Volume 15, Number 4, December, 2007 - Noise News International

Volume 15, Number 4, December, 2007 - Noise News International

Volume 15, Number 4, December, 2007 - Noise News International

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NOISE-CON 07 CD-ROMThis searchable CD-ROM contains PDF files ofthe 188 papers presented at NOISE-CON 07, The<strong>2007</strong> National Conference and Exposition on <strong>Noise</strong>Control Engineering. NOISE-CON 07 was held inReno, Nevada, USA on October 22-24, <strong>2007</strong>. Alsoincluded on the CD are four reports published by the<strong>International</strong> Institute of <strong>Noise</strong> Control Engineering.This CD-ROM supplements the NOISE-CON 05CD-ROM which contains all of the papers publishedin NOISE-CON Proceedings beginning in 1996.Below is a partial list of topics covered atNOISE-CON 07.• Information technology equipment noise• Tire/pavement interaction noise• <strong>Noise</strong> control for hospitals• Automotive noise• Active control of noise• Sound quality• <strong>Noise</strong> from mining equipment• Community noise• Vibration damping for noise control• Aircraft interior noise• <strong>Noise</strong> control for schools• Fan noise• <strong>Noise</strong> from transit systems• Sound insulation in buildingsThese papers are a valuable resource of informationon noise control engineering that will be of interestto engineers in industry, acoustical consultants,researchers, government workers, and theacademic community.NOISE-CON 07 CD ORDER FORMEnclosed is my check (or credit card authorization) for ________ U.S. dollars. Please send me ________ copies of the NOISE-CON <strong>2007</strong>CD-ROM at 70 U.S. dollars each. Shipping and handling charge: domestic, 2 U.S. dollars; all other countries, 5 U.S.dollars. Shipped by firstclass mail in the United States and by air mail to other countries. Stock number: Nc07.Name Mr. Ms. Dr. Prof._________________________________________________________________________________Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________City ____________________________________________ State/Province_ ______________________ Zip/Postal Code _______________Country__________________________________________________________________________________________________________E-mail___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Credit card authorization:VisaMasterCardAmerican ExpressDiscover cardName on card (please print)_ _______________________________________________Card number:___________________________________________________________Expiration date (MM/YY):_________________________________________________Signature_______________________________________________________________You may order by postal mail, telephone (USA and Canada only), by FAX, or by e-mail. Postal mail: Bookmasters, Inc., Distribution ServicesDivision, 30 Amberwood Parkway, Ashland, OH 44805, USA. Telephone: 1 800 247 6553; FAX: 1 419 281 6883; e-mail: order@bookmaster.com.Internet: Go to the INCE/USA page at Bookmasters Atlas Bookstore. http://www.atlasbooks.com/marktplc/00726.htm

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