GWSF Tenements pdf April 2015

GWSF Tenements pdf April 2015

GWSF Tenements pdf April 2015


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New ApproachesGovanhill Housing AssociationFor some time, partners in the GovanhillPartnership have identified 13 tenementblocks in south west Govanhill as a priorityfor action. In December 2013, GlasgowCity Council officers were instructedto develop an implementation strategyfollowing negotiations with the ScottishGovernment and Govanhill HousingAssociation. The key outcomes included:• promoting a sustainable tenurebalance;• stabilisation of problematic groupsof tenement blocks by addressingovercrowding and poor condition;• introducing a programme ofpreventative maintenance bypromoting factoring services andmaintenance plans; and• reduction and eventual elimination ofpoor landlord practice.An early action programme focuses onan initial four tenement blocks containing579 properties. The Scottish Governmenthas committed £4.3 million between2014 and 2017 to cover Govanhill HA’sacquisition costs, and the costs of internalimprovement and external repair works tobe carried out by the Association to bringthe flats back to a lettable standard. OverPoorly maintained housing and environmentalproblems in the area covered by Govanhill’s earlyaction programme.this period a further £3 million has beenearmarked from the Council’s AffordableHousing Programme. In addition, theCouncil has earmarked £2 million PrivateSector Housing Grant.Property management is key to the longterm future of the tenement properties,so the aim is to minimise the number ofnon-factored closes within two years. TheAssociation will take on the factoring oftenements where majority ownership canbe achieved. Where a majority cannot beachieved the Council will offer supportthrough maintenance plans or its MissingShares Initiative.Southside Housing AssociationSouthside HA was one of a number ofCCHAs which were allocated fundingduring 2014/15 by Glasgow City Council topurchase strategically located tenementflats. In the case of Southside, this willallow them to acquire over 40 flats. Theaim is to consolidate the Association’sownership in blocks where they holda minority interest. This will allow theAssociation to have greater control overeffective management and maintenanceof these closes. The initiative relies on12owners being willing to sell – but it offersthe opportunity of the Association beingable to ‘protect’ future standards in thesetenements.Although the scheme is intended as aone-off opportunity, a modest resourceto allow future strategic purchases wouldhelp give CCHAs the opportunity toimprove management and maintenancein key tenements in their area – and allowtheir existing tenants to benefit from aplanned maintenance programme.

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