Volume 15, Number 4, December, 2007 - Noise News International

Volume 15, Number 4, December, 2007 - Noise News International

Volume 15, Number 4, December, 2007 - Noise News International

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<strong>Noise</strong>-Con 08<strong>Noise</strong>-Con 2008 and the Sound30th Annual Conference of ASME’sIntroductionThe Institute of <strong>Noise</strong> Control Engineering/USA will cooperate with theAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in the organizationof meetings in the Detroit, Michigan, area in 2008 July. Dearborn,Michigan will be the site for NOISE-CON 2008, SQS 2008, and the 30thAnnual ASME <strong>Noise</strong> Control and Acoustics Division (NCAD) conference.The NOISE-CON and SQS meetings will be held 28-31 July at the HyattRegency Dearborn. Teik C. Lim (teik.lim@uc.edu) and Jay H. Kim (jay.kim@uc.edu), both of the University of Cincinnati, are serving as thegeneral chair and technical chair, respectively, of <strong>Noise</strong>-Con 2008.To facilitate interaction among a wide spectrum of noise controlprofessionals, the 30th annual conference of ASME’s <strong>Noise</strong> Control andAcoustics Division (NCAD) will be held jointly with NOISE-CON 2008 onthe same dates. Steve Hambric (sah19@only.arl.psu.edu), PennsylvaniaState University, is the AMSE NCAD conference organizer. The ASMENCAD conference is expected to contribute 40-60 papers to the jointevent; NOISE-CON alone usually draws <strong>15</strong>0-200 papers. The technicalsessions will be organized to align with technical and applicationthemes and many of the sessions will contain both ASME NCAD andNOISE-CON papers. One of the NOISE-CON’s three plenary lectures willbe hosted by the ASME’s NCAD, and will be part of its annual RayleighLecture series.The two meetings will incorporate many of the features regularlyoffered at NOISE-CON meetings, including technical sessions on noiseand vibration control issues and related topics along with a large vendorexposition. See the conference website (www.inceusa.org/nc08) fordetails.134 www.inceusa.org • www.noisenewsinternational.net • www.i-ince.org <strong>2007</strong> <strong>December</strong>

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