitsavers - Trailing-Edge

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performance curves (MM1101A/MM1101A1/MM1101A2)350~ 0rl 300Q.. >z ., 250;:::::~ 200c;II:...;: 150.,...--•Power Dissipation vs VoltageTYPICAL- • GUARANTEEDP VDD _Vss ·+ .OV ~ PVDr---TA '+25°C.......:: ::;;-"'~" .''"~' '"IPVDPVD~_I~ 400g 350a:: 300I., 2'­i c;II:~..Power Dissipation vs AmbientTemperatureI-t-t-t-- - • TYPICALI-+-+--+---- • GUARANTEED250~~~~~-f.--~_~-~PVD200 _;- _I-- Yss =- +5.DV ±5%• Pv150 t- ~D '" ~DD " 1-9.0~ ±5% .1. I DOI-- PYOD '" IIvDD x Veo) =MEMORY ARRAY -100I-- POWER DISSIPATION -I-Pvo" liVe x Vo) = ~~~~~~~:~ POWER _-8.0 -9.0 -10.0 -30-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70VOLTAGE (VD, VDD) (V)AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, TA (OC)17.016.0~ 15.0~I 14.0.J RegionTA • _25°C to +7D°CIf- TYPICAL.1OPERATING REGION I--" I I I~I%Ic- hillUARANTEED I~ ~OPERATINGREGIONI IB.O 10.0 12.0 14.0Vss - VDD (V)16.0...!§liE:;;....=:...:;;;:::III .....700600500400300200Access Time vs AmbientTemperature_NlNlI101A2-..,.--Nl~I.!1~..,.-NlNl110~Vo '" -9.OV ±5%Voo =< -9.OV ±5%Vss"+5.DV±5%SEE SWITCHING TIMEEST SET UP~. ,:,.: 1~ !Al--·TYPICAL_. GUARANTEED-30 -20-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (OC)1500 ~1400 g; ...1300 ~1200 ~;;:1100 ;;:;;:1000 ~!li900 ;:;~BOO] 500...:Il;::: 400III~ 300~200Access Time vs Supply Voltage-7.0 -8.0 -9.0 -10.0 -11.0VD (V)1500 1::C")m1400 !II:::!1300 iii1200 ~;;:1100 ;;1000 ~!li900 ;:;~test circuitOUTPUTCONDITIONS OF TESTInput pulse amplitudes: ov to +5.0VInput pulse rise and f.11 times~ 10 nsSpeed measurements are referenced to the 1.5V level (unless otherwise noted), at the output ofthe TTL gate (tpel::;: 10 ns) CL ~20 pF.Test Setup for MM1101 and MM1101A Speed MeasurementNote 1: All inputs ofthe MM11 01 A accept standard TTL outputs with Vee = +5.0V ±5%.Note 2: Access time degradation as a function of load capacitance may be determined from thefollowing equations:a) ta (T A = +25°C) = t0 1 + 0.32 CL nsb) ta (T A = +70°C) = t0 2 + 0.35 CL nsWhere t01, t02 = access ~imerespectlvelv.andCL = pFin ns for 1 TTL load at TA = +25°C, and TA = +70°C109

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